
Everything that controls me [epiphron]



4 Years
03-14-2015, 07:27 PM

Sleeping was even a difficult thing now, she either slept too much or too little at times. This was one of those days she slept too much, when she fluttered her blue eyes open it was already maybe an hour past noon. If she wasn't careful, she would be labelled lazy, not that it mattered to her. Every morning she woke up, she wished her lungs had stopped functioning, but there was no escaping her fear of death anyhow. Her body weight may still have been low, but she was no longer a walking skeleton covered in wounds. It would take some time to return to her origonal weight, but she could function just fine now. Being able to hunt rabbits was far more satisfying than the small birds being the only thing she was able to handle before. Arian worried about Vereux, in the back of her mind she wanted him back, but she knew that wasn't a very smart idea. It wasn't her decision anyway, new masters came along but now she had to beg and plead the heavens didn't take her home away for a fourth time nor her family.

Arian pulled herself out of her makeshift den near the waters, sighing she lowered her head to watch her reflection again. She didn't know why she did that; by some miracle maybe she'd return to have a pretty face and a functioning leg. There was no one to blame either, she had deliberately let it happen so she couldn't complain. The woman was far from innocent, she half was envious of her sister at times. With Athena, the one Arian had tried to be in love with, betrayed her trust and threw her into the garbage. Then again and again she tried to steal out the memory with the men in her slave days. She growled silently to herself, ears pulled against her skull as she slunk her tail underneath her. Frustration, an emotion she often felt upon herself.

Flopping down on the waters edge once more, she let the tips of her paws dip into the warm waters. She was grumpy, she knew because it was also her heat season. Another part of the reason she was avoiding people she always had since she arrived, but it was more of not wanting anyone near her for temptation and fear. That and she disliked touch, it would be some time until she allowed anyone to touch her, anyone at all. She let out another breath of air, trying to relax her heart beat.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-16-2015, 07:04 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2015, 07:04 AM by Epiphron.)

Little did Arian know, she had little to fear here. Now that her daughter, however broken she might be, was within her grasp once again she didn't want to let her leave unless she truly wished to. Like Cassius, she'd been left battered and bruised by the world, though she truly believed they could heal here. Amongst the support of family, they could flourish again. And despite Arian's fears, Epiphron wasn't the kind to give up on her family -- she wouldn't let them fail or be taken from them, not without a fight.

And she knew her recovery would take more than time. It would take work, dedication -- not just from Arian, but from her family too, who would have to care for her both physically and emotionally. Today, Epiphron had decided she needed to spend with her daughter, even if Arian resisted. Slowly she would make her way toward the hot springs, feeling the warmth of the summer sun splayed down across her back. Though hot, it was not unbearable, and even if it was they lived close enough to the ocean that they usually felt the gentle breeze trickling in from the east. Today was no exception. A content sigh left her lips as Arian came into view, and unconsciously she found her tail wagging behind her. There was love, shining bright in her sapphire gaze as she drew up near her daughter, keeping a distance and resisting the urge to embrace her no matter how badly she wished she could hold her again, as though she was a child once more.

"Good afternoon, Arian," she greeted her softly, a kind smile playing at the corners of her lips as she let her own paws dip into the warm waters of the spring.



4 Years
03-16-2015, 05:48 PM

Arian tensed a little at the sight of her mother, it had become a natural reaction at times. Then again she contradicted herself, at the borders with Cypress she was thankful when her adopted mother had shown up. Yet her mind played tricks on her it did, as she tried to relax her muscles, blue eyes warily watching her mother like she was a stranger. It hurt a little of course, because she knew ultimately she longed for that scary sensitive touch of her mother, specially in this time of heat where she just wanted to avoid everyone completely. She didn't need any accidental pregnancies, she was just lucky her time as a slave had slipped her heat. It was also the fact, she didn't want her mother to hate her and she had made some bad decisions in her life. Arian only felt herself digging a deeper and deeper hole as time went on, even if she was frantically trying to dig out of it.

Her mother would slip into the springs as well, making Arian spread her toes slightly. She should say something, she should start a conversation, but was that really okay. Her muscles were still tight and her heart beating viciously against her chest as she looked at her reflection again, it made her frown. Her mother had a torn ear sure, but she still maintained beauty that Arian felt she would never have again. Right, talk, Arian looked up at Epiphron. "Thank you mother...." she began, before looking down nervously. "For.... the time at the border." The end of her tail would twitch lightly.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-17-2015, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2015, 10:58 AM by Epiphron.)

In time, Epiphron knew Arian would relax. Though she might never be the creature she once was, she knew she would become more herself, which was all that mattered. The circumstances of her captivity had likely scarred her permanently, but she could eventually overcome much of what plagued her now. She would have to learn to be patient with Arian -- which really wasn't such a difficult thing to do, for it came naturally to her as a mother -- and let her find her strength again, even if it took years.

