



7 Years
04-17-2015, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 12:21 PM by Tealah.)

This was a great idea. He hadn't discussed it with anyone yet because well, they'd probably think it wasn't really a great idea but it was. Emergency medical training, free and open to anyone whether from a pack or a loner, ally or enemy. It was fantastic! He didn't know how he'd not thought of it sooner. Maybe it was helping Integra learn that had inspired him, or maybe his talk with Katja had made him realize he was neglecting his duties as a healer in favor of being alpha. After all, his duty as a healer was to all the wolves of Alacritia, not just to Ebony and his allies. He couldn't be everywhere at once, of course, but he could make sure that there were enough wolves in the lands who were competent with emergency healing to make up for it.

He'd sent Rommel out, the leggy fox bounding off at a swift pace, to go spread the word to all the packs whose alphas would listen, as well as whatever loners he happened across. It wasn't a safe proposition for a fox, speaking with strange wolves, for the nature of their species often led wolves to kill foxes to reduce the competition for prey, but Rommel was calm and adept, and being tall for his species - as tall as some wolves - would help as well.

He paused as he came to the river and cast his eyes around happily before dropping his bundle at his feet. Many more such bundles were piled there - various herbs that he'd collected mostly in the unclaimed areas around the river so as to not take away from any one pack's stores, many, many sticks covered in large amounts of spider webs that he'd had to go out of his way to find, bundles of clean dry moss, a few combs of honey oozing their precious cargo onto a protective leaf barrier, and even a small pile of game animals including a whitetail deer a short way off from the healing things in case the training ran long and guests got hungry. Hephaestus had helped him gather everything before he'd excused himself to go back to Ebony - Phaes wasn't really much of a healer, so he wasn't going to stay for the training.

Rommel appeared as he'd finished sorting the herbs out into separate piles. The fox nodded to him before, his mission done, he moved to the riverside to slowly cool down from his journey. Kassander took a deep breath - well, this was it... time to either do this or have wasted all this effort - and sent out a high, clear howl alerting any interested wolves to his particular location.


OOC: Ok so! Basically this is going to be a HUGE healer bonanza!  If you have a healer or anyone interested in learning battlefield/emergency medicine, send them here! I'm going to be trying out a new training format so it's very exciting! All that's missing is your wolves - feel free to say that Rommel spoke with either your pack's alpha (if the alpha is cool with that) or directly with your wolf to invite them to the training, or Kassander or Hephaestus if your wolf would be unlikely to talk to a fox. I'm going to give this thread about a week for people to get in (I will be starting anywhere from Friday to Sunday next week depending on what I've got going on in RL) and I'll explain how we're going to do it then. I may get over excited and start the training before then - if I do it's very ok for your wolf to show up late! :) They will still get to participate and they won't get in trouble for it.



8 Years
04-17-2015, 01:21 PM

The man had been out walking around, trying to think of ways to make his feelings irrelevant without dulling his senses. He hadnt thought of anything other than maybe asking a warrior how to make himself cold to the world. Kassander's call had interrupted his train of thought and his course had altered to take him in his alpha's direction. A pathn a decision, that would take him to other wolves and possibly even Callisto.

Callisto. The woman who broke his heart, the reason for his exhaustion andd the reason for him wanting to become cold. She wanted nothing to do with him and yet he had alowed his love for her cloud his judgment. Getting himself into trouble with Kassander and trying to protect her had all been for nothing. She had once been nothing more than a student and a friend to him, yet he still couldnt understand why he had fallen for her. Should she arive here today, he would do his best to ignore her.

