
This is the time



6 Years
03-11-2015, 01:56 AM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2015, 02:49 AM by Voltage.)
Every Endeavor
I have made ever
Is coming into play
Here and now, Today

I shall gather up my past
and make some sense at last.

It had gone...swimmingly. They had met no resistance, infact they had been met with nothing but silence. It was as if the world had ignored their call, ignored their existance. And for some reason, this brought comfort to Voltage. They needed the security of invisibility, needed to keep their borders secure so that they would all be safe. His family, his precious family. They would all be safe. With borders around a pack, a land to call their own, they were finally able to send wolves away, if the scent borders didn't do so themselves. It would give them the stability they needed in order to grow, to strive, to become the thing he had always thought they would be.

Ever since he had first seen the little bundle of pups laying on the bundle of furs and leaves. He knew they would become something special, and some way..some how, he would help lead them there. Him and Glacier together.

He trotted along the beach, his paws kicking up black sand as they continued to move from the place they had decided to make their call with the little fountain and the little ruins. Glacier was at his side, as he always was, and always would be. It was their job to lead their siblings on into a life of success and strength. Paws would press into the wet black sand as he stared at the horizon in the distance. This was their home now, home...home. He breathed in the gentle salt air, his eyes slowly closing as he continued to trot. It had been so long since they had left their little island, so long and hasn't been that long, has it been?  Well, for Voltage it has. It had been over three years since they had been rejected by their parents, two since they had to leave the island all together with their siblings. But for the has only been a year.

Perhaps they wouldn't fully understand Voltage's joy as he moved along his home. Perhaps they wouldn't understand the way the world lifted off his shoulders, the way his stormy eyes seemed to brighten once more. He even seemed to calm down, his muscles no longer twitching, his tail swaying just slightly. It was only a momentary thing, and he would return to his high energy when Serefina wanted to play, or it was time for fun in the ocean, but for now...he was calmer, enjoying the ocean breeze as the sun began to dip below the horizon. He stared tenderly out at the sky, his toes flexing in the sands before he glanced towards his brother at his side.

It was time.

With a delicate but still boyish toothy grin, he trotted towards his favorite flat rock that settled half out in the ocean. The water lapped against the stone, and he would stare out at the waves as they, too, seemed calm. Too and fro they swayed, washing up against the beach before pulling back towards the horizon once more. It was a perfect day to begin this life here. Slowly he'd turn, inclining his head to motion for Glacier to step up beside him. "Are you ready?" He asked again that day, smiling delicately before he turned to face the dens, tilting his head back to call for his family, sure that Glacier would join in.

This is the moment
when all I've done
when all the dreaming, scheming
and screaming become one
This is the day, see it sparkle and shine
When all I've lived for
Becomes mine

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-11-2015, 02:59 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was a nice day overall. The crisp ocean air kept the brunt of the summer heat away and made the weather entirely tolerable for the cold-liking Elementas, providing the coolness that she so enjoyed and yet offering her a view that was both breathtaking and enjoyable. Nothing but blue skies, a few sparse clouds, and uninhibited sunlight. The view and the niceness had invigorated the grey and lavender wolf for a while, but as afternoon settled in so had a moment of rare laziness. She had retired back to the family's chosen shelter, the big communal den that some of them shared, and there she had chosen to snooze.

Only she had not anticipated her naptime getting interrupted. An ear twitched as Voltage's call sang out across the beach and into the cavern, the echoing response of Glacier further drawing her from her rest. What was this? Something must have been up - it was not everyday that their two eldest brothers gathered everyone together like this, and in her still waking up state of mind Gale could not quite put it all together yet.

With a wide yawn, the small wolf dragged herself to her lavender paws and stumbled a bit out of the den and into the bright, fading light of the afternoon. She blinked against the brightness, squinting her pale eyes against it, and traveled across the dark sands to the spot where she could see her brother's form seated upon the rock he seemed to favor. She spotted Glacier once she had gotten closer and woken up further, and as her mind slowly cleared she found herself starting to piece it all together. Could it be they had been successful in their claim? Was their family truly going to become more than just a family unit? Her eyes starting to clear, starting to brighten, Gale seated herself nearby and glanced between her two elder siblings, searching for anything that might give away what they intended to say.



