
Gone to the Birds



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2015, 09:42 AM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2015, 09:42 AM by Mithras.)
Mithras lay on the valley floor. The shore was comprised of smooth boulders and jagged debris, and he had found a slab large enough to sun himself on. Perhaps not the most efficient use of time for a warm blooded creature, but he enjoyed it all the same. Far out over the surface of the inlet an osprey was hunting for fish. He say the bird dive into the water and come up empty time and time again. "Nekvalitetna kopile. Znam kako se čuvstvuva..." Well, not the fish necessarily. He had caught a fat brown trout earlier that morning and stuffed himself silly, but the trying and trying and coming up empty.

Just for good measure he tipped his head back and howled out for his sister, hoping that finally she might be within range to hear him. His throat was beginning to get sore, his voice raspy, from the abuse he'd been subjecting it to. The massive brute lays his head down upon his paws, looking out over the water and trying not to get his hopes up that Caia would come careening down the mountain side.
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Marina I


7 Years
02-22-2015, 11:35 AM

The female would breathe in the salty, heated air of the Fjord, moving through the thick woodland that coated the walls. The female had settled in to Dione's pack, at least that was how she felt. She missed her babus, oh how she missed them, yet she rose from her slump and decided to explore this new land more. It wasn't like Lyenne -- these wolves were strange. So very strange. Their mannerisms, their belief in their gods were different. But they were not bad. Fenris was fun... and Dione and her mate looked amazing. They had such unique colors in their fur, like the earth and sky had been caught in both. Certainly seemed more organized and beautiful than the rainbow that raged across her back.

Suddenly startled by a howl she would stumble forward, and of course the female didn't even notice the lovely steep wall of the Fjord had been looming dangerously close, and Rainbow began to literally roll down it. Sand would be caught in her fur, legs flailing in the air as she let out a yelp of shock. When she finally hit the ground at the bottom it felt like her head was still spinning. Her red and pink eyes would close, laying where she fell. Who gave the world permission to drop off suddenly like that? Not cool man, not cool. A groan left her lips... ugh... this was a pain in the ass. Who was it that let out that howl anyway? The woman slowly let her eyes flicker open, looking up at the blue sky. Gah... this was just what she needed...


Table by:: Eve

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2015, 12:22 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2015, 12:23 PM by Mithras.)
The sound of crashing in the hilltop above him had Mithras wondering at the cruelty of the gods. He didn't literally mean careening! He jumped to his feet and whirled around, ready to be horrorstruck by the mangled body of his sister... Only, yet again, he was met with another face entirely. She had crashed down just behind his perch, perhaps twenty paces nearer to the slope than he currently stood.

His brows lifted and his head quirked tot he side. She had real color! Maybe this land wasn't so drab after all. Panic stricken that the Not-Caia-But-Still-Colorful wolf might be hurt he dashed forward and began speaking rapidly in his native tongue. "Bogovite pogore! Dali ste vo red? Dali boli? Kade da ti našteti, ona što možam da napravam?"

It was a knee-jerk reaction, and it only occurred to him after he'd finished that she, much like the others wolves he'd met, probably did not understand that tongue. "Ah, uh... You are hurting? Where is hurting?" Gods blast all foreigners, and never mind that he was the invader in this land. Why couldn't they all just share a common language, it would make this so much easier!
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Marina I


7 Years
02-22-2015, 09:18 PM

The female lay where she had fallen for no longer than an extra moment before the earth began to seemingly shift under her. No... something was moving towards her at a lumbering gait, and foreign tongue would reach her ears. Then there was a face above her, and Rainbow would start, letting out a bit of a disgruntled hissing sound. "Arghh! Ouránia daímonas!" Her eyes would widen -- never before had she seen a creature so big -- towering over her so! Rainbow had, perhaps in hearing a tongue not registered as "common", slipped into a language more commonly used by native Lyennians.  It had been so long since she had spoken it that she had nearly forgotten, but nearly getting the daylights scared out of her had certainly brought it back in that moment.

The female would take in a shuddering breath as he switched to common tongue. His tone was surely foreign, different from the Lyenne-folk, but he was a stranger to this land all the same. "You... speak common tongue." The female would roll to her snowy pause. It ached, yes, all over. But the pain was mild, and she would survive it. "There is pain... mild... I'll be fine. Just a tumble through the sand." Rainbow would let her gaze shift to him again, still uncertain. Wary. "You are massive... a being that looks as if you've fallen from the heavens. You've not been sent by Celeste and Nox, have you?" There was doubt -- he didn't speak Lyennian tongue. But still... one could not be too careful.

