
Big Guy c:



7 Years
03-16-2015, 10:53 PM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 12:17 PM by Cesar.)

Whatwhat? - Okay, so I thought it might be fun for Cesar to have a BFF he found while off having adventures in lala land c: There would be no particular rush to get this guy adopted out - he's mostly just an idea if anyone's interested. I want him to be giant! For, yanno, good contrast with Cesar o3o Plus, piggyback rides. It'd be funny. You'd get in on some good fun 8| Yeah. Stuff. Enticing things. Okay, okay, moving on. Plus you'd get that niiiice reference I drew up there. Seriously now, moving on.

Name: Up to you. He could have a formal name of your choice, or just go with whatever Cesar calls him, because Cesar will definitely give him a nickname regardless. Options include but are not limited to: Giganticus, Enormungous, Humungo, Whopper, and Jumbo-mumbo.
Gender: Male
Age: Between 1 & 2 years. You pick. I'd like him to be sorta young because, seeing as Cesar is very childish, I think they'd get along better. Roll in mud 'n' stuff together C:
Appearance: Up for tweaking, color-wise! The design I've got up right now is dark brown with a darker topline and darker eye markings and rings around his legs. He's also got pale lavender eyes c: He musssst be, however, really big. Like, at least +36". I can help cough up gems for this o3o
Personality: Very quiet, subservient, a foil to Cesar's spontaneity, unquestioning, indifferent to "horrible" things, probs neutral alignment that might change with IC development
History: ??? Cesar found him all alone, then they started sort of following each other and ended up sticking together. I'd wanna say they had known each other for about a month now. You can decide what happened before Cesar found him, as long as it makes sense with his personality (e.g. no "oooh wow, super young wolf is super cool and killed his whole pack then went to brood in a forest and found Cesar.")

To apply:
Name: Pick one!
Age: Pick one! And a birth season c:
Personality: Expand to at least 150 words
Appearance: Expand to at least 150 words.
History: Optional. If you wanna decide on something for the beginning of his life, you can put it here. You don't have to though~

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.



4 Years
03-16-2015, 11:46 PM


I hope you don't mind me stealing the little table you had~.




One Year, Spring


Quiet - Boderline Insane - Loving - Curious - Deceiving - Loyal

So young and yet so destroyed, with a reflection of something evil growing in him. Woodpecker isn't exactly the wolf you want to become acquainted with, sure he's fine until he snaps on you. The huge young boy is quiet, her barely says a word, he likes to refer to it because of the trauma he has gone through. Woodpecker when he speaks is in few words, and usually are saved for Caesar the only wolf he has blindly followed and trusts fully. Goes along with whatever the other says, because, he was there when he was alone he is his saviour. There is no telling what woodpecker might do, unpredictable his mind is slightly broken with obsessions from obsession time after time.

However, he can be loving. A playful young lad with a thing for mischievous pranks and innocent play. Games of tag, hide and seek, even rolling in the mud is what he enjoys to do. Although, whatever Caesar enjoys, Woodpecker is bound to enjoy as well. Woodpecker is curious about everything around him, he doesn't know how the world works so he is constantly racking his brain to figure it out. Death, despair, murder, happiness, love, life, all of it is a complete mystery to him and he doesn't understand it.

On the outside, to a complete stranger, he may seem totally fine. Sure he's huge, but he's a sweet young quiet thing. Though, it's all an act, once you're asleep he's watching your each and every breath. To inexperienced to yet be a killer, he is no murderer, but he is infact creepy. Stalking is not below him, in fact he loves it and loves to see what makes a wolf tic. Though, most of his time is spent around his beloved caesar. With this, if you manage to worm and pry yourself into the chaos that is woodpecker he is unfathomably loyal. He will never let you go, following everywhere and making sure he is doing as he is told. He is, very odd.


He towers, at 42" in height(I can count my gems but pretty sure I have enough) a huge monster though not as big as any dire wolf. With muscles covering his strongly developed body. The boy is nothing short of a bulldozer, he is heavy weight with speed. Knowing how to throw himself around, and knowing even more so how to get out of the way if needed. Woodpecker might need to deal with losing some weight, but either way he figures himself perfect.

He is brown to the core, dark brown, with a darker brown overlying the top of his body. It stretches over his shoulders lightly and the same dark color surrounds the top of the skull. A small underlying dark brown mark sits underneath both sides of his eyes. His chest and stomach are a fainter brown color, reaching underneath the tail. Around his legs are what seem to be brown bands, however misshapen are not complete rings one nearly enveloping the paw and the others interconnecting nearly.(Hope you didn't mind that idk if I'd have to pay for the actual rings and I'm already paying for his height) The final thing about him, is his beautiful pale lavender eyes. Like the sky, or the flower, they shine brightly in the night hours.

Woodpecker follows behind Caesar a lot, he generally hates making himself actually look bigger than he actually already is. Hopping maybe bounding along like a rabbit behind others, nipping at their heels is how he enjoys carrying himself. Head lowered, knee's hunkered, and tail low to the ground however not folded underneath him in a submissive fashion. Though, don't provoke the poor boy.

Nothing huge planned, basically he saw something really really traumatic as a child. A horrible beheading most likely of his own parents who weren't entirely nice to him. He started to wander after the even and Caesar happening to be the first one there when he was all alone, he got infatuated with him.



