
earth angel [cypress]



4 Years
03-17-2015, 09:33 AM
Arian watched the trees in a half daze. So many things had happened, she was tempted to go running to her mother and tell her. Tell her about limno her blood sister, tell her about haku the brother she had my met yet. Her mind was confused as she sighed and relaxed herself in the grove. It had taken her focus off her depression for a moment but the anxeity remained. Her sister treated her delicately and she was thankful for that. The heavens above, perhaps the gods were starting to care again. Care about her and what happened to her. Her tail flicked back and forth.

Arian felt herself getting better, and she was severely trying. Everyone was supportive and well, for lack of a better word she was comfortable. Her blue eyes looked across the land carefully. Who would she talk to today?


03-19-2015, 11:25 AM
...and so it was he had a new home. It was different, living in a pack not run by his family, and yet Cypress found that he was happy. It was as if there was a weight lifted off his chest. The first few days had primarily been spent exploring these new lands owned by Fiori, coming to understand what all they had as their own. What he would need to protect should the need arise. His mind was working too, the cogs turning in his head. He missed his sister, Laria, and their younger siblings as well. But surely this was for the better. He could get over the death of his parents easier if he was no longer in those old lands.

As Cy wandered a scent would reach his nose and he couldn’t help but smile. Arian. She had been kind, helping him out when Epiphron spoke. He felt that if she had said differently then Pip wouldn’t have allowed him into the pack at all. With a small smile on his face he would approach the girl, giving a cough to announce his presence and not startle her as he approached from her right.

“Arian, good day to you. How have you been fairing?” Cy would ask gently, his tone polite.



4 Years
03-19-2015, 12:26 PM
Arians head whipped around when she heard him. She didn't recoil like she should have, remembering her mother put her in watch with this male. It just made it worse she knew though it was her mother trusting her with something and she couldn't betray that trust. Especially in her condition. Her tail flicked from side to side she let out a small sigh. How was she doing, she didn't care. She felt herself not caring for him at the moment either. A stranger, danger to herself could drag her away from her home. "Im fine as long as you arent too close to me." She wouldnt say it rudely, it was a confession on how uncomfortable she was around others. He had probably watched her slip away from her mother. Hopefully that gave him notice she didnt do well with touch either.

When it went quiet for a small bit, she eyed him. "A...are you doing okay mr.cypress?" She noted the quivering in her voice. Arian tried to calm down the beating of her heart. Her tail curled nervously around her hind legs. She tried to avoid making eye contact, shifting uncomfortably.


03-19-2015, 05:06 PM
Cy was a little taken aback as she answered him. All the same, however, the young man would give a nod, letting his smile find it’s way back onto his face. “Alright. Fair enough. I’ll keep my distance.” He would come to a stop, making sure that he was a respectful distance away from the blue eyed female. He wouldn’t press the matter of course, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. If anything he wasn’t so sure she was comfortable with being in charge of monitoring how he adjusted to the pack. Yet all the same Epiphron had her over another member take up that task. He had to wonder, but he wouldn’t dare ask.

A moment of silence would stretch between them, perhaps a tad awkward. Though she would turn the question around on him, not meeting his eyes. Cypress would settle down upon the earth, tail curling around his toes. “As well as I can at this moment in time. My past haunts my dreams, however I am doing quite well in learning Fiori’s layout during the daytime.” Cypress would breathe out, looking around at the trees.

“It is... A beautiful place. It reminds me a little of where I came from... Truthfully I was originally born in Alacritia... It has just taken a little while to come back. I guess that’s what one would call destiny.”



4 Years
03-19-2015, 05:31 PM

While she was upset that she had to watch him, she really couldn't protest. Her blue eyes would blink for a moment as he spoke of his past haunting him. A frown brought to her face, it sort of sounded like her. A shell and a ghost of her former self. Hell she used to be a princess, a Queen, and once the pressure had reached its breaking point the walls came tumbling in. Everything she liked, everything she loved, tended to be taken away from her. Her mother and siblings were the only thing that seemed to remain the same. "I'm Sorry." she muttered. "I mess up a lot, I only recently came here as well. Forgive me for being so rude I didn't mean anything by it." now she was just uncomfortable. Her tail wagging irritably from side to side, crippled leg relaxing to the other.

