
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 07:48 PM
ooc. marked M for language and stuff, don't know how bad the curses might get xD

The east was where she remembered a life, where a childhood played upon the fringes of her memory. Very brief, quick to turn to a false adulthood. Damn her mother, for abandoning them so carelessly. Screw her father, for not even being present when they needed him so desperately. If there was ever a poster child for fucked up families, it was her. Even her brother left her eventually, going off on his own to join a fucking new pack. Obviously she hadn't been good enough for her brother, even though he'd taken care of her for most of their first gods damned year. Screw him, screw her parents. She'd gone and shown them, hadn't she? Finding her long lost relatives- that had been a task she'd gotten done all on her own. Becoming the woman she was today- all Lirri. Sure, her third cousins and distantly related aunts had helped her a little with her skills, but they'd just been polishing the rough gem she'd already been. It had been in her all along, to become such a creature as she was today. Who needed a family, right? She had herself, that was all she needed.

Ebony toes would dance smoothly over the craggy landscape, fluid movements propelling her over the mountain pass. Footfalls were soft, without fault. It didn't take long for her gaze to fall upon the mouth of a cavern, a good place to shelter for the night. It was nearly full dark now, and she wasn't nearly stupid enough to keep going in the blackness of night. The moon was barely a sliver in the sky, and as the sun sank below the horizon, she knew it was time to hunker down. Food was scarce up here, but hunting wouldn't be a good idea anyway. Powerful paws would take carefuly steps over the jagged stones that led to her haven, until smooth rock greeted her pads. It was cool, dank. However, it was better than being subject to the whims of the elements so far from the safety of the valley floor below. Mercury optics flicked casually over the walls of the room around her, taking in the rough stone that threatened her from afar. Clearly, this was not a place that welcomed many. However, the ledges along the walls seemed rather inviting. Crevices in the stone created perfect niches for a wolf to doze within.

A rather generous grin would play upon her features, dark lips curved upward with the tiniest bit of delight. Delicate steps would carry her lithe form toward the fringes of safety, alarm bells ringing within her skull go back go back go back but they looked hardly at all dangerous. Lean form would lift into the surprisingly warm confines of the niche. Bodice would settle itself flush against the stone, comfortable within moments. This would be a great place to spend the night, and then she could be out of here in the morning. There were other places she had to be. Images of an otherworldly mangrove nagged at the corners of her conscience, urging her further into the eastern part of the continent. It was there that the alabaster damsel had her business, though the story had yet to be told- whether or not she would find success there.



3 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 10:50 PM
It hurt a little bit, walking around here. Mostly because with each step, the beast’s light breaths were scattered with the fear that he would see someone, someone he knew. It was like walking through a minefield. With how he remembered them – fleeting faces that never stayed long enough to grasp – he wouldn’t have been surprised if one floated by with the breeze. Mother, or father… sister. It had been a good year or so since he had given up trying to hold on though. The childish hopes in his mind had been ravaged one time too many, and were now irreparable. It was for the better, perhaps. Yet he still found himself returning to Alacritis.

A steely gaze traipsed along the silhouette of the mountains, outlined in the sunset’s orange fury. Deciding that he’d best find a place to sleep, the pale creature proceeded towards the jagged terrain, figuring that he’d find some caves or nooks to hide in. As he scaled the mountainside, he was glad for the last bits of light; it was a dangerous place, that much became apparent. Once or twice he nearly lost his footing, sending small showers of pebbles skittering down the cliffs. He did not make it very far before he decided against the risk of travelling in even less light.

Settling for what he had at the current elevation, the brute would turn and walk to the side, searching for any opening or crevice he could find. Doubt invaded his thoughts for a moment – maybe this actually hadn’t been a good idea. But then he spotted something. A dark opening in the rocky mountainside that beckoned to him. Very nice. A soft exhale was thrust from his nostrils, and he proceeded to slip towards it. Only seconds after he was in did he realize it to already be occupied, his body recoiling slightly and the corners of his lips turning down with surprise. Cloaked in shadow, he did not immediately recognize the figure, but instead grunted and prepared to back out, depending on the other creature’s reaction to his invasion.



