
Lucy - Refund Large Accessory and Height x6 from Mirrikh


03-06-2015, 05:58 AM
Can I please get a refund on Mirrikh right here.  For this accessory ( I want to use the height on another character, if that's alright )

The large accessory has been refunded. Gems for you, Keno, and Riv can be found on the  gemstone credit page and the original purchase thread has been deleted.

Though I don't know what you mean by height? There was no height purchased in that transaction you linked. If you are wanting to refund his height and put it toward another character instead, you'll need to provide the link for that original purchase in order for that transaction to be completed. - Mouser  There you go!  :D

The gems have been moved to the gemstore credit, but I wanted to clarify before I proceeded. For these types of refunds, the accounts are deleted along with the original purchase because it was a physical trait that no longer allows the character to be playable. Were you ready for the account to be deleted? - Mouser

EDIT: The question was answered in the cbox. The original purchase thread has been deleted, as well as the account the purchase applied to. Your gems are in the gemstone credit. If you wish to apply the height to a different character, you will need to post again as a separate purchase.

Completed by Mouser.