
Toil and Trouble



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 02-23-2015, 02:11 PM by Mithras.)

Mithras quivered, his gargantuan form showing the tension within at every edge. Maybe... Maybe he had just imagined it? But to misidentify another's scent as Caia's seemed impossible! There was no way he would forget her scent, but maybe there was something to be said for wishful thinking. He flexed his toes and ground his claws against the stony soil below. He would not give up on her, not until this quest took his life away from him, but why did it have to be so hard... As he had done so many times before Mithras tilted his head back and sang out for his sister. He had covered so much ground in this accursed realm, had tracked down every lead. How hard could it possibly be to find a wolf her size who looked the way Caia did! And vice versa! From what he'd seen, even they stood apart in this diverse land. Bogovite se surovi, he thought to himself, sitting down with a huff.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 04:13 PM

A volcano. The heat in the air was almost unbearable, summer coupled with boiling magma already had her panting heavily. Why was she here? A scent. That was why. Fresh, mostly. Unmistakably her brothers, and yet she was wary here. The gods' influence was strong in this place, she could feel it in the very air around her. Nostrils flaring against the soot covered soil, she inhaled the familiar aroma. Finally, she would not be alone in this place. Lifting her crown, she sought the familiar form of her beloved sibling. It was then a familiar voice called to her, close at hand and strong as anything. Joyous, a grin would split her lips and pull a song from her throat in response. When the last notes trailed into the air, she was running. Leaps and bounds, immense paws taking enormous strides across the uneven, rocky slope. He was here, and finally she had found him, after all of her searching.

She found him near the summit, all pallid violet hues and snowy stains against the dark backdrop of the volcano. Tears welled in her eyes unbidden, a sob caught in her throat. It turned quickly to a harsh laugh, as she barreled forward to embrace him. Intricately marked forelimbs reached out to capture him, a gleeful cry escaping her. She would bury her face in his thick fur, taking comfort in the cosmos that engulfed her features. "Mitra, brat mi." She mumbled into his fur, in utter disbelief. Oh how she had missed him. Plush banner would wag delightedly, as she held her brother tighter.

"Mislev deka se mrtvi." She breathed, blinking furiously to hold back the tears in her eyes. Gently she would press her cheek against his own, a sigh of relief shuddering from her lungs. Reluctantly she released him, looking him over. He didn't look hurt, thank the gods. "Mislev deka nikogaš nema da te vidam povtorno, Jas mislev, deka ti se izgubeni za mene, Mitra... mislev.." She whimpered, finally unable to hold back her tears. She tucked her cranium under his jaw, desperate to assure herself he was really there, and it wasn't a specter sent to taunt her. He was alive, and they were together again. Everything was going to be alright now.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 10:22 PM

Was it the wind? Was it was a mirage, a trick played upon him by the heat and the fumes of this landscape? Or did he truly hear his sisters voice, did he truly see her there running towards him. It was not until her celestial form careened into his own that he would allow himself to believe that they had found each other at last. Any thought of where they were, how they had come to be there, what had happened... It was all washed away. "Caia!" he cried out. "Sestra, ti si živ! Fala mu na boga, mislev deka sum si go izgubil zasekogaš." Tears began to well in his eyes, and then she was there.

Even through the sulfurous fumes this scent was Caia's, his sister. Just as she would embrace him, he too would rear upwards, locking his own arms around her neck. He held her tight... and then they were tumbling. Rolling down and down, side over side, head over heel, yet Mithras was oblivious to it all. He had no eyes except for the celestial coat he had been unable to chase from his thoughts since that blasted storm had ripped them apart. His kin, the last true blood he had in the world. She was SAFE! And he would never leave her side again.

Rocks and scree dashed into his ribs, scratched and scraped and bit at him. He grunted, cursed, and when they finally came to a stop he let out a groan which would become a laugh. "Toa ne e duri i edna minuta," he wheezed, "i veḱe ste se obiduva da me ubie. Dali Jas navistina te natera da si tolku lud?" Mithras turned away to roll onto his back, staring up at the sky above them. It had never looked so blue or bright. This was a sky to herald a new future, he decided at once.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 11:02 PM

ooc. language warning (hover over speech for translation)

They went a-tumbling down the rocky slope, and astoundingly they were not dashed to pieces on the deadly edges of each jagged rock. When they finally rolled to a halt at the base of the immense mountain, each of them had cuts and bruises, scrapes and aches that they'd be feeling for a long time to come. Of course, the celestial femme paid that no mind immediately, as she was too busy trying to get air into her lungs. "Mitra, ste mi drobenje. Zemi go od mene ste so prekumerna težina ververica!" She growled, nipping at the nearest available body part- which happened to be his face. When he did roll off, and mutter about her hidden agendas, she snorted. Amethyst eyes would roll skyward, as though the gods had plotted out her brother's frequent idiocy. "Ti si ebat gubitnik, znaete li deka?" She muttered, shaking her head.