10 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 11:12 PM
Footsteps were all but ignored, passed off as the gentle tumble of pebbles down the slopes. She was tired, and though there was the dim thrum of excitement in her veins, sleep was all she wanted. Breathing would deepen, escape her nostrils at a soft, steady pace. The edges of dreams beckoned, faint myriads of shapes and colours that disappeared when her eyes tried to focus. It wasn't until a low grunt caught her attention that her attention shifted from the realm of sleep to that of the waking, the living. Audits would lower toward her skull, mercury optics opening slowly. They adjusted quickly to the darkness that way.

The form of a stranger would make itself known to her, silhouetted by the sickle of the moon behind them. Crown would rise from its place at her paws, brows lowering to try and get a fix on the other. Their posture was nothing to be taken as a threat, though the aura around them was another story. Aggression rolled from the shadow in waves, but she had yet to feel any fear. Blinking a few times, bleary steel optics fixated on other aspects. The wolf was reluctant, prepared to flee if need be. "Stay, stranger." Melodic vocals would murmur apathetically, the burr of a thick accent evident even more with drowsiness. Her time in the motherland had definitely changed her. "It would be stupid to risk these mountains at night." She added, for added measure. However, should the male prove to be just that stubborn, she would not stop him. Why bother? It was his choice whether or not he risked death, not hers. Pallid banner would thump one against the stone beneath her, a poor attempt to seem less likely to attack. A wolf of her size was easy to be intimidated by, that was no mystery. Happened to everyone. Though, this male hardly looked like one to be frightened easily. Even from where she remained, his stature and musculature were plainly seen. She waited, blatantly unaware of the gods' master plan.



3 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 08:54 AM
He hung where he was for a split-second, his gaze struggling to see the details of the other through the dark. The sun had gone now and the moon was up, illuminating his pale body with a complimentary light. A voice slipped free from the other to greet him, urging with a certain kindness that he stay. The white beast’s blood turned to ice and his heart skipped a beat as his next breath escaped him slowly, silently, like he didn’t quite want it to leave. Something in that voice – it was so different, yet so familiar. Older, different in the mere manner of speech. It couldn’t possibly be… And yet, he quickly swung his head to the left, turning his face away to hide whatever glimpse the female might spot. ”I cannot,” his gruff voice would reply quickly,  sounding somewhat forcedly dismissive.

He would turn his whole body then towards the cave mouth, his flowing tail following behind him with odd grace. His heart pounded. This couldn’t possibly be happening – not already. He figured there was a good chance he would run into someone, but no this soon. Not immediately. He wasn’t ready for it. A soft exhale was forced from his lungs, and he took a step out. Like the female had said, he could barely see anything. It certainly would be dangerous. The moonlight barely touched a few contours of the rocks and dirt. He hesitated.



10 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 07:11 PM
ooc. the email notification for this tag scared the crap out of me this morning

As the meager light of the moon offered its illumination, a familiar form came into sight. Breath would catch in her throat, like she'd swallowed her tongue. Blocky cranium would swing to one side, revealing the stain upon the lower jaw that she had foreseen would be there. A low, gravelly set of vocals would announce a disagreement. Could this really be? Optics would lock upon his form, hesitant movements releasing her from the confines of the niche. Tentative steps would carry the alabaster dancer across the stone floor, to gaze upon the male. It had been so long, and she had grown so much since then. The femme was so used to looking up at her brother, that this angle of view was physically disturbing to her. There was no way this was him.

The male turned away from her before she could get too close, offering her his back. Slowly, the woman would appraise the male. The markings were so close, the build. It could very well be him. But the brother she knew would have run by now. Would have fled her presence like a coward. That's what he'd done last time, and got himself a brand new fucking family. Obviously she hadn't been good enough for him back then. A spark of anger would flare in her chest, heating her blood. Heart hammering out a staccato beat, the rush of blood in her ears; it made her breaths sound painfully loud. He stepped out of the cavern, just one paw leaving the safety. That just cinched it for her, his willingness to risk his own painful death rather than look upon her. That little slap in the face that she'd been dealt so many times in her childhood. Soft melodies would meet the air, "Viddy?" she would breathe. She couldn't help the familiar nickname that left her lips before anything more formal. Did she even really care anymore? Obviously she meant nothing to her own flesh and blood. Why should she even be bothering? Mercury pools were wide, disbelieving. Had she found him already?

