
Bacchus v Akemi



2 Years
Extra large
05-01-2015, 12:41 PM

Bacchus felt nervous, this was going to be his very first spar ever, knowing that he needed to get stronger to protect his family. He couldn't ever let anything happen to Absinthe or his mothers and brothers. He'd take a deep breath and take to the battlefield, unsure what his opponent looked like. He had reached his full height at one year old, but he was far from the burly wolf he would be in the future. Large paws would carry him, a little less than eagerly. He hadn't had any kind of training, but what better training was there than hands on? He'd take a deep breath as he turned around, squaring himself and lowering his features. He could do this. For Absinthe.

Opening his eyes back up he'd look to the one he'd be fighting.
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05-02-2015, 09:26 AM

Come at me bro...

Just because she was small in size didn't mean she was small in heart, nor of courage. Akemi had come here today with one thing in mind only -- To focus on getting stronger so that she could protect Secretua. The female would look around with her single eye, her left eye, as she waited for this to begin. She had been paying careful attention to those who asked to participate in the spars... and finally her name and her opponent's was called. Ahh... this would be interesting.

She would leave where she stood to approach the young man she would be fighting. Though he looked to only be about a year old he was far larger than was normal. He was bordering massive, as a matter-of-fact. Akemi would look him up and down, meeting his gaze for just a moment. She would brace herself, throwing up her defenses.

Her legs were spread, weight evenly distributing across the four limbs. Toes too would be spread, claws biting into the soil beneath her paws. Her limbs were bent, ready for movement, and she would tense her muscles. Head would lower, aligning with her spine, as she scrunched her neck. Single orb would narrow, shoulders rolling forward. Her hackles were raised, lips snarling as she finished her preparations. It was time.

Akemi would make the first move, rushing toward her opponent to close the distance between them. She would aim low {not that she had much choice} in lunging when she got close, shifting her weight to make up for the change in position. Her body's position was altered to her own right, so that she could keep an eye upon her opponent. Her left forepaw sought his right forepaw, aiming to smash down upon the toes to bruise them. Her claws, hopefully, as her leg came down would get some scratches upon his leg. Finally she sought to sink her jaws in for a firm hold upon the softer flesh of his belly on the right side, almost directly behind his right foreleg.

Akemi vs Bacchus

Round: 1 of 2

Attack: Fourth Paragrah

Defenses: Third Paragraph

Injuries: First Round

Table by:: Lunarcat7



2 Years
Extra large
05-04-2015, 12:35 PM

Bacchus barely knew what to think as he watched the she wolf appear, she was much smaller than he and it already looked like she'd been bested in more than a few battles. That fact alone would intimidate him, even through his superior size how could he compete with experience. He'd try to focus instead of panic, instinctually the boy would narrow his gaze and lower his ears, hackles raised as he bent his knees and widened his stance. His long white marked tail would stand behind him aligned with his spine as he tucked his chin and rolled his massive shoulders forward. His jaws would widen as he pulled his lips back in a snarl and suddenly the woman before him would spring.

He tried to remember the play fights he'd had with his brothers over the last year. He knew he needed to expect the pain, but as he lowered himself into his stance he still felt ill prepared. Still he'd evenly distribute his weight and prepare for impact. He had to make himself keep his eyes open as her claws ran down his foreleg and she stomped on his paw. Bacchus would want to pull his lightly bruised paw more near him, redistributing his weight to his remaining three paws. She'd seek to grab the sensitive place behind his right leg, but as he pulled the limb upwards all her teeth would receive was his elbow. Not that there was any better, he'd feel her teeth go through the skin and result in a moderate wound.

Bacchus would growl in frustration as he sought to retaliate. He'd want to use his body weight to slam the rear part of his shoulder into her cheek right below her eye. Bacchus would want to jostle her as he too sought to stomp on her front right foot with his own right front paw. Aiming again to use his heavier weight to make her back up. Lastly he'd open his jaws and tilt his head in attempt a bite to the back of her head. Top jaws sough what was remaining of her left ear and his bottom jaws sought her right ear. He'd want to chomp down, hopefully taking control of her head and her movements.
Bacchus v Akemi round 1 of 2
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


05-09-2015, 08:45 AM

Akemi was no stranger to pain, and she came at this battle more than willing to experience it. Spar or not, this was her battlefield. Her “playground” so to speak. She would strike home on her pawstomp, likely just a bruise with her smaller size. Not that she wanted more, mind you, but she did understand in the end this was a spar. Knowing where the small woman came from, however, it wouldn’t be a longshot to say that she might forget herself in the heat of battle.

Teeth would go through skin, tasting blood, and she would release the moved limb. The elbow of her larger opponent had not been her intentions, but it was still a hit. There was a grown of frustration above her, and Akemi would instinctively right her defenses as she made her own next move.