6 Years
Extra large
03-11-2015, 03:23 PM

There had been a tense little while after Voltage's call had rung out to the world, where he had stood protectively over his younger brother, waiting for any hint that the world did not want what he and Voltage where about to create. The wait had stretched on, and there had been only silence. He would turn to his brother then, and grin wide and joyfully. From there they would make their way back to their new pack lands and he would stand on the flat rock beside his brother, and he would enjoy the company in silence for a moment, when Voltage asked if he was ready his response would be to lift his head to the world, and he would wait a moment for his brother to prepare himself to do the same before letting loose a strong, powerful call. His deep melodious tones called for their siblings, pack mates and family – there was no difference between the two any more.

The giant rested his bulk against his hunches and towered over his swift, but smaller brother as they waited side by side in perfect harmony for their family to heed the call and come to them. Gale would be the first to arrive and for the first time Glacier would find energy coursing through his eyes veins and as he grinned, and winked at Gale it took an effort to keep his still and calm stance beside his brother, to not jump off the wrong and envelope Gale in a hug, envelop all their siblings in celebration of the day.

"Burn Baby Burn"




5 Years
03-11-2015, 04:07 PM

Blue eyes intelligently followed around the multi-coloured fins. Bubbles rose from her mouth, her still body making no movement. A bulking fish floated near her muzzle, oblivious to the very hungry carnivore right next to it. Locha's mouth rose in a smirk before snapping down on the fish.

When the deed was done, the surrounding water was devoid of life, apart from the triumphant Nessie who was Now swimming to shore. The fish weighed her down, slowing her progress considerably. Locha stood upon the shore, her fur dripping wet. Along the shore she spotted Zappy and Glace, her litter sister as well. Was the call she had heard been from them? Whoops! Locha started plodding along the shore to the group, black and white fur soaking and her fishy burden still intact, stopping next to her sister, wide smile on her face, even if she didn't actually know what it was about.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
03-12-2015, 04:33 AM

Their new home wasn't exactly new anymore. Surprisingly, he had already adjusted to life upon the ebony beach. Was it because of his recent unique encounter with the lady? He had ventured down to their secret cavern after discovering it with her, but as promised, it was concealed from his kin's sight. Although they may come across the breathtaking cave along their tours, for now he would raise no suspicion detailing he had been in such a magnificent place. Perhaps in the near future he would notify his siblings of his finding, as he assumed it provided some benefits with healing. Then again, what point did it hold if there were no injured or sick family members to treat? As well as that, the family needed a more organised system with duties and chores. Now, this led to his long patient wait for the family to be transformed into such an environment known as a pack. It was a while ago since he had been told of this plan, but had seen none of it thrown into action. After the suspense and delay he had been through, the time for the family to draw closer had dawned upon them.

For a split second, the summoning howl would startle the half sleeping man, as he skidded through the illuminated cave and into the tunnel that led upwards towards the family's dens. With silent strides, he halted as his ears picked up the soft echoing patters of his sister's steps ahead of his position. Ensuring she had left the cave, he followed only seconds later in the hopes he had been successful with the secret of the cave. The thought was shoved aside as he emerged in a stroll onto the beach, finding his litter sisters already waiting for the unknown. Where were the younger ones? Ah, they would come. Swinging his head around, a gaze of wonder landed upon Voltage and Glacier who were perched upon the towering stones. In the back of his mind he held a few possible reasons as to why the protecting brothers had gathered the family to their usual meeting area. He highly doubted this would be another familial chat about how things were going along, in fact, it seemed more serious yet in a relaxed way. As much as he wanted to ask if his thinking was correct, the earthen male decided not to spoil such news, if it were to happen.



