
Death by Diamonds


04-16-2013, 12:09 AM

Insubstantial fragments of luminous delicacies shone with an unfamiliar magnificence, an awe-inspiring carpet littered with admiration-inducing jewels, varying shades and sizes contrasting vividly with the crimson earth of which they rested; the vixens eyes wandering ravenously between the many pieces of dispersed glass, bones and other unseen delights. Curiosity begged her onwards, her mind becoming oblivious to the scorching rays of mid-day sun as the two year old absorbed her thoughts into the peculiar wonders. What were they? Where had they come from? Paws were placed carelessly, mind eager to discover what other interesting matter the strange lands withheld; though bliss was quickly shattered, an unsuspecting yelp rumbling the infertile landscape. The russet vixen glanced downwards, holding a fore-paw limply off the ground as a fine canal of blood stained the grey of her pads to an imposing scarlet. Pain was soon replaced with frustration as she began to gnaw frantically at the piece of engorged glass, exasperated by the tiny fragments unsuspecting abilities.


06-11-2013, 03:16 AM

He had not chosen a good route to take, but every step was carefully placed and almost as many were painless. The dark wolf was making a steady trek through the paw-trap, unlike the other occupant. At first he was unaware of the female?s existence, so intent on making his way pass unscathed he noticed her yelp only to shrug it off. It was the uncanny smell of fresh blood that caught the brute?s attention. Neck snapped upwards and pale lilac optics landed on a russet doll some distance away. A shrewd, wayward grin etched itself onto Kerhasi?s maw as he paused, sinewy muscles dancing in delight under his chocolate pelt. Lets play.
He moved forward charmingly, paying attention, still, to the broken gems but yet kept the majority of his focus on the wolf girl. He was silent, ghostly so, until he was almost near enough to touch her spine. Thick vocals hummed, laced seductively with his natural accent turned up to impress. Miss, are you hurt? Kerhasi feigned concern, taking an obvious pause and breath. Her scent screamed pack and wolves. Protection. He would have to be careful. Can I help? Against his lanky back legs his molten brown and gold tail lashed in agitation, pale eyes sought out hers. Playing the hero and yet he could not wipe away his wicked grin. His voice sounded more amused at the last.



06-11-2013, 04:10 AM

Solitude could never last, could it? The tell-tale stench of youthful male invaded quivering nostrils, intertwining unpleasantly with the iron-like stench of crimson blood that continued to stain the sandy earth beneath her. She was well aware of his looming presence, though tried somewhat eagerly to ignore him with fragile hope that he?d be on his way. Not so lucky. Vocals snapped the winter-kissed atmosphere, echoing flatly against the never-ending plains that surrounded the unfamiliar duo. An irritated scowl rumbled from the shallows of her voice box, jaws ceasing to guide feminine skull towards the unwelcomed beast. ?No, I am bleeding purely for the fun of it,? sarcasm laced her sour tones, unimpressed by this males open-ended attempt at light conversation. ?I highly doubt you could be of any help to me, even if I had wanted your assistance. Have you no better things to do than creep up on injured strangers?? luminous green pools held unwaveringly to his own, ?Someday you will introduce yourself to the wrong personality. There are no second chances in this world, hound.? Mystery enveloped the syllables of her feminine voice, gaze shifting hesitantly back to the blade that had pierced her skin.


06-11-2013, 04:43 AM

If her expression and tone didn?t tell all who weren?t crave to flee, nothing would. But the dark fiend was not of the weak of heart, and only found her reverberating, vexed words amusing. He chuckled, once, a short and abysmal sound. Now, now, is that any way to talk to a stranger? I was merely offering aid. The German asked, pale eyes flashing dangerously. Oh, little one with bite, was she? Kerhasi was delighted; not many girls he met bit as much as they barked. Wondering just how far this female would go, he watched, ears flicked forward and focused entirely on her. As it so happens, I don?t. Was his answer to her question, meeting her gaze and staring unblinkingly back. Her next words caused an tranquil and yet wickedly knowing smirk to spread unhurriedly along his maw. Tail skimmed through the air and his expression turned corrupt. Oh, liebling, I am the wrong personality. He announced quite honestly, although he remained very still. His eyes moved from her face only for an instant, to her cut paw and back again, watching her so very intensely.