3 Years
Extra large
03-17-2015, 12:48 AM
the tempt



5 Years
03-17-2015, 07:36 AM
Doit >:D


03-17-2015, 01:29 PM

Name: Python

Age: One year old, born in Spring

Personality: Python is a male that almost seems as if he doesn't want to be himself, keeping to himself and hardly ever speaking to any others. Tiny little things bother him, and he can have some pretty strange thoughts about some another's pelt sometimes, maybe saying it out loud. The male, if he can, will kill and skin another and wear the pelt of the wolf on him, as if it turns him into the other wolf. The male will do anything to please Cesar, even if it means killing himself in the process; he follows the smaller male blindly, and almost acts like a guard. Few things don't make him laugh, and when he begins to laugh, it may take a moment or two for him to calm down. The male is submissive towards Cesar, but if his pride is wounded, or if he is angry, Python will not be as submissive towards the others. Python hates most dominance over him, and would not get along with an alpha if he were in a pack, for example. No wolves, beside Cesar, will tell him what to do and get away from it. He only takes orders from that one wolf, thinking of him as a father, in a way.

But, because of Python's young age, the male can be very playful. After all, he has barely grown up to be an adult, and has yet to be more serious, if he ever is. Pulling pranks, running through water, splashing others with water, rolling in mud; this is everything Python tends to do, a few of these things picked up from Cesar. Despite his less than perfect mind, Python is still quite innocent, death being the only real thing he has discovered, besides things parents are capable of doing. Python is a curious wolf, and it wouldn't be odd for the young male to rip open something and disembowel it to see how it works, what everything really looks like, and what the creature has eaten last. A word of warning to those who manage to gain his trust and his love; Python may try and do this to these wolves, except for a few, and wear their skin on him, almost as if the young wolf is grieving for them.

The male also loves bones, and can be seen carrying them around in his jaws, back and forth, as if he is doing something important with them. But, if another wolf pays close attention, they'll notice that Python is carrying the exact same bone around; he is doing nothing with it. When he finally drops the bone, whether to do something else, or because he found another bone, wolves may see an odd sight if they move closer to the bone. Python has not been chewing on the bone; there is no markings to prove that he has. The large male is simply carrying them, never getting too far because he finds another, better bone and drops the one in his jaws in favor of the other. It is almost like a trail, the bones, that Python is leaving in case he gets lost and needs to come back. This is not the case, and if another asked, they would find this out very quickly. He just really loves bones, anything to do with bones; the male can be seen looking at the small marks in a bone in his spare time. Yes, the male is very strange, and he never tries to hide this from the other wolves, as if he could care less what most wolves think of him. Python is actually proud of his strange nature.

Appearance: Python is no small boy, no dainty thing, at thirty-six inches in height, not the largest wolf, but not the smallest at all. Muscles ripple underneath his fur, and the looks he gives others almost dares them to challenge him or Cesar in any way. He does not show his dominance, though, keeping his head lowered and his tail tucked between his legs slightly as he follows behind Cesar, never meeting his gaze. He will meet other gazes, but the large male never does anything that would challenge Cesar. The male could be a good hunter if he tried, but Python prefers to be a guardian of sorts, fighting for Cesar or those he loves.

Python is a little lighter than chocolate brown, the color coating him like a cloak, darker and lighter markings finding their way through. Darker brown covers his spine and head, stretching down to cover his shoulders a little as well, and covers part of his tail. A small dark marking is underneath both eyes, almost as if outlining them. The bottom of his jaw is a lighter brown, almost white in color. The insides of his ears are also light brown. Dark brown bands wrap around each leg,

History: Optional. If you wanna decide on something for the beginning of his life, you can put it here. You don't have to though~



13+ Years

Treat 2019
03-18-2015, 12:16 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2015, 11:54 AM by Rhythm.)
Name: Brutus
Age: 1yo winter
Personality: Born into an abusive home Brutus never knew peace in his childhood. He was always scared of when they next beating might come, and quickly after he learned to walk he would take on a completely submissive role to his parents. Never one to speak out or try and defend his other siblings from the beatings he was encouraged to tattle on them so his punishment was lightened. He held no loyalty to his siblings but undying devotion to his parents. This quality would easily shift to the dark wolf that found him bleeding out after his family had been desecrated.

The boy would seem quite cold in the face of the tragedy he'd witnessed, but the events would seem to hardly faze him as emotions are somewhat void to the dark monster child. He grew up in chaos and is now drawn to such environments. He thrives in unpredictability and seems to have a bit of an adrenaline addiction.

Appearance: The most notable feature about the brute have to be his incredibly long legs, their height help him to reach a towering mass of 40 inches. Though the behemoth boasts incredible height his muscle mass can not compete. The man is long and thin, he still holds on to the gangliness of a teenager. He had sharp handsome features, a supple strong neck with a thin chest and long abdomen.

His fur is slightly coarse, but long and made for harsh winters. Though he sheds the thickness out of it during the summer months when his fur becomes long and silky. That same coat is colored a dull chocolate brown, his belly is covered in a softer lighter color that as it travels up his sides to his back becomes a darker shade.
Upon his legs rest darker stripes and a deeper colored strip runs from his eyes to his cheek. These brilliant gems are a bright icy almost white blue.

History: only child, lived with his over protective/abusive parents first two years. Said parents were killed by a bear that tried to take Brutus life as well but only succeeded in taking his tail. He was completely lost and alone when cesar found him. Being the needy wolf he was following the strange brute was a simple decision.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



7 Years
03-31-2015, 01:35 PM
Alright everyone, thank you for all your wonderful applications! c: Cesar's pal will be going to Kat.
*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.