5 Years
03-15-2015, 03:54 PM

Astrea was content. It was not as bad as she original thought. Yes she could not feel the stars as strongly but she got a breathtaking view to make up for that loss, well that and she could always go see Ten on his cliffs. She hummed to herself, feeling the power absorb into herself. She did not fully understand this computation to be close to the stars, but it was almost over powering at times, and even in the daytime she felt the need to get close to them. She hummed again as her eyes closed and letting her body relax until Voltages call snapped her outta her daze.

She calmly got to her paws and moved down the secluded path from her usual perch in the special space her older brothers found for her and her closest siblings, Sol and Selini. She did not know where they where at the moment but that was not uncommon, she seemed to take more pleasure from the closeness then they did.

She exited the family cave and moved toward the meeting spot. She was hoping this would be quick, its not that she did not like spending time with her siblings but not as a group, they where a lively group and she easily got pushed into the background with so many of them. She was not the first there but that was not shocking, her perch was a bit of a walk, but what was shocking was that she was the first of the younger litter to be there. Where was Sol and Selini? They normally showed before her, even in birth. She WAS the youngest after all.

She shrugged without a further thought to her closet sibling and sat in her normal spot in these kinds of meetings, on the fringes, in the shadows of the cliffs, blending into the dark sand.



5 Years
03-17-2015, 12:30 AM

She was still a little unsure about everything, but was trying her hardest to do things right in her brothers eyes. She had been wrong to act so strongly, but change was something that she didn't take to lightly. But as Voltage's call rang out for them, there was an odd note of power to it. She had heard the howl before, but didn't really pay any head to the tone of it. But this one, it held a demand, a note of power to it. That brought her out of the den, flame dusted body slowly making her way across the blackened sand. She passed Astrea on the way, lingering on the edges of things like she usually did. Feeling an odd pull towards her star-dusted younger sister, she paused beside her. "You gunna sit all the way back here?" she asked, head tilting to the side as her ember eyes inspected her. She didn't speak to this one often, usually only interacting with Voltage and Glacier. Maybe it was time that she started to do just that. So without another word she settled in beside Astrea, still leaving a gap between them as she eyed Voltage. What could this all be about?



5 Years
03-18-2015, 02:10 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Not since the incident had Anais tread beyond the borders of the Fjord unattended. She had been too frightened at first, scared that her would be captor would return for her. After meeting Glacier and learning to trust him, she had not needed to fear leaving her home as he accompanied her on the outings she wished to take and those he planned for her. There was still a hesitance in her, a worry that to leave home alone would bring trouble, and it was the last thing she wanted to do to her family. But as she heard the call, faint over the distance, of Voltage and then Glacier, Ani could hardly stay put. And had she not already been invited anyway?

A quick double check on things with Lebrah and Lior left her with a clean conscience as she headed out of the Fjord and just north along the coastline. She smiled as she remembered searching for the perfect area with Glacier and was happy that he had been successful. Or so she hoped. During her first visit with his family she had not met the full extent of the Elementas line, but she had heard enough to know that they were many and varied widely in their tastes. And now they were becoming her neighbors!

There was no dallying. She was quick to cover the distance between her home and theirs, eager to be out of unclaimed lands and safe once again within a border that she could trust. Only after she reached the dark, Obsidian Beach did she begin to relax, though the wary anxiety of before was only overtaken by a different kind of anxiety, one more excited and eager. Anais's yellow-gold eyes sought out the familiar figures that she could recognize on sight, and as she approached the slowly growing gathering she spotted them.

