
homeland security



2 Years
02-22-2015, 10:22 PM
Imperium was marching on Lydovne, and he and two others were assigned to stay behind and guard the borders. He suspected his newness to the pack was the reason he had been told to stay, but he would accept this task like any other. At least this way he didn't have to march in this godforsaken heat. Muzzle tilted upward as he let loose a commanding call for Nagendra and Lysis. He wondered if Lysis would even answer his call as they had recently fought, but he suspected she would for the good of the pack. After all, they were protecting their family as well as this land. He stood still as his call tapered off, manning one of the higher points in the knolls. From here he could see a good bit of the territory, though not nearly all of it. They would have to come up with some kind of plan to ensure no one slipped through the cracks. It could be detrimental if something like that happened. He rocked back onto his haunches and allowed his tail to curl around his hips, but it didn't stay there for long and instead ticked anxiously against the earth. Adrenaline had already begun to surge through his veins, and had started the moment that Mercy had winked at him and strolled off to battle. He hoped she would return in one piece, that all of them would.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



5 Years
02-23-2015, 09:17 PM

The air was fresh and pleasant, and the day warm. Birds sang softly in the distance, and a breeze skated along the short grass that covered the hills. In the beginning of summer, all was green and fresh. Nagendra loved it. The lands that Imperium controlled were beautiful and lovely, he thought. The hills were stunning, and the farm area a strange thing that fed his curiosity and craving for exploration. After his arrival, he had taken some time to go about and look the places over, each new find reassuring him about joining the pack. Even if it didn’t work out, it would be a good experience.

A few days had passed since Valentine had brought him here, and while he wandered outside a bit, he mostly stayed within to explore. He was keen on making something of himself in here during his stay, and helping out where he could (at least, when he felt like it). At the present moment, he wandered in the wooded areas of the hills. He had found himself no den yet, and didn’t plan on doing so any time soon. Imperium seemed a fairly substantial pack, and Valentine a no-nonsense sort of ruler. Nagendra felt safe enough within that he could sleep the way he liked – wherever he liked. He decided that some nights he would sleep beneath the stars on the hills, out in the open, and sometimes in the cornfields. He would enjoy every inch of the new lands that he had access to. The idea was very exciting.

He smiled to himself as he walked, momentarily lost in thought. Then a howl halted him in his tracks, and he glanced up, the smile gone and ears perking. For him? He didn’t exactly know Valentine’s howl yet, but didn’t think that this was him. Who could it be then? Had he done something wrong already? He felt a faint panic flutter in his heart briefly, and then proceeded to head up the nearest hill to go see what it was. There, a few hills over, he would see who he figured to be the caller, and would promptly trot that way. A slight smile touched to his lips as he approached the black wolf, his tail swaying lightly with his feline gait. ”Hello. Is something the matter?” he asked, coming to a stop a comfortable distance away. Brows tugged together with the faintest hint of questioning, his stance held tall but unassuming.



2 Years
02-25-2015, 05:14 PM
He found himself wondering if either of them would come. It wasn't as if a great deal of time had passed, but he was anxious and felt the pressure upon him of keeping Imperium safe from any and all harm. The pack was infested with children, children whom would be unprotected save for he and two chosen others. Some of those children were Valentine's own spawn. It would not bode well for any of them to be harmed during this time. Nagendra came first, or one he assumed was Nagendra since he was not Lysis and was very much male. It didn't take him long, and Kyarst would greet him with a simple dip of his head. “Nagendra, I presume?” came the query from the talented tongue of the purest Armada. “Imperium's warriors march on Lydovne as we speak, they mean to siege. I was charged to collect both you and Lysis, another Praesidio, and come up with a plan to secure the borders while they are away.” Eyes flickered appraisingly over the man, having previously noted the svelte way in which he walked. This wasn't unusual to Kyarst, as his father had had a rather feline sort of gait, and so he didn't pay much attention to it. The man was thinner than he, and of a slightly larger than average height. He looked like he could cold his own, but his training could not be known by appearance alone. “Tell me, have you any thoughts on how we might keep everyone here safe?” He hadn't spoken so properly in some time, and yet it had happened naturally. He felt as if he were back in Glaciem, trying to impress the elders with his eloquent tongue and maturity beyond his years. It felt good to be needed again, to be given tasks worth accomplishing. He shifted restlessly on his paws, lifting one and putting it back down, and then doing it with another, and another. Finally he quelled himself and directed his energy into his tail, which waved behind him.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
02-25-2015, 08:55 PM
Though her most recent conversation with Kyarst hadn't been the most pleasant of conversations, it would be rare for her to ignore his call. Most of the pack had left for the siege, and the land seemed unnaturally quiet, only broken by the sound of her half-brother's call. Only delaying for a short while -- perhaps enough time to leave him frustrated as to where she was -- she began to make her way to Kyarst. He stood at the top of one of the taller knolls and she quickened her pace as she made her way up the hill. He was not the only one there; another male stood near him. A smile graced her features, her head dipping in an unusually eager show of greeting. "Greetings, brother, and you are...?" She gazed questioningly at the one she didn't know. Her voice was sweet and cheery, her ears flicking as she caught the tail end of what he had been saying. Something about the pack being away? Curiosity shone in her hazel stare as she regarded the two of them. Greedily her attention shifted to Nagendra, appraising him quietly. He was, admittedly, quite attractive... and she found her gaze lingering for a moment too long before she turned to nudge Kyarst's shoulder gently. "What's the plan, boys?"