Her smile was genuine as she examined her daughter. She looked much better now, since she'd been cleaned up and well-fed since coming to Fiori. She was not the child she remembered -- but then again, she likely wasn't the exact mother that Arian remembered either. It was only natural they would change with time. Even her daughter's scent was different than she remembered it. It was obvious it was her heat season, which likely only added to Arian's anxiety and fears. Her gaze softened dramatically when Arian spoke. What was she talking about? When she'd ensured Cypress wasn't bothering her? Or something else? "Of course," she commented warmly, beaming at her, her eyes sparkling with love that only a parent could have for their child. Though she was not of her blood, she had been her child almost since the moment she came to the borders of Seracia. "You know how much I love you, right, Arian?" Her words were soft, but genuine. It was important that she knew that, even if she didn't feel as though she deserved it.



4 Years
03-17-2015, 12:26 PM
Her ears would tune into her mothers voice. Change was scary, but something arian had grown used to. Although she had barely noticed the change in her mother, she was still the strong beautiful young lady that she had admired since she was young. A friend of her fathers, and that emotional connection made her just a parent as her real ones had been. She was not neo, but at times she did feel others didn't accept her because blood was so important. She had seen how quickly the walkers took to her because they were related, but sometimes blood wasn't everything. As her crystal eyes locked on epiphron she made a frown. Of course she knew her she loved her, arian would sigh. "Sometimes, I feel like you shouldn't." She would admit. She let this happen to herself, it had almosy felt unavoidable.

Honestly now arian wasn't sure what to talk about. Raising her eyes to her mother she let out a breath of air. "I dont suppose I can spend the whole season avoiding others can I?" She half questioned. Arian wasn't just scared of others she was scared of herself. Her depression was chronic, sometimes she felt fine, others it just didn't click with her. The russet removed her paws from the springs, it was warm enough this day anyway. Now, she was three years old, truly no longer a child.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2015, 08:02 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 08:03 AM by Epiphron.)

Though she could try her best to empathize with all Arian had been through, her experience was her own and she knew it was something she could never fully understand. All she could do was support her daughter, and ensure that nothing like this ever happened again. "It doesn't matter if you feel as though my love is undeserved, or doesn't make sense to you," Epiphron would explain warmly. Her words were genuine and filled with a kindness that she did not need to force, not around her children. "You became my daughter as soon as you entered my life. Nothing will change that." Though Epiphron was not the most noble of creatures, she was fiercely loyal to her family -- and her children were no exception. She had even loved Syrinx, despite all he had done, despite his countless flaws and mistakes.

Her smile was warm as she watched Arian, noting her discomfort. "Probably not," she answered her honestly, her gaze softening. "You know Amalia won't leave you alone, at least." Her sister had never really been the kind to withhold her affections, and she knew with certainty that Amalia was beyond happy to dote on and care for Arian, and do whatever she needed to help her. And she couldn't imagine her other children letting Arian sulk by herself, even if she didn't have the courage to face the word herself -- they would find her. "But you have us," she concluded after a moment. Epiphron felt her tail batting the ground lightly behind her. "And you will always have us, Arian."



4 Years
03-19-2015, 12:46 PM
The girls crystal blue eyes matched up with her mother. Her very being shivered, she was no longer in those dark homes no longer alone. Even herself had been so loyal to family, syrinx had been her life at one point. She had watched him die by athenas father by vereuxs father. Fate was strange and arian nodded her head. Of course her sister wouldnt leave her alone and of course she always had them. She looked at the reflection of herself in the water. "Mom" she started feeling her throat catch on fire. "Do you remember when my mother brought me to the borders, explained that my siblings had starved and natsu my father had been killed." Her ears pinned for a moment remembering limnos words. Natsu would have loved her no matter what. "I.... met my sister. Shes part of abaven, her and my brother were saved by a passing rogue when she discovered they were still breathing." She looked at her mother.

"Ive never met someone like her, and even in those moments I wouldnt wish to have ended up in a different place. My sister was proud of me. And it made me think of you, you're strong you're powerful. It made me think, with walker and Hutashi blood flowing through my veins. Theres still no denying im an adravendi. Seeing neo shook my faith for the longest time but...... what im trying to say is I love you" she had rambled on for too long really. Small tears fell from her eyes. "I nearly cant believe that my siblings are alive and they are just like the rest of the others. Limno reminds me of amalia and my father the same." She sighed. Arian shivered shaking her head to get rid of the tears. "Im doing my best to get better." Her breathing had quickened. Like a bottle cap had just exploded but she sat back and looked down again. Regretting her words that flew from her mouth. Yet whatever happened she supposed was gods will to her determination.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-20-2015, 07:34 AM

Perhaps someday Arian might realize how much love there was, from both herself and her children, toward her. Loyalty and love for kin had been something deeply instilled in all of her children, and she knew they would always feel love for one another, no matter the mistakes they made. Her blue gaze was soft, brimming with adoration that only a mother can feel for her child, as Arian began to speak. It seemed something was on her mind, and she wanted to let it out. Her ears would perk, twitching attentively as Arian explained.  "How could I forget the day you entered our lives?" she'd respond with a smile, a rhetorical question, not something she meant Arian to answer. Though she had learned that she'd lost a friend that day, she had unknowingly gained a daughter.

