
New Site Rule!



03-10-2015, 01:31 PM
New Site Rule!

Hey all you lovely and wonderful Alacritians, it's your staff team with a little announcement for you. We've implemented a new site rule and we want all of you to be aware and mindful of it for the future, so listen up!

We've never written up a rule regarding it before - mostly because we didn't realize it was going to be such a prevalent issue - but joining the site under multiple aliases (OOC names) is not acceptable or approved of. We have certain requirements of each of our members, including our character cap, which can be violated when using multiple aliases to join under. Not to mention it violates the trust that we, as staff, have with our members, and creates a distrustful, volatile environment once it has been brought to light that we wish to avoid and keep all our members safe from.

We understand that Alacritis is used as an escape by many of our members, but we want this escape to be one of safety and understanding, where no one feels the need to lie about who they are or fear being lied to by those they have grown to trust.

Because of that, we are warning everyone now that we have officially implemented a new rule banning the use of multiple aliases, and that when found out - because staff do have the ability to detect this, so it will be found out - the offending member will be banned either temporarily or permanently without us needing to wheedle the truth out of them. Keep in mind, banning because of multiple aliases has been done in the past, so this is not something that is new to us.

Since this rule will be new to you, however, we are offering a small window to correct this before we begin banning multiple alias offenders that we find. Anyone who is currently using multiple aliases on Alacritis will be given until March 17th, one week from now, to come forward and PM the Alacritis Account with all their current aliases, which alias they wish to keep, which characters they wish to keep under this alias, and which characters will need to be set inactive. Keep in mind, we do have an 11 character limit, so if you happen to go over this you will either need to purchase character slots or set characters inactive. No penalties will be given to members who come forward, and we are willing to keep these transitions from multiple aliases to a single alias confidential because of your cooperation.

We're sorry we never made this rule more clear, but, as said, we never realized it was going to be an issue. But we thank you all for reading this and cooperating with the way the staff team are running the site, and we hope to continue making this place a safe haven where each of us can enjoy our favored past time of role playing.

Thank you all for reading this, and have a great day!

The Alacritis Staff Team