
Seduced Segolia


06-05-2013, 01:51 PM

Segolia wandered the lands that was usually full of fish, but now almost barren with winter bitterness. She was in a small clearing, hidden by small shrubs, beside a river. She was counting her herbs from her herb bag and saying then quietly to herself. Yarrow, Aloe Vera, Dock... She muttered to herself. She had found some Ginseg earlier and was recently proud of herself. It helped to cure nearly all illnesses, she now had a lot of it. She has strayed from her pack for a few days as the irritation of her being in heat made her liable to being grumpy and she didn't want to lash out at anyone back home.

After counting them, she returned the herbs neatly into her bag and went to the river to drink. The edges of the show running stream were frozen and she had to smash some ice to get to the refreshing water below. She lapped as afternoon turned to evening and the light started to fade with the first few stars starting to appear.



06-06-2013, 06:21 PM
Having grown accustomed to these lands, the alabaster brute spent a fair bit of his time exploring it?s treasures and seeing what the lands had to offer him. He oozed detachment as he sauntered through the southern territory. Achromatic coat contrasted the river bed , as he maneuvered through the shallow end, seemingly lost. So many thoughts flowed like the river he paced through in his mind, so much had happened lately and it was all almost overwhelming and so very exciting. From murdering the wolf up north to seeing Amaranth again, though he knew not where they stood to his meaningless fuck with the wolf known as Xenios. Life was, well, interesting.

Amaranth? never had the name of another wolf brought him such conflicting emotions. He wasn?t the wolf she had known when they were little, and nor was she the same wolf he had grown up with. Could two people really change so much that they?d never be able to love each other again? Perhaps that was what had driven him out here in this evening hour, his need to stop thinking about the wolf he had once ?loved?. Could you even have been ?in love?, if you now didn?t believe in such petty emotions? The whole subject confused him, and that confused gave rise to bloody anger. The kind of rage had driven him to murder many a victim, though so far only one of those victims had lived in the lands of Alacritis.

Bi-colored eyes were illuminated by the setting sun in the west, and his white coat shown more rightly in the quickly darkening sky. A bend in the river, yielded and interesting sight, another wolf was drinking. His path shifting towards her almost indiscernibly, he paced through the water. Crossing the river, he walked until the river sloped beneath him, his paws working through the torrent to keep himself afloat through the deeper middle, before the ground was felt beneath his paws on the other side of the river near the other wolf.

?Why hello there, love. ? He cooed, the sticky sweetness of his own voice nauseating him as he looked at the interestingly colored wolf before him. The sweetness of his voice had often given a false persona to his inner deamons, but it seemed to make females a touch more comfortable around him, which was the whole point, he supposed. Drawing himself nearer to the bank, his paws the only thing submerged in the liquid he watched her, gauging her reaction to him. Would she run from satan himself or face the devil head on?


06-09-2013, 10:31 AM
Choose Wisely, on your next move!

Segolia growled shalowly as another swath of sweet, make scent brushed past her nose. Okay, now they're just teasing me. She sat up, smash droplets of icy child water dropped off her chin, turning into a rainbow in the last catches of light. In a matter of minutes the sun disappeared on the horizon. Segolia sighed and looked up at the blissful sky. Her attention was caught when a even bigger voice cut through her thoughts.

Why hello there, love.

The sweet voice cooed from the brutes frame. He had an oddly sweet voice for such a masculine frame and look, but while the throbbing caused by Segolias heat based at her, she merely discarded the thought.

Hello, love. She says with a nod and a sarcastic tone. She looked into the, oddly charming, brutes eyes. She was oddly not threatened by him, but felt at ease and comfortable.