There was Voltage, looking immensely pleased and proud and as lively as ever. And there on his other side was Glacier, her "preferred Elementas" according to Voltage. She felt her heart give a little jolt seeing him there, surrounded by family and those he cared about the most. It made her feel self conscious and out of place to be among them, enough so for her not to waltz right into the heart of their group or boldly up to Glacier. But drawing attention to herself had never been her style anyway. Though she smiled and glanced at both leading Elementas, she remained as inconspicuous as she could as she stopped behind their gathered siblings, trying not to fidget or shrink in place because of her nervousness.
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
03-18-2015, 02:35 AM
Voltage grinned as he sat where he did, watching as his family (slowly) piled in. Sure, they weren't used to the commanding tone of an alpha, and he didn't want for them to think of him as a dictator, but he did wish they'd respond in a more efficient matter. The first, of course, was Gale. She seemed the most punctual of the group, but the rest continued to pour in. Astrea and Serefina were the last to pile in, with the other two celestial triplets and the storm pup absent. He hummed lightly to himself, grinning at each in turn but especially smiling at Serefina as she settled beside their quietest sister. It was always lovely to see them shift away from their normal groups. Even their family as close as it was enjoyed the company of certain wolves over others. Voltage attributed that to their assigned elements over anything else. "Welcome, everyone~" He began, ready to get down to business when movement caught his eye.

Stormy eyes widened drastically as he saw the mousey girl in the background. Brows rose high as his ears swivelled forward. "Anais!" He yelped happily, turning to look at Glacier with a bright grin before he jumped from his favorite rock, wound through the family to reach her. Without a thought he would attempt to wrap her in his embrace, pulling her close and grinning brightly. "Welcome! You came! Oh he'll be so happy!" He practically sang, trying to pull her along through his family towards his brother. Sure she wouldn't sit upon the rock, but he wanted her closer. It wasn't a status position, but he knew Glacier and her seemed to almost change when they were in close proximity. Glacier seemed to soften, and she seemed to liven, and he knew that it was a match made in heaven. "Come come, sit by Glacier. We're just waiting on a few straglers then we'll get too it!"

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
03-18-2015, 02:57 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2015, 03:03 AM by Glacier.)

He would watch the wolves as they tumbled into the meeting, it was not yet a full house but he supposed they where a big group, and mandatory meetings where, well not exactly new, where not as common as they where quickly becoming. He had more patience for their siblings allowing them time to settle into the new routine – through he also wanted to see them working together as a pack, and arriving to a meeting together was something that contributed towards that, especially with all the importance this meeting was going to hold about their lives and futures.

He smiled at each and every one of their familiar, dear faces, nodding his head and feeling a rush of affection for them all, enough to warm and squeeze even the calm brute's heart. He had invited Anais to this, but had not been certain if she would come. When she did appear his face would light up in joy, taking in her familiar form with her eyes, rising to go to her – and Voltage would notice her also. The more excitable of the two acted first, jumping forward and pulling Anais into a tight embrace, after calling out her name in a tone dripping with affection. The brute stared, dumbfounded at the happy reunion between his brother and Anais. His heart tightened again, this time with a whole new and unhappy feeling, one that had never crept into his heart before. His mind was reeling, wondering, had Anais come to see Voltage? Had his brother extended an invitation to her also?

He shook his head in a subtle, angry movement as he shoved aside the traitorous thoughts. What did it even matter if his brother and Anais where close? The only thing that mattered to Glacier was the happiness of those two and the rest of his family, how could seeing them both radiant with joy mess his head so? He was furious at himself, and stomped down on his heart as he turned his attention back to his family, missing the words Voltage spoke to Anais, not catching anything more from them until they started to move closer, and which point he managed to express a warm smile to the skittish Anais, if she caught any whiff of his unhappy emotions he knew she would suffer for it, and that would not do. He buried everything well and deep, so clearly that even his eyes returned to a warm and radiant silver as he looked at brother and friend. "i'm so glad you could make it, thank you!" he expressed warmly.

