
Among the Stars



5 Years
04-24-2015, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2015, 04:33 PM by Caeli.)

Astrea stared, her eyes tracing the same paths they did every night. But something was different, she felt different. She lifted her paw and fiddled with the new wight on her chest. She never tired of the stone. It calmed her, was a comfort she did not know she needed, or even know she wanted. But she did. But it was more then the stone. It was the symbol the stone was. Ten had given her this stone as more than a gift, it was a promise of sorts. She felt his feelings as only someone connected to him could. And they where connected. When she whispered that day that she thought she loved him she was speaking a truth that she had not realized at that moment; She did love him, had since that first night they spent looking at these very stars. In her mind they where already mated, even if he was not ready to see it too.

She closed her eyes and hummed, feeling the warmth from the stone fade into her skin. It felt like Ten, his simple goodness and warm heart. But Seerten was not the only one in her thoughts. Glacier was also forefront on her mind. He had gotten better it was true, but there was something that still bothered her. He seemed too put together after his ordeal which left him incapacitated. If it had been her who was so hut that she went into unconsciousness for days she would have been a little more panicked. But he? He was still solid much like the ice that he embodied.

He has not came to her, no one has come to her. She looked up again, her eyes tracing the pathways between the stars. How can she guide her family if they never looked to her like she looked to the stars? Astrea sighed, looking away from the stars to only look out at the ocean, it as much as the stars calmed her. Maybe her family only needed time before they felt that she could help them. She just wished her family would trust her.



6 Years
Extra large
04-26-2015, 03:31 PM

He had to shake off his injury as quickly as possible in order to be useful to his family once more. As it was he already regretted being a waste or resources and worry to his family. Learning as much as he could from voltage gave him an idea how things had been going, and confirmed what he already knew - voltage had the pack under control in his 'absence' one of the first things he had done was met Seerten. Luckily for himself he had liked the boy, because even if he hadn't be would have forced himself to, he had no right to control his family and would never presume to judge who they could or could not date - his duty was to protect them, but no matter how much he might wish to he would not try to protect them from themselves.

After talking to Seerten he wanted to find Astrea and she how she was doing, not just with her man in the pack but also with her new position and to get an idea in general how his quite sister was holding up. It didn't take long to find the stunning dark coated wolf - she was in the first place he looked and the most obvious of his choices. He climbed the cliff path slowly, taking in the sight of his sister perched on the edge, watching both the stars and the ocean. His lips would twitch into his customary smile as he stopped beside her, letting his giant shape block out the moon and cast her in shadows as his tail lightly flicked against her flank in a friendly greeting "lost in the stars?" he teased her lovingly.





5 Years
04-26-2015, 05:33 PM

She again fiddled with her stone, the new habit she developed soon after getting it. She hummed, her eye focusing on a cloud that rolled over the northern star. She did not mind the clouds like one would think, in fact she welcomed the eldest in her litter's presence in the sky. It was a comfort, He may not know it but Arcus was just as important to the sky as she was, he just needed to open up a little assert himself, he didn't have to be flashy just there. She tilted her head, would Arcus come to her for help? She did not think so, She would more then likely have to go to him, and she would soon...

She was about to nod and get up then to look for her stormy brother when a voice behind her made her jump a bit. She hoped her brother did not see, but it was likely he did. But it was not everyday someone came up to her perch, not even Sol and Selini spent nearly as much time as she did up on the cliff. Hell she even slept up on the cliff, curled up in the sun under the sleeping stars.

The star child hummed at her brother's comment. She glanced at him as he settled near her. He was so large, bigger then even Ten but he was almost a teddy bear to his family, she was never intimidated by him as some may think. "I am always among the stars. It is my place." She hummed again, pawing at her necklace. She looked away from the stars to give the big solid male a shy smile. "But my family needs me, even if at times I do not feel like it," She hummed.

She turned her body then, the smile fading from her face, a serious glint to her eye. She has not spent a whole lot of time with the eldest brother, he was always busy with her other siblings. But now was not time to think of that, he was just recovering from his injury and more then likely felt the frustration from his weakness and inaction. "How are you feeling, brother? Any lingering weakness?" Not that she did not have faith in Terrae's skills but wolves like her elder brother tended to hid pain when they shouldn't.




6 Years
Extra large
04-26-2015, 06:32 PM

She would be in full agreement with his comment on the stars. She belonged beneath their gaze and he couldn't help but notice that she glowed within their pale unearthly light, even with him blocking out the moon, casting her in shadows. That in part was how he had at first missed her new adornment, with his towering advantage point it was hidden in the shadows beneath her face, but as she absently pawed at it now it would draw his gaze. It was beautifully fitting of his ethereal sister, it was white, almost translucent, and yet it shined with a range of different colors, as through it reflected it treasures from everyone else to see, keeping none of the beauty for itself, a selfless wonder like Astrea herself. A smile would twitch at the corner of his lips again as his thoughts ran opposite to his sisters words. "I will always need you, little sister, weather you know it or not" he promised her gently.