Her stance was widened, legs spread, with her weight evenly distributed across the limbs. Her muscles were tense, hackles raised, and her head once more lowered to align with her spine. The femme’s neck was scrunched, single eye narrowed, shoulders rolled forward, and her chin tucked inward. Jaws were parted, a snarl pouring from her lips as she surged forward with her back legs, ducking down in an attempt to get under the male.

She would feel his shoulder as it hit her side, a more minor thing, a light bruise to form there later. His pawstomp would miss the woman completely, luckily for her, as she moved to get under him, using her smaller size to her advantage in that aspect. She would wince as she felt his jaws close down upon her rump, right where her thighs began. The small female would let out a small yelp, frustrating making her furrow her brow. Not that she could do much now, she would seek to snap her jaws up at the soft flesh of the underbelly, closer to the left side of the male, to sink in hard enough to encourage him to let her go so that she might be able to slide out from under him on that same side.

Akemi vs Bacchus for Spar || Round:: II of II

Talk, Think



2 Years
Extra large
05-12-2015, 02:22 PM

Bacchus would keep his defenses set, hackles raised with his hears to his skull, eyes narrowed, lips pulled back to expose his canines. His knees were bent, stance widened and his weight distributed to the paws he had on the ground. His tail was aligned with his spine in a line out behind him. Toes were splayed and his claws dug into the earth. He'd slip slightly as she shifted, bringing his body closer to the earth and the result being his shoulder in her side. While he tried to bring him paw down on hers rather sloppily she'd slip underneath him. Bacchus then did what would come most naturally. He laid down.

He was already close to the ground, at least as close to the ground as she was with his shoulder hitting her rib area. Instead of jumping up and allowing her to bite his sensitive underbelly the boy would hopefully squish her out of mobility. This should have completely negated her bite. He didn't want to let her go though, where his jaws met her haunches he'd want to bite down harder and shake his head.
Bacchus v Akemi round 2 of 2
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

The Judge


05-17-2015, 09:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2015, 09:04 PM by The Judge.)



6 for clarity:

  • -1 “...rushing toward her opponent...” Is she coming at him head on? From the side?
  • -1 “Her body's position was altered to her own right...” This is a very vague statement and I'm not sure how Akemi is moving exactly.
  • -1 “...would get some scratches upon his leg.” Where on his leg?
  • -1 “Finally she sought to sink her jaws in for a firm hold upon the softer flesh of his belly on the right side, almost directly behind his right foreleg.” Is she reaching under him? Around him?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “...rushing toward her opponent to close the distance between them.” and “ lunging when she got close.” All movement towards your opponent needs to be attempted.
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
  • -1 for not redistributing weight after lifting paw
6 for attack.
  • +1 toe stomp
  • +1 clawing
  • +4 bite/grip
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Akemi's round one total: 39/50

7 for clarity:

  • -1 “...her claws ran down his foreleg and she stomped on his paw.” Which foreleg/paw? Even if it's obvious I can't assume anything.
  • -2  “...rear part of his shoulder into her cheek right below her eye.” Which shoulder and which cheek?
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each to max of 10.
6 for attack.
  • +1 shoulder attack
  • +1 toe stomp
  • +4 bite/grip
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Bacchus' round one total: 43/50


7 for clarity:

  • -1 “...ducking down in an attempt to get under the male.” More details are needed here. What part of him is she trying to duck under?
  • -1 “She would feel his shoulder as it hit her side...” Which side and where?
  • -1 “...she would seek to snap her jaws up at the soft flesh of the underbelly, closer to the left side of the male...” Where exactly? That's a very large area?
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “She would wince as she felt his jaws close down upon her rump, right where her thighs began ” What damage did she take from this?
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen.
3 for attack.
  • +3 bite
7 for injuries.
  • -1 light bruising
  • -2 moderate bite wound (damage assigned by judge)
Akemi's round two total: 35/50

9 for clarity:  
  • -1 I feel like his belly flop could have been a bite more detailed, it felt very vague so I'm making a general deduction for it.
9 for powerplaying.
  • -1 “He laid down.” As an attack this needs to be attempted.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
5 for attack.
  • +2 belly flop
  • +3 attempt to worsen bite wound
9 for injuries.
  • -1 minor lacerations (damage assigned by judge)

Bacchus' round two total: 42/50


AKEMI: 74/100
BACCHUS: 85/100

And the winner is...

BACCHUS! Akemi must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Light bruising will take 3 OOC days to heal
  • Moderate bite wound will take 1 OOC week to heal
  • Minor lacerations will take 5 OOC days to heal


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: Most of my notes are in the deductions above. You both need to work on clarity; there was a vagueness to your posts that made for a difficult read, but don't be disheartened! Practice, practice, practice! Adding a few more specifics to your character's movements will bring your clarity score up. I also suggest you try more complex attacks to your posts. You're missing out on quite a few points by only doing one or two simple attacks per round. Really though, it was a good fight, guys! You both did well.

- By [Lazuli]