
Walk Through History



7 Years
05-22-2013, 01:41 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

The russet and black she-wolf's time spent within Seracia had so far been incredibly enjoyable. She had found and claimed a tidy little den within the territory's forest, taken a turn around the lake in order to find which fish were most common and prime for her to catch later on, and by accident she had run across one of its younger members. The sweet little wolf who had introduced herself as Mist had triggered a motherly instinct within the golden eyed Tahlia, but she had needed to satisfy herself with merely watching out for the youngster while her parents allowed her free run of the pack lands without supervision. Even after the meeting, she longed for a family of her own, a set of pups that she might need to tend to and dote on and spoil with pampering, but still so new and having met so few others she knew the chances were slim to none.

Deciding on distraction instead, Tahlia had ventured away from her new home in search of something new to explore and found herself continuing to roam across the southern territories. There was much to see, many places she had yet to visit, and after a while she felt her mind clearing and calming. There was no intent to her direction, but when she found herself in the middle of an empty plateau she had to pause. There was something strange about this place though it appeared rather normal with its scraggly ground and meager amount of greens. The curvy wolf paused as she raised her head high to glance around, nose quivering. She began to walk again, slowly and with a touch of caution, a glint of something upon the ground catching her eye. Glancing down, a look of puzzlement crossed her face as she stepped closer, dragging a paw across the glinting bit to uncover it a little more. A shard of metal lay half buried in the earth, its surface tarnished and cloudy and appearing to have some pattern imprinted on it that the clinging dirt hid from her.

Stepping back from the small metal piece, she regarded the plateau as a whole again, puzzling over her find. Hm. How strange, she wondered, continuing to walk about and noticing as she moved that every so often other bits and pieces of worked metal stood up from or sat upon the ground, catching sunlight and shining it back at her. Perhaps this is another human item. It was a good guess to her. She knew already what they were capable of making after wandering the Range, and these seemed to follow the same sort of craftsmanship, though more intricate and odd. Resuming her slow pace, Tahlia continued to march across the Veteran's Plateau, content for the time being to merely wander.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


05-22-2013, 06:33 PM

Judas. That one word, his name, was the only thing he knew. He didn?t know where he came from. He didn?t know what he had done in his life. Just that one word, tethered his sanity to his life. Some would think that the chance to start anew would be a gift- one that shouldn?t be looked at with such loathing. These people were na?ve, and hadn?t a clue as to what it was really like, to remember nothing. He couldn?t remember his family; his mother, his father. Did he have siblings? Did they miss him? He had been wandering the lands of Alacritis, for a few days now, after washing up on the shore. A passing loner or two had mention packs to him, and though Lucidael sounded as if it could be promising, he hadn?t decided against any of the others.

Wide cream colored paws had brought him South, and to slightly warmer weather, than that that he had been greeted with in the northern territories. In the distance ahead of him he saw a strange sight, which had him turning towards it. Something shiny was glinting in the sunlight, and he lowered his head towards it sniffing curiously. The scent was strange, but seemingly familiar, like most things the memory as to what it was, was just out of grasp. Cyan colored eyes stared at the strange object, before realizing that the ground was littered with several strange things. Pieces of these things jutted out of the ground in various places, and he noted that they didn?t seem to belong as he wandered between the items.

Looking up from the ground, he suddenly realized he wasn?t alone in the clearing. Another wolf was there. His head raised, ears pricking forward with interest, cream colored jaws parted and his soft baritone voice left him. ?Hello there!? He called quietly, with a slightly warm edge to it. His tail wagged gently behind him, and a small smile appeared on his mouth. He walked a little more towards the wolf, before slowing to a halt a respectful distance away from her. He stood levelly noting that another one of the strange objects was near his foot. Turning his head, he looked at it, before again looking at the figure waiting to see if she would respond to him or simply go about her way. He hadn?t met any wolves formally in this land, and had just taken directions in passing from strangers. Perhaps this conversation could be his first real conversation and maybe it?d give him some insight as to who he was.




7 Years
05-22-2013, 10:46 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia eyed the strange fragments of metal that she could see that either laid upon the ground or poked out from within the earth, trying to place what their purpose might have been. She didn't count herself as any sort of expert on the curiosities, but having lived within the borders of Seracia for a time now she knew well enough to know they were not natural. They differed greatly from the bits and pieces she had seen at home and so she couldn't determine with certainty what they were used for, but was confident that each piece had once been part of a greater whole that had been significant in some way.