"Burn Baby Burn"




8 Years
Athena I
03-18-2015, 08:32 PM

Solaris's ears perked when he heard his energetic brother's call and he quickly abandoned the training he was attempting to do for himself so he could answer it. He had been working on his hunting skills for most of the day and had really only realized that the sun had begun to set moments before he heard Voltage's howl. He hurried back toward the beach, but his distance from their main base still put him as one of the last of the family to arrive... although his moon sister was noticeably absent. He frowned with a little concern, but reasured himself that his twin would be here any moment now. In the mean time he trotted over to his star sister to give her an affectionate lick on the cheek. Ever since the day that he and Selini had gone after her he felt the need to make sure she was reminded that he loved all of his siblings, especially his celestial triplets. He gave Serefina a smile too before sitting on the opposite side of Astrea. He wanted to be a little closer to the group, but he would gladly hang back so he could sit next to Astrea.

Talk You Think



9 Years
03-19-2015, 01:15 AM

Arcus had been sitting staring at the skies, as had become normal for him, lost in thought when the call from his elders rang out. It took a moment for him to move, but he eventually rose and calmly walked toward the source. As he neared them, working his way over to the rock they gathered at, he noticed, as expected given his delay in getting up, he was one of the last to arrive. Keeping silent, he moved up and waited. For a moment he instinctively looked back upward, but shook himself from his thoughts to keep full attention on Glacier and Voltage.




4 Years
03-19-2015, 01:56 AM

The vixen had eventually given up on looking for her twin; instead opting for napping on the sun warmed beach. It was through the fog of dream that her brothers’ call reached her. It took a moment to drag her back into consciousness though she still lay still, eyes closed. With a groan she rolled onto her back, squirming slightly and warming her belly in the last dying rays of sunlight. Finally she pried open her eyes, blinking blearily up at the darkening sky.

Sighing she rolled onto her paws and stretched out, figuring she probably ought to answer the call. A yawn forced mandibles apart and she cracked her neck before finally shaking herself out and tottering off towards the direction of the howl. It would appear she was one of the last to arrive, noting only one other sibling missing, though it seemed someone else had joined them in the meantime. Brow furrowed as she peered at the unknown woman before turning silvers to search out her brother.

Her gaze landed briefly upon Arcus, the odd one out of the litter, and she made a mental note to spend more time with him, before finally brushing up against Solaris, inclining her head in acknowledgement of her sisters on his other side. Stifling another yawn she settled herself beside her twin.  

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-19-2015, 02:44 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2015, 02:46 AM by Voltage.)
Voltage would move back to his rock, whether he had managed to pull her with him or not, but he would leap upon the rock alone and settle beside his brother. He could almost feel the tension raising off of Glacier, and perhaps it is due to them being together forever, that he could almost feel the waves drifting off of him. Or perhaps Voltage was just imagining it. He blinked up at him, tilting his head just slightly. Glacier still didn’t know that Voltage had gone to see Anais before this, all he knew was that Light Butt had met her but the once. It was something he would have to remedy after their meeting, especially to squash any jealousy bug that was starting to form.

Instead he looked out at his family, smiling broadly as he settled on his haunches.  In the time he had spent welcoming Anais, the remaining three had arrived, settling in the back close to Astrea, and he grinned at each of them in turn. They were each always so distracted by their element at any given time that he couldn’t help but laugh as Arcus’ gaze kept turning towards the heavens, as if expecting a storm to roll in at any second. He shook his head, smiling delicately out at his family. "Brothers, sisters, I’d like to welcome you to Donostrea." He said with a light tone, his stormy eyes shining. "Our Home. Now, I know some of you didn’t like this place at first.." His gaze swept over his firey and star-loving sisters in the back. "But I hope you’ll accept this. I have spoken to most of you about our plans, and have gotten the support. Well, we’ve finally done it. Donostrea, our home, our pack, and this beach is our lands."

He would listen for any objections, but he didn’t pause for long, hoping that he would be able to settle any questions any of them may have. "Glacier and I, we are the Ferax, the leaders, yes, but we would rather be thought of more of as guides. Basically, we’re your brothers with more political authority." He said with a chuckle. "There are rules, of course. Get along with your family or you’ll have to do trust falls or various other...creative things we come up with." He would grin brightly, as if it were the greatest idea ever. "We want to remain...invisible. Do not, under any circumstances, cause trouble with another pack. We don’t have the power to defend ourselves against armies...and I cannot survive if I know we have caused you harm.." His voice would soften then as he shook his head, pausing to let it sink in.

