
burning matches



5 Years
04-05-2015, 10:02 PM

ooc. I have no qualms with this becoming any kind of mature, don't let that dissuade you <3

She seeks nothing in particular anymore, her pack has long since been lost. That is, the sovereign she chose to follow. Katja was lost to the winds in seasons past, and somehow it ceases to bother her strongly at all. Stern blue gaze narrows, following the horizon as far as she can see. The sun is sinking below the horizon now, but the cold of night doesn't affect the northern tyrant. The wind does bite, but it doesn't sting her marred flesh so strongly. A long sigh shudders through her broad chest, breath wreathed in pale mists as it trails from her nostrils. She longs for family, but finds none here. Not even those of the same mindset; it has been impossible to locate a nordmann since first she arrived here. Tail tip would flick, the scarred behemoth tears her gaze from the burning hues of the sunset. Skoll no longer chases the sun in her view, so she loses interest. Massive paws strike the terrain softly, the snow crunching beneath her toes. Banded forelimbs pull her forth, toward the towering monument that stretches toward the stars. Despite the wind that so buffeted her coat now, the monolith stands strong, spires reaching up to the heavens.

Within the meager shelter it offers, she slumps heavily. Rump drops less than gracefully onto the frosted terra, cornflower gaze moving closer to the ground. A lot of wandering about the north has brought her to this point, and she feels that something is missing. Not a partner, she has no need for such things. However, companionship, even for just a short while, could do her some good. A night spent with another, that in itself would do a world of benefit. It had been a while since she has felt passion, and she rather missed it. Tail tip flicked absently, the slight breeze that beat at her fur found to be soothing. The caramel beast wonders what she is to do with herself now, since she has no real reason to stay in these lands. Should she look for a pack? Seek out Katja once more? Perhaps she will seek out a leader to tie herself to here in the north, as she detested the other areas of Alacritia so greatly. Cranium would lean back, the back of her skull knocking against the ice wall her shoulders leaned upon. She rested it there, staring up at the ceiling. Another soft sigh escaped her, thoughts tumbling on through her head.


Thanks to Chrono for making this sexier than Captain America art for me!


04-07-2015, 03:48 PM
The bitterness of the cold was rather sweet. Cold air charging into his lungs and escaping out with the warmth he carried. Large paws treaded about the ice without much care. There wasn’t a reason to be careful when this is all you encountered in earlier days of life. It just became an accustom life. One he wasn’t willing to give up any time soon. If this was of a different and warmer area where the cold was lacking, then maybe such carefulness would be needed. All things that forbidden most of the cold had always been foreign. Winds of the north tickled his fur and danced along with his tail. Red orbs had only now took notice of the sky. The sun was setting upon this land. It was a lovely sight for something so little to him. The sound of the wind blowing and a crunching sound of ice beneath him it was all familiar. However, all movement had been put into a halt. Eyes narrowed to see anything here. Perhaps a resting spot could be found. Miles and miles of stretching across this land he found himself upon. Made him almost miss his home land. It begged the question on how his grandfather was doing without him around to bicker on. No, he was more than likely still the wise and smart remarking old soul he had always been. At least that brought a chuckle out of him. Front legs continued on to push him forth at an even pace.

Walking slowed but moved him closer to a finding he spotted. Ice somehow made a wish to hold hands with the ever darkening sky. This wasn’t a first sight, however, it took the loveliness needing to make this finding much more appealing. The slight sight of something of what clashed with the ices’ neutral colors had him raise a brow and shifted his head to see the object in a questioning way. The warm air he exhaled this time created a larger cloud than usual. Not approaching forward no more, he observed the dame. Her body was up against the ice that dragged him to it. The dame’s fur certainly made it hard to ignore her. His eyes hadn’t a clue how to do so. It was confusing coming across a being like this in the cold. Sighing emitted from the stranger’s maw, a prompted sigh fled from his own as well. “What is choking you, dear? Do you love the ice that much?” Honeyed words spiraled into the questions he had given her. It wasn’t long until he was a wolf’s length from where she kept herself. The many features crawling on her form. A dark pattern around the dame’s eyes surely made her being more bizarre but in a good way. The male’s ears were ready to catch any and all words to fall out her mouth. Colliding his shoulder to the ice wall, tail brushed against it softly in a hidden way of keeping the male occupied.