Translation:: Arghh! Celestial Demon!

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-24-2015, 11:16 AM

The colorful woman would lash out in some OTHER language, and Mithras' head began to spin. Surely this one had not been covered by his father, as he did not understand a word of it. His brows narrowed. Perhaps it was gibberish, perhaps she'd hit her head really hard. But she reverted back to a language he kind of knew soon enough, until she started saying bigger words and lost him all over again. He was at least able to gather that she was not terribly injured. Luck must have been on her side, it seemed to be quite the descent.

"Speak slow," he pleaded with a chuckle. "I am not well with this speaking. From far away I come. Er..." Massive, he understood that one. He also gathered that she thought he had been sent by others, and with the reverence she placed upon their names, he could only assume that they were gods. "This is not so," he said with a small frown. "These are your gods, yes? I am not fond of godly creatures." He offered a small smile, somewhat apologetic, knowing that for others gods were all the world had to offer. He gave a small nod, something like a bow, and smiled. "I am called Mithras."

(Hover over speech text for translation)

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Marina I


7 Years
02-28-2015, 01:04 AM

His words were well natured, though asking her to please speak slow. Ah... So he was not as familiar with common as she thought at first. Rainbow would focus her attention on the male as he searched for the words to address her. It seemed too that he was indeed not sent by the Lyennian gods, and he would sound apologetic as he hinted at his own dislike of such things. The female would give a small, knowing nod. "They are, though they have not done me much good either." She might mention them, but really she had never seen any proof of their existence in this realm. It was a shame, honestly. She would also slow her speech at his request, her sharp gaze trailing over him.

"Mithras... It is a good name." The female would offer her own smile, though a bit of a sad one. "Those of my homeland call me Rainbow Syndrome. Though you may call me Rainbow." The female would tilt her head to the side, frowning some.

"Where do you hail from? Your words too, are foreign... the ones you spoke first."

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
03-01-2015, 08:28 AM

She seemed to be an understanding sort, for which Mithras was grateful. She spoke patiently, and some of his father's teachings were beginning to come back to him, dusted off with this new use. She would speak of her own skepticism in reference to a higher power, which brought small smile to his lips. Perhaps she was humoring him but at least she had not lashed out in pious offense. She introduced herself as Rainbow syndrome which brought a wide smile to his face, instead of the bark of laughter which he forced himself to tamp down. Many did not like to be laughed at, he'd found, but it was just so fitting. "It suits you," he said in a light, happy tone.

His mood was beginning to lift, something that had not happened since his separation from Caia. He would go on to answer her remaining questions. "I come from a small, isolated land in the far east. I do not think you would know it. Our people believe very strongly in gods of every sort. They... They value these mythical beings far more than their own." His eyes would narrow, and Mithras looked away, hoping to disguise the hurt and disgust he felt inside. "Upon witnessing this first hand, my sister and I decided to leave. Since, we have been separated. I am trying quite desperately to find her." His words remained rough and unrefined, yet he believed he was using each word correctly. Right? It wasn't as if he had his father to translate, or Faria, who had always been good at this sort of thing. Hopefully Rainbow would tell him if he was making too many mistakes.
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!

Marina I


7 Years
03-05-2015, 07:38 PM
His words, unintentionally, would cause the rainbow beast to prickle. It may have suited her, though in her homeland it was more of an insult than a suitable name. A name of the mad. Though... she was what she was. How could she deny their words were of truth? She was a demon, a monster. She would be nothing but forsaken by whom she was. Cursed by the gods who were supposed to protect them. But where were they when their so called children needed them most? Nowhere. Perhaps Mithras had the right idea in simply not being fond of them at all.

So it seemed he came from the far east, huh. "Some tend to get over the top with their beliefs in gods that do not show any actual signs of even existing." The female would give a soft scoff. "In the end... their gods won't save them... and they won't be able to save themselves." Rainbow's gaze would lower as she thought of her family. Her parents. Spencer. Her heart would clench, eyes reflecting pain. She could definitely sympathize with why this man wanted so desperately to find his own kin.

"If she is as stunning as you, hun, I'm afraid that I've not seen her." Her words were soft, apologetic. She would shake her head, giving a bit of a sad smile. "Ah... forgive me. It seems that I'm getting lost within my own mind. Demons tend to lurk within the mind, even if I try to convince myself that they don't exist either."

Table by:: Nyx

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]