"Glacier and I, we have discussed and planned the ranks to suite us. There are special places for everyone that we think would suit you, but if you wish to be in another place, we will accomadate. We are trying to seek out other wolves of other packs to help us learn healing, and we will be setting up training. It is expected that everyone learn what they can about each job, no matter what rank their are in." He said with a gentle smile, glancing towards Glacier. It had been decided that Voltage would do most of the talking, mainly for his excitment level than anything else. He was excited for them all to know the pack, the rules, the ranks, everything that he had laid his heart out for.

"I wont go into too much detail, so you’re not all sitting here for long. But at this moment you are all of the Familia rank, family. Any wolves that aren’t family would be Noti, and the pups would be Filli." He began, not needing to explain this ranks at all. "You will not stay as Familia for long, you will have a job to do. All of you." He would grin then. "Whether it’s as a Tarna, healer, or a Vilendis, the hunter gatherer, or the Teniuem, the fighters. Each of these ranks will have a Prae, or a lead, and they are expected to host fun parties based off their individual rank, to keep you all entertained and trained." He said with a laugh. "We have a few specialties as well. The Aertus will be our messangers and scouts, named or the wind and the light feet we expect. The Aqaleus will be our lifeguard, and like the Prae will be expected to host pool parties and let us know when the tides are dangerous...and teach swimming, of course." He grinned brightly. "The Relicus is precious, they are wolves who have a strong connection to the elements and nature, and would hopefully be the ones to name the newborns, so they are named accordingly." He hummed softly.

"Oh! That reminds me. Breeding will have to be approved, because we already have so many mouths to feed. While I adore little babies, we only have so much room, so please share your beds responsibly." He would grin a cheeky grin as he hummed, searching for anything he had missed.

"In times of war, flood, plague or drought, we will have an open rank of the Dulus. The Prae and the Aqaleus will be promoted to this rank, and will have power over the pack to help us in times of trouble. We expect each Prae and Aqaleus to have an action plan incase of any of these situations. " He said with a nod, deciding that that was the last rank they would need to go over for now before he grinned out at his family, his pack.

"I’ve talked too much!" He said with a laugh, shaking his head. "Any questions, comments..concerns, Glacier would be happy to cover anything. We have ideas of where to place you all, but if you have a dream of being a fighter or a hunter, or to heal, let us know. We are still a family, above a pack, and while we are political leaders, we are not dictators, as you should know."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Ooc:: Sea first because of obvious reasons, will come tommorow :3



6 Years
Extra large
03-20-2015, 12:20 AM

In his distraction with Anais and Voltage, he missed the entry of three more of his brothers, the last of his family, and would smile warmly at his kin. He hadn't spent a great deal of time with the Star siblings, except for Arcus and it was something he needed to remedy – so much time had passed since he had seen them growing up on the island, and he no longer knew them like he knew Voltage, Locha, Gale, Sere and Terrae.

He didn't speak as Voltage rejoined him on the rock, they had agreed before this that Voltage would start them off, knowing the energy of his lightning brother wouldn't allow him to stay quite for long. Besides, it did Glacier good to hear the excitement in joy in his brothers tone as he brought life to what they had created, as each word made the pack for substantial, and real. He listened as Voltage spoke of the ranks, of which he and his brother had painstakingly gone through and decided in preparation for this moment.