Arian explained that she had a sister, and that she'd finally met her.  There was audible pain in Arian's voice, though it seemed in meeting one of her blood siblings that she had found some hope too. "You are lucky, Arian," she'd start after a moment, letting her words sink in.  "You have more than one family. And you will always be an Adravendi." The mention of Neo nearly made her blood boil; he had hurt Arian, and though she had asked him to do it, it still made her seethe with fury. If she ever found him, she would be more than happy to scar his face just as he had Arian's.  "And you even happen to look like me, so you never have to explain that you are not my blood." A warm smile was offered, though she felt tears welling in her own eyes at Arian's pain. All she wanted to do was to move forward and embrace her -- to groom her and lather her in affection, as though she was a child again, but she wouldn't dare intrude on Arian's space no matter how badly she wanted to.

"You will get better," she said firmly, determination set in her clear gaze.  "Perhaps not today, or even next week, but you will. You not only have strong blood running through your veins, but the love and support of this family too." Once, she had thought blood was everything -- but Arian had proven to her that love was far more powerful a tie than blood alone.



4 Years
03-25-2015, 10:50 PM

The girl wasn't entirely small, nor a girl no more. Even if she felt like one, she had to deal with the adult problems of the adult world that was clear enough. A small smile curled to the corners of her lips. Her ears would flick as she stood up, making her way over to her mother. She sat close enough to lean against her, just to feel the warmth of her fur. It wasn't the first time she had wanted the comfort of her mother. Perhaps it was a selfish need of her own for that sense of touch. How she longed to be small again, but even when she was younger she knew how the world worked. Maybe Arian had simply grown up too fast and was facing the consequences of that now.

"I love you." Arian mused, her tail wagging lightly behind her. She tried to expunge all the bad thoughts out of her head, even if they would only leave her alone for an hour a minute at the time. The pressure against her head needed to dissipate. That way it was bit by bit that she could enjoy herself, if at all.

"Talk" "You" Think



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-30-2015, 08:45 AM

Still, she was mostly in the dark about what Arian had gone through. Obviously she had been mistreated in some way -- no, abuse seemed a more fitting word. Though it was hard to imagine just what she had endured, she had no doubt it was bad, and however much Arian insisted that she was weak, Epiphron knew the truth. For having survived such horrors, she was stronger than she could ever imagine. Her sapphire gaze was warm as it danced over Arian, widening slightly with surprise when her daughter began to shift closer. A smile would appear on her lips as she felt the warmth of her daughter leaning against her and she would gladly return the contact, briefly letting her head fall to lean against Arian's own cranium.

"And I love you," she assured her gently. Her own tail would begin to bat lightly against the ground. Despite all that had happened, she was grateful for this -- that she could, at the very least, sit with Arian or a moment and enjoy the day together. Though she knew things could get better, and she was convinced they would with time, they could certainly be much worse too. The moment of silence would linger and she let it wash over her, content to bask in the serenity of the summer day. "Is Cypress fitting in here well?" she'd ask softly, finally breaking the silence. She was curious about him, and it seemed Arian had felt somewhat comfortable in his presence. She could only hope that their friendship would blossom, for he seemed like a good companion for her.



4 Years
03-30-2015, 09:14 AM
The mentioning of her new found mate actially made her ears quiver. She almost forgot she had to tell her mother, maybe they rushed things but she believed that they could last if they tried. He was a lot different than morgana and perhaps she could provide some sort of warmth for him as well. Arian seemed shy, smiling lightly and looking off to the side. Her tail pattered against the floor. Well if she kept it a secret than it would be bad, it wasnt like he was a loner either.

"Ive been meaning to tell you, cypress and I. Have decided to be mates." It almost felt like a lump in her throat to get it out. "Of course if thats alright with you." Her heart beat against her chest heavily. What if her mother said no, would she have to just give up? She wasnt sure if she could do that. She definitely wanted cypress in her life and she wanted to be in his.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-06-2015, 07:49 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2015, 07:50 AM by Epiphron.)

Arian seemed slightly taken aback at the mention of Cypress. Curious, she would watch her, wondering if her reaction meant something bad. Perhaps she was uncomfortable with him here? Epiphron would have no qualms with speaking with him if he was, somehow, making Arian upset. And yet her words were surprising to her. Her head would tilt in curiosity as she spoke up, seeing a bit of joy in her daughter that she hadn't seen in some time.

They'd decided to be mates. It was perhaps a bit faster than she would've liked, but Cypress struck her as a gentleman and she imagined things between them were going more slowly than most relationships might. "I see," she mused after a moment of thought.  "It's perfectly fine with me. Though I do hope you'll ever tell me if he ever does anything you're uncomfortable with." Her words were serious, and she searched her face for a moment -- not that she expected Cypress to mistreat her, but it was important she knew that she could come to her mother for help if necessary. "I'm happy for you," she'd say finally after a moment, grinning with genuine joy as she nudged Arian's cheek. "You deserve to be loved." And god help him if he doesn't make her feel just that, she thought inwardly.