For now though his only concern was Kass. Uppon arrival max would give a small bow and then take a seat several yards from him. Being able to sit still wasnt as hard for him to do as it had been when he discovered how Ebony's healer had felt. His train of thought was still lost more easily than whem he was moving, but it was tolerable.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



4 Years
04-17-2015, 05:37 PM
Safir hadn’t seen her mistress in quite a while, the last she had seen of her she was going towards a pack border. Safir had separated from her so she wouldn’t get in trouble with the pack, she had been wandering ever since then. It was while she was wandering that a fox almost half a foot shorter than her came up to her, he said that there was open healer training in the south. She figured she might as well come since her mistress seemed the type to get into a lot of fights. When she arrived there were only two wolves there one was a big black male and the other was brown and white. Safir hung to the back of the small gathering, she felt as if she shouldn’t be there and should be actively looking for her mistress. But for now she would just stay quiet and not say anything till actual training began.
[Image: ojtJhNT.png]
[Image: safir_pixel_by_reflectedmemories-d8nbhy0.png][Image: ylVIm7C.png]



10 Years
04-17-2015, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 06:33 PM by Kaprasíus.)

As restless as ever, Kaprasius had taken to wandering the more central eastern lands with Hypnos as his companion. As to where Katja had gone, he was not sure, but he knew her brief disappearance was nothing to be concerned about. They were fated to be in one another's lives and he was certain their paths would cross again very soon.

Only when he caught a trail of her scent did he become really interested in where she had gone. Briefly he had followed her scent to the south, but decided against following her. But now.. she was here again! Feeling curious, and quite inspired by the sudden revelation, he'd begun to trail after her scent with interest.

The only thing that took him off-course was the strange call that rang out for over the lands, beckoning all with interest to come join... for healing training? The invitation seemed to be for any with interest and immediately he felt giddy with excitement at the prospect of such a random gathering.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

It was with little hesitation that he made his way to the man that had called. Surprisingly, he hadn't been far downstream, no more than half a dozen miles. The lanky man would move with alarming speed, quite interested in what this gathering would entail. His features would brighten as the few wolves that had arrived came into view, a cheeky grin contorting his features as he loped toward the few with ease. Before acknowledging the others, nor the male that had called, he'd tip back his muzzle to let loose a call of his own.. for Hypnos, and for Katja if she was near. Jǫrmungandr seemed unimpressed with his sudden decision to come here and the snake coiled near the top of his head, a soft hiss leaving its mouth as its tongue snaked from between its small jaws. When his call was concluded, he'd amble to Kassander, examining him with wide eyes. "Such a grand gesture for a boy so young," he'd comment lazily, amusement dancing in his accented voice. "It would be a shame if things didn't go according to plan.." His words were merely jesting, not exactly a threat; though if this little healing thing didn't prove to be worthwhile, he was certain he could bring some fun to the table.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.



4 Years
04-17-2015, 06:47 PM

Despite the obvious annoyance that most other creatures provided him, he found his russet frame loping toward the fray without hesitation. There was something to be said about observing a crowd, and since this one seemed so willing to gather he figured he ought to take advantage of it. He wasn't certain, at this point, if Rozenn would join him on this outing or not, but her presence wasn't necessary for the trip to be successful. Snowblown cranium hung low as he picked up a considerably fast, yet incredibly smooth, lope in the direction of the howl. It was far off, but since he'd already been moving in a southward direction it wasn't quite the horrible distance that it could have been. Artfully he weaved through trees, darted over thickets, and leaped over creeks like a powerful stag. His heart pounded in his heaving chest and his pinned ears as he narrowed the miles between he and the party that was steadily gathering. Golden eyes flashed in the sunlight as he found himself slowing, the scent of wolves growing stronger with each breath he took. They were close. He slowed to a delicate and bouncy trot, arriving just after the thick accented, tan coated man. He drew up a few feet to the man's right, catching his final phrase as he uttered it to the wolf who had called them all, presumably. A smirk crossed Claude's features as he raised a brow, golden optics focusing upon the older, yet smaller wolf. "How could a génial idea such as this possibly go wrong?" He chuckled as the final word left his lips, all before realizing that it was highly unlikely the man would know what he'd said - although it should be easy enough to infer. His gaze cast sideways slightly to behold the man who'd called them - a perplexed sort of wonder in his eyes. He would hold his gaze upon Kassander for a moment before drawing it away and casting Kaprasius a final glance. With that he would depart from the pair, slinking a few yards away to observe. This was bound to be a fun gathering.