06-11-2013, 05:11 AM

The beasts intentions seem to shift almost as effortlessly as the winds, painfully kind tones that once raked uncomfortably at her chest warped without warning to that of twisted muse and rasped pleasure. His venomous pools, a noticeably uncommon amethyst, creased with pride; as if he was only further encouraged by the ladies realistic tongue. Tall ears flattened against her delicate cranium, emerald pools flicking back to his own; meeting his humour with that of raw disapproval. She let his words slide hesitantly across the weathered texture of her ego, though his last sentence made her stomach flutter with distaste. ?Don?t flatter yourself, boy.? The tension between them had made her uncomfortable, a brittle rage threatening to simmer beneath the structures of her protective walls. Body raised, an immediate pain throbbing within the tendons of her injured limb, purely cosmetic; but the glass had chosen to wedge itself at an ever unfavourable time. She drew her body a safer distance from his own, hobbling, though refusing to show weakness; her finely tuned body quaked with trained muscle, her agile build undoubtedly not only a gift of genetics, but time and determination. Eos hated to be out-done, and her prime fitness was a suggestion of that.

?Your aloofness towards your own limited abilities pains me, I can see that grossly tortured ego of yours waiting to burst through your childish skin. I am not impressed by mentally-twisted giggles and humour-infused words, I have met far too many of your bubbling kind to appreciate it as ?unique? or daunting.? Lyrics dripped from toned jaws, an emotionlessness evident upon the falsely alluring features of the ladies face. She was in her first season, and if she wasn?t a nightmare to deal with at the best of times; her hormones certainly wouldn?t help. ?So, what is it you want? You will not allow me to ignore you, so I beg you to not force me to waste any more of my time on your wounded existence,? paw hung limply out in front of her chest, swaying with frailty as she spoke.


06-11-2013, 05:49 AM

She changed, so foreseeably, as he allowed his fa?ade to slip. So much for bite. His grin didn?t falter nor change at all as she spat her sad attempt of an insult. A mockery of bravery. I?m not the little girl using words that?ll get me in trouble, he answered swiftly, jaws parting to snap closed at the space between them. a silent threat, but not one likely to be used. As much as Kerhasi enjoyed his games ? not the mention the hot scent that only goaded him on ? he was possibly the least volatile of the unbalanced pair. He saw, without missing a beat, her quivering fur and the hate in her eyes. He saw, noted and kept that in mind.

The she-wolf, despite her dismissive words, backed away. The dark fiend followed, lightly and on undamaged paws with a half chuckle in his throat. Determined to keep the same amount of space between them. Pastel eyes lit up and he listened, tsking softly and giving a single, minuscule shake of his maw. I am not aloof, liebling, I am very aware of what I am. He practically hummed in pleasure. I can guarantee you?ve not met another like me. This was added in a much darker, demanding tone. He would advance again, keeping away from her jaws back sniffing lightly at her pelt. Ears flicked against his still as he did so, making sure she wouldn?t try to grab at his pointed hearing aids. What do I want? Isn?t it obvious? A woman in your state must want it too. His low words were light, offhand and really more of a silence filler than anything else. He sought to see how close he could get, approaching from her side and dancing lightly close. If the woman snapped, or tried to bite Kerhasi would back away again until she no longer attacked, hoping to avoid her jaws and claws.



06-11-2013, 06:47 AM
EOS vs. KERHASI - Starts here!
Fighting to settle a despute I suppose/for dominance.