She would turn their attention to his recovery, and he would feel a twinge in his paw with just the memory of it, through it was perhaps his head that had taken the worst beating he winked and gave her a sheepish smile "just like a glacier, I might not break often, but when I do I break epicly... Or just embarrassingly, depending on how you look at it" he teased her "I'm well past the worse of it, little lone star, ill be fine" he promised her, lowering his massive head to nudge gently against the side of her face, through his own seemed to dwarf her pretty features.





5 Years
04-26-2015, 07:30 PM

Astrea watched him examine her star. she looked down at it too, it was a lovely thing, a star in a stone. It even looked like a star against the darkness of her chest and fur. But it was not just the look that made her happy about the gift but the warmth it gave her. She felt the power that this stone held, felt it calm her and give her confidence like nothing else could. She looked up again at her large brother. "Ten gave it to me." She pawed at it again. Then dropped her paw.

She tilted her head then looked from Glaciers face then back to the stars, her pale eyes moving from one to the other. She remembered one day when she looked up at the sky to only be shocked when she found that one of her favorite stars no longer shown down at her. She felt a pain like nothing before. She still missed the brightness of that one star, and she thought that was how the family would feel if any one of them was gone. Like a whole left in the survives chest. "You scared us, you scared Voltage."

The star child dropped her eyes to the water, her eyes feeling the sting of fear. But from what she understood of glaciers they went through times of great growth and then times of great loss. Maybe he was just melting, receding to only grow again stronger than ever. Maybe that was just his nature like it was hers to be distance and in the shadows. "You scared me." She looked at him then, her eyes filled with the emotion that she held behind her calmness.

"Glacier you have to be more careful, if we lost you, we lose our foundation, the rock that holds us afloat in this sea of life."



6 Years
Extra large
04-26-2015, 07:47 PM

'Ten gave it to me' she would say in response to his silent examination, and well he had never heard the nickname before he instantly knew she meant Seerten. ahh he thought, in understanding of the sweet little gift. Maybe he should get Anais something more permanent like this Opal as well, instead of the flowers he had given her that had likely wasted away by now. He didn't say anything in response, and he wondered if she knew that he had met Seerten, had called the brute to him to know who had captured his little sisters heart. The two of them would be silent for a moment, her paw would drop back down to the earth and his eyes would move from her chest to her face once more, to met the soft glow of her familiar eyes.

She wasn't looking at him however, but up at her beloved stars, and he let himself watch her for a moment with a silence smile tugging the corner of one side of his lips. She always looked so peaceful when star gazing, it made him happy just to see it. The silence wouldn't last forever, however, and soon her gaze would be upon him once more. Her words, well accusatory, spoken in a gentle voice. “I know” he said simply, he had never intended to scare them and this little encounter had reminded him that he had limits, next time he would make the call and bring Voltage to him to aid him if it was something he shouldn't handle alone – he never wanted to frighten his family like that again.

She would speak again, and her words would compel him to go closer to her, offering her comfort and, to touch his nose to the bridge of hers, to rest his head against her forehead, before lifting his muzzle to kiss her between her ears and draw his head away again “I'm sorry, little Astrea” he apologized softly. “I can promise to be more careful but I can't promise I wont do everything in my power to keep you and our siblings safe” he warned her gently, not lifting his serious gaze from her.




5 Years
05-02-2015, 01:42 PM

Astrea smiled at her oldest brother, knowing full well the answer he would give her. It was in his nature after all. He was the protector, the wall. A sliding wall that protected them from the harsh world. He and Voltage where the first defiance between her and the evil that resided in the world. She was not ignorant of that, she knew that even the stars she loved had a dark half; Black holes dotted the sky just like the bright stars.

But knowing that still did not help the fear that still filled her heart. Now that they where a pack danger lurked just in the shadows of the light the pack made. Danger was now more forthcoming for the family, wheres before they where able to hide, if danger had found them they could flee; now, at this moment they could not, they had too many responsibilities. Not that Glacier or Voltage would have ran, it is their nature to meet danger head on; Glacier's injury just drove that point home for her and the rest of the family.

"I know Glacier," Astrea whispered. "It is in your nature after all. I would expect nothing else."

And that the was the butt of the point, the Elementas where subject to their nature. She was quite and distant because the stars where. Voltage was energetic and Glacier was calm and solid for that same reason. Astrea knew that. But did her siblings? Did they understand the nature of each other? She knew Voltage understood that to a certain extent, just like the rest of her siblings.