Her thoughts ran so smoothly and seamlessly that she nearly missed the arrival of the other wolf as he passed through the field as well. The course she cut across the plateau was very nearly in his direction and as she lifted her golden gaze she spotted him across the distance. He seemed as distracted as she had felt a moment go, eying something upon the ground that she supposed had to resemble the same metallic pieces she had been spying so far, and as her paw steps slowed slightly she observed him without hesitancy. He was not a huge wolf by any means, though neither was he a scrawny mess of skin and bones. His coat, she had to admit contained a flattering array of creams, greys, and blacks, and made him appear rather brawny. Not unattractive at all, though she had to remind herself that she was not here to look. She was here to forget.

It was easier said than done. She forced herself to look away, pointedly turning her course in a different direction when the wolf became aware of her and called out in a friendly baritone voice. Feigning ignorance, Tahlia lifted her head attentively with perked ears, glancing about before her gold eyes settled upon him and she allowed a polite smile to grace her lips. Well, she very well couldn't have continued to pretend he didn't exist. That would have been exceptionally rude. He turned his course in her direction, and out of politeness she moved to join him, meeting him half way.

Up close she noted the unique color of his eyes, such a bright shade of a blue as to rival the clear midday sky. "Hello, sir," she responded respectfully with a little nod of her head once he had stopped near enough by for casual conversation. "Fine day we are having, is it not?" The question was simple, perhaps overused, but followed along the lines of etiquette that she so tightly clung to. It was a safe topic, and a good way of breaking the ice. But wishing to urge things into more companionable avenues, she added with another dimpling smile, "I am Tahlia Carlier."

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


05-31-2013, 08:36 PM

An unknown history littered itself across the plain, and admittedly each of the objects were intriguing and eye catching, though their interest dwindled in comparison to that of meeting another wolf. Scarce a moment had come by that he hadn?t longed for company, yet only a passing loner or two had graced his prescence. The she-wolf across the way, introduced herself as Tahlia Carter. What a beautiful name! An easy smile formed over his jaws, as he politely dipped his head in acknowledgement of her name.

?It is lovely to meet you, Miss Tahlia Carter.? He said kindly, with a warm smile. Going on to introduce himself, his words oozed from his jaws. ?My name is Judas, No last name.? A slight chuckle escaped his jaws at his own wording as he sat back on his haunches, making himself comfortable. Realizing he had interrupted her day, he spoke again to clarify why he had been son intrusive.

?I am sorry, if I interrupted your day, Miss Tahlia Carter. I?m new here, and having recently arrived here, I haven?t met many wolves. I hope I am not being too intrusive into your personal time.? His words ended softly, his mind already racing in another direction as he brought his cream colored tail to wrap around his body, almost unconsciously.

Cyan blue eyes watched the female warmly, as his thoughts raced past the conversation. As always his thoughts hit a mental brick wall as he tried to remember who exactly he was, and how he had ended up in these lands. He just couldn?t get past it. It was as if someone had neatly constructed a wall around his memories up to week ago, leaving him in a sense of frustration.




7 Years
06-08-2013, 03:18 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

With a polite dip of his head the intriguingly colored wolf accepted her greeting, though his repetition of her name caused her lips to quirk uncertainly. Somehow he had managed to misinterpret her last name, stating it in a way that she did not, and for a brief second she was torn between propriety and pride. She wanted very much to correct him, to have him know her name as it was intended to be spoken, but at the same time she knew it would be rude to point it out, to fault him for his slight misstep. Oh, the confines of etiquette, she wondered to herself, surprised, for the first time in her recollection, to feel restrained by the same rules that she followed her entire life by.

Judas. No last name, just simply Judas. It was peculiar to her that his name should be so simple, so plain. Did the wolves of his home not take pride in their heritage as hers did, encouraging the usage of a name to signify which of the well known families they were associated with? "A pleasure, Judas," she responded with a nod of her head, hiding her thoughts behind her well practiced smile.

Whatever his upbringing, whatever his home life like, the wolf did at least have a decent sense of etiquette. He apologized for taking her time and admitted to having very little interaction with others. Did he not have a home of his own then? "No, you are perfectly fine," she assured him with another pleasant smile, her tail giving a few slow, reassuring wags. "I am still becoming familiar with this land myself, and walking with company is certainly more enjoyable than doing so alone," she professed, gladly accepting his presence there with her. For a second her golden eyes turned curious and her smile turned slightly more interested. "I don't suppose you know exactly where it is we are? I know only where I am in proportion to my home." Names of places still evaded her, but with practice she hoped to become very familiar with all of those territories that bordered and neighbored hers.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier