
The Hunt is On



6 Years
05-19-2013, 09:29 PM

Azalea padded through the lands. She had originated in the most narrow portion on the lands but had branched out. The growing maiden was blossoming into a beautiful young lady. Over the last six months she had grown exponentially. At almost a year old the coming Winter saw her a mini adult. With winter fur beginning to come in she knew it was could not be long now before she reached the official year mark.

So much had changed in Valhalla lately but the essential things remained ultimately the same. The seasons still changes, the pack still grew, and that pack needed to be fed. That was the duty she was given today. Hunting. It was not her favorite task, she had the heart of a fighter, but it was one that she accepted easily. Hunting was not a down grade. It made her important and allowed her to work her muscles.

Epiphron would be joining the female today, making Azalea's step bouncier as her nerve endings sent wild signals of alarm. She had never been alone with her Aunt but she had always looked up to her. It was probably childish of her to be so influenced by someone she had not met face to face but they were still related which brought them, at least, near to each other often. Epiphron and Chrysanthe. They were Azalea's role models, the strong females of her world. They symbolized what she hoped to be: independent, proud, and one of a kind.

Az reached her destination, a mile from the river. She stood at the edge of a pasture of yellow-green grass that was dotted with pockets of trees. Hopefully they would find deer or similar prey here. Valhalla being a place of plenty, she was confident that they would.

With amber eyes surveying the land, she seated herself, ears pulling back and flipping forward. She was anxious for Epiphron's arrival, already hungry for the chase.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-20-2013, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2013, 09:23 PM by Epiphron.)

Azalea. Epiphron had never been terribly close to her niece, and the realization that she had never really had a one-on-one conversation her made Valhalla's newest Alpha especially inclined to seek her out. She'd suggested a hunt, something casual and low-pressure. Epiphron had been growing slightly irritable, from Luce's sudden arrival on Valhalla's border -- and Neo's lack of presence, despite her call to him. She also was somewhat restless, unsure of the leadership changes that were taking place. It seemed that Collision had backed down slightly, and she wondered whether he father would call the pack together soon. Truthfully, it seemed like that was just what he was going to do... but then again, she knew Cairo better than most.

Despite the worries that plagued her incessantly -- and, surprisingly, Maverick was slowly becoming lost, pushed back into the very depths of her mind -- she was always willing to put time aside for her close family. While ruling Valhalla was very high on her list of priorities, making time for her family was easily a contender. And the thought of spending time with her young niece was enough to lighten the weight of the world from her shoulders.

A smile even managed to find its way onto her face as she padded towards their designated meeting spot, the red-furred face of Azalea appearing in the distance. In many ways, the girl looked like Chrysanthe, despite their lack of direct blood relation. The resemblance was startling, but pleased her infinitely as she approached, eyes wandering over the girl. No longer a child, but something much closer to an adult, she was certainly growing to be quite lovely, nearly her own size now.

Paws would push the woman closer, a gentle bark sounding out in greeting. "Azalea!" Epiphron called out, her voice always seeming to increase in pitch around her family, lacking its normal contained quality. Around most of the pack, she was an Alpha; but around her family, she was quite willing to let down her guard and let her worries go, even if only for a short hunt. "I must say, you're growing up far too quickly," she commented with a grin as she nodded in greeting, briefly nudging her niece's neck.



6 Years
05-21-2013, 08:16 PM

Amber eyes calculated the shadows cast by the various trees, grasses, and shrubs. She was very careful to catch anything that was out of place. Her ears pressed forward, spine straightening and body posture becoming rigid. Movement. Seconds felt like hours in the silence and she could hear the pounding of blood in her ears. What lie in the grass broke cover and her toes curled in, gripping the ground, prepared to give chase if she needed to.

A hawk. It spread its great wings and took to the sky. Azalea leaned back, watching it take off. As she traced its path across the heavens she felt relief that it had not been something more substantial. To chase a deer on her own would have been foolish, pointless, and spoil any hope of finding more to hunt when Epiphron really did arrive.

Her wait was not long though as her name was called in a chipper tone from behind. The reaction to her name was instantaneous, her entire body folding over itself as she looked to see who called her. Who else should it be but Epiphron? Azalea tried to keep the surprise from her eyes to see her aunt Or rather: carefree.

"I must say, you're growing up far too quickly," The older female stated conversationally. Azalea stood up, stretching her legs. "Have you seen my brothers? They grow like weeds." Her sarcasm was on the dry side but her eyes were lit with amusement.