5 Years
02-26-2015, 01:32 PM

Nagendra took a second to glance his company over, in an unobtrusive sort of way. He was a tall black wolf, with bright pale green eyes. He smelled of the pack lands – a packmate, not that he expected anything else. He was fairly handsome in his simplicity, substantial and masculine. Nagendra made no remarks though, but instead focused on the reply of the other. Slight surprise would caress his features as the other said his name. He would quickly then dip his head after regaining himself and confirm, his lilting voice still somewhat surprised,  ”Oh, yes.” Had Valentine told others about him? Not that he minded. He was just a tad confused, and worried he’d done something wrong. However all anxiety (that is, that was for fear of his own error) was dispelled when the other explained. ”Lydovne? A siege?” he asked, his jade eyes widening as he felt the ghostly sensation of sudden fright within his lungs. ”I, uh,” he stammered. Secure the borders?! Nagendra knew that all of this hinted towards some potential for battling - important battling. Nagendra did not battle. ”You’ll have to forgive me, I only just joined. I’m afraid I don’t understand. Is someone coming to attack the pack?” he would ask, searching for certainty. He couldn’t quite answer the other male’s question, for he was the very opposite of a cunning tactician.

Soon after, someone else would join them. Nagendra turned his head to set eyes upon a young, nice-looking female. She greeted the other as “brother” (the black male’s name still evading him, though now was not exactly the time for pleasantries, it would seem), and approached. Nagendra gave a brief second to look her over, the surprise and worry somewhat draining from his face. She was a pure alabaster, with russet beneath her hazel eyes and on her ears. ”Nagendra Bahri,” he would reply, regretting the situation this pretty miss had found him in. He would’ve loved to dive right into charming the red right off her ears, but now his suaveness was contained by the baffling situation he’d been caught with. He would turn his head back to the ebony wolf, still looking somewhat baffled, as he awaited further explanation and instruction.



2 Years
02-26-2015, 10:50 PM
The other confirmed his identity as Nagendra, though whom exactly that was.. Kyarst had no clue. It didn't matter much, though, as Valentine had specifically mentioned the man for one reason or another. The man seemed taken aback by the idea of a siege, and seemed equally uncertain about what his role was within such a circumstance. A stammer slipped from his tongue as he fought to express himself, but Kyarst would disregard it. It was rather stunning news. He seemed unlearned in the ways of war, and asked rather anxiously whether someone was coming to attack them. Kyarst shook his head, offering a response to hopefully quell the man's fears (all the while wondering why on earth Valentine had mentioned such a green warrior for such a task). “No, no. There is no proof that anyone is coming here, but in war times we can't afford to be anything but careful. If they catch wind of the siege before they are engaged in battle, they very well could send trouble our way in efforts of attacking while our warriors are away. Likewise, if another pack got wind of what we are doing they could try to start their own siege on us.” He thought to continue and let the man know that all of those events were highly unlikely, but Lysis appeared rather casually, greeting them both. “Lysis,” he addressed her. She nudged him and asked what the plan was. “That's just what we were discussing,” he breathed, suddenly uncertain about the task at hand. It was almost painfully obvious that Nagendra wasn't skilled in this area, and Kyarst was uncomfortable tasking him with something he wasn't sure he could handle. Lysis would be alright, he presumed, but in the end it was his skill alone he was the most aware of. “I think we ought to find several high vantage points, and heavily patrol any areas that we can't see from those points. We have the Knolls and the Range to cover, so between the three of us we ought to be able to keep an eye on just about everything.” Emerald gaze switched to Nagendra specifically, trying to read him. “I think that you're probably the quickest of the three of us,” he voiced while trying his best to hide the fact that he had very little faith in the man's fighting abilities thus far. “Why don't you focus on patrolling as often as possible, particularly in areas where the pups linger. You might also be a good runner between Lysis and I, in case we need to relay a message to the other.” Black and blue cranium twisted to Lysis, then, offering her a locale to focus upon. “Lysis, you cover the Range and I'll cover the Knolls.” It seemed logical enough, and he had truly tried to play everyone to his or her strengths. His tail switched behind him restlessly as he looked between the two of them. “I'm open to any suggestions or changes you might have,” he added as an afterthought.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
03-02-2015, 06:22 PM
It was no surprise that Kyarst quickly informed her what was going on. He'd always been painfully quick to give his input -- even when entirely unnecessary -- and even quicker to make himself sound important while doing so. Her brows would raise as she listened to him. Kyarst suggested they ought to scout the packlands while the others participated in the siege, offering the Range to Lysis. She'd shrug delicately, not really caring what area she covered; at least it'd give her something to do while the rest of the pack went to war. "Sounds perfect to me," she said a bit teasingly, tail flicking where it lay at her back paws. "Though I expect nothing less from you, dear Kyarst.".

