
How in the...?



6 Years
02-24-2015, 01:19 PM
All Voltage had wanted to do was swim. That was all. It was a hot summer day and he wanted to bask in the water and enjoy the heat. That's all he wanted to do, really. But it seemed fate would have had it another way. After all, electricity moves quickly through the water, doesn't it? He had probably waded out to far and got swept away by a current, and the next thing he knew he was on an island. Blinking at the earth he found beneath his paws he sighed heavily. "How do I get myself in these messes?" He whispered softly to himself, shaking his head and turning around to see his home, his shore in the distance. The black sands seemed to almost glow in the sun and he growled to himself. It was just like Voltage to get himself in such a mess, and now he had to try and get himself back. Swimming could work, but he would probably have to wait untill the tide went out so the waters were a little less likely to sweep him away. That meant he had a little time to explore! After all, this place could be nice for Serefina, wouldn't it? He could already feel the heat baking into his skin, and he shook his head, turning around. An island so close to their home could bring some potential. There'd be wild life they couldn't find on their beach, and perhaps new places to explore. Maybe this was finally the solution to the fire girl's problem. It certainly seemed warmer than their beach. Shaking his head he moved to go about and explore, to find something positive about this place to make up for his stupidity being washed away.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Marina I


7 Years
02-24-2015, 02:06 PM

She was waiting.

Rainbow had went to the closest island she could think of to their old home -- for the sake of the children, for the sake of herself. The beast had kept looking over her shoulder as she fled, her heart screaming at her both to move on, to press onward and carry out her orders and also return back to Lydovne... to fight alongside Novaro and Dione for the sake of the pack. They... they could be dying. They could be dead. Her heart didn't want to accept this thought. This idea that somewhere their beautiful colored bodies lay. There was but one thing she could promise...

She would look after their children, their babus would be safe with her. Rainbow would not leave them behind as she had her own daughter. She would protect these children with her very life and essence. So when the scent of another, mingling with the salt and sea, reached her nose she would wrinkle it and go to investigate.

When she saw the man she stopped. Marked by gold, an oddity like herself. Rainbow would hesitate, mind flashing to Dione, to Novaro. She would swallow back a whine, shake her head, furrow her brow, and stalked close. She had a duty to tend to.

"Are you a pack wolf, stranger?" If he was an Imperium wolf he was an enemy... a threat to the children she swore to protect. She would chase him away if she had to. She didn't want to believe a man marked as lovely as he could be an enemy, however.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



6 Years
02-24-2015, 02:44 PM
Voltage expected a lot in his exploration of this island, different predators, different prey. Hell, maybe even some remnants of a religious cult. When he hadn't expected, rather stupidly, was another wolf. A stranger, as brightly colored as his family and the parents he had once known and loved. Eyes grew wide as he stumbled, tripping over his own paws, just catching himself intime to avoid the ground. Was this even an island at all? Was there another way to get onto this land? Panic suddenly shook through him as he breathed in the air, searching for some pack scent, and breathing a breath of relief when he didn't find any. She had asked if he belonged to a pack, seeming cautious. He sighed then, tired of women being cautious around him. With a shake of his head he turned to face her, tilting his head and gazing at her rainbowed frame. It was rather gorgeous, that was true. ""No, little lady, I can assure you I have no allegience."" He said with a gentle smile, moving to step towards her but pausing. He didn't want to scare her further. Clearing his throat he lowered his head, his tail swishing behind him as he stared up at her with the largest of stormy eyes. ""I am Voltage Elementas. Are you okay, little lady? You seem quite scared." He said softly, gazing behind her then, wondering if perhaps she was being chased. His lightening fur began to rise along his back, but he returned his attention back to her and his aggression faded. "Do you need anything?" Protection, healing, help off this island? There was something, he just couldn't place it. Perhaps it was just her caution that threw him off, or maybe it was some unknown thing laying beneath.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Marina I


7 Years
02-28-2015, 07:44 PM

Good... So he was no pack wolf. Rainbow would allow her raised fur, her edge, to come down. Still his words irked her some. Little lady? Why, she was bigger than he was! But the woman would not speak on the matter, deciding to hold her tongue. Her sharp eyes would go over his form, taking him in, making sure that he was sincere. No, he didn’t seem as though he would be a threat. At least not outright. Though one wrong move towards any of the Died babies and she would be on him like a hawk. But the statement that she seemed scared did catch Rainbow offguard, and she would blow a soft snort of agitation.