Her face became more serious, focusing on the task at hand. She took a step ahead, eyes again sweeping the expanse of land before her. Still no sign of deer or anything else worth while. "Not so much as a gopher in sight. I waited for you to try picking up on a scent trail." She looked at the she-wolf expectantly.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-28-2013, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2013, 12:56 PM by Epiphron.)

Tail wagged behind her, unabashed joy spreading over her features. She was rarely so carefree in front of others in the pack; her father had taught her the importance of appearances, especially in front of those who were beneath you. It was important to maintain stability in the ones you ruled. But things were different around family members. Business and kin were two entirely separate matters. As Epiphron drew close to Azalea, her crown would slip effortlessly from her skull, her entire being transformation instantaneously to something much more carefree and relaxed.

She, too, was growing up quickly. It seemed like yesterday that she had been a mere child, watching Azalea herself be born. And now she was rapidly approaching the two year anniversary of her birth, and the impending wedding that would happen soon, between Chrysanthe and Maverick. "Just like Syrinx," she noted with a grin. Her brother had been scarce as of late, seemingly drawn to Eos since she had returned, but how massive he was! Nearly as big as their father now, while she maintained her smaller stature.

Quickly the small talk dwindled down, and the two focused on the task at hand. Hunting. Right. "I have yet to find any scents either," she added quickly, nose wrinkling slightly. Perhaps it was not the best day to hunt. Ah well, the better for small talk. "You can lead the way, Azalea, and I shall follow." It wouldn't be a big deal if their hunt proved to be a flop; but either was, she was curious as to her niece's skills at tracking and hunting. She was growing older, after all, and Epiphron was truly curious as to what she would train towards -- healing? hunting? Fighting?



6 Years
05-28-2013, 06:45 PM

Epiphron was taking on a life never seen by Azalea before. It was entirely different from the alpha she had become. This Epiphron was much more childlike and carefree. The puppy realized that it was her own mistake to think that her aunt was purely one sided. There were many dimensions to all creatures, wolf or not.

The easy going nature that had overcome the young alpha snagged at Azalea's resolve, bidding her to relax as well. Slowly her attention to the task at hand was slipping, ears and eyes flicking to the area before them and back to Epiphron with much frequency. Her tail began a slow and wide sway.

"Just like Syrinx," the female said with a grin and Azalea grinned back. Syrinx had honestly always sort of frightened her. He truly was massive. It was hard to say if her brothers would get so large. It wasn't the height of her uncle that made her weary but the look in his eyes and the grotesque bone that protruded from his face. Regardless he was family in an odd way it was suiting that Syrinx should be the scary uncle. Truly unrelated, Azalea learned early that blood does not always make family.

Both became more serious, focusing again on the hunt rather than joking about their brothers. "I have yet to find any scents either," Epiphron stated and Azalea nodded thoughtfully. So that was what had kept her. She had been looking for trail too. Azalea's thoughts mirrored the two-year-old's as she gazed up at the sky and took into account the angle of the wind.

"You can lead the way, Azalea, and I shall follow." Azalea nodded wordlessly. Her face was one that easily gave away her emotions. It wasn't something that bothered her and surely most found that more attractive about her. To date she really had nothing to hide from anyone but if needed she was fairly sure she could be a decent liar.

Azalea cleared her miscellaneous thoughts and moved off into the dying grass. It was an ugly yellow green. For a moment it looked like Azalea was heading in a random direction, not stopping to scent the ground and air, but then she merged onto a thin game trail. There was no fresh scent on it, no matter how deeply she inhaled, no matter how close she pressed her nose to the ground... nothing. It was a fairly active trail though so she set off down it without stop, hoping that something worth while had at least crossed over it.

They traveled in silence for a few minutes, maybe more. Azalea was lost in thought wondering if she actually liked hunting or if she simply endured it. What if she was told she had to hunt for others for the rest of her life? "What did you want to do with your life? Did you want to become an alpha?" She didn't look back, only her right ear tipped toward Epiphron behind her. They had to stay single file to move quietly down the path.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-29-2013, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2013, 12:56 PM by Epiphron.)

The two were content to fall into comfortable silence. The only family member that Epiphron could say she knew even less than Azalea was Gael. She made a mental note to seek him out soon, and spend time with the boy, lest he grow up thinking of Epiphron as an Alpha, rather than as family, as his aunt.

Blue eyes followed Azalea as she gazed upward, searching for the direction of the wind. Smart girl. Soon winter would be setting in, and hunting parties would need to grow more careful and frequent, to make up for the potential lack of food during the colder months. Even the most skilled hunter couldn't find food if there was none to be found.

She began after her niece, examining the trail she chose to follow. No fresh scents of game lingered here, but she would put her trust in the girl and follow suit. Even if there was nothing to be found, at the very least they got a chance to talk, something they had never really done by themselves. Silent still reigned as she took after her, nose low to the ground, constantly searching for the scent of game.

But out of the blue, her niece spoke up, asking if she had wanted to become an Alpha. She answered honestly, smiling slightly as she raised her head to gaze at Azalea. "Honestly, I've always wanted to be an Alpha," she said simply. She had expected more competition among her siblings for the position, had almost expected for a rivalry to blossom, but her path had come much more simply. Still she wondered, had Chrysanthe not been given to Seracia for the alliance, if her sister would've ever challenged her for the position. "I could dream of no greater honor than serving Valhalla like this." A pause followed. She increased her pace, to walk alongside Azalea. "What about you, Azalea? What do you wish for in your future?"



6 Years
05-29-2013, 12:40 PM

The older female patiently allowed Azalea to lead them where ever she pleased. There was no sound of assent or dissent from the wolf who followed her. "Honestly, I've always wanted to be an Alpha," she answered when Azalea finally broke the silence with a question. It seemed overly ambitious to young Azalea, to want to be an alpha even as a whelp. Everyone had dreams though and surely some were seemingly more far fetched than others. She had to keep in mind that Epiphron was born pure of Adravendi blood. Her father was Cairo. Perhaps she had always had the keys to the kingdom?

"I could dream of no greater honor than serving Valhalla like this." Honor. Was Azalea looking for honor? Should she be? It was hard to pinpoint the key to a life lived well. Everyone had an opinion and no one wolf lived in mirror of another. Azalea considered this and behind her Epiphron seemed to consider her own thoughts. How like they were to be unrelated by blood.

The undergrowth rustled and the wolf froze in motion, right hind paw coming down slowly to touch the ground as her front left stay suspended in the air. A pair of squirrels popped from the long grass to chase each other up a fir tree. They were full of angry chatter. Her ears curved away from them as she turned back to the trail.

Epiphron advanced suddenly, to move by her. For a moment Azalea's throat choked up and she prepared to protest, struggling to hold fast to her place at the center of the thin trail. Then she let herself ease and fall off to the side so that she and her aunt were shoulder to shoulder. "What about you, Azalea? What do you wish for in your future?" Her answer came easy, it had been on her mind since she started the discussion. "Ask me a few months ago and I would have told you any type of fighter. I watched Chysanthe spar and learned a lot as well as questioned a lot." She paused. "I don't mind hunting though... so, I would not be unhappy to hunt for the pack. All the options are good ones but I would very much prefer to be active so that rules out healing or any den mother work." Her words were slow and broken up, very much thoughtful. "So I suppose whatever makes me the most useful. Right now though? Right now all I want for the future is security. I can feel it... What is going to happen to Valhalla? You, Icarus and you, will fix things right?"

No longer did she seem so resolute and strong. She focused on the ground, her eyes heavy with sorrow and guilt. "I'm sorry if my father did anything to make your position hard on you." She knew some blamed Collision for wearing Valhalla down, certainly Fenrir seemed to.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-29-2013, 01:23 PM

Just a few seasons ago, she had felt very much like a child still. She'd grown a bit mentally over the winter leading into her first year, when their home had been destroyed, when she and Syrinx had traveled with Erani in search of the others. It had hardened her slightly -- taken away some innocent that she knew she would never regain. It had also given her a new-found sense of confidence and pride, which had only grown since then.

And yet over the last season, she had finally made the transition from child to adult. Meeting Maverick had been a game changer for her, but what had really effected her was being suddenly given the position of Alpha. It was not earned, it hadn't been fought for, but she had simply been given it. Epiphron had realized rather abruptly that she was not entirely ready for such a change, but she would try her hardest to be the leader that Valhalla needed.

Her thoughts strayed a bit, as the woman was lulled into a sense of calm around Azalea. Epiphron was somewhat taken by surprise as the two squirrels appeared from the underbrush, blinking quickly and pausing in her tracks. She never would've made a good hunter. She'd been considering training as a warrior before her promotion, and Leon's sudden disappearance. She wondered if he, too, was unhappy with the way the pack was being run.. or rather, not run.

There was little hesitation in her niece's answer. She seemed inclined to be either a hunter or a warrior, something active. How similar they were, despite the fact that they were not blood related. It brought another grin to Epiphron's face, but the expression faded slightly at her niece's question. "I hope we can, Azalea," she answered somberly, briefly dipping her nose to the earth to sniff at the dirt half-heartedly. "Truthfully, I don't know Icarus well, and I haven't had time to speak with him alone yet. But I know my father wouldn't hand the rule of Valhalla to someone who would run it into the ground." And while she did not say it, that was precisely why he had taken the throne temporarily from Collision, because his decisions were not in the best interest of the pack. Of course, the male could have fought for it, but thankfully he had not.

"Collision was simply misguided," she said, truthfully and sincerely. "You don't have to apologize for your father's actions, but I appreciate it. I know that he meant the best for Valhalla, but... failed in his execution." She frowned a bit, but did not sound angry at her adopted brother. How could she? Even if he had angered many Valhallan wolves, she was not one of them. She was a bit disappointed that he had yet to show his face, but alas. "I do have a lot of damage to repair, though, don't I?"



6 Years
05-29-2013, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2013, 10:30 PM by Azalea.)

The lack of large prey had quickly derailed their hunting mission to a talking mission. The two gabbed like crows over carrion. "I hope we can, Azalea," the blue eyed she-wolf answered. Azalea glanced over to her as Epiphron's nose dipped to the ground, realizing that she had stopped checking for scent all together. Maybe she had something to prove to the young alpha today but honestly did it have to be today? If the prey wasn't running then there was little they could do about it.

"Truthfully, I don't know Icarus well, and I haven't had time to speak with him alone yet. But I know my father wouldn't hand the rule of Valhalla to someone who would run it into the ground." Azalea did not know Icarus either. Not at all. Perhaps it was just her young age or perhaps she didn't pay enough attention as she should.

"Collision was simply misguided," Epiphron stated. She seemed to be dancing for good responses, ones that would not hurt Azalea's feelings. Amber eyes watched as her aunt frowned lightly. "You don't have to apologize for your father's actions, but I appreciate it. I know that he meant the best for Valhalla, but... failed in his execution." There was a pause as they trifled through their personal thoughts. Azalea could tell that Epiphron didn't hate Collision for how things were. "I do have a lot of damage to repair, though, don't I?" She nodded, her eyes getting wider. "I have faith in you." She responded, her Valhallan trust and loyalty shining through as she leaned over to bump her elbow playfully against her aunts.

Now Azalea was the one frowning. In one instant her vibrant smile fading to a look of worry. "I feel bad for my mother. She's finally well only to arrive to such a mess. If anyone is to find Collision, it's going to be her." She perked up again, "I really do love my parents... for all their flaws."




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-31-2013, 07:54 PM

Epiphron failed to show disappointment at their hunting search which was, thus far, completely unlucky. She had arrived expecting to bond with her cousin, and in that endeavor they were proving to be successful. But she would continue to search, albeit only half-heartedly, her nose occasionally twitching as she sniffed at the dirt.

She really did not hate Collision. She wished he had talked to her and Chrysanthe personally before making such a brash decision for both of their futures, but the two siblings would grin and bear it, and make the best of the situation. Truthfully, it would probably be Chrysanthe who would be bearing the brunt of the misfortune; Epiphron couldn't complain much. She'd been effectively handed the keys to the kingdom she had always wanted to rule anyway.

'I have faith in you.' Epiphron's jaw unhinged slightly, heart soaring in her chest at her niece's simple words. Who knew that such simple encouragement would make her feel so damn good? Perhaps her nervousness and the slight unsureness about everything that had been unfolding was unfounded. Did Valhalla have as much faith in her as Azalea did? She could only hope. Even if her time spent as Alpha here was cut short, she figured she ought to act as though she might lead this pack for some time. After all, she still needed to seek out her father, and then approach Gerhardt about the change in arrangements.

"I do hope your mother doesn't blame me for taking her position," she said with genuine worry, frowning a bit. "If I had known she would be well enough to rule, I wouldn't have been so eager to step up." The frown remained for a moment, though soon faded. There was no use dwelling on negative things for to long. Perhaps she could speak with Soleil soon, attempt to assuage any hurt feelings. "And I love them as well," she said seriously. There was no changing that. Lightly she bumped her own shoulder against Azalea's in return, a friendly and slightly playful gesture.



6 Years
06-01-2013, 01:58 PM

Unbeknownst to Azalea, Epiphron was no in charge of Valhalla. It had all be passed onto Chrysanthe's shoulders. Perhaps it had always belonged there, Chrysanthe had been given higher position from the start. If Azalea knew the situation, if she had paid more attention at the meeting, then should say that both were equally fit for the crown. They were the heart of the Adravendi bloodline, right at the very center.

Power change aside, Epiphron still seemed lifted by the younger wolf's unwavering faith. The blue eyed wolf's reaction was short lived though as she pressed on. "I do hope your mother doesn't blame me for taking her position," Azalea paused for a moment, looking at her with surprise. "If I had known she would be well enough to rule, I wouldn't have been so eager to step up." "No. Don't worry about it much. My mother would never be overly offended by such, she's too selfless. Unfortunately, I don't believe one can be selfless and rule."