With much effort she would roll to her feet, shaking pebbles and soot from her cosmic pelt. Then, with an air of superiority and complete nonchalance, she would take a few steps forward. Immense paws would land upon her brothers stomach, and she would test his mettle for a moment. When he didn't start flailing about like the massive drama queen he was, she settled her rump directly on his middle and settled in. Obviously he still wasn't competent enough to take care of himself and stick close to her, so he needed to be taken care of like the little baby he was. So, like a mama hen, she was sitting on her charge. It was the only responsible thing to do. "Se nadevam deka ḱe se pomoča porano, bideJḱi sega ste zaglaveni tuka." She announced calmly, shaking out her ruff one more time. Turning her head so she could see his gold stained features, she narrowed her eyes menacingly. "Toa e ona što ḱe dobiete za da se bide džinovskite žaba moron. Moram da ve tretiraat kako mal bebe ptica koJ e premnogu skapoceno i čisto za ovoJ svet." She informed him curtly, sticking her tongue out for emphasis and adding a little more insult to his injury. She couldn't help the grin that was playing upon her galactic features.

Then, just to make this even better, she leaned over to anoint his face with kisses. Like he was, in fact, a tiny infant who was just worthy of endless affections. The aim was to annoy the shit out of the little twerp, and make sure he wouldn't spend that long scaring her senseless. Her own odd little sort of revenge. Every now and again she would tug at his cheek fur with her teeth, waiting until he threw her off and retaliated. He totally deserved the torturous affections, just because he was her little baby brother, and he was just so precious. (Note the heavy sarcasm)


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 11:17 PM

The pain was not long in coming, but Mithras could not bring himself to mind it over the euphoria of having found Caia at last. Even when she began to needle him. she placed her rump right on his chest which, for the record, was not the most comfortable thing in the world. Something was jabbing into his back. "Caia," he groaned. "Jas Ja napraviv niz celiot kontinent, vo isto vreme što go zede za da se istražuvaat eden trihinozen breg. Koj e vistinskiot gubitnik tuka?" He lifted a meaningful brow at her.

Pish posh, so she was a few seconds older and she thought it was her job to- Oh gods, and then the kissing began. He let out an alarmed 'mrft!' and squirmed out from underneath her like a slimy little snake. Why'd she always have to go and make him seem less manly, he thought with a pout. Still, at least she was alive. He righted himself and grinned, charging back in for another hug. In a fit of puppy-like abandon the giant nibble at the fur of her cheek, unable to sit still. Look at this, both of them alive and (mostly) well, here in this whole new world.

"Nie treba da se odi istražuvanje!" he announced. What he really wanted was to try and find some of the land spirits, maybe give an offering to Mother and Father, to Sosicles and Adieun... even if he wasn't so sure what was true any more. What could it hurt to try, right?

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-23-2015, 11:52 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

Her brother made some jab about her pitiful attempt at finding him, and she returned the favour by attempting to grab his entire face in her jaws and give him a little shake. Well, she was actually the smart one. However, before she could get out her very well thought out, logical reasoning, he wriggled his way out from under her and promptly tackled her without any form of grace whatsoever. Once more she was neatly pinned beneath her behemoth of a brother, despite him only having about ten or so pounds to his advantage. He nibbled on her own cheeks, making sure to leave behind a nice pool of slobber like the male he was. A loud, choked cry of protest escaped her at this injustice, and she scrabbled feebly at his belly with her hind legs. When he finally did release her from that death hug, she straightened up and shook her head frantically. Gods, did he ever drool sometimes. She aimed a half-assed cuff at his head with one massive paw, snorting at her brother quietly. Slowly she would let out a sigh, and trail off into her perfectly valid explanation for why she stuck to this coast. "Kako što, vpročem, Jas bev koJ imaše podobri šansi za naoǵanje na vas. So lepenje na eden breg, i posetuvanje na sekoJ santimetar od toa na dnevna osnova, Jas bev so pogolema veroJatnost da se naJdat na vašiot idiotski telo koga taa neizbežno raznesuvaat na plaža. Sekako, Jas ne go smetaat za žal zadnik likvidaciJa na drugata strana od kontinentot, no toa beše pameten seedno." She informed him in that haughty tone she used so often. Drawing herself up and raising her chin so she could look down her nose at her little brother, the celestial goliath let out a huff. However, when her brother suggested an exploration, she leaped to her feet with a joyous grin. Yes, that was a brilliant idea if there ever was one.