She tilted her head, as the waves hit the shore of the beach, a small splash caught her attention. She had no doubt that it was Locha out again for a late night swim. A smile curved her face, seeing the joy in the simple act of being one with your chosen element. She hummed as the splashing increased then moved toward the shore. "Glacier?" Her voice was quite as she glanced at his face. It was close to hers as his body pressed to hers. "Do you miss the snow and ice?" He was the only one who did not have his element close at hand, his was even more hidden than hers was; she could look up and see the stars, even if she did not feel the pull as strong here then she did at the volcano; while his was no where in sight, he would have to go far north to absorb his nature.

And as she sat under her name sake, she felt slightly guilty. Maybe she could take a trip with Glacier to the frozen north. Would he like that?



6 Years
Extra large
05-02-2015, 03:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2015, 03:14 PM by Glacier.)

He would smile warmly at his little sister as she agreed that she expected nothing else. It was just as important to him and Voltage that their family knew they would be looked after, that so long as there was breath in his and Volty's bodies, they would be safe from anything that wished them harm. Through, of course, he was also adamant that they should be free to learn, experience, and grow from the world. Well he would shelter them from danger, he would not shelter them from life.

He too would hear the movement in the waved, but would give his sister privacy if she so desired it. She called her siblings sometimes to midnight swims, but no doubt like the rest of them liked also her time alone with what she loved the most. He was distracted through, until Astrea spoke again and he moved his eyes to met hers once more. She had called out her name, and he gave her a moment to form her thoughts to words. He chuckled softly when she finished and shook his head, then paused, and shrugged. “Well, I miss the freedom it provides – might sound stranger to you slimmer wolves, but the heat slows me down, presses on me. In the cold my bulk and thick cold protect me enough from the cold that it doesn't effect me – not like the heat does” he would explain the tactical disadvantage of him living in the heat, but also how it effected his personal interest. “But the nights here are cool enough to live with, and my family happy is all I need” and that wasn't just words, it really was the truth.

He would grin at his little sister then "What do you prefer, being too hot, or too cold?" he asked her good naturedly





5 Years
05-02-2015, 04:00 PM

Astrea would hum as Glacier explained himself, he talked more like a general then a Elementas. He explained that he was slower in the heat then the cold but said nothing about his calm and comfort. That confused her, she was so in tune with the stars that if for any length of time she would not be able to see of feel the hum of them she would more than likely become depressed. But did he? She was not very hopeful of a snowy winter, not this far south, so it was not very likely that he would see snow unless he took a trip north; but he did not seem all that bothered by it, just saying he was slower and less likely able to defend the family. "I do not understand Glacier." She tilted her head at him. "You say you miss the freedom of movement, but do you not miss..." She hummed trying to best explain the nature of what she felt for the stars. Voltage talked about how he felt the most content near the energy of the family and Serefina was happiness near the heat of fire. Wasn't Glacier the same? "Don't you miss the comfort of the ice? Like how Sere misses the volcano?"

She blinked at him, her mind trying to wrap around the idea he presented to her. Was she so abnormal? That she was so connected with the little dots in the sky? Something she can only dream of touching? She closed her eyes and shook her head. "Is it so odd that the stars call to me? Does the snow and ice not call to you?"

She flicked her ears back and forward, a small frown on her face. "Would you want to see the snow?" She hoped that he would say yes, maybe it wasn't just that he did not feel the pull he just could not feel it at a distance when he was thinking about anything but his name sake.



6 Years
Extra large
05-02-2015, 04:16 PM

The Titanic brute would look fondly upon his sweet sister as she admitted to being confused. He seated himself more comfortably upon the earth, lowering his bulk down and resting his head between two crossed paws, the picture of a wolf at ease. He knew there was only one way up onto the cliff, and he was facing it and Astrea both, they where on pack territory, he was already assured of Astrea's safety and trusted in his strengths, already his paw had started to strengthen with his daily exercises and use. Astrea didn't answer his question, instead she was still trying to explain herself, pointing out his answer hadn't been an explanation of his own preference exactly. He would close his eyes and listen to the sound of her hum. It was soft, mysterious and distant sound like the stars, it was Astrea – he could never mistake the familiar sound of her voice.

He opened them again as Astrea started to speak again, watching her before he sighed and met her eyes. “The ice will always call to me little Star Whisperer, and the stars calling to you is only natural. Its not strange that the stars call to you because I am the one that's different. For me, the ice is tactically preferable, its more comfortable and natural, but I can live in this moderate heat without suffering, and you all can live here in comfort and happiness. For me, that is the same thing as living in the most ideal place, for me this will always be home – where my family is happiest”

Her next question seemed almost out of the blue, despite how it aligned with their conversation and he chuckled good naturdly. “Always, little Star Bird.”