Art by Evelyn
Rozenn is allowed in any thread Claude is involved in, end of story.



4 Years
04-17-2015, 08:46 PM

Integra had been making her way to go see Kassander again when the fates conveniently intervened. A howl rang out that could only be long to the man she'd been sneaking lessons from and what luck he was close by! Though, it was a little odd he was out this way. However, the tone of the howl had been friendly and not very alarming so he probably wasn't in trouble or anything. She immediately changed course and headed for the really wide river.

When she arrived she saw Kassander as well as a number of other wolves. Magenta eyes narrowed slightly at the strangers before she moved to approach the ebony alpha.
"Hello Kass! How are you?"

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



5 Years
04-17-2015, 11:40 PM

Healing. The very word was like a password, a gatekey to open his walls. It was his calling, his future, his destiny. Picking up little plants and putting them to use. He had known this far before he could ever name the desire. The first time he had ever saw flowers he had been drawn to them mainly because they were pretty, but as he grew older he learned they were, well, quite useful. Harmony was teaching him the basics, but he needed more. He needed to learn all he could! As quickly as possible. Shrike wanted to be a field medic, but Starling...Starling wanted to know it all. It was when he was wandering along the edges of the borders that he had noticed the fox, telling him of the healer training that was going to be held. Without further ado, and with nothing but a quick call to his father, he was off.

Starling would have to admit he was tripping over his own paws much less these days, his body filling out as well as it would ever. He'd always be more or less lanky, always with a little too much bone and too little muscle. But he was growing into his paws! At least, thats what it seemed before he suddenly fumbled and fell face first into the sand. With a hefty sigh he'd shake his head, pick himself up, and continue the long journey towards the meeting place. His heart raced in his chest as he continued to move, terrified that he might have took a left when he shoulda went right. But it seemed he was well on the dot. The scent of flowers and herbs filled his nose as the very young child approached the meeting, his sky blue eyes shining brightly. A grin crossed his lips as he noticed the pile of herbs at the man's feet, ignoring all the other strangers. With a timid smile he approached slowly, his head inlined with his spin and his ears tucked. "H-hello.." He stuttered, staring up at Kassander. "Y-you're...the one...that, umh, called the healing lesson, right?" He whispered in his soft voice, swallowing at the lump in his throat as he stared, averting his gaze suddenly to stare at the pile of herbs.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
04-18-2015, 02:43 AM
This stretch of river was wide and slow-moving which suited Irelyn down to the ground; the somewhat timid wolf even wore a half smile, as if she understood the river's murmurings. She, too, moved slowly, placing each paw with care and a delicacy which perhaps would have offered a hint into her true nature – had anyone been watching. A furtive glance about proved that she was alone, though Ire was convinced she could sometimes feel eyes on her.

Unfortunately the golden-coated female couldn't sense voices about to erupt in the still air, so when the call sounded she jumped. A wry smile – acknowledgement of her own flighty behaviour – quickly wrinkled the corners of her eyes, and there it remained, trapped within the twin pools of green, until Irelyn found her way to what appeared to be a growing gathering. Ire appreciated a larger crowd, purely so that she could hide amongst them – but the opportunity to take in healing knowledge from those better versed in the art was one she couldn't resist.

Irelyn hovered a little despite the assumption that she was in plain view, before coming to a stop in a spot which felt somewhat detached from the others. Her head bowed, but her pea green eyes remained watchful, glinting with silent curiousity.



