
My new home



9 Years
04-08-2015, 07:53 PM

The man had followed his new alpha from the Barren hills to his new home, to the Furn gully within Secretua. Rune had been so far by giving him a new home and a job within it. The rest would be up to him. Gaining the trust of his new pack members and doing what he could to help out was all on him. He was greatful at the chance to have new friends and family.

As the two men crossed over the scent boundary it hhad dawned on Ravine that he knew nothing of Secretua. Not of the personalities of the other wolves and not what this pack was all about. He had been so caught up in the possibilities that came with being a part of a pack that he hadnt bothered to ask. He would not make that mistake twice. "So tell me about Secretua, I mean I know where it is and who my alpha is but beyond that ivee basically jumped before looking."


Rune I


5 Years
04-13-2015, 01:24 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Rune's thoughts were decidedly optimistic as he led the black and white male toward his new home. It was not everyday that he managed to convince someone to join Secretua, and while it was something he knew was imperative to the survival of the pack he still found great difficulty in opening up his borders to the homeless. Too many already had joined only to leave shortly after, some without even a word to him that they were through with pack life. His trust had begun to deteriorate and his patience to thin, but here was someone who harbored the responsibility and strength of character that he had admired in the wolves of his mate's first pack, and he hoped to see those traits grow now that they were being put to use in Secretua.

They passed through the pack's border and into safe, protected territory, and the Guardian felt himself relax as he looked around for any sign of his pack. How would they greet this newest recruit? Would he fall right into place, like a missing puzzle piece, or would he clash and cause trouble? He hardly seemed like the troublesome type, but he had long since realized appearances were deceiving.

Ravine spoke up, voicing curiosities about the pack, and as he began to lead them into the dense vegetation of the Gulley, following paths that seemed to be nonexistent but were very familiar to him, Rune attempted to answer. "You should know that we strive to be a self-sufficient pack," he explained, "not just in regards to associating with our neighbors, but between our members too. Everyone has a talent, and they're needed to find that talent and put it to use for everyone's benefit. In your case, that's hunting." Or at least he hoped; Ravine had yet to be tested. "You'll be working directly with our hunting adviser, or Huntress, Akemi. Don't let her size fool you, she can hold her own." He had seen that first hand, and knew that the pack's borders were safer for her strong dedication.

"We're mostly comprised of my family, Akemi's family, and a few friends of my children," he added, trying to keep the mention of his kids' friends neutral. They were older now than they had been when they had joined, and they were good at pulling their weight; he had less to complain about them now. "You'll likely be seeing them around." If they did not seek him out directly just to inspect the new pack member to appease their curiosity. The thickness of the foliage remained constant, but Rune never faltered or showed indecision as he continued to navigate his homeland, his ears turned to listen for Ravine to make sure he was keeping up. "Was there anything else specifically you wanted me to explain?"



9 Years
04-14-2015, 09:38 AM

Rune would waist no time answering his question. The alpha, or Gardian, would tell him about the self-sufficient ways of the pack and that everyone had a skill and he expected them to find and use it. Ravine would give a reassuring nod when the man would state that his skill was hunting. It was true, hunting was the only thing he was truely good at. He would then give the name of his direct superior. Akemi, the name would be stored awy for when he heard it again. He had no face or description, asside from the fact that she was small.

A small pause was given between the pack as a whole to who it compromised of. From the sound of it Rune's pack comprised of many young wolves rather than older ones. Ravine assumed that the oldest wolves consisted of the alpha, his mate, this Akemi woman and himself. Though just because Rune hadnt mentioned them didnt necessarily mean there werent others. At the mention of his children's friends, the black and white man could here somethinng in his voice. He wasnt entirely sure what it was though so kept his maw shut for now. Though he did hope to meet others, he was nervous to. What iff they didnt like him, what if all they wanted to do was run him off. Those questions would be answered soon, he guessed.

At the other mans question Ravine would give another nod only to realise that Rune hadnt looked at him. "Yes. What are the ranks names? I know what they are traditionally called but everyone seems to have their own names for them.