Arian smiled a little at him, "I was born here too, though my mother epiphron is my adopted mother. When I was a pup my parents died and they took me in." her head would tilt to the side, "Now that you're here though I guess you're kind of family." her body heated up as she said it, sighing and looking back off to the side. She wasn't good at this kind of stuff, he probably didn't even like looking at her. Ugly scars over her entire body, there was no wolf who would look at her the same. Not like that anyway, in the way that made her scared half the time. Falling and falling, and then trying to pick herself up again.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-23-2015, 11:00 AM
The young man was surprised when Arian apologized to him. He would look back at her with a gentle look, shaking his head. "There is nothing to forgive. I wasn't bothered by your nature, Miss Arian." He would then put on his listening ears, listening as the young woman explained her own tale. So he was, in a sense, part of her new family now. It was a nice thought. He would feel a touch of sadness as her tragic past. Her parents had died, just as his own had, but hers had died at a far younger, far more tender age. Cypress would close his eyes, speaking softly.

"That's a good way to think of it, Arian. All of Fiori... being our family." Cypress would let his eyes open slightly, his gaze gently upon her. "I'm really sorry for your loss. Truthfully I lost my parents too, though not so tragically young. I came to Fiori for a fresh start. I knew staying where we had settled would never be the same without them, nor going back to where I was first born." Cy would breathe out slowly.

"Sometimes a bit of change is good. It shows us that there is still room to grow." The young man went on. "Life can be hard, and challenge us, but as we overcome each obstacle we become stronger and stronger. In my eyes you are already a strong young woman, and with each step you take you show the world that you will overcome anything that it throws at you. You carry on."



4 Years
03-23-2015, 12:04 PM
Arian started to listen a little more closer to him. Her head tilted for a moment, there were still wolves who thought like that. While she had to disagree with him, some things broke her down into nothing. The thoughts of being alone, it frightened her if she was alone for too long. Things died down a little since she settled here. She shook her head. "While as tragic as it was if they hadnt died I wouldn't have met my mother." It might have been bad to say that but it was true. She sighed looking at the ground. "I am not strong, I dive deeper into the hole im digging everyday." Though she stood up crippled leg off to the side as she approached him. Her crystal eyes studying the male.

"I used to be strong, I was a princess and at one point a queen. But I sneered at my last name I asked someone to maim me, I gave into temptation of sin and then ended up as a slave. If it weren't for the male that was with me I would have wasted away." She tried to say it delicately. "Im afraid, afraid of touch and afraid of what I might do in any situation." Arian sat down closer to cypress. "I wish I wasn't so afraid but I am. My hearts so broken theres barely any pieces left of it." Arian blinked. Oh my she had told him too much hadnt she. Arian lowered her ears eyes staring at the ground. "Im sorry, its odd im more comfortable around you and it just spilled out. I didn't mean to make this about me." She shut her eyes for a moment.


03-23-2015, 01:59 PM
The young man listened once more, frowning as she first spoke. The words were darker, but he could sense there was some sort of truth to them. At least the first ones. But it was the next ones that truly bothered him, and Cypress would give a shake of his head. “So maybe it’s true about your mother, but I don’t believe that you’re not strong at all. You might think you’re digging further into a hole, but you’re just being challenged further because of the strength you hold.” Cy kept his voice gentle as he went on.

“Life will bend you and shape you. You had it all and lost it, you made some mistakes. All of us make mistakes in our lives, even sin. But how we respond to it is what matters. You lost your way and ended up getting hurt. But... You’re still here. You’re still alive. You think that it’s simply because someone helped you, but Arian if you didn’t have at least some will to live you would have wasted away. It wasn’t like he could force you to eat and drink, even if he brought the things to you.”

Cypress would offer a gentle, sad smile. “It is natural to be afraid. Fear is a part of living, and every living creature has something that they are afraid of. We work together to cover our weaknesses, to build each other up. You’re not lost, Arian. You’re hurt, yes, but others can help. Fiori can help. I believe your mother might have put you in charge of monitoring my entrance into the pack to not just make sure I’m trustworthy, but to show you she feels you can overcome this as well.”  