2 Years
04-18-2015, 01:38 PM

Sigmarr was struggling and he didn't know why. He'd destroyed the demon that had plagued them and while part of him was now at peace there was still a part of him that was restless, that felt out of place and disconnected from everyone around him. He'd been gone from his family for so long that most of them felt like strangers and even Ebony seemed to have changed. Sigmarr, walked slowly along the border, willing himself to get back into the routine of being a proper pack wolf. As he strode along a call rang out that made Sigmarr grit his teeth. Kassander was calling a gathering of that magnitude without telling him? Spinning on his heels he headed for the direction of the call, hoping that someone was already there to watch Kassander's back in case any of the attendee's were interested in playing foul.

As the ice-eyed male strode into the gather it was just in time to hear an odd, green-eyed male with a strange accent speak.

It would be a shame if things didn't go according to plan

Sigmarr resisted the urge to growl but his eyes narrowed as he spoke. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. We can look after our own." Sigmarr moved to stand next to his brother and take on the role of body guard. He was only to happy to start plucking body parts off of anyone foolish enough to threaten his family and… well it was a healing meeting. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have a dummy or two to practice on.




7 Years
Dire wolf
04-18-2015, 02:11 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

A tiny canine had spoken to her briefly, about a meeting among the local wolves. It had been a little difficult to converse with, language barriers and all. But she was getting better, and everntually the message had gotten across. To learn healing. That would be very helpful, and give her an idea of what the plant life in the area was like. As well, it would be an opportunity to mingle with the natives and get a better feel for how things worked around here. A call rang out, from somewhere in the south. The cosmic behemoth was napping, galactic form sprawled out artfully at the base of a large tree, when it pulled her from her slumber. Dried leaves rustled loudly as she lazily raised her head, muzzle pointed in the direction the call had come from. A recently fallen leaf tumbled from between her ears, brushing against her lashes and obscuring her vision briefly as it fell. A small chuff would escape her, absently recognizing what the song meant. A yawn would stretch apart her jaws, tongue curling as she rose laboriously to her feet. More fallen leaves slid randomly from her body as she stood, prompting her to shake out her coat. Mammoth paws began to fall upon the terra, long limbs pulling her toward the meeting place. Despite her wariness to be surrounded by so many foreign wolves, such a group of strangers, she was a little excited to see how it would turn out.

Faria had been exploring a lot as of late, and as distressing as not being able to protect her little hobbit was, it couldn't be helped. Mith, as well, had been missing for some time. She'd been searching far and wide, but he seemed to have dropped off the map. Now that was worrying the starry pelted woman. She wasn't sure where he was, save for odd little whiffs of his scent here and there, she hadn't seen him at all for most of the autumn season, and a lot of the summer. Where could he be? Had he run off? Had their tribe come to find them, and taken her brother away? A sharp whine of acute pain left her as that thought nagged at her mind, audits lowering toward her skull. Was Mithras dead? Celestial banner would twitch at her hocks, hackles bristling briefly. If they'd taken her brother, they would have to face her wrath, and she would not let them take him easily. The scent of prey tickled her nostrils, and auds would perk curiously. This was going to be interesting, if someone had thought to bring food. Maybe this wasn't such a dangerous place to be, at least not as much as she had thought. Low rumblings in her chest stilled as she approached the motley group of wolves. Now was not time to worry about her brother, he was a mostly grown ass man and he could take care of himself. Right now, she needed to learn how better to care for her little group of travelling morons. They all had bad habits of doing really stupid stuff, and if they were going to stay alive she needed to know what she could do to heal them.

Cranium would remain held between her shoulders as she approached, amethyst gaze roving over the gathering. Not many had arrived so far, but they were an interesting bunch. Fairly plain looking, but not all too threatening. Kohl rimmed optics would find the authority among the group, a male with auburn fur. Upon the outskirts of the amalgamation, she would look over them still. "Good day." Husky vocals would rumble, thick accent glaringly out of place. The inability to communicate easily would be a serious handicap in this meeting, but she would try her best, and that was all the femme had. There was a hint of wariness in her stance, as she sought to find somewhere good to rest. It hadn't been a long walk, but stress lay heavy across her shoulders and pulled tightly in her muscles. Despite not wanting to think about it, Mithras' location was something she needed to be aware of soon. Slowly, she plodded a little closer, watching each individual as calmly as she could. She didn't need to appear threatening or sketchy right now, but she was a little nervous as to how such a large group might take her presence among them.