Rune I


5 Years
04-19-2015, 12:01 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ah. Yes. That did seem like a viable question, all things considered. His own pack history was rather colorful with the changes in leadership and packs that he had undergone in his lifetime, so Rune knew just how tricky acquainting oneself with the hierarchy of a new home could be. "Well, to keep it simple, it's all broken down into tiers," he began, continuing to lead them through the dense Gulley, "The first tier, which is the Command Tier, is responsible for external affairs. That would be the Guardian - me - the Warden, and the Heir. The second tier, the Liaison Tier, deals with internal affairs. They are the Caretaker and Peacekeepers. The third is the Advisory Tier, and they are responsible for managing the fourth Task Tier of the pack. The Sentinel manages the Guards and Scouts, Huntress manages Hunters, and Healer manages Medics." Rune hoped he was following so far.

He paused momentarily when he noticed they were nearing their destination, and glanced slightly over one shoulder to make sure Ravine was still there before continuing. "Medics, though, are actually grouped with the fifth tier, the Protected Tier, along with the Youth and Elders. And lastly there's the Watched, composing the final Probationary Tier. Only those who need to prove themselves or have wronged us are assigned that rank." Now within the den site, Rune led Ravine out toward the center location, stopping to turn and look at the new Hunter properly. "This is our densite within the Fern Gulley. A majority of our members choose dens around this area, and most of our meetings are conducted here. In that direction," - he gestured southwest with his muzzle - "is the Algoma Prairie. You'll find most of our good hunting grounds there."

Rune was certain it was the most he had said to another individual in a long time, not counting the chats he had with his mate when they caught up after their busy days. Had he forgotten anything? Should he have included anything else in his explanations? "Did that answer your question?" he asked, hoping at leas the gist of it had been retained. He did not want to repeat it all again.



9 Years
04-20-2015, 08:53 AM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2015, 08:53 AM by Ravine.)

Ravine had been listening closly to his alpha as he spoke. With each new bit of information he would store away another term and tire for each rank. Guardian, Wardenn and Heir. Tire One, ir command tire. Tire Two, or Liaison Tire consists of the Caretaker and Peacekeepers. Tire three and four being called the Advisory tire and the Task tire. The third consiting of the Sentinel, Huntress and Healer. The fourth has the guards, scouts and hunters.

He would continure on to say that the other healers or medics were, instead of being in the Task tire were in the Fith tire, the Protected tire with the youth and elders. Last but not least were the watche tire, probationary. Those who have gone untested or have wronged Secretua. Then almost as fast as he had begun telling him about the ranking system, Rune would switch over to telling him about the gully and the prairie.

When Rune would would finally stop to make sure that thee black and white man had retained everything, Ravine would go over everything I his head a second time before nodding. It was alot but he could handle it. "Ive got it all, I just have two more questions. How many wolves are there in Secretua and if I were to choose to learn the other two tasks fighting and healing would I be able to do that. I know im a bit old to learn them now but the trainers eforts wouldn't be put to waist." he didnt really want to learn the other two but what he did want was to do anything and everything to prove he was worthy of Secretua.


Rune I


5 Years
04-20-2015, 09:09 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

His newest recruit did not seem to be running out of questions yet, but in Rune's eyes it was all good signs. If he was this inquisitive about the pack it meant he was actually making an effort to learn as much about it as he could, that he was trying to figure out how he might better settle in among them. Already Rune felt he was going to do fine among them, that before long he would know those he would be working with and begin settle into a normal routine. Maybe this time he had actually picked a good addition.

"We're of a decent size," Rune began to answer, "there's thirteen of us - fourteen now including you." Wow Had he ever really given thought to how big his pack had become, how many of them there were? They had grown seemingly overnight, without him fully realizing it. That was definitely something to feel proud about.