"I am not afraid, Voltage Elementas. I am wary, making sure that you are not of my sworn enemy." Her words were cool. "I am no damsel in distress either. I have killed wolves far bigger than you for sport." The female would narrow her eyes, puffing out her chest some. "They call me Rainbow Syndrome, if you've need of a name. Why are you here, Voltage, if you are not tracking me?" She would not mention the children, just on the off chance he might still be lying to her.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno



6 Years
03-11-2015, 06:08 PM
Stormy eyes would reguard her again, trailing along the rainbow on her back, before he lifted his eyes back up to her. He was no threat, especially not for her, infact he liked this one! She wasn’t scared of him, which seemed to be a theme lately. So he would grin, until she began to speak. Stormy eyes would widen a tad before he looked towards the ground. "I did not mean any offense." He said softly, looking back up at her. "If I did offend, I do apologize. I was not meaning to insult your ability to defend yourself, or your strength. " He said politely with a small smile, tilting his head. But when she questioned his reason for being here, he laughed softly and inclined his head towards the ocean at his back. "I misjudged the current." He said with a bright, toothy grin. "Got swept away from my home on the beach during a little swim, and landed here. I assure you, I have no tracked you.." He said softly, moving to settle on his haunches. "Before now I have not seen you before, even if you do stand out with that fur of yours." Not that he was one to talk, Voltage stood out in every background he found himself in.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Marina I


7 Years
03-24-2015, 09:27 AM

The dark beast would take a breath, trying to calm as he said that he had meant no offense. That was good -- she would have gotten into a fight if she needed to in order to prove her strength. Such was the only way to survive, to live. So help her, the gods seemed to mock such things. Constantly throwing challenges her way. She would breathe in, looking at the stranger as his gaze shifted to the ocean. Her eyes would follow him, taking in his words. Huh... The ocean current huh?

“Celeste and Nox are said to have shaped the world to be strong, even in itself. It is a thing that lives and breathes, as we do.” She would give a small nod, letting her gaze return him. “This is a great relief, in all honesty. I may not be afraid to fight, though there is more than myself that I must think of right now.” She would chuckle softly.

“Ah yes, my coat. I suppose it is the gods way of having a sick sense of humor. Wolves in my homeland with odd coloration were supposed to be culled at birth. Luckily for me my mother was very kindhearted and let a creature even as odd as me live.” The femme would give a soft sigh. “What about you? Where you lived, did your family shun odd colored coats?”


Table by:: Eve

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:43 PM

Voltage watched the behemoth that was colored with the stunning shades of the rainbow, smiling softly as she seemed to relax.Voltage wouldn't harm a fly. He could, sure, he could turn and strike like lightning then smile and be happy a second later.He didn'tmind the copper taste of blood, could handle pain, and was often driven to protect his family to his dying breath. But he was more often than not meant no harm.

As she spoke, two names he didn't know spilled from her lips. Who created teh world? Yellow painted ears swivelled forward, interest lighting his gaze. "I'm sorry, I don't understand?" There was no religion in their family. Just nature, fates and the elements. They were each tied to a universe that, in their eyes, had always existed. "Who is it you speak of?" He asked gently

He would smile but not say anymore.She had those she had to survivefor, and he, too, needed to survive for his family.There was no reason to fight and cause undo harm. When she explained her colors his eyes would widen. "Oh that is terrible" He'd whisper. If the fates had had it, they each could have been born in her pack, nad lost their lives before they could even breathe. But then she questioned his coloration and he grinned brightly. "My family nad I were born onan isle to the west, inhabited only by my parents. We each bare the colors or markings that resemble the element or celestial body we were given at birth. Mine is lightning and I bare teh markings of energy. Some of us aren't so brightly colored, my brother of earth for one" He would chuckle, wondering if an earthy sibling could, infact, have brighter markings. Perhaps green? "But we are each unique and it is precious to us." They were all prideful of their elements, of their markings and their fate. Ask each in turn and he was sure they would praise their heritage, aside from the abandonment of course. He would smile easily then, the love he had for his family and his heritage shining in his eyes. "You are unique as well should cherish it."



Marina I


7 Years
04-09-2015, 10:34 AM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2015, 10:35 AM by Marina I.)

At his words Rainbow could only chuckle. "Aye, of course not love. They are the God and Goddess of Lyenne. Only us Lyennian's would know of their names and stories... though the exact proof of their very existence, and the existence of their children, can be much harder to believe." Her words were almost spoken in a riddle and the great beast would shake her head. "Don't mind my rambling. Not even I know why I bring up their names sometimes. Habit I suppose."

The news of the natural laws of Lyenne were met with what she might expect of one like her. That pity, minor or no, was needed just a bit. A sense that she wasn't alone. That she was alright being as she was. That she was meant to live in this world. She would find fascination in his family as well, and she would smile warmly. "They truly sound precious. Best keep them close, hun." Her gaze would wander, and she would give a small nod.

"I suppose I should. There is more for me to live for right now anyway. I... I apologize for my earlier rudeness." She was slipping into a calmer state, breathing in and out slowly.

"Say, Voltage... Where might you be heading back to after this? Do you think I might be able to meet this family of yours someday?" His last words had given her heart a bit of hope. Cherish who she was... She would have to remember that.

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]