Cy would shake his head slowky. “It’s alright. I’m happy to help, Miss Arian. Truth be told... I can connect with you a bit. Not in the same way, but I too have suffered lost. My reason for coming to Alacritia was the death of my parents, when all I could do was watch them go.” Cypress closed his eyes. “The hardest thing to do is get up and carry on after someone dies. To get up after we stumble and fall. But those of us who do... That is the real strength. You’re able to go on your own way Arian, even if it’s just in Fiori lands. It shows you’re recovering.” He would smile brightly again, opening his bicolored eyes.  

“So I know you can make it.”



4 Years
03-24-2015, 11:27 AM
Arian seemed nearly mezmorized by the male. No one had entirely spoken to her like this before. Not syrinx, not quelt, not her mother nor father. The world underneath her paws seemed to perk up instead of swallowing her under. For once she felt like she once was, young and proud of her healing skills. Confident to make her mark in the world. Of course, now she simply wanted to live as she could. Though she still thought it'd be better for her to just disappear. If she died or not, she didn't care. She had done what vereux told her because she was unreliable in her own decisions. The more she thought about it the more her body shivered. If she did what she wanted her world would end, she didn't want her home to vanish for a third time. Her body arched like a cat head held low her crystal eyes staring at him with a sense of pain within them. Her tail tucked itself between her legs and she flopped down on her stomach. "Im trying." She muttered. "Itsume must think me a fool, for I feel any decision I make will destroy everything around me." She stood up and balanced on three limbs trying to take in a deep breath.

Her paws dragged her forward and her head came to rest underneath the mans chin. She felt herself crying but hoped her position would cause him not to see. "I dont want to lose anyone anymore cypress." She muttered. "I want you to stay even if the world is falling apart." Her tail curled underneath her. With her tears soaking her fur she leaned her head to rest upon his chest to hear his heartbeat. This was a wolf who was breathing, living, his blood flowed through his veins. "I want you in my life, but im afraid ill hurt you or that I myself will get hurt." She remembered her uncle dying. Taken down by the infamous albino king who now was nothing but a ghostly memory.


03-25-2015, 07:56 AM
Cypress would watch her, watching as those words seemed to set in. He wanted to help her, to make her happy, to make her smile. Cy knew pain, he knew that others didn’t deserve to hurt, especially not someone who was suffering so. No... He damaged state only spoke of her goodness to him. He would allow her close, gently resting his head over her own, hoping that his presence would become a source of comfort. Become a source of hope. Cy would coo softly, continuing to speak to the femme.

“It is good to try.” He would say. “If we do not try, then nothing gets done.” He would hold onto Arian, closing his eyes, breathing slow, keeping calm. “I can not promise that you will never lose anyone again, Arian. This world will take someone from you eventually... But... I can promise this.” Cypress would open his eyes, gently drawing back so that he could look in her eyes, so that she could see the truth in his mismatched gaze.

“I swear to you that I’m not going anywhere. I will take no careless risks and I will defend Fiori, our family. I will protect everyone close to you, close to us, and I will hold our family together. I will be your knight, Arian. I will keep you safe, and make sure you don’t hurt again. I’ll help you find your way back in this world. I swear upon my very life, by my honor, I will help you and stay by your side.” The young man would move closer again, wrapping around her in an embrace.

“It’s alright to weep. To be afraid. I will be here to beat down any fear that rises into your heart. I will not disappear, Arian. I am here now... And a knight does not go back on his word. I live to serve as not only your knight, but your friend.” With every word was a promise. A promise he would do everything to keep. Arian needed him. Needed stability... And... Truthfully... So did he.