As unsuspecting as the change of mood had been, the bad-mannered brute?s jaws reached out to clash uncouthly with the still air that had formed between them; the banshee?s reaction had been involuntary, the sudden threat causing a lurch of her muscles as she returned a vicious bark, lip curling to reveal the swords that glimmered desperately beneath. Had it not been for her paw, the ex-princess would probably have taken her chance to attack. To show this brainless bastard that he couldn?t get away with physical insults and mindless challenges. Eos was built larger than the tri-coloured body that loomed before her, her muscle-mass and natural height often enough to deter smaller challengers. Though confident in her own abilities, she wouldn?t be quick to doubt the youth before her; he was young, fit, and healthy. Who knows, maybe he had a nasty bite behind that nauseatingly convinced face of his. Still, the she-wolf wouldn?t hesitate to find out.

He held so much pride within that pathetically blind mind of his, a false power that swirled in a twisting and contorting cluster of dark lies. Somebody would have the magnificent pleasure of destroying that ever-growing cluster of over confidence, and Eos wouldn?t deny the possibility of it being barely moments away. His words continued to grow with self-oomph, but the lady wasn?t deterred. He crawled closer, closer; guiding his foolish body nearer to her own. She coiled, the sinew that brewed beneath her skin pushing desperately at her pores. She held her snarl, a venomous string of saliva hovering barely a foot from the ground, beginning to sway as her muscles twitched in warning. His intentions seemed to become more clear, was he hoping to thrust his pathetic children to the craving spaces within her womb? Or was he merely teasing? Enough was enough. The queen lashed out, paw still cupped to her chest, jaws ravenously searching for the nearest ounce of flesh she could reach; she would tear the skin effortlessly from his face if he were so keen to test his luck.

Kerhasi vs. Eos - Round 1 of 4.

Attack: Eos simply leans her weight forward quickly, somewhat blindly and uncalculatingly snapping towards her opponents face to try and latch onto any part of skin or flesh she could reach, ready to hold if colliding.

Defense: None.

Injuries: None by Ker, previously hurt her paw.

edited to add spar statistics.


06-11-2013, 07:11 AM
Edited for spar information

Maybe she did have a good bark. A silent laugh left his maw as his snap was answered - though it didn?t deter him from his next moves - he was careful to watch for signs of attack. It wouldn?t do to earn a scar for nothing ? he was willing to earn it if only he got what he wanted from the fae. And what was that? He wasn?t sure, but he would know what he got it.

As he drew within reach of her ? ears flicked tight against his skull ? he watched, carefully, as the warm coloured pelt tightened under the control of her lean muscles. But still he leaned closer, watching and waiting for that bite he was sure had to come soon. Come on, little wolf, his silent words were answered quickly; she moved like a cobra for his face and in that instant Kerhasi lunged. Not backward, but forward, aiming to drive the female down by overbalancing her ? he had noticed her injured paw was still held in the air. Oh, her jaws came and collided with the thick skin on his shoulder, tearing into that enough to draw several good lines of blood but it was nothing. His own jaws sought the loose skin of the top of her scruff, a further aid to keep the fae down if his plan worked, and his weight would try to be kept upon her.

Kerhasi Versus Eos

For Dominance

Move 1 of 4

Attacks: Kerhasi is attempting to shove Eos over by unbalancing her as her paw had been kept off the ground. He is shoving from the side (side had been left unstated) and reaching for the loose skin at her neck with his jaws.

Defences: Ears flicked back against skull

Injuries: Eos' attack has left medium sized teeth marks in his right shoulder blade.