5 Years
04-09-2015, 12:59 PM

A scent joined with the buffeting breezes, teasing at her dark nostrils. Crunching snow beneath a set of paws. She couldn't quite bring herself to care just yet. A masculine set of vocals called softly from the ice, somewhere behind her and to her left. Cranium would tilt, muzzle swinging around so her cerulean gaze could fixate on the form just over her shoulder. The male wasn't particularly fantastic looking, though he bore a mark upon his face that reminded her somewhat of a crown. She snorted at his queries, shaking her head. "No, darling. I am simply contemplating my future." She informed him curtly, shifting so she could face him. He leaned against the glacial spire, shoulder brushing it as his tail danced briefly over the glinting surface. "It's giving me a headache." She grunted, mildly irritated. The hint of an accent played upon her gravelly lyrics. The question still nagged at her. Where would she go after this?

She would give her coat a thorough shake, watching the stranger. He bore the look of someone deep in thought, crimson optics wizened. Not many in these parts could be described in quite that way. "What of you, stranger? What plagues your mind today?" She questioned, raising one brow. The movement toyed upon the mark that surrounded her left optic, stretching the upward curl just so. "Or are you free of worries, flitting here and there like a bird on the wind?" She drawled with a hint of mirth, smirking.



04-10-2015, 05:08 PM
Contemplating her future? That sounded a bit strange to do to the male’s ears. Remaining here with the ice to ponder of your future. Digging into it a bit deeper, he remembered times he had done the same thing. Those times, however, have dissolved the more he grew older. A snort of his own was returned to her at her mentioning of what it was doing within her dome. One of the reason he had stopped thinking about the future and just let it happen at its own place in time. Rinuix would offer his help on such headache but he had nothing to say or give for it. A sigh simply escaped from him at her grunting instead. He watched her shake her golden coat, the thought of shaking his own slithered around within his thoughts. Hind legs folded allowing him into a sit with his shoulder continuing to lean on the pillar of ice.

In her asking of queries, he pushed himself off the ice so that he wasn’t using it as support anymore. At first, he hummed at her but not because the questions she had given were difficult but in wanting to know why she asked them. Had he really looked that way to the point of asking? “Nothing. Although, you would think the silence and loneliness would be plaguing your mind.” Those two knew how to make a lone soul bury themselves in their thoughts. Perhaps that was what was going on with this soul. He nodded his head at the saying of being free of worries. “That, I am. Alone you are. Are you lost? Strange seeing you here all by yourself.” Accented words inquired the dame. If she was lost then he would be more than willing to escort her.  This land was new, however, he knew ways that would lead to where one needed to be. Looking up at the sky and back at the stranger, addressing each other with words used for affection, names certainly had to be exchanged.

“What is your name?”



5 Years
04-25-2015, 09:29 PM

A strange manner of speaking teased at her audits, and the golden woman found herself tempted to walk away. She had no patience for one who spoke in such a manner, it took up too much time processing what he said for her to be bothered. He answered her, sure, but he didn't say things in a way that made immediate sense. Something like that could grow irritating quite quickly. Silence and loneliness. The dynamic duo. Never a very big issue, despite her being used to constant integration with masses. Sometimes she didn't mind being by herself. If she sought companionship, there were always ways to remedy that. He replied that he was free of worries, and she snorted. "What a delight that must be." Came her sarcastic drawl, rumbling from her maw like dim thunder. He then proceeded to ask why she was here, and the caramel behemoth shrugged heavily. "That would depend," she began lightly, glancing up at the male with cerulean orbs, "on whether or not I had somewhere I could call home." Another soft sigh, accompanied by the cracking of bones as she rolled her shoulders and arched her spine against the ice. Relief flooded her joints and vertebra. "Since I do not, I would have to say I am perfectly content." She finished finally, rolling her neck idly and fixing her sapphire gaze upon him once more.

He inquired after her name, and she raised an eyebrow. "Is such a pleasantry necessary, love?" She asked softly, thunderous vocals shifting to something more akin to a croon. There was a moment of silence, where she figured this male to be one who did not play games and give fanciful titles in place of real names. "Sigyn Æsir," she introduced herself in low tones, bowing her great head elegantly, chin tipping close to her chest. "and yours?" She questioned, quirking a brow.
