
Tell me your sins


03-17-2015, 12:44 AM

She stood on the cliffs edge, staring out at the ocean. Oh how things had changed. She had taken down that ebony bitch who thought could best her. But now, now she craved the adrenaline rush of a kill, of a kill where her prey fought back with the determination to end her own life. How long had it been since she killed like that before? Her brother had been right. She needed this, she needed the feel the warm blood of her victims spilling over her paws and their cries fading. She had never really changed, just suppressed the urge to kill. And now it had broken free and was angry for being caged for so long. The desire to take down anything and everything in her path was almost uncontrollable, so much so that the call of war went unnoticed. She would stand as still as a statue, her coral resting on the horizon. Perhaps she could leave again, scoop up her children and truly leave this time. Leave this place behind, start a new life, and teach her children the same things she had learned. How to kill, how to hunt, how to be merciless. A faint smirk would lift her lips, it was perfect.



03-17-2015, 12:53 AM
"So... You left the pack to Basanti?" His voice was a deep rumble as he approached his would be wife from behind, this time careful to keep a good distance away from her. "Been at your boyfriends? Is that why you missed the howl of war? Our children are home right now fighting off the wolves of Ebony, Fjor and Abaven as we speak... I just figured you should know. In case you care to do anything..." He would say, eyes glancing away. He did not show how out of breath he was. He had run, sprinted to find her but he would not show how desperate he had been to find her. No he had traveled too far already, he had to return. He had to see the final result. He would rip out throats if they had touched his children in his absence. He would say no more, instead turning and slithering away from her, back into the shadows from whence he had emerged.

-exit kylar unless stopped-


03-17-2015, 12:58 AM

A voice would breach her ears, startling her briefly. But the voice was all to familiar. She didn't turn to look at him, even as he asked if she had left the pack to their daughter. She knew her daughter was capable despite how young she was. His sounded aways away as though he refused to get close to her. When he spoke of Bass, her hackles would raise, a growl threatening to leave her lips. But he didn't give her a chance to react. He spoke of war, their children. Abaven. She would freeze, panic spreading through her veins like ice. It was no surprise that someone would come to try and bring her down. It was a shame they were too cowardly to do it while she was gone. But her children, they were left to face the angry mob that had finally risen up. By the time she turned to say something, he was gone. Shoulders sagged wearily. For a moment all she could do was stand there and wallow. Finally she would break free, legs moving on their own accord. She had things to do....