The two would set off in search of an adventure, side by side. Every moment or two, she would bump her shoulder against his, just to make sure he was there. Adventures were always fun with her brother, even though he had a habit of getting them into more trouble than she would have liked. However, running from authority figures had become second nature to the two of them, it seemed. "Ova mesto e čudno, ne misliš? Dali ste se sretnale bilo koJ od volci okolu tuka? Tie se site tolku..." She trailed off, not quite sure how to word it. As well, there were so many aspects to this land that were odd. They spoke the common tongue, which was only useful to those who knew how to speak it. As a fact, the galactic female did not speak any more than a few broken sentences at a time. The wolves were also quite drab, without stars in the pelts or ethereal hues borne upon their coats. Nothing, just plain old wolves. It was strange, and she still didn't know what to make of it.



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 08:41 AM by Mithras.)

Caia would agree to his proposition in a heart beat, as he'd hoped she would. Let's see, what did he want to do... He was hungry, maybe they could start there! But more than that, he was curious. For one they were on the slopes of a fucking volcano, how could he not be? The thought of climbing it again though was... painful. Pun intended.

Soon they left the barren waste behind, returning to a grove of young growth. Caia spoke, and Mithras' wandering attention was corralled. "Tie se tolku obična! I mnogu isplašeni mislam. Poveḱeto praša dali sum nekoj vid na bog." He shrugged, and looked away. Gods, what a joke. And to be considered as such was almost offensive, but he'd been able to write it off as ignorance, for the time being. "Sum videl bitovi na bo'Jata, no ništo slično na nas samite."

He came to stand before a broad sycamore tree. Beyond knowing there must be water nearby, Mithras knew that somewhere inside this tree lay a spirit. Even if he did not believe in the benevolence of the many gods, he could not deny the spiritual life force of the land. That he could feel with his heart, that he could see and smell and experience first hand. One had only to close their eyes and breathe to understand. "Zdravo , vozljubeni," he murmured. Mother had taught them that spirits were not like gods, they were not egotistical or arrogant. They were friendly and loving, and watched over every creature as though they were their pups. Mithras stepped forward and booped the tree with his nose. It was old and gnarled, and surely a very powerful spirit resided within.

Turning back to Caia he asked, "Dali mislite deka toa e premnogu rano da se obide i da se ahold na maJka i tatko?" While he was sad he would not be able to feel them again in this world, Mithras knew they would never truly be parted from him, which helped to curb his grief. Still, the boy would not want to call on them if they were still settling into their next life, less he disturb their rest. Father had told him horrible stories about families who, in their extreme grief, had attempted to speak to their loved ones the very next day. The spirits had been so disturbed that they could never find proper peace. They had wandered the earth forever, moaning in agony... He shuddered, and shook the mental image from his skull.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 10:15 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 12:02 PM by Evelyn.)

"Speech" thoughts actions

They walked to a pleasant little grove of trees, new in their growth but showing much promise. Ashes still stained the soil grey, but soon it would look as though nothing had ever happened. Her brother finished her sentence for her, on the strange new wolves they had happened upon here. She hummed quietly in reply, bobbing her head in agreement. She had yet to see anything weirder than the gangly canine with all those spots. They continued quietly through the grove, until her brother paused in front of a grand old sycamore. It was an immense thing, which bore the look like it had been around for many centuries. Obviously her brother could sense the spirit within, a grizzled old creature no doubt, a wise one. She mimicked his touch to the trunk, only she would lightly rest her forehead upon it for a moment. "RaduvaJ se, mudar eden." Husky lyrics would mumble under her breath, before she pulled away from it and looked to her brother as he spoke.

She pondered his query for a moment or two, brow creased with a frown. It was a puzzling thought indeed, timing. Blinking at her brother a few times, she hesitated with her jaws parted before she spoke. "Jas mislam deka nie treba da im dade ušte eden den, bratot moJ. Toa ḱe bide pobezbedno da gi spodelite so niv se odmorat za malku podolgo, pred da gi kontaktira. Pobezbeden, si mislam." She murmured, nodding slowly to affirm her opinions. She would tuck her crown beneath his for a moment, feeling rather sorrowful all of the sudden. Not often since she had arrived had the cosmic femme given the rest of her family much thought. She was too focused on finding her estranged brother, the one who had lived. Mother, Father, and her brothers. They were dead, and it was because the damned gods thought they deserved it.

The resonant thud of her brother's heart was comforting for a moment or two, and she let her head rest there a while longer. She felt him shudder against her cheek, and pressed her head further into his thick ruff in hopes of comforting him. Then she drew herself up to her full height and sighed. "AJde, da ne se zadržime na minatoto, i namesto da vidime što našiot nov život može da bide kako tuka." She mumbled quietly, nodding her head toward the wide world awaiting them. Maybe it would be best if they continued on, and saw what their lives might be like soon enough.

ooc. wanna end it here?