
Tell me of history not yet written



6 Years
03-21-2015, 08:53 PM
It was late evening the next day, and he had done as he promised. He had taken her home and they had had to part. He felt something so heavy in his chest, something that he hadn't known before. Was this what it was like to be alone? He didn't know this emotion very well, perhaps because Voltage was never alone. He always had someone at his side, his siblings or a friend (which to Volty were fleeting, because he only really needed his family) But this...he sighed softly as he trotted along the dens, after just now returning from Ebony, her home. He had never had to endure missing something he couldn't just go and visit. Well, no, that wasn't entirely true. He missed the island and his parents from time to time. But it was never like this, no, never once was it like this. It was as if a rock...a boulder had settled in his stomach, taking up all the space where his heart and lungs should be. It felt as if only her gentle touch and light voice would make it go away.  "This is insane..." He rumbled to himself, shaking his head. How could he be so capitivated after a single night? Just one meeting, one sparkling could he feel this way?

Voltage had been known to love affection, and pretty or strong or very expressive females. He wasn't one to turn down a night, nor was he one to withhold a gentle touch or an embrace. But this...this was entirely different. The last thing on his mind had been the ending, the icing on the cake. He hadn't wanted any of that with her. It went above basic instincts. It was emotion, and dependance, and all he wanted to do was hold her and hear her voice.  "What is wrong with me." He whispered to himself, sighing and shaking his eyes. Stormy eyes softened as he stared at his paws, remembering her sorrow and how his touch had seemed to lift it, remembering how she had shattered everything he knew and put it all back together just right in the blink of an eye.

With a shake of his head he moved along the dens, all of which he generally inhabited from time to time. Passing the storm proofed den and the main family area, he trotted towards the one he shared at times solely with Glacier. It was when they needed to talk, or he just wished for his big brother's company during his restless sleeps. And now...he just needed his level-headedness to somehow sort through Volty's flitting emotions, and help him figure out just what this was. Was it perhaps just the heat of the season? She did, after all, have that alluring scent the girls of his family had during their springs. But it hadn't been that that drove him forward, had it been? With a desperate whine he stepped into the den, eyes closed to the dim light. With another shake of his head he opened his eyes, hoping Glacier had decided this den would be a perfect place to just hang out and wait for when Lightbutt needed him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
03-23-2015, 07:02 PM

Well settled into his new home and the routines of the day, the brute would scout their perimeter, enforce the border markings and do a general check up of their new home. By the time the newly titled Alpha was done it was late evening and he went in search of his partner in crime – well, leadership, but same thing right?
Voltage's fresh scent would lead him to the den the two shared, and he knew his brother had entered the area recently. The boys went to this den when they needed a touch of privacy and a chance to chat, and the Titan wondered what it was that might have brought his brother here.

With this in mind he slipped inside the den and took in his brother. He seemed deflated, a strange characteristic for the excitable creature who could barely sit still five minutes, who always had an idea running through his head that needed to be spoken or implanted or explored immediately. More then that, there was a strange scent that clung to him, it was of.. a woman in heat, that he had seen today, clearly. However, what was missing was the tell-tale scent of sex. As Glacier stared his brother down, his brows would raise in question, and he would move more slowly to his brothers side, easing himself down beside the brighter colored, and smaller framed boy. He didn't say anything, knowing his brothers nature wouldn't let him remain quite for long, and the fastest way to learn what bothering Voltage, was to let him get it all out on his own time.




6 Years
03-24-2015, 11:17 PM

Voltage had settled within the den that he had found as empty as he had left it. His brother wasn't here, but it seemed that he was doing something Voltage hadn't thought of doing. (Loners didn't respect borders?) Had he slipped in responsibilities before they had even begun? With a gentle sigh he sat where he stood, staring at the wall infront of him. Visions of Gaia passed before his eyes, her sorrow, her gentle smile, her smokey but sightless eyes and the glowing way she seemed in the moonlight. He would patrol the borders another day, he vowed, because she was worth every moment away from the responsibilities he had worked for.

Was that a bad thing?

He sighed before he jolted just slightly, watching as Glacier stepped into the den and settled silently at his side. It was obvious he had noticed the scent, for Voltage was practically drenched in her sweet perfume. He didn't smile, merely looked back to the wall as he sighed a second time. He allowed a silence to settle between them for a moment before he finally parted his lips. "I think I've found her..." He whispered softly, staring at the wall. His voice was coated with dreams, with stars drenched in wishes, and he merely sighed a third time. Stormy eyes would distance, staring at a vision beyond sight, staring at her as she slept in the moonlight, as they parted, listening as she agreed to meet with him again. "The one I'm destined to be with.." After a single day and night, he was hook line and sinker. A child of fate, of destiny, believing so fully that the universe played a hand in everything easily followed the signs laid out for him.

"Glacier." He whispered, lifting shining stormy eyes up to his brother, his voice soft, nearly without sound. "She's perfect..."




6 Years
Extra large
03-25-2015, 02:02 AM

Voltage didn't smile as Glacier entered, and as the Titan settled down his smaller brother would give a world-weary sigh, and let the silence settle in between them for longer then what was normal for his excitable brother. Knowing something big had happened in Voltage's life, but knowing also that he was physically fine, he did his bets to let his brother know he was here for him, nuzzling his head gently into his brothers soft coat, and waiting for him to open up.

When he spoke, that one sentence would explain everything to Glacier, he could hear the melancholy in his tones, and he put together everything about the way Voltage was acting. There where a couple ways people could react after finding the one, this weary, heart-broken way Voltage was acting worried Glacier a great deal, through he still didn't speak, he just let his brother say it on his own terms.