4 Years
04-18-2015, 02:46 PM

What's this, the adorable ginge from the cliffs was hosting a healer event? Warja changed course immediately. Of course she was going to go. That day at the cliffs she'd learned something new. Beets! Who knew? Well, apparently Kassander did--and that was exactly why she was going. Perhaps he had more health hacks up his sleeve.

Reaching Kassander, Warja approached him from behind and arced around his left side so that she was standing in his line of sight. Veiled words were exchanged among those gathered and a brute who she assumed was a relative of the ginger healer interjected. Warja, sending a sly glance in Kassander's direction, murmured, "I assume there's a pile of beets somewhere for crowd control?"




4 Years
04-18-2015, 03:11 PM

It wasn't often that she got a time to relax, her body was always in hyperdrive. When she heard the call, she decided it would be a good opportunity for them or herself rather. The three legged cripple moved herself to the rio grande from her cold home. Notifying her pack of the meeting beforehand if they wished to come. Although she figured only Sage would have any interest in a healers convention. Surrounded by wolves of the same interest, why didn't that thought excite her. It only made her feel more nervous than she already was. Her heart was racing when she arrived already seeing the mass amount of wolves that had gathered.

The russet found herself, bringing to the choice this might be a chance to recruit some wolves who didn't belong to a pack. Although she was certain the other packs would be having the same idea. Her blue eyes would focus on a lady, Irelyn. Going towards the wolf, the tall woman would be a bit ashamed of the scar across her face but took a seat next to the other beautiful lady anyway. Her attention turning to Kassander. Making herself smile through her nerves. "Hello Kassander, I'm Arian Adravendi I recently have become an alpha of a pack called Sonticus we live in the north." Perhaps this would also be a chance to create relations. No matter how bad she felt about herself.

ooc: any sonticus members are welcome.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
04-18-2015, 04:20 PM

Seeing that he needed to revise his healing knowledge and quickly learn of unfamiliar plants that never grew on his former home for his family's benefit, almost coincidently, a fox had spoken to his elder brother about a continent wide healer training. If it wasn't for his deep respect towards nature and its inhabitants, he wouldn't believe such words escaping a possible meal's mouth. However, his connection with the natural world told him it was the truth, despite the doubt his brother may have been facing in the situation. There was no other way of knowing other than checking himself, and so he soon set off for this healer training. It was an ingenious idea, having healers like himself from all over the lands gather at one meeting. Some would be more knowledgable that himself while others would be less experienced. Pack wolves, loners, enemies, allies, it didn't matter. Their interest in medicine was what brought them together despite their negative differences.

Along his rather short journey, a fluent howl rang in his ears and guided him to the location of the healer gathering. A broad river weaved its way around the rolling hills and plains, a fine region for any meeting. Spending so long in the coastal area of the beach, the memory of soft and open grass had begun to fade from his mind. Already, many wolves, no, healers, had arrived and were pleasantly talking amongst themselves. There were no fights, no disagreements, no arguments, just unity. It was almost too good to be true. "Terrae Elementas, fellow healer." His head dipped to the russet male who he assumed had called the gathering today as he made his presence known. With introductions finished, he seated himself within the centre of the crowd just so he could get a good view of whatever was being taught.