Her words were sweet, tinged with a slight hint of playfulness that was almost sarcastic -- though she beamed at him with a wide smile, before eying the one who called himself Nagendra Bahri. He seemed a bit shaken, perhaps unnerved by the possibility of fighting, and she couldn't help but wonder what kind of man he might be. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nagendra," she'd greet him with a gentle dipping of her head as she examined him quickly. Her brother had already addressed her, so she skipped giving him her name, expecting him to have caught it already.



5 Years
03-03-2015, 08:39 PM

The ebony male would quickly inform Nagendra of the situation, more or less. It reassured him a bit, and he would exhale inaudibly, watching the other male attentively. His gaze shifted briefly back to the female as the other greeted her by name. They seemed to be related. He offered her a brief smile as she spoke to him. ”And you.” The black wolf continued on with their plans, suggesting that they all patrol. He would pin Nagendra with a complimenting supposition (which he didn’t mind one bit), offering his idea as to where each should go - one to the hills, the other to the farm, and Nagendra in between. It sounded fine. And he was quite swift, if he did say so himself. With another soft exhale, the brown wolf would nod, having run over everything in his head, ”Alright. Sounds good.” This couldn’t be bad. There was only a chance that anything misfortunate would happen, and even if, he decided that this other pack would not leave their home undefended. Since Valentine had already left with Imperium’s fighters, it was too late for any kind of surprise attack prior. This was only precaution. A faint smile trailed along his lips as he reassured himself, brows lifting slightly as he glanced between the two. ”Well then… would you mind if I followed you to the range, and started my patrol there?” he turned his head towards the young woman, his tone lighter and the faintest of smirks upon his face. He could start there, and go between the knolls and the range, checking in with each wolf to see if they had anything to tell the other and so on. And besides that… he wouldn’t mind getting to know her better. Make the best of the situation, right?



2 Years
03-03-2015, 08:54 PM
Lysis seemed like she was in an interesting mood, and he found himself casting an uncertain eye in her direction. Had they not fought recently? Was this some sort of affectionate show in front of Nagendra? His skeptical eye drifted toward her but vanished nearly at once. This wasn't the time to try to figure her out. Pleasantries were exchanged between the two others as Kyarst waited for a confirmation from both of them. If Nagendra had some problem with his task he could very well say so and Kyarst would go back to the drawing board. Soon, however, Kyarst found that his plan received no questioning at all. A smug sort of smile lingered upon his lips as neither of them posed changes to his idea. Nagendra said something about going with Lysis to the range and Kyarst glanced back to Lysis - once again skeptical. Did he not know where the range was? He knew, though, that he couldn't worry about things like that. The man looked harmless anyway. Kyarst offered a curt nod and then pivoted away from the pair of them, casting a simple “Happy patrolling,” over his shoulder.

- Exit Kyarst


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



3 Years
03-13-2015, 09:14 AM
The possibility of fighting didn't really scare her, despite the fact that she was largely inexperienced and quite dainty compared to most fighters. However... she certainly didn't know much about Imperium was was more than content to stay behind, rather than fight a war she knew nothing about. Her demeanor was pleasant, quite unaffected by the whole ordeal, and she felt her tail swaying unconsciously behind her at Nagendra's offer to join her.  "That sounds like a lovely idea," she said with a girlish giggle, casting a sideways glance at Kyarst. He seemed a bit less amused by the idea than she, which only made her grin widen, suddenly feeling a bit devious. His gaze even seemed a bit skeptical.  "Shall we go, then?" Lysis would question finally, taking a step closer to Nagendra and nudging the side of his shoulder lightly before turning to the direction of the range, waiting for him to follow.



5 Years
04-25-2015, 08:39 AM

A pretty giggle bubbled from the girl’s lips, further encouraging Nagendra. He grinned faintly – a gentle and somewhat enigmatic thing. He stepped a pace towards her, preparing to follow. His gaze briefly lingered on her face, and then shifted to the black male. He was already heading out, casting a few parting words back to them. Nagendra said nothing, but looked back to Lysis, smiling. She stepped beside him, speaking and nudging his shoulder in a gesture that he very much enjoyed; being a somewhat touchy creature himself, general contact was something of a way to get more familiar with others. ”Yes, let’s,” he agreed, following after.

Exit Nagendra with Lysis