Voltage would elaborate to say that she was perfect, and Glacier nuzzled his brother gently again, and finally spoke. “Brother dear, sounds like reason to rejoice, but you look like you've just been to a funeral, is there a reason you can't be together?” he asked gently, his won thoughts turned without his meaning to, to Anais. He had learned so recently what Voltage had learned much more quickly, he was in love with Anais. When Glacier loved, it was for life, he had learned in that moment that he also had found the one because Glacier would never love another.





6 Years
03-25-2015, 08:10 PM

Voltage would continue to stare at the wall, watching as memories played along his eyes. He could still smell her scent, still feel the warmth even as it slowly seeped from his skin with each passing moment. The world felt as if it suddenly made sense, and yet as if it were all so much more confusing than it had ever been. Voltage was a very emotional man, which flittered around like lightning or energy in the air, yet making sense of those emotions was a hard thing to do. Slowly he lifted his gaze back up to his brother. When he heard Glacier's voice he blinked over wide eyes. Had he truley been acting so melancholy? Inside he was a flutter of every emotion, but the things he felt the most was the wonder of the situation. With a blink of his eyes he glanced down at the ground, trying to wonder why he had come across as such to his brother.

Then he shook his head. "It's not so much...that we cannot be together." He said softly, lifting his gaze back up at his brother. "Have you heard of a man named Solo, with red furs?" He said softly, almost hoping he hadn't. He wondered why this man would have abandoned a girl such as Gaia. He would fall silent again, wondering if he could let her go if the man she seemed so close too if he were to return. He let out a heavy sigh again, lifting his gaze back to the wall.

"I found the spring we had announced our packship at." He said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "She was there, beautiful, blind and wary. We spoke for a while, but she was sad, Glacier. Heartbroken...even. She began to cry...and I held her through it." He looked back up at his brother, a gentle smile on his face. "I brought her the little den on the outskirts. I couldn't let her go, not knowing how sad she was....I only just got back from taking her home." Perhaps that's why he was sad, he had to part from her, from the woman who's destiny intertwined with his.

"She belongs to another pack, brother. She has family there...I couldn't possibly think to take her away from that." He whispered, shifting to cover his hind paws with his tail, his front paws shifting in his fidgetting ways. "It's only been a short time...and I miss her so dearly. I already count the moments before I can see her again..." How could he survive without her now, it was like she had become the air he breathed. In such a short time, it was insane. "I must be going mad..."




6 Years
Extra large
03-31-2015, 02:42 PM

He watched Voltage carefully, leaning lightly against the smaller frame of his brother to remind him, even if unconsciously, that he was here. As Glacier patiently waited, it would seem that Voltage would start to explain himself, before he paused and asked about a man. Glacier gave his head one small shake “Never” he said, the name and description pulling up a blank wall in his head, he had never heard so much as a whisper of whoever this stranger was. But then Voltage would be talking about Gaia once more, without any explanation on why the man was important. It was a good think that Glacier was patient, the way Voltage seemed to be flitting about his thoughts.

Voltage would give a heavy sigh once more and Glacier would raise an eyebrow. He certainly hoped he had never sound so despairing after realizing he was in love with Anais. Finally Voltage would start with some sort of explanation, giving a location that he had meet this girl in. The Titan could hear the emotion, so palpable in Voltage's tone, thick and husky with all that Voltage felt for this stranger.

As Voltage finally laid out the first meeting, Glacier would begin to understand. This beautiful, mentally lost girl had opened up to him, and cried in his arms. If Glacier closed his eyes, he could almost imagine the scene, and sensitive Voltage, how could he not fall in love with that? With the open sweetness, and helplessness Voltage seemed to be describing.

Voltage would give further detail about the situation, how she had family and a home in a different pack. To Voltage and Glacier, family was the world, and he could understand how hopeless one might feel knowing the one they loved had a life and family too far away, somewhere that was not here. In this, Glacier could relate – he would never in his wildest dreams ask Anais to part with her family, but by the gods he wanted to, only so that she could be here with him.

Glacier had stayed silent throughout it all, but as he pulled his brother closer, he would speak now. “Sounds like everything I felt with Anais, and even now I miss her – but it seems you will always feel everything far more intensely then I, and.. ah, it seems family will always be our kryptonite” he would smile softly, sadly, at Voltage then.





6 Years
05-03-2015, 12:42 AM

Voltage hummed lightly before he sighed. No, he hadn't heard of Solo either, before now. He was silent for a moment after Glacier's answer, staring at his paws. "He is...was her fiance. But he disappeared, she said." He said softly, shrugging his shoulders lightly. He wondered what would happen if Solo returned, if she would go back to him and forget about Voltage. After all, they had only met the one day. And the way Gaia cried for him.. But he'd shrug off his fears, placing his small smile back on his face as he leaned against his brother a little stronger. They did a lot together, him and Glacier, they were like two peas of the same pods. Sure he and Serefina were very close, but he and his brother seemed to be made of the same material.

Born together, banished together, they chose to take on the responsibility of their family with very little conversation, they were on the same exact page with the pack and everything. And now? Now they each seem to have fallen head over heals with girls that needed them, but they were forced to stay at a distance. Family was their kyrptonite, huh? With a shake of his head he looked up at Glacier, a small smile upon his lips. "No, we are still blessed to have our family and Anais and Gaia.." He said softly. "Despite it all, Glacier...I wouldn't have this any other way. At least she has family." He said with a gentle smile. Always the optomist. And then he grinned brightly, as if all the sadness washed away like a wave on the beach. "Tell me, brother...what is the situation between you and Anais now?" He asked, nearly mischeviously as he waited.