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-18-2015, 10:51 PM

She'd been sought out by a fox of all creatures and invited to some kind of healer gathering. Of course such an event would pique her interest and the rabbit-furred girl could hardly stay away. Being able to learn from so many other healers, she was on her paws as soon as she heard the leader of Ebony. delicate paws carried her over Imperium's borders, the meeting was incredibly close to home so she was rather surprised at the many who had gathered already. Briefly her eyes would scan the crowd, finding only a couple familiar faces. One of the pups from the training she had held, her name was Integra. The other wolf she knew was of her own kin, she knew that she'd never be able to forget those babies for as long as she lived. This was Bass's son Starling.

Finding her grin couldn't be contained the girl made her way to where the boy stood, greeting the King himself. She'd stop behind him, her bright features unmoving as she nodded to Kassander and the fox she had met earlier. "Greetings, Rhythm Destruction."

She' follow her nephew, wondering if he even remembered her. The thought hurt, and only made for a reminder of the harsh punishment she'd been given. "Hello, Starling." Rhythm would offer as she smiled softly at the boy, letting herself be more hopeful than she knew she should.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



9 Years
04-18-2015, 11:22 PM

The black and white man was a hunter and probably had no business going to a healer training session. He knew nothing about healing but thought, what the hell. He made a deal with his new alpha, Rune, that he would do what ever he could to help the pack and pull his own weight. He already knew how to hunt and it wouldn't hurt anything to learn a little bit about healing. It may even come in handy to him or even possibly other hunters should they accidently get injured by something they were trying to kill.

He wasn't however, planning on having to deal with so many wolves. He had tenced up when he met a few of his own pack members but her. Here he was lucky he didn't just tuck tail and run. Here he knew no one by name. The only one he could place from anywhere was a grey, black and white woman who smelled of Secretua. Seeing her so calm and relaxed helped him relax. It was next to his pack mate that he would choose to take his seat. If she was his pack's healer, then maybe she would be willing to help him later should he wish to learn more. Though he doubted he would ever like anything more than hunting.



04-19-2015, 07:27 PM

Should he have felt guilty about his trip down south? It was longer than he had meant, and surely Kapra might have noticed the extended absence since they had been traveling with each other through the central lands. Still... Hypnos was not completely sorry. He had seen Mystic, seen that she was okay. She was alive and well, and what's more, had once been a captive of his mentor and his cousin. That thought had a feeling like a rock sat in his gut. He respected the teachings of Kapra more than anything, but... His friend had almost been sold as a slave. He would shake his head, trailing along through the lands as he worked to pick up Kapra's scent.

His leg was bothering him some, but nothing too bad in the end. Ears would prick, hearing Kapra's howl cross onto the wind. Any other noises had been ignored up until now, but now that the man called for him the boy was alert. He would quicken his pace, breaking into a run that had his leg give an ache of protest. He had worked it a lot lately, but it was good training for it.

It wouldn't take him too long to arrive, all things considered, seagreen gaze falling upon the man he looked up to like a father. He would approach Kapra and his snake companion with a curious look, gaze flicking to those also gathered. "Kapra?" He would inquire, waiting to see what he might offer without him prodding further.

Art by Tea



3 Years
04-20-2015, 09:39 AM
After word of this big healing meeting had been reached Threar, Novella had practically insisted that Sorrel had to attend, much to his chagrin. Worse still was Ellingham agreeing that it would be good for him, the boy had no idea if anyone else from Threar was tagging along though suspecting that his twin wouldn't be tempted Sorrel decided not to wait and see and simply set off, only the stupid owl there to suffer with him.

Ellingham however was in fact rather curious to see this big meeting, it was surely a wonderful opportunity for any of the healers around and he simply couldn't understand why Sorrel had to be so negative about it. They weren't asking him to make friends here, just to try and learn something new. Well the former Sorrel certainly wasn't planning on doing, the latter however well he sure as hell hoped that he got something out of this.

He paid little attention to the wolves that had actually gathered, though if he thought about it perhaps he should have kept an eye out for his cousin. Novel was certainly his favourite amongst his many cousins; she had helped him develop his first little bits of healing knowledge. Sitting quietly at the back of the group, a placement that gave him a quick escape if necessary, Sorrel waited.