His eyes surveyed their siblings, watching them all and judging their reactions – where they happy with what happening today? Everyone he had spoken to seemed eager for the idea of pack life, and the structure and protection ir provided them with. As Voltage concluded his speak, Glacier would take a single step forward, the larger brute would remain quite a moment longer, as his expression softened into a smile and he gave Voltage's shoulder a brotherly nudge. “Something we strongly want to underline here is that we are not your dictators, we are your brothers, here to guide and love you, as we have always done. So, when I say that I have some suggestions for where you might like to rank, I truly mean suggestion. For example, Gale, I believe Aertus would suit you well, if this a rank you might be inclined to lean towards, and our aqua sister, Aqaleus. In saying this i'm hoping to start us off in suggesting the ranks that you would wish, so please all step forward and let us know where you would like to be placed within our new pack, and as Voltage said, we would gladly answer any questions you might have” he finished, his speech straight forward and short, as was the boys way, before he let himself lean back once more, taking the spotlight off himself, and sharing the moment with his beloved litter-mate.

"Burn Baby Burn"




5 Years
03-21-2015, 09:26 AM

The dame saw the last people crawl in, but her eyes flickered over to the stranger who strolled in. Right away her hackles raised, her lips curling back into a snarl as her eyes narrowed. It would seem that her brothers were well acquainted with her, and soon she felt a spark of recognition. It was Glacier's little girlfriend, wasn't it? She sneered at the woman, huffing in her direction when Voltage started to talk. And talk. Damn that boy could run his mouth. She rolled her eyes but still giggled softly, trying her best to focus on them. She shifted from paw to paw, ears flickering as this whole meeting tried her ability to sit still. She couldn't help but whimper, probably driving Astrea mad with her constant fiddling. When he finally came to an end, she jumped to her paws, but Glacier just had to add to Volt's freaking speech and a half. The massive brute said that he wanted them to step up with ranks, and she groaned loud enough to be heard by their alpha brothers. Honestly she didn't care what rank she had, she didn't even really care about this whole pack thing. Yeah, it was great and all, but as long as they were all here, she was fine with that. "Just put me down for something that gets to fight!" She called. There had been enough sitting, and she needed to move. Dancing from leg to leg, Serefina tried to do the nice thing and waited to be dismissed. Tried seemed to be a common word for her today...



8 Years
Athena I
03-27-2015, 04:05 PM

He felt the little bit of tension that had been in his shoulders fell away when his twin arrived. He gave her a small smile and leaned into her shoulder when she came to sit next to him. A chuckle rumbled in his chest at her yawn before he lifted his warm gaze to look at their older brothers when Voltage began to speak. His lightening brother had plenty to say, but their whole family was there and he was more than willing to sit quietly and listen if for no other reason than to be able to be with all of them a little longer. Sitting still didn't seem to be Serefina's favorite thing and her shuffling and whining made him smirk.

Solaris listened with intrest when Voltage spoke of ranks, taking mental notes of them all and trying to decide where he might fit. The Relicus rank seemed interesting, but would his brothers agree that he would bit best there? After Glacier had finished speaking a very eager Sere spoke up first. He smirked slightly and glanced from their fire sister and then to his twin before rising to his paws and walking closer to the front. Once he was a couple of feet from where Voltage and Glacier sat he smiled gently at them both. "I think I might enjoy the Relicus rank... if not that then perhaps the Vilendis. Really where ever I would be the most help to you would be fine with me."

Talk You Think



5 Years
03-27-2015, 05:24 PM
Astrea hummed as the time shifted from day to night. Yes she still felt the call during the day but it was stronger when you can see them, when they where at their brightest. but she was pulled out of her daze when the fiery presence sat next to her. The starry child hummed again at her question, tilting her head. "I always sit back here." Her head tilted back her pale eyes turning to her sisters fiery face. "I guess its in my nature." She looked up then her eyes tracing the stars, Stars that where so far away, the ever background for the world around them.

She was about to ask her sister why she was also sitting in the back when a stranger ran up. She watched as her brother moved to her, it seemed that she was invited into their fold when volt took her in hand and seemingly dragged her to the front. She tilted her head as glacier seemed to stiffen at her closeness. She smiled fingering something out about her oldest brother. But that will have to be later, For her closest sibling moved up next to her. She pressed her nose to Sols cheek and smiled at Selini and she moved to her normal spot next to Sol.