Expression would harden then, a mask of cold indifference. He wouldn't care to see her with such emotions, it wouldn't make a difference to him. Sculpted audits would lower toward her skull, waiting for him to run. He very plainly didn't want anything to do with her, even now. A crisp breeze stirred her pelt, coaxing the cobalt feathers at her breast into a gentle ballet. The scent of her brother caught in her nostrils, icing on the cake. Yes, this was him. She could never really forget the male who had cared for her when no one else would, and learned to hunt so she wouldn't starve as a babe. Such a sudden change it had been, when he'd left her. After that, it had just been her, wandering on her own. Family was a broken word in her head.



3 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 10:04 PM
ack, sorry it's short

A single utterance hung in the air, its syllables softened by informality. There it was. He froze completely then, his hesitation turning into chains and his heart skipping another beat. It was her, without a doubt. What kind of cruel fate was this? He wasn’t ready – wasn’t ready to confront the schism between them. He gritted his teeth, feeling emotion crackle through his brain and sear his veins. He felt tears well in his eyes, but stubbornly kept them open in hopes that they would dry before they could fall. They did not. He kept his face turned away for a moment as water drew a trail down his right cheek, and then he swung his head to the side to cast a glance over his shoulder. ”Lirika?” came the hushed, rough question. There was no doubt, he had missed her. She had been his only friend in the world when even their own parents left them. But he had left her too. He was afraid, so very afraid, that she would hate him for it.



10 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 10:27 PM
It felt like eons, that she waited, her vocalization hanging in empty air between them. Gods, she should have left it alone. He did look over his shoulder, steely optics glassy. She was momentarily taken aback. This was not how she'd pictured their encounter going at all. There was something in his eyes, something close to what she herself felt in her own chest right now. Her own name fell into empty space, wreathed in faint mist. These mountains still held their chills, in the dead of summer. Crown would dip hesitantly, and rise again in a slow nod. Affirmative hum rose in pitch briefly in her throat. Her own voice was locked away in a tightening throat, unable to be trusted. Stoicism would start to fade, porcelain mask chipped away bit by bit. It was hardly ever that Viddy got emotional, he'd always been a very cold wolf; even in their youth. His offered meals had come with a cool expression, affection doled out with a distant look in his eye. She remembered it all dimly, it had been just a little too long to be clear anymore.

Sluggish paws would trail backward a pace, offering space to the other. She would not admit she wanted to put distance between them now, unsure of what might happen. Mercury pools would narrow in the slightest, brows knit together. Audits fell even closer to her skull, a barely hidden expression of hurt. "You gonna run away now?" Soft lyrics would enquire, harsh and acidic. That old scar was starting to tear at the seams, after so long. He'd abandoned her, just like the rest. Svetovid wasn't the knight in shining armor she'd made him out to be in her youth. Her jab was uncalled for, sure, but hadn't she earned it at this point? Everything from her first winter on, had been up to her to take care of. She hadn't even gotten to grow up before she'd had to become an adult, and it was disgusting. At least her mothers second abandonment hadn't been her own fault- she'd died. What was Svetovid's excuse? That query rang in her mind, clear as a bell. Was it that she'd become too great a burden? That he'd decided she wasn't worth it anymore?

Ivory plume would curl loosely toward her rump, waiting for him to say something. He had to have some reason for leaving, some way to explain why he'd gone off and gotten himself a new pack and a new family. She didn't want it to, but that desperation for knowledge burned into her brain like a white hot branding iron. She had to know, put her fears to rest.



3 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 05:38 PM
One more lone tear escaped his right eye, rolling with immeasurable weight down his face to fall upon the stone with a robust “plip.” Svetovid did not blink, did not move his stare once from his sister’s face. Half of him was terrified of what she might say – wanting so badly to fold his ears and shut every sound out – but half of him had missed her so badly and wanted nothing more than to press into her fur and smell the only smell that had ever been familiar and comforting. He stood where he was, as still as a sculpture and looking every bit like one. His breaths came in and left like ghosts, shallow and inaudible as his chest barely rose. The silence was torturous, yet what Lirika said soon made him wish he could creep back to that noiseless agony.

Her words were biting, and he inhaled softly, feeling as if he’d been physically struck by her accusing voice. The accusing tone of his baby sister – all grown up now. They both were. They’d gone and grown up apart. His flesh shivered, his heart wrenched with emotion. The wolf’s teeth gritted a little more, and his gaze sank briefly to the floor before rising again, his platinum eyes narrowing. ”No,” came the firm, almost stubborn sounding gravelly syllable. He swallowed quietly, wetting his lips and breathing in again, trying to steady his own thinking and calm the monsoon of emotion that swept through his head and heart. He knew he was in the wrong here, but he had no excuses.

The beast remained silent for another moment, studying his sister’s face with an ever so slightly softened stare. He felt bad. So simply bad. Like all the rot in the world had spun up into one cloud, and now rained down in his throat and chest. There was nothing he could say to make this better – not for her. No “sorry,” no promises, no regrets. A promise meant nothing to either of them – not after their parents. He hoped she realized that, realized that he knew. He blinked gently a few times, soothing his reddened eyes and ridding them of the last straggling drops. ”How long have you been here?” he asked, his voice suddenly hoarse. After a short delay, he motioned outside with his muzzle. “Here” as in Alacritia.



10 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 06:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 06:22 PM by Lirika.)

til we're stripped down to our skeletons again

Her brother shed himself another tear, but hardly seemed to notice them. At her accusing tone, he grit his teeth and dropped his gaze. Yes, the truth had bite to it, didn't it? He uttered a single syllable, deterring her fears for a moment. He was staying, for now. The way he watched her, with eyes so much darker than her own, she felt exposed. Audits would flatten against her skull, uncomfortable under his stare. She'd hold his gaze stubbornly, not wanting to give in. She wouldn't be the one to look away, he deserved to feel this tightening in his chest when she looked upon him. Was there regret in his heart, for what he'd done? Most of her doubted it, but that tiny part in the back of her head wanted so desperately for him to feel sorry. Wanted everything to go back to the way it was, when it was just the two of them and they were okay. Even without parents, they'd been alright. The logical part of her knew that could never happen.

She watched him blink, eyes losing their glassiness. Hoarse vocals would ask a simple question, one that conveniently deviated from anything that might risk them having to deal with their problems. Her mercury gaze would drift away from the shadowed male in the entrance of the cave. They sought the vague forms that haunted the edges of the cavern, in the darkness.
"Not long. Week, maybe two." Accented lyrics would reply softly, slim shoulders rising and falling in a gentle shrug. She felt shaky, her posture was no longer regal in the least. Shoulders slumped in defeat, tail drooping pathetically. Nothing interesting had happened, really. She'd met a few wolves, no one particularly interesting. An audible sigh would escape her, mildly frustrated with the situation. The alabaster dame felt like she should have remained in the motherland, as this was far from a pleasant experience so far. She didn't even have a goal here, just up and decided to see if it was at all like she'd remembered. It was pretty much the same.

"You?" Soft melodies would enquire, gaze drifting back over to her brother. She was tired, and now she was under emotional stress. This night had been far too eventful for her tastes. Muscles quivered faintly, and she wanted to crawl back into that niche and die. Brows knit together deeply as she looked upon him, waiting for him to give up on her again. Sure, her adventures as a child had taken her away from the pack for a day or two at a time- but did that really mean she deserved to be abandoned without warning like that? He'd just left, and she'd never seen him again; until now. Haunches would drop heavily onto the stone floor, defeated utterly. Not another word would escape her, waiting for the inevitable. He'd be gone soon, deciding he was better off without her.

"there's a jet black crow going on and on and on"

til we're saints just swimming in our sins again



3 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 08:44 PM
He was grateful when she chose not to pursue what could have been a very easy crucifixion of him. She had every advantage, every reasonable backup. She could’ve snared him, pinned him down with mere words and then destroyed him with each syllable. But he was safe for now. She replied, extending the strange casual direction Svetovid had pointed their conversation in. He noted the new garnish to her voice – strange, foreign. It reminded him a bit of their mother.

Gray eyes watched gently as her firm posture sank after her reply. It was… reassuring, in a way. She must not have hated him completely. The faintest of frowns caressed Svetovid’s previously stony expression, his steely gaze now completely softened with regret and concern. He took an unassuming step forward. ”Barely a day,” he answered her question quietly. Another step, shrinking the feet between them. Then he stopped, his head tilted slightly as he studied her again. She’d gotten so tall. It was strange – almost embarrassing. Of course he had wanted to be the taller one. Men usually were the bigger ones, weren’t they? But her shoulders rose a good few inches higher than his.

Another breath circulated through his body, steadier now as a calm breeze drifted in from the night air. ”What’d you come back here for?” he asked, his voice still quiet. He still wasn’t sure why he himself was here again. Perhaps… perhaps it would turn out to be a good thing. Perhaps there was a reason why. He didn’t quite believe in fate, but maybe such a thing had brought them together again. But was it merely for him to repent and pay his debts to his sister, or was it for a more loving and thoughtful reason?



10 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 09:11 PM
ooc. well that escalated quickly

til we're stripped down to our skeletons again

The corners of her vision noted a frown upon his features, as he approached. She'd probably frown too at the sight of herself, practically curled up in a corner waiting for him to abandon her again. He answered her softly, informing her he'd been here for less time than it took for the sun to rise and fall. Maybe it was the gods, pushing them together as soon as they could be. Maybe it was just a not quite happy coincidence. He closed in, but hesitated before he could become near enough to feel the heat from her body. His gaze burned holes in her pallid coat, she could feel the inspection he was doing. Shoulders hunched up as if against the cold, defensive to his appraisal. The breeze that teased at her thick pelt didn't even touch upon her flesh, simply carding cool fingers through the tresses of her silken coat. He asked a question, vocals hardly loud enough than needed. Maybe he wasn't trying to be a douche after all. She glanced back to him, blinking a few times. She wouldn't cry. Crying was beneath her... Right?

All she would offer in reply to her brother was a heavy shrug. It near punched the breath from her lungs, resulting in a heavy huff to shudder from beneath her ribs. Her eyes stung now, vision blurry. Oh no, she wasn't going to cry.
Please don't cry. She pleaded internally, only to hasten the process. One of them slipped down her cheek without even asking permission. Great, now she was no better than a hormonal teenager. This prompted her to sniffle, trying to save face. 'Not today' her body seemed to say, and a fresh bout of tears filled her eyes. A soft whimper left her, which signalled that now she was going to be crying in earnest. Snout would drop toward her chest, eyes squeezing shut to try and stop what was now a steady flow of salty liquid down her rapidly darkening cheeks.

Why are you crying? She snapped at herself internally, but it didn't seem to have any effect. A blubbering baby, is what she was right now. "I'm okay." She hiccuped, brows furrowing with the effort to reign in her emotions. A wet sniffle would negate the statement, but she didn't want her brothers pity. "What a-about you?" She asked, a poor attempt to keep the conversation moving. Shoulders would bunch, ribs constricting as she tried to force it down. She had no reason to be crying, so why the fuck was she blubbering like a child??? Ivory ears pressed against her skull tightly, tail wrapping around her paws to further shield herself from her brothers gaze. If he started to pity her, all would be lost. She would just be the baby sister he had to force himself to care for, and he'd just abandon her all over again when he was confronted with the burden she was all over again.

"there's a jet black crow going on and on and on"

til we're saints just swimming in our sins again



3 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 09:53 PM
Slowly, gradually, she began to break. It was unexpected. It was also somewhat relieving in that it told him she still cared. The girl shrugged at his question, seeming to have an unidentifiable drive similar to Svetovid’s own. After her shoulders lifted and dropped, it all got worse. A trembling breath wrenched from her lungs and her head dropped as she shrank inward, beginning to cry. It hurt more to see her cry – because of him – than it did to have her lash at him with every poison word she could think to wield. The brother took another silent step forward, an immediate sense of protectiveness surging through his veins.

She tried to continue on with vain attempts at casual chatter. The frown across Svetovid’s severe features grew gentle as satin, draping carefully across his muzzle with all the unshakeable that he so often kept concealed and reserved. ”I’m not,” came his stark reply as he moved in to stand over her. There was a pause again, and then he inhaled softly and swept down to try and wrap his neck around hers in embrace. ”I know my apologies can’t mean shit, but I’m sorry.” How could any apologies or promises mean anything to either of them? Especially Lirika, who’d been left time and time again. He had to at least try though. ”I’ve missed you so much.”