3 Years
04-21-2015, 09:56 AM

Mira honestly had no idea why she was even here. She was a fighter, not a healer. And yet, she found herself trailing after her alpha, a slightly confused expression on her face as she did so. Fighter or not... well, it would be helpful to learn a bit of healing. At the very least, she could patch her own wounds when in the field. That alone was worth it, but even more so it was worth showing that Sonticus was a force to be reckoned with.

She flicked an ear, eyes widening upon sighting a familiar brown form. Motif...? No, that wasn't her. Another blink, and she recognized Rhythm - something that made a lot more sense, and made Mira feel a bit better. After all, what would she have done if her old friend had suddenly turned on fighting and gone to healing? Unless she was there for the same reason Mira was. Regardless, though, the female was Rhythm, and scenting like Imperium, at that. She wasn't sure why Rhythm was in Imperium instead of Abaven, but that was one hornet's nest she had no desire to step on.

The red woman sat next to Arian, sparing only a glance for Irelyn before dipping her head to Kassander, in a silent acknowledgment.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



3 Years
Extra large
04-21-2015, 03:37 PM
When the news of the big healing meeting hit Secretua, Kismet was rather intrigued. He wasn't a healer himself of course and whilst he had certainly come to appreciate the wonders some of those weird plants could do for you he wasn't sure he'd ever really get to grips with all the different types and their strange names. He'd leave all of that stuff to Warja and he suspected that she would certainly attend something like this. He had no doubts that she'd be able to look after herself if anything happened to kick off, she was no fool after all and certainly tougher than she looked. What he also knew however was that Rune would probably appreciate a little Secretuan back up there for her just in case and that was really the main reason he was here.

These healers really hadn't wasted their time in gathering, quite the crowd had begun to form already and his little friend didn't exactly stand out quite so easily. Mismatched eyes searched and he perhaps only half surprised to find her at the front of everything. She wasn't exactly shy Warja, though this wasn't her meeting so what had led her to find her way to the front like that? Well he didn't intend on awkwardly hovering around a bunch of healers, he'd seek out his friend's company instead, making his way around the outside of the group until he was in line with Warja, still at the sidelines of course, he didn't intend on getting in the middle of everything. Now, should he call her or just wait here for her to join him? She'd see him at some point right?



10 Years
04-22-2015, 06:21 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2015, 06:23 AM by Ara.)
The call that rang out over the lands was a curious one. The song spoke of training in the art of healing, and yet it seemed welcoming to all wolves, not merely of one particular pack. Ara couldn't help but be interested, despite her own quiet nature. It wasn't too often she left the lands at all, and when she did it was usually to collect herbs or spend time in quiet though. Who knew what could happen at an open gathering?

A thought struck her suddenly. If she and Novel were to leave soon, wouldn't a small trip be worthwhile? She knew it had been a long time since Novel had interacted with anyone outside of Fiori, and if they were to be traveling so far from home.. maybe this would be good practice. She would eye Novel questioningly, her gaze soft as she pondered. "Let's go see what's going on," she offered gently. If Novel refused, she wouldn't go, but it was rare for her wife to deny her. This would be good for them, and maybe they'd even meet some new faces.

Only when they left familiar lands and grew closer to the group, after miles of careful travel, did she realize that this gathering was far larger than she expected. Nearly two dozen wolves had arrived, and the scents in the air were of all sorts of packs and loners. Feeling a bit insecure -- but knowing Novel likely felt even more nervous -- she'd lean to nuzzle her as she found a spot for them to sit and wait for whatever was to happen. Worse case scenario, they could leave and find something else to do, but maybe this would be good for them both. Upon further inspection, she swore she saw some of Novel's relatives, and she'd gesture to them subtly while nudging Novel gently. Did she know them?