He cleared his throat once and attempted to answer Ravine's second question. "Our training sessions are open to whoever wants to attend them, and if you want to seek out the Advisors to ask them specific questions you're allowed to so long as your day to day duties are still fulfilled." Wanting to know the pack and wanting to learn more specifically what the other tasks did? He definitely had made the right decision in inviting this one home. "And if you ever decide you'd benefit us in a different task group, be sure to say so. We want you to do whatever you feel is best for you, since it'll be best for everyone too."



9 Years
04-20-2015, 09:31 PM

The alpha woulld once again do his best to answer his questions. First by telling him that there were fifteen wolves in Secretua and then by telling him that he was free to learn what he wanted. The first bit of information was new to him...he had been born to a pack where one could not possibly know everyone but here? Here he could learn everyones name and not have a problem trnmng to remember them all.

He liked that thought. Not knkwing everyone but putting your life in their paws was something he had had to do for a large part of his life, he was glad he wouldnt have to do that here. Rune would go on to tell him that if he thought he would be better somewere else to let him know and Ravine would nod. "I dont think ill ever be better at the others than I am at hunting...." he would trail off a bitt in thought befor continuing. "I wass just thinking that sometimes things go wrong and warriors and healers are needed and arent always there to help. No harm in knowing a bit of all the trades."

Ravine knew nothing of fighting or healing hell je had never even thought about learning eather of them before just a few minutes ago. What he said was true though thhere was no harm in learning all three trades and the two he didnt know might come in handy some day.


Rune I


5 Years
04-29-2015, 12:36 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Ravine's consideration did not go unnoticed by the Guardian, and Rune's pride in his choice to invite the stranger into his home only continued to grow. They truly were lucky to have someone who wished to be so involved in the pack, who, despite knowing their own limitations, was not afraid to push them in order to learn and make themselves a better asset to their comrades. He reminded Rune in a way of Akemi, whose skills were not just limited to hunting and who would, if asked, step up and fill any role required of her. Between the two of them, he felt confident that Secretua would continue to grow and thrive, and he hoped to see good things from this wolf.

"We're a small bunch," Rune repeated, "so being able to step in and fill a place in a different task group will make you invaluable. I encourage you to learn everything you can." Was it wrong for him to already think of the places this wolf could go within the pack should he prove himself? Was it too much for Rune to think he had found someone who could help lead the youngsters of the pack? He tried not to get his hopes up.

"Being new, you'll first want to scope out a den of your own," the grey Guardian stated as he drew their attention back to the surrounding area, his own gaze quickly sweeping over the small clearing that was their meeting place. "You're free to begin that process now, if you'd like. As I've said, most are located in this area, but you're free to set one up wherever you prefer." Perhaps he would have preferred some privacy at a more distant location, or something more open on the Prairie.



9 Years
05-03-2015, 07:31 AM

An eyebrow would rise for a split second at the mention of being invaluable. Ravine had never been considered as such, hell he had never even thought if himself as invaluable. The man had only ever been a plain old hunter and the son of Thane Tsarve and memoryless Ookami, or at least thats the last thing he could recall remembering of his parents. Here, none of that mattered. Here thhe onlything that mattered is what the black and white man would make of himself. So far Rune seemed to like him.

The alpha would go on to tell him that he needed to find a den and that he could begin now if he wanted. Sillently Ravine would give a small nod and look around. There were many dens here some looked old and mostly unused as though no one had lived there in a long time. It was one of these dens that the man would choose to trot up to and sniff. He found ni scent at the entrance nor did he find one when he stuck his head inside.

It hadnt been but twenty yards from where they had previously been standing. On the outside of the den there was nothing next to it to remind him where it was. Nothing special to look at and the inside was just as dull though only big enough for himself and a much smaller wolf than himself, Ravine deemed it perfect. "This one will do." he would say as he turned back to Rune. "Its a bit small and plain but thats a good thing, I can make it into whatever I need it to be." it would be the first time he had lived in a den that hadnt already been made to fit someone else. Sure this one had been someone else's at one point in time but it was obvious to him that no one gad used it it quite some time.
