
What'd I miss?



5 Years
02-11-2015, 01:51 PM
 Vitus seemed to choose the best times to go out an train...or rather, the worst times. He could feel a tension when he found himself wandering back into the packlands, and he mentally groaned. He wasn't sure, yet, what it meant, but he did know that something just didn't feel right. (Then again, Vit wasn't necessarily the best at naming or even feeling emotions.) He wasn't even positive if what he felt was right, he had definitely been wrong before. He moved through the land, searching for certain members of his family. He needed to know if his instinct was right, whether or not there was something that he should fix. Teeth grit slightly as he moved through the Forest of their home, his paws eating away at the distance as he searched. It would be easier if he could howl for them, but something seemed to be wrong with his vocal cords. They hurt, or chaffed from lack of use, he wasn't sure. So he was forced to search silently, finally giving up on the forest to move on to the other packlands he rarely spent his time in...the hotsprings.

A scent he knew very well was rather rich here, but then again, the water seemed to make other scent rich..almost sharp. With a huff he shook his head and wandered towards the fresh and warm waters. Eyes scanned the area for any wolves he may know before he sighed, silently, and settled upon a large rock settled against a shallow pool. Deep eyes watched as the water bubbled around his resting place, feeling it soothe whatever tension he thought he felt along his shoulders. Perhaps his mothers or brothers would find him here and they could life whatever other worries he felt, but for now he relaxed into the comfort of the warming spring.

"Burn Baby Burn"

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
Extra large
02-15-2015, 08:06 PM

Bacchus favored the cold pool during the day, the night, anytime. He hadn't really fell into a real pattern yet, though he did enjoy being out during the dark hours. Now he was taking a break from the den, which was getting more crowded with every day that passed, and would relax in his favorite pool. It was almost separate from the rest of the spring, this particular little section was icy cold instead of the incredible warm that was held in the rest of the scaled fountain. He'd been a bit scarce himself, preferring solace to seeking out the company of his brothers. Though at least once he'd drug Archie out into the spring to talk with him about their father.

He'd not noticed Vitus sparseness either, but would be interested in speaking with him as his scent wafted over the pools. Soaking wet the tall boy would lift himself from the pool. He'd shake himself to rid his fur of excess water, but the cooling feeling the dampness provided was relieving. The heat was still a bit too much for him and summer wasn't even here yet. He'd spy his quite brother and come to sit by him. "Hey, Vit" Bacchus would greet as he reached down to nudge his ribs affectionately.



5 Years
03-30-2015, 08:17 PM
Vitus would continue to stare into the pool, even as he heard a loud splash a couple pools down the line and a few over. It sounded distinctly like someone standing from the waters, before the tell tale sound of shaking, but the only thing that moves were his ears in the gentlest of flicks towards the sound. It was probably another pack wolf leaving the pools to head home, but when Bacchus suddenly appeared at his side, smelling of cold water, he jolted. Red rimmed eyes snapped to his sopping brother brother he would roll them, a small laugh deep in his throat as he turned his attention back to the water. He inclined his head just slightly at the greeting, his own silent way of saying hello to his brother. There was silence for a moment, even as his brother nudged his ribs, before Vitti would turn his eyes back to Bacchus. "h-h'w do th'y st'y wa'm" He said softly, staring at the steaming pools. Most of his anger of sadness seemed to flee at the arrival of his brother, but his brow was still creased, and it wasn't because he wanted to know how the pools stayed warm. He wondered what Bacchus thought of it all, of their father, of the fact that they had lost their home. He wondered if Bacc knew where he wanted to stand in the pack, what rank he wanted to try and train for, where he wanted to go in life. But it was all too many words for him, so he stayed silent, watching him and his brother in the gently shifting pool of steaming water.
[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
[Image: Z6bvUpf.png?1]



2 Years
Extra large
04-06-2015, 11:40 AM

Bacchus would receive a quick start from his obviously focused brother, Vitus' attention had been completely intent upon the water that swirled at his paws. The white marked boy would smile as his brother recovered, offering a silent greeting that he'd gotten so used to. He'd sigh softly, content to be in his litter mate's presence and the silence that would fall between them. Not that conversation would not spark back up. The taller Armada youth would look to his brother's bicolored eyes curiously at the question. "How do they stay warm?" He'd ask himself as his own ruby gaze lingered on the water in front of them. "The sun I guess?" It made a little sense to him, "The sun is hotter down here, so it makes the water warm. And it stays warm because of the weird container its in." That sounded right, though the truth was that the volcano that was somewhat near was to blame for the warmth of the water. His mind also wouldn't find the same train of thought Vitus found. He'd thought a bit about what it was he desired to do, and with being almost a year old now it was likely that he'd have to choose pretty soon. "So, do you like it here?" He'd ask curiously. He knew that Archie did not, and he'd even traveled north to get away from the hot of the sun. He didn't mind too much though, the cool of the pool he found was comfortable.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
04-18-2015, 01:35 AM
Vitus would listen very intently to the explination his brother gave him, and as far as he knew that seemed to be how it worked. The young warrior had no idea how the volcano worked, or the fact that it was even near by. And the sun certainly seemed hotter down here. With a gentle smile he'd nod his head, accepting that as complete truth, his red rimmed eyes shining brightly. He loved learning new things, even if he was quiet about it. Slowly he'd turn his gaze back to the pool of water, playing his paw along the surface once again. The heat that rose from it was because of the sun, Vitus felt just a little smarter now. When Bacchus asked how he was doing, if he was taking to the place his ears perked and he looked at his brother. Was that a popular question? Did his other siblings not seem to like it here? The boy was a rather...peaceful sort, go with the flow...he could handle change, so long as he had his family at his side. A little change in temperature never really hurt anyone. With a nod he'd answer his question, gazing across the packland. "Miss 'ome..." He whispered softly, a small smile on his lips despite his words. "Bu' lucky ta h've a pl'ce to 'ot ''ce ta sleep s'ftly" He said softly. He was young, but he was strong. All he needed was his family, and to know he was safe.

[Image: xqcOLtI.png][Image: dKno3bh.png]
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