Astrea focused on Voltage as he started to talk. She was not shocked, really; he had been talking about starting a pack for a long time, so the fact that he was indeed making that dream come true was not surprising. But the ranks had been another matter, it seemed her brother had been thinking long and hard to make all of his siblings feel special and needed. But even though somewhere in that rank line up was something for her she was not sure. Nothing said anything about stars and that was all she was good at. There was something about strong connections to nature and it seemed to Astrea that no other heard the call like she did but was she really that precious? Yeah she was the youngest in the group, but she was also the most alone. Even with Sol and Selini by her side... or in front of her, she was still the odd one out.

She closed her eyes then, a soft sigh leaving her maw. Life it seemed was getting even more complicated, and even more tangled on where in life she fit. It was not long after Glacier said his bit that the sister next to her fidgeted, it seemed that her elder sister wanted to be a protector... Or she just wanted to just fight, which both ended up the same way. She felt a small bit of jealousy about the fact that she knew where in life she was. But she did not let it grow to bold for she loved her family, and they did not deserve her spit for something Astrea herself lacked.

But the punch in the gut was not that he sister wanted to be a warrior but that it was her closest brother wanted to be a Relicus. He sounded so sure of himself, so willing to make his place in the world. Astrea flicked back her ears, shrinking in on herself, pushing herself further into the shadows.



5 Years
03-28-2015, 10:05 PM

It was finally happening! The family had come together to form a pack, just as Terrae had been told in the previous season. Despite how tedious long speeches seemed to be, this was a huge matter that required a lengthy discussion. He listened to the speech to the best of his quiet listening abilities (unlike a fidgeting sister that caught his eye), taking in every fine detail his elder brothers managed to explain. They sure knew what they were doing and so he was certain it would all smoothly work. Rules were spoken, quite easy ones to follow, in fact. The time had come for the family to voice what rank they desired to hold, and after some mindful thinking, his words rang out.

"Donostrea needs a healer, and so I'll be willing to take this role." What about lead healer? He had almost forgotten about that. Really, it was Voltage and Glacier's decision if he was dependable and knowledgable enough to be given such a position. All that was mentioned with the Prae ranks was to host fun yet hopefully, educative parties. How did he plan to organise a party with herbs and berries? As ridiculous as it sounded, the thought was shoved aside to stress over at a later date. If the thought was to never cross their minds, he would suggest it in the most casual of a grin and tone. "Perhaps lead healer if it comes to that."



5 Years
03-29-2015, 01:08 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was the first to their familial meeting, and because of it she got to play witness to everything that transpired. Joined by Locha, who received a smile from the grey and lavender wolf, Gale watched as Terrae arrived and then their starry sibling who kept her distance. Firefly made quick work of keeping the younger girl company, but it was the simply adorned, golden brown visitor who seemed to cause the most stir. Gale lifted a brow as Voltage practically leaped from his spot atop his rock go and greet the timid thing, and had to bite the inside of her lip to stop herself from laughing outright and out loud. Goodness, the poor thing looked like she was ready to crawl under a rock! She turned with a too amused grin to stare at her mountain of a brother and thought she saw something there in his expression that was gone just as swiftly as she detected it. Was he not comfortable with his friend showing up now? He welcomed her openly enough, but she was still sure she had seen something. But what?

The last of her family members had arrived in the commotion, and her curiosities had to be set aside as the meeting commenced and things began to roll. Voltage confirmed for them that the claim he and Glacier had struck up for their pack had been successful, and that now they were going to be known as Donostrea. Just like that, I'm a pack wolf, she thought, surprised and not altogether sure what this meant for her, for all of them. Her brothers helped make that clear, listing off some of the ranks that would be available to them, though hers seemed to be the easiest to pick. Gale grinned as Glacier offered his suggestion for her, one that suited her just fine, but of course it was Serefina who spoke up first. Others joined in their voices, and to claim her place in their pack she did too. "Aertus sounds just fine with me."