10 Years
Extra large
03-25-2015, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2015, 08:53 PM by Lirika.)

I've got those jet pack blues

He offered his own take on what was going on in his head, cautiously stepping toward her with a gentle frown upon his hardened features suddenly. A small nod would lift and lower her cranium, the most she could currently manage. She blinked rapidly, sniffling a few times. Why was she crying? This was a very serious moment, and there was no time for tears. Loudly she would inhale, drawing breath into her lungs as smoothly as she could. It would release a lot less smoothly, catching in her throat on several occasions. She felt her brothers proximity, rather than seeing him.
Don't panic now.. Her mind whined, waiting for what he would do next. There was a chance they could try and rebuild the tiny bridge they'd had, but if he spooked there wouldn't even be a possibility. It wasn't a second later that he offered a tentative embrace. Warm neck would encircle her own, offering affection. Soft vocals rumbled through his throat, each word vibrating through her chest.

Another harsh sniffle, breathing steadier than before. Cheek would find itself resting in the hollow of his throat, gaze upon his pale toes. Another quiet remark reverberated through her.
"I missed you too." She whispered, soft melodies hoarse now. The alabaster dancer hadn't realized it was true until now. Her mother couldn't be blamed, she was dead. Her father- well, grief made monsters of us all. But Viddy, he'd made a choice. Forgiveness was hard to offer. No other words would find themselves on her tongue, the pale she wolf felt she might risk offending him if she continued. Say something about the pack he'd left her to join, ask if he'd met someone he liked better than her. It wouldn't be hard to figure out that he most likely had. He wouldn't have left her for no reason, right? Soft breaths would leave her now, each one wreathed in fine mist. It was getting much cooler now.

Her brothers embrace was something she hadn't known herself to miss for some time. In the early days, when she'd been all on her own at night, she'd miss his warmth. Once she'd left Alacritia for her mothers homeland, she'd stopped herself from even thinking about him. However, here and now, she was faced with this knowledge. She really had missed her brother. Lashes would flutter with each languid blink, muscles quivering with exhaustion. Emotions were difficult things to be dealt with. As was the climb up here she'd made earlier in the evening.

"I remember"

the kind that make june feel like september



3 Years
Extra large
03-26-2015, 05:26 PM
Her ragged, staggering breaths punctuated the stillness of the night air, torn from a steady natural pace by sobs unasked for. Each one – a messenger for her overwhelming emotion – bore straight into Svetovid’s heart. When all he’d ever wanted was to keep her close and safe, his idiotic and spontaneous decision some months (or was it a whole year now?) ago had devastated her possibly more than anything could. Her reply granted him a half-measure of relief. He inhaled deeply, clutching her comforting smell close, and tightened his embrace. Steel gray eyes squeezed shut, his ears folding back slightly as he wished he could shrink the world down until it was merely the space around them.

The brute opened his eyes again a moment later, and pulled back to look at his sister. His gaze fell across her face, faintly searching for eye contact. ”I will never leave you again,” he said slowly, each word carefully enunciated. Now that they were adults, the company of another was not so necessary for survival. But this was his sister – a presence he’d missed for so long – and he would latch onto her existence and never let go if permitted. He couldn’t help but question though, what the future would hold. What would they do? Where would they go?



10 Years
Extra large
03-28-2015, 06:38 PM
ooc. Sorry this is such a craptastic tag xD also sorry it took so longgg

I don't wanna be needin' your love

His breath stirred the thick fur of her ruff, warm fingers of air current tickling at her skin. She took reassurance in the slight addition of pressure to his embrace. His ebony jaw dug itself a little harder into her clavicle, firm reminder of his presence beside her. She released a long sigh, breath still catching in her throat for a moment as the bellows in her chest shrunk. The embrace ended, and her brother sought to meet her icy gaze. Cautious pools of mercury would find themselves focused upon his familiar features. There was still wariness in her, confessions made to empty air didn't always hold up to ones made between souls. He made a promise to her, one that she took with a small smile.
"You don't have to do that, I spent a year on my own, didn't I? You don't have to babysit me." Tentative lyrics would murmur, a tiny smile creasing her sharp boned features. The statement was in itself another jab at him, but she couldn't bring herself to shut it all down just like that. Just because you say sorry, doesn't mean you earn forgiveness right away.

Steely optics drifted to the ground, examining her dark toes. She flexed her muscles idly, watching her claws click against the stone. How had they come to this? It used to be them against the world, and now it was more like them against each other.

