
Footprints on the Clouds, Walkin' Home



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 09:07 AM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2015, 09:10 AM by Mithras.)

Mithras had wandered away from the girls, scouting maybe? Or in reality he'd gotten distracted by a glint of yellow in a stone by the side of the game trail they'd been following. Intrigued, the mottled boy had slipped away and that had landed him here, wherever here was. It was an impressive gully, he'd give it that much. Chunks of marble littered the earth, evidence of ancient landslides, and within the cracks they revealed veins of gold. Mithras liked the color, it reminded him of his own markings, and before long the behemoth man was climbing the ridge, trying to grasp this landscape in it's entirety. It was marvelous! Still, they were pretty far north.

He'd dealt with a really bad winter the past season, so making a home in this kind of climate wasn't something he'd choose for himself. But summering here? He could definitely make do with that. He turned around and let out a little whuff, hoping that Caia or Faria would be close enough to hear and come see for themselves. Or even better, some local wolves who would know where he could find more gold! The boy smiled and charged forwards, climbing the remainder of the slope in a few concise bounds.

The view was breathtaking, and he sat down with a thump and a goofy smile playing on his face. Rolling mountains capped in an evergreen blanket, and all this stunning ivory rock stretched out below him, the little dirty river all the way down below... It was peaceful to say the least. His sitting position slid out into a more sphinx-like pose, waiting for someone to come find him so that he could share the bounty of this landscape.

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



6 Years
02-27-2015, 07:15 PM

They were scouting out the north that day, each wolf really going in their own direction as they took in their new surroundings. Farira had found herself in a little grassy field, the long tendrils of plant matter were about as tall as her. She was amused sneaking around in the plain, but found that her attention would wander to the magnificent marble walls at the edge of the field. Curiosity would first drag here there but the sound of Mith summoning herself and Caia would not go ignored.

Dark paws carried the celestial she wolf towards her companion, her eyes bright and her attention eager as she spotted his galactic form. Though the shiny metal veins that shone through the stone were almost more interesting than his tall frame. Faria would eagerly join him, curiosity evident in her features as she came to sit next to him. Even while he was on his belly she still didn't challenge his height.

Her features would reach out to bite at his ear playfully, her eyes roving from his bicolored gaze to the impressive view he'd found. It was beautiful, though she questioned if it was the only reason he'd thought to ask for her presence. Mithras wasn't usually one for peace and quiet, but here he was sitting almost still and watching the landscape before him. "What'cha doin' Mith?" She'd ask curiously as her gaze settled back onto his features.
