
The resistance



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-15-2015, 08:30 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

This place got more and more interesting the farther she explored. After meeting Caia, it fueled her in a way nothing else probably would have. It meant that there were more interesting wolves like herself here. Amachi's gray eyes watched her reflection in the water, here, no one cared what she looked like. Perhaps that was the biggest relief because that had been the biggest road block back at home. Of course it had bothered her, but anything that bothered her she never voiced out loud. The huge behemoth was the kind of wolf who lived and let live; she could never blindly hate because of one thing or another. It made her laugh a little, at herself as she looked at her face raising her head to mid neck level as it usually was. What was there to do today, the sun was high in the sky so the water felt nice against her paws.

Amachi looked around for a moment, there was no one around; this was her chance. A smile grew on her face as the female started to splash around in the water happily. Feeling the cool droplets fall onto her heated fur. She looked like one huge puppy playing in the water, it was hot and she was letting off steam since it wasn't something she got to do often. Dropping her body into the water, she rolled onto her back, wagging her tail back and forth. She rolled back over on her stomach panting before she let out a sigh, relaxing was what she really needed. After entirely stressing her whole life, this was bliss.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-16-2015, 02:26 PM

Faria's dainty paws would carry the girl towards the smell of water, the heat was incredible today and the young thing was eager to cool off within the water. Her light blue tongue would roll out of her maw as she walked, knowing she was getting closer to the water. As she popped out of the trees though her incredible blue eyes would squint at the brightness of the sun. She'd shake herself as she left the shade, not able to see the rather large body playing in the water until she was a bit closer. The sounds of disturbed water would bring her attentions to the ocean, a large form splashed in the waves. The girl's bright features would tilt curiously but with a bright smile hanging on her lips.

The other's scent was a bit faded from the air, but even from here the bright cobalt girl could tell the other was female. She seemed to be about as tall as her brother and sister, though her markings were as foreign as Glacier's had been. She seemed so relaxed. "Hello!" the young thing would call out in her heavy accent, though she was much more fluent than either Caia or Mithras. She wouldn't get to close, but enough to not have to yell over the wind or the waves.




5 Years
03-17-2015, 07:54 PM

Astrea hummed, her eyes locked upon the bright stars. She was later then normal, but leaving to see Ten seems to take longer now that her family was a pack. Well, she had a harder time slipping around her over protective brother. But it was not the thought of Ten or even of Voltage that made her pause now, it was the star in the sky. It was twinkling brightly, more brightly than normal. She tilted her head, she pale eyes tracing down from the endless universe to the ground where the water flowed from the river into the ocean.

Her eyes moved, passing over two dark forms. She paused, unsure. She was not the most social of her siblings and in fact she avoided others as much as she could; at least everyone who was not her sibling. She has only ever meet Ten; who she only met by chance because it was one time she was spacing out; and the star wolf. He was a strange one, she could tell that the language that she spoke was not his first and seemed like he detested it. But one thing that seemed to interest him was the fact that she had stars too but did not come from whatever star land he came from. But she was unable to stay long to speak to him, she had to get back to her siblings before she was missed.

But it seemed that he was not the only star wolf in this land, another stood not too far from her, and not far from her was another wolf. One that seemed to have a tree growing all over her body. If Astrea did not know for sure she would think that she was part of her family, but no; she had met the last litter and none of them had the energy of a tree, well at least from what she remember.

Well it seems that Astrea is at a pass, she could move forward and greet the two or she could leave... She hummed again, thinking over her options...



5 Years
Dire wolf
03-18-2015, 09:32 PM

"I'll break the silence and watch it fall to pieces"

Amachi would have been okay at any other time, her left ear made a twitch as she turned around to see the other. Water falling off her sticky veined fur as her gray eyes sparkled a little with embarrassment. She looked down, in the back of her head hoping the other didn't see the grown woman rolling around in the cool water. She held her breath if only for a moment, before looking off to the side starting to get up. Now you could actually see her height, reaching the same as Caia to the inch which was why the two of them had made a connection. As well as their odd coats, but when Amachi got a closer look at this one, she fought the sensation to drop her jaw. Blue, beautiful, scattered around it sent shivers down her spine.

"Hi" she managed to get out of her mouth. The others was laced with accent, probably spoke the same language too, she certainly hoped it would not be difficult to communicate with this one as well. Suddenly her thought about getting caught had flown out the tree, at least for the moment. There was another scent in the air, but Amachi could not see the source of it currently. "Do you... know Caia?" Amachi asked, tilting her head to one side.

"Talk" "You" Think