
This is the time



6 Years
03-30-2015, 08:03 PM
(Posting just so I dont have another novel to post!)

Voltage would smile as none of his siblings would stand to protest, this time. Perhaps it was because he had done a thorough job ensuring they all knew of it and supported it. Stormy eyes would gaze about them all, in turn, as he grinned. Glacier would say his piece, offering Gale and Locha the ranks tailored especially for them and giving the rest of them the option to choose what rank they wished to be. And, of course, Serefina (whom he had seen squirming during his speech, he'd have to give her a treat later for her good attention) was the fist to speak, and of course it was fighting. He would grin in her direction, nodding his head. He had a specfic place in mind for his closest sister, but he needed to ensure that she earned it. A test, perhaps? Little did he know, a test that wasn't his own would show up for her to take, and she'd pass with flying colors. Next, Solaris wandered up, suggesting Relicas and he would grin brightly. Another wolf that chose a rank tailored for his skills, Voltage was happy they had managed to figure out a place for everyone, even if they didn't realize it yet. "Relicus it is." He would smile brightly. "But seeing as we don't have a hunter, perhaps you could do both? We don't necessarily have any children at the moment. Perhaps you and Arcus could call some hunt? He would smile gently, glancing up to the storm of the siblings, before stepping down to nuzzle his brother just gently and then backing back up onto the rock.

For a moment he saw her, in the back, seeming to feel out of place. Astrea. She didn't realize there was a place just perfect for her, and it was a rank that the brothers had taken their time to design especially for the celestial triplets. With a small sigh he'd offer a smile in her direction, deciding to seek her out to discuss it with her later. Gale spoke up, accepting her rank, and he'd grin. "Aertus it is!" He said brightly, stormy eyes a glitter. Terrae would suggest healing, or more importantly, PraeTarna. With a small grin he'd nod his head. "I don't believe anyone would be competing with you. We will be going out in search of a healing instructor for you, so you know of the plants around here, and to help you teach us the basics. After that you will get the Prae rank." He'd grin, dipping his head to his brother before he smiled to Glacier, hoping his brother didn't mind him just passing out the ranks without further discussion. He was sure it was fine, after all, they had designed these ranks specifically for the family members that was requesting them.



4 Years
04-06-2015, 05:22 PM

Their brother’s began to talk and Seli shifted back and forth, it wasn’t that she wasn’t interested in what Voltage and Glacier were saying, she was, but her ability to sit and listen wasn’t always so solid and still being tired she wasn’t exactly focusing so much. Still the girl perked when the talk shifted to ranks. The vixen stopped her fidgeting… suddenly deep in thought.

She wasn’t so sure where she wanted to go… she was no fighter or healer so maybe she ought to take a hunting job? But then she wasn’t exactly the greatest hunter… the rank of Relicus did call to her but she wasn’t sure she wanted those sort of responsibilities…

Family members called out their preferred ranks and Selini leaned forwards to look at her triplet, starlight gaze noting her sister’s expression. Suddenly struck with an impulse the vixen rose to her paws. "Both Astrea and I will also take a position as Relicus!" It never crossed her mind that maybe volunteering her sister was a bad idea, but she was certain if anyone deserved that rank it was Astrea… maybe even more than her twin.

"Talk" "You" Think

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]