4 Years
03-25-2015, 11:06 PM

Those words he said were dangerous, like poison sinking into her veins really. Her ears would tuck lightly, twitching towards the end of his sentences. Sometimes it just felt like her heart was going to die on itself. The constant beating of the organ scared her, when would it stop. She wandered what would happen when she died. Would the gods let her in, would she simply forget all that happened to her. Would Arian even really care in the end. She settled on herself, her blue eyes looked up at him for a moment. A knight, a friend, she needed something more than a friend but was that really okay to ask for. What if he was falling apart just as she was, if she as much poked at the wrong piece and he broke what would she do then? Wolves falling in and out of her life should've stopped her now, but she still longed for the interaction even if she knew the pain wasn't worth it on most occasions.

Her pained look changed slightly, shutting her eyes she settled herself down on the ground. rolling onto her back, her paw raised to rest beneath his chin. The fleshy part of the neck and jaw. "You're much more than a friend Cypress." she muttered. Of course it might have been rushing things, but they had meet once before. When she thought about morgana it just hurt her soul. What did it really take to love someone? How could you tell unless you honestly tried, once a stranger would become a friend. Than again, they could kill you and rip you apart as well. Arian sometimes didn't understand the world.

"Talk" "You" Think


03-28-2015, 02:33 PM
Cypress truly meant every word. He would be her friend, her knight. He would be a sure presence within Fiori, standing for what was right. The good of the pack. The need to protect Arian too... Protect someone who needed his help. Get them back to where they needed to be. That thought burned within his mind. This person was Arian. He wanted to be there for her. She needed him. He could sense it, and that need gave him purpose. He would not fail her. Until his very last breath he would fight to keep her safe and happy.

Arian would settle down to the earth, rolling onto her back. He was surprised, her paw resting under his chin. He would let that smile become something so soft, his heart skipping a beat. Something more. Yes, they were certainly rushing things. Two damaged youths who wanted something, someone, to hold onto and have a source of hope. The young man would look down at her and speak softly, almost as if he was afraid he was going to wake up and this moment wouldn’t be real.

“...I... I would like to be.” The young man would confess. “I want to keep you safe, Arian. I can’t exactly explain it but... I connect with you.” As the saying went, misery loved company. Those who were hurt were bound to come together and understand far better than another would.

“I swear... I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be a constant in your life.”



4 Years
03-28-2015, 02:59 PM

Her crystal eyes shined at his, for a moment and if only a moment she was content in these times. Her sorrows buried themselves in her heart in the deep corner that labelled itself depression, it haunted her life and the demons wouldn't leave. She rolled over to her back, even with her difficulty being three legged she pressed up against his chest and head. Rubbing like a cat, some sense of compassion in it as she stayed there. "I won't leave you behind either. Your personal healer." He'd probably be the only one she trusted to have pride in her healing. Though her sister had been excited for it as well. She lifted her ear, to settle between the fur on his chest. Just to listen to his heartbeat, it was beating and his blood was moving through his body. Her shivers and shakes no longer existed even if it was only for him and perhaps her mother.

"You're soft, warm, heart beats with a sense of being. Sometimes I wish mine was the same." As she settled herself next to him, she slipped down onto all four of her paws laying on her stomach. She wished for him to curl himself around her, even if it was only for a few moments. It had been ages since she had welcomed any sort of touch of the sort. And how would they ever know if they didn't try, it would take a while for her heart to truly trust him, but she was trusting herself for it to happen in time.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-06-2015, 08:10 AM
The young woman would press up against his chest, rubbing much like a cat. He would return the action, rubbing the bottom of his head against the top of her own. His heart would beat in his chest so fast, never so close to another. Such a bond one could form, and feel so wonderful. So strong. He would give a warm smile at her words. “A personal healer huh? Then I’ll never need to worry at all.” He would say softly. It was true. Beside Arian they would balance each other out and be the strengths and weaknesses for each other. Together they would overcome anything and everything.

Cy’s gaze would follow her as she settled down next to him. He would move a moment later, body wrapping around her own, tail overlapping hers and fur brushing up against hers. He would gently nuzzle her cheek, giving a little lick. “It does Arian, even if you can’t see it yourself yet. We’ll get you there. I promise you.” He wasn’t sure if she would move away from him, but the fact she had been willing to curl around him just moments before suggested she might welcome touch this time.

...and truthfully... Cy wanted it and needed it as well. No one ever truly wanted to be alone.

“One day at a time is all we need to focus on, alright?”