"need a little love a little sympathy"

it's killing me when you're away



3 Years
Extra large
04-19-2015, 03:02 PM
She spoke aloud the fact that he had just been wondering upon: it wasn’t actually necessary. He didn’t need to follow her anywhere. He was silent for a moment, still as a statue with a face equally unreadable and stony. There was perhaps the faintest kiss of disappointment and uncertainty. He blinked, his glance falling to the now invisible ground, and then up again to the elegant contours of Lirika’s moonlit face. ”No… I don’t need to, but…” But he was her brother. And he needed to make everything right again. He understood that he was in a perfect position of perfect vulnerability. She had every ripe opportunity to reject him, to thrust the final stake into his heart and leave him tortured and bleeding. It felt like he was teetering on the edge of that fate – Lirika perhaps not entirely convinced of his worth. He could have run – run from the mere possibility – but he did not this time. ”I don’t…” he licked his lips, pausing again and staring intently at her nose while trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to say and how to say it. He exhaled softly but audibly, his chest and spine feeling jittery with anxiety. ”I don’t want to leave you again… I want you to know that I’m here for you now, and we don’t have to stay together, but… I mean… I’ll be around. If you ever need anything,” he locked his gaze back upon her again, and in that instant, he was a child again, his shimmering eyes widened and filled with innocent intent.



10 Years
Extra large
04-25-2015, 12:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2015, 12:48 PM by Lirika.)
ooc. sorry this took so long D:

Her brother spoke softly, and she could see that deep down her announcement had left him crestfallen. Breaths were soft now, consistent. Part of her felt guilt for what she'd said, but most of her remained chilled by apathy. Her brother stumbled over his speech, unsure. She blinked languidly, watching him with neutral expression. She was a patient woman, even after this encounter. Emotions had fallen back into check, even as her brother sought refuge from her accusations by turning his gaze to the stone floor beneath their paws. When they returned to search her features, she couldn't help but be reminded a little of their father. He'd been even more absent than their mother, and just up and left when she'd died. Not even so much as a farewell to them, to ice the cake. Another stuttering attempt to voice whatever was skittering through his brain and dancing over his tongue. Still nothing. Softly, cranium would tilt to one side, a mere increment of curiosity to coax her brother further. His steely gaze was pointedly fixed upon her nose. Whiskers would twitch, nostrils flaring as she breathed harshly. Childish temptation had been unavoidable, and the foolish attempt to distract him, throw him from his train of thought, had been taken.

Finally he did speak. It was halting and soft, but he got his point across. He looked so vulnerable now, titanium optics wide and gazing at her with a tiny flare of hope. She hesitated, blinking rapidly as her mercury gaze flit about the cavern in search of something else to look at. She couldn't think with him looking at her like that, like she held so much in her paws. A slow breath escaped her, brows knitting together as she thought. Could she really put her trust back into her brother, after what he'd done? A soft sigh left her, inky lips twitching into a small frown. She was too tired, too emotionally wrought. If she decided now, made a final choice as to their future relations, there was the glaring possibility that she might regret it after a long nights rest. "I- I think I would like that, Vid." She murmured, soft accented lyrics timid. Moonstone orbs locked upon the features of her younger brother once more, features drawn. "But I think I might like to sleep on it." She added quietly, watching his expression carefully. She was walking on eggshells, and couldn't quite ascertain why. Cloaked forelimbs would fold her willowy frame toward the cool stone beneath her, gaze remaining upon the form of her sibling. "Is that alright?" Russian melodies would inquire, forepaws folding neatly one over the other.

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3 Years
Extra large
04-29-2015, 10:36 PM
Lirika frowned. Svetovid stared. His heart beat fast. He couldn’t hear it, but he could feel it, thumping like a scared rabbit. The silence dragged on, stretching dangerously thin like dough until at last it was ruined – plucked apart and torn. Lirika’s reply was surprising, considering the horrible outcomes he had been envisioning from the moment the sigh had fallen from her lips. He couldn’t hold a smile back, the breath he’d been holding gently escaping from his chest in what might’ve been a laugh, had sound been added. The smile was stolen quickly when she spoke quietly again – a doubt. The brute immediately felt stupid – presumptuous – for having even allowed a fraction of light, of joy, on his own face. He turned his head down slightly, his expression a shoddy attempt at stoicism to hide the disappointment. ”Right, of course,” he said, his mouth drawn in a straight line. His eyes spoke sadness. Licking his lips, he’d glance to the side briefly, and then back at Lirika. ”Can I… can I stay here tonight?” he asked, unsure. After all, she had said that it was dangerous walking on the cliffs at night.

*Svetovid has potty mouth