
l'esprit de l'escalier


06-02-2013, 03:15 PM

The young wanderer had slipped from his mother's gaze again. Only this time, he had managed to make his way farther than many of his siblings had been since they had begun to wander. He had managed even to leave the lands of Glaciem behind without detection, and had escaped to this curious place. It was a rocky land, not nearly as snowy as the world that he had inhabited before this, and one that provided a lot of entertainment for a young pup such as Tiberious.

Bounding along without a care in the world, he leaped from rock to rock to rock, tail wagging enthusiastically as he stuck out like a sore thumb against the landscape. He was not the most sneaky of creatures, but this curious youngster had never truly attempted to be sneaky. It would likely be difficult for him to sneak around for his entire life; his white fur would stand out anywhere other than Glaciem's lands, and his markings made him stand out against the white snows of Glaciem anyways.

Distracted as he was, Tiberious moved without a care in the world until a loud rumble echoed in the air. The young pup let out a startled yip and raced backwards, escaping the path of a rock slide only narrowly. A pebble rolled up to hit his paws and Tiberious glanced down at it nervously, ears flattening against his skull. "That was close," Tiber breathed, scooting back a few steps as the rocks began to settle around him.

He could have easily been crushed. Instead, he had narrowly escaped the path of the massive rocks. And that didn't bother him as much as it should have. Instead, he just wanted to explore more! Beginning to leap onto the massive rock pile, Tiberious' white tail waved enthusiastically behind him as he moved.



06-03-2013, 02:14 PM

Phoenix had only been wondering around the rogue lands to think more about where she wanted to settle in. he mountain pass here seemed to look like fun, and so Phoenix decided to take this adventure as a challenge.

She was strolling around until she found a path that separated. It must have come together soon since there was only one way through the mountain pass. So she decided to go up to the top instead of down through the rocks. When she was walking through the greenery, the path thinned as she tried to be extremely careful not to fall or slip. But then suddenly a cry from below alarmed her and she looked down at the path below. It was also very thin, and she watched as the rocks fell and the little pup she spotted had gotten close to being crushed. She jumped down onto the side of the incline, the large rock making her paws slide down the side until she hit the bottom path almost falling off the side.

"Are you okay, dear?"

She regained her balance and looked back at the pup that she had noticed he had run off over the fallen rocks. And she found herself hoping after him to insure his safety. Though Phoenix was harsh and selfish, she had an unusual soft spot for pups if they were her own or not.



06-07-2013, 10:10 PM

Tiberious was happily oblivious to the presence of other wolves until a voice reached him. "Are you okay, dear?" As soon as the voice echoed in the air, Tiberious found his gaze flicking around, almost nervously, as he sought the presence of any other wolves. He found his gaze settling on a brown and white wolf, significantly larger than him. She seemed friendly enough, considering the fact that she was now leaping along to reach him. So Tiberious was on his best behavior, his black and white tail wagging happily. "I'm all right!" His voice was still as squeaky as ever, but his words were more confident now, more properly formed. "Mah name's Tiberious!" He was proud of himself for being able to repeat his name properly. How long had he been 'tibewious,' after all? He had only recently grasped how to say his name.

But it didn't matter. Tail wagging enthusiastically, Tiber bounded from rock to rock to approach the other wolf, "What's yers?" Tiberious inquired as he drew closer, little tail wagging a mile a minute. Whoever she was, she was nice! She had to be nice to be worried about him.