She looked ahead, thoughtful. "And I love them as well," Azalea smiled, jumping ahead of Epiphron when she bumped her shoulder. Just as she did, about to let out a playful bark, she spotted something through a gap in the trees. She stopped, back straight and ears alert. "There." She whispered hurriedly, motioning Epi to look in the same direction.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-08-2013, 08:58 PM

Had Azalea paid attention at the meeting? Epiphron wasn't so sure. She spoke almost as though she was the one who would be leading Valhalla. "I believe in you." Or perhaps her niece simply meant in general. Still she smiled, pleased to be spending time with her cousin without having to talk politics, or think about the future. That was the good thing about family, albeit whether the family was related by blood or simply by love -- she could simply enjoy her time with them, unburdened.

"Unfortunately, I don't believe one can be selfless and rule." Though some might've taken that as offensive -- as though she were saying that Epiphron was selfless -- but she knew she was not. Perhaps for her family; but as a whole? She wasn't. "You speak the truth, Azalea," She noted with a grin, leaning in to lightly bump the younger girl's shoulder lightly a second time.

But the lighthearted mood changed suddenly. Azalea leapt forward suddenly, peering into the distance. Epiphron grew silent quickly, tail flicking behind her at the prospect of a hunt. They'd been chatting for quite some time; it'd feel good to finally feel the thrill of the hunt. Blue gaze followed her own, spotting the flash of fur through the underbrush. Quietly she crept forward, alongside Azalea, searching for the source of the movement.



6 Years
06-17-2013, 08:52 AM

The moved forward toward the hidden prey. When it came back into view, it stopped moving. An elk. The cow was old and appeared lame. It explained why she was alone. They were extremely lucky to happen upon her like this but there would be no time to celebrate. Azalea paused, letting the animal go back to grazing. It was a very choppy progression that the two made because the cow was on her guard already.

Azalea moved back to flank. She could do the chasing, honestly she was not quite large enough to be killing an animal of this size. So she swung to the side, heading into the foliage to put herself behind the elk that had once again frozen. Azalea stopped, eyes looking to find Epiphron but not seeing her. She would just have to trust her aunt to know what was going on. As an Adravendi she doubted that Epi would miss a single beat.

Then she was in position, perfectly poised to attack. She held back, giving Epiphron precious extra seconds to side into position as well. Since she couldn't see the other wolf, she had to assume that she was ready to go. Ready or not, Azalea was launching the attack. As soon as she sprung, no longer cautious of making sound, the cow jumped. As if in slow motion Azalea crashed through the wall of foliage and into the open. The cow's hooves dug into the soft ground, throwing up moist dirt in Azalea's direction as she made to flee.

Azalea pulled out all the stops, running full speed after the cow to help close the gap between them. She only hoped that epiphron would appear soon.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-20-2013, 06:43 PM

Epiphron was more than content to let her niece take the lead. Since being crowned Alpha, she had been consistently forced to make decisions and do things she was unsure about. But for now, she would quietly watch Azalea as she crept forward slightly in front of her, judging her hunting skills silently. Truthfully, she was not at all a harsh judge, either, for she was not exactly highly skilled at hunting. She wondered silently what skill set her niece would choose to develop. Perhaps hunting, or fighting? She didn't quite envision the yearling as a healer, but looks could deceive, and she certainly didn't know the girl as well as she ought to.

The target was a rather lame elk, old and frail, already barely clinging to whatever life it had left. Maybe a few weeks, or even a few seasons, but it was unlikely it would last through the winter. Especially on its own, as it appeared to be.

She was barely larger than Azalea, but she was a bit stronger. Azalea would make the first move. As silent as she could be, she crept away from her niece, finding the foliage just thick enough to sneak under and around, remaining out of the cow's sight, as well as Azalea's. Silently she watched, ready to spring when necessary, crouched far closer to the cow than was safe. Luckily, the thing was rather dumb as well as weak, and it didn't notice her fully. It paused, making to turn, when Azalea jumped from her coverage.

It was a risky move, but the animal seemed just weak enough for it to work. Azalea sprung quickly, making to chase the animal. Epiphron, having a lead on her, began to sprint alongside the cow, nipping at its side. A powerful leap sent her upward, her parted jaws aiming to latch onto the cow's neck from the side. She was not strong enough to totally take her down, but she faltered as Epiphron clung to her neck, nearly being dragged by the frantic animal. She could only hope, as her fangs sunk into the prey, that Azalea would be able to keep up enough speed to finish her off -- or at least take her down so they do it together.