06-11-2013, 08:11 AM

So blinded by her rational defences, so consumed by the determination to shred the beasts over-indulged confidence; Eos hadn?t thought to restabilise herself, her paw still loosely hanging in an attempt to ease the throbbing pain. Emerald eyes were shielded by heavy lids as she searched for his flesh purely by feel, her whiskers twitched as they made contact with his own, a brief moment of thrill tapping at her spine. Though it wasn?t what it had seemed, a sudden impact of muscle threw her side-ways; her opponents weight throwing her unsuspectingly off balance, ribs colliding inadvertently with the glass-shrewn earth below the pair. A shrill shake of her voice-box revealed her alarm, jaws still snapping desperately as the fae felt the beasts weight across her lungs. She struggled, squirming frantically beneath him, knowing she had enough weight to push him off though hesitant to use the appendage that continued to throb so blindly against her broad chest. Never one to think things through, the two year old was pleasantly surprised by the welcomed kiss of metallica; minute beads of blood exciting her tastebuds as she felt her jaws suddenly collide with his shoulder. Not favourable, though it would do.

She had held on for as long as she could, though as the beast tore free Eos was doubtful the wound would be enough to satisfy him, to satisfy her. He wasn?t done. She felt swords pierce the fat-protected layer over the top of her shoulders, a yelp of displeasure echoing the baron landscape as her nerves quaked with pain. In defence she began to twist, reaching upwards with her hind limbs in an attempt to hook against his body; to use him as leverage to twist her body onto her back. Now stomach upwards, the young fae spared a moment to make a half-hearted attempt at calculation, catching the males tender throat region in her sights she coiled; drawing her nape backwards before pushing it forwards in a single, swift motion. Contractions of muscle guided her upwards, searching ravenously with readied ivories, equipped for the satisfying taste of blood that the banshee anticipated would soon follow.

Kerhasi vs. Eos - Round 2 of 4.

Attack: Briefly calculating, Eos recoils her nape and quickly reaches out with her jaws to try and latch onto Ker's tender throat region.

Defense: Closed eyes. To loosen Ker's grip on her nape she twists her body, trying to use him as leverage to get onto her back.

Injuries: Bruising to side, bite wound to the top of the shoulders/base of neck.


06-12-2013, 04:04 AM

Shoving his body into hers worked well; her shriek was music to his pinned ears. But the dark fiend had no time to pause as her jaws snapped further into his shoulder, creating new wounds and deepening the older ones. Kerhasi tried to move his shoulder from her jaws, shuffling his back legs sideways to adjust his body without taking away his weight from bearing down on her. His teeth gain grip on her scruff and he sought to keep that hold. Despite their battle, the dark wolf was not aiming to injure the female, and knew it would be easier to have her yield than use all of his strength fighting her. She twisted under him, gaining grip on his stomach and he released her scruff then if she had not somehow managed to take it back previously. This, thankfully, freed saliva dripping jaws. As the fae lunged for his throat the brute immediately moved half a step sideways so that her teeth ended up grazing the left side of his neck. Jaws reached for her injured paw, for the ankle, to grab a hold if it with enough strength to hold it without doing much damage. His ears remained held against his head, his four paws spread out in balance and his neck and shoulders scrunched up to protect his throat.

Kerhasi Versus Eos

For Dominance

Move 2 of 4

Attacks: Having adjusted himself before hand, Kerhasi is countering Eos' attempt at grabbing his throat and trying to latch onto her paw and hold it.

Defences: Ears flicked back against skull, balanced evenly between his paws and fatty rolls scrunched up to protect his neck and throat

Injuries: Medium sized teeth marks in his right shoulder blade made deeper/more added to, light gaze to his stomach from her back paws



06-13-2013, 02:34 AM

Defeat wasn?t an option for the youthful female, her win-all-lose-all outlook produced a squirming and writhing desire to out-do anybody and everybody. It was unrealistic at times, and the fae was prone to harsh consequences and failure; but it never deterred her, only made her more determined to flourish, to rise. Some called it a weakness, though the lady didn?t doubt for a moment that it was one of her greatest strengths. While those around her sunk back to the shadows, shrivelled and recoiled from their ambitions, Eos was still pushing stronger than ever. Her family had had great plans for her, it was undeniable that she was eligible to be the chosen queen of Valhalla; but she didn?t want it. The lands nauseated her, made a spiteful hate whirl painfully behind her tonsils. She still didn?t know exactly why, but it was what it was.

The male had shifted several times since her last attack, and as the banshee came to the realisation that she had missed her recent target; a painful stab of further determination only encouraged her more ravenously onwards. He had reached uncouthly for her injured paw, which although tucked conservatively into her chest, was apparently still accessible. A piercing screech of pain clawed the air, the automatic response to writhe her leg away from him only worsening the burning sting of his jaws. Infuriated, she responded by yet another act of miscalculation, sparing no time or efforts to aim the thrashing and snapping of her jaws. So the wolf continued on in desperation, the harsh clapping of bone-on-bone casting a chilling air that would drift for miles; swords so desperate to meet skin and flesh they wouldn?t stop until they had hold of something; and the tender regions of his eyes were first in the firing line.

Kerhasi vs. Eos - Round 3 of 4.

Attack: Without setting any real goals, Eos (partially blindly) viciously snaps in desperation at Kerhasi's face; headed for the soft area's of his eyes.

Defense: Injured leg was cupped close to her chest, though Ker still managed to grasp it.

Injuries: Minor teeth injury to just above the front ankle.


06-16-2013, 02:35 AM

It might be said by some that Kerhasi Vater was a cruel, remorseless monster. They might have been proven right at this moment but the brute would have only laughed and shaken his gold lacquered maw. he was stubborn, he had little regret for what he did ? what was the point of pinning over what could not be changed? ? but he was no monster. Monsters were killers, they lurked in the dark and they didn?t have a sense of humour. No, Kerhasi was realistic. He was not going to let what he could have go and he wouldn?t allow silly little girls with huge egos insult his good mood.

His jaws clasped around the female?s paw and it was immediately wrenched away again. That had been a mistake on her part as it left him completely exposed to her jaws but also left his teeth free to explore, say, her face. But he reigned in the part of him that wanted to blind the somewhat stupid femme. He wasn?t that harsh. The chocolate brute instead lent back, placing most of his weight on his back legs to get away from her snapping jaws and opening his maw, aiming to grab her snout. This is made possible because of the height difference between the foes; with Eos on her back and Kerhasi standing above her. Of course, coming that close to her teeth brought its own risk and wounds; her wildly snapping jaws scrapped along his right cheekbone as he moved, leaving a bloody wound that was deep enough to scar. But his eyes remained narrowed and his ears pinned and his neck was well protected and his balance was, while dispersed mainly on his back legs, stable.

Kerhasi Versus Eos

For Dominance

Move 3 of 4

Attacks: Kerhasi is attempting to stop Eos from coming for his face by trying to grab her snout/nose area.

Defences: Ears flicked back against skull, weight thrown back onto his back legs to get away from Eos? blind grab while his front two paws act as balancers and neck scrunched up to protect his neck and throat, eyes narrowed.

Injuries: Medium sized teeth marks in his right shoulder blade made deeper/more added to, light gaze to his stomach from her back paws, deep scratch to his right cheek, along the bone from a few inches below his right eye half way to his snout.



06-16-2013, 10:28 PM

The welcomed taste of crimson metallica rewarded her efforts, the pleasing sensation of tearing skin sending a quiver of satisfaction crawling down the scores of her spine. The maw injury wouldn?t maim her opponent permanently, but the satisfying sensation of injury induction was enough to give the banshee the boost of adrenaline she so required to out-do the auburn male. He had attempted to avoid her, though he hadn?t been successful; the balance on his hinds may have saved his vital senses, but it hadn?t been enough to get him out of trouble. Growls and scowls continued to thunder free of coffee jaws, the sound of war rumbling the glass-shrew landscape. The beast hadn?t been deterred by her recent provocation of injury, the continuous snapping of her jaws opening up new possibilities for the male as he succeeded in latching firmly onto her top jaw.

She?d had enough; he may have had access to the tenders of her nose and jowls, but her top jaws were armoured by profound bone. In his attack, he had foolishly offered the lady access to the tenders of his throat again; a bit of wiggling, sliding and sting and Eos wasn?t going to doubt the likelihood of wedging her ivories into the soft skin and flesh that sewed the beast a feeble tongue-bed. So maybe it wouldn?t kill him, but it would cause sinister pain and difficulties during the healing process should she succeed. So without any further ado, Eos attempted to clamp down on his bottom jaw as he held her own; oblivious to her own pain, she would quake her skull from side to side, attempting to drag her ivories down the tender skin of his lower-pallet. Another idea had come to mind, and without thinking it through any more than the fae felt necessary she let it fall into play; spine wriggled, muscles squirming yet again beneath him, and without warning she would retract her hind limbs; coiling sinew and muscle in preparation, then promptly, rapidly, in a flash of explosive muscle she would aim a concrete kick right for his lower abdomen, attempting to not only propel him off her body, but to cause damage during the process. This was no longer fun and games, she refused to be defeated.

kerhasi vs. eos - round 4 of 4.

Attacks: Eos retalliates to Ker's attempt at clasping her jaws by returning the attack; attempting to tighten onto his lower jaw, and whilst shaking her skull she tries to drag her teeth downwards and through the thin skin that lies between the bottom jaw line. Moments later she retracts her hind legs, and in a quick burst of power she tries to kick upwards at the male's lower abdomen, not only trying to force him off her, but to cause damage to the tender organs inside.

Defense: Probably none, she never think defense through xD

Injuries: She will no doubt have decent trauma to her top jaw and upper soft pallet. She just hasn't acknowledged it yet. Injuries from past rounds still carried over, of course.


06-17-2013, 01:12 AM
This might not make much sense as Yumpybby and I got our angles and where Eos and Ker were a little mixed up between us. We've talked about it and I'm generally just winging it xD

In contrast to the banshee?s yowls, the burnt toned male was eerily silent. Eager to end the spat that had burst between the pair and yet not so willing to yield and let the bad mouthed femme gloat over a victory poorly won. Unfortunately, Kerhasi wasn?t the rough type. There was a limit to the damaged he wished to inflict upon the coffee coloured woman. So even as his jaws clamped shut over her snout the pressure he applied would hopefully hold the she-wolf without, say, breaking the bone he held. It was a strong bone, meant for endurance, but it was not unbreakable.

Suddenly the woman?s skull shook, her jaws snapped toward his lower jaw. For an instant, teeth met teeth in a jarring split-second battle before the brute wrenched his snout ? and the rest of his skull ? backward and by default away from her teeth. And curse her teeth while he was at it. Not a moment later and those infernal paws met his stomach, pushing him upwards against his will and forcing him to readjust his weight. However, because the majority of his weight had remained on his back legs during her assault, the femme was unable to move him very far. Her claws, nevertheless, did cut into the soft underbelly. A winded gasp, a low snarl of recovery. Blood dripped immediately in long, scarlet trails, and his stomach muscles clenched hard to keep any further attacks to his weakened underside from doing much more damage. There would be horrendous brusing, along with those cuts. Angered, Kerhasi flung his front left paw toward her throat, aiming to crush his heavy paw down on her jugular where it would be safe from her teeth but still force her to keep her jaws from coming further after him. Effectively, he was attempting to pin her head down. Ears remained flicked against his skull and his chin was now tucked to protect his throat. Now, most of his weight was balanced between the three paws not after the wolf?s throat, although some weight was there.

Kerhasi Versus Eos

For Dominance

Move 4 of 4

Attacks: Kerhasi is attempting to use his paw to pin Eos' throat and by default her head by placing it on her jugular.

Defences: Ears flicked back against skull, weight thrown back onto his back legs to get away from Eos? blind grab while his front two paws act as balancers and neck scrunched up to protect his neck and throat, eyes narrowed, stomach muscles clenched to help rebuttal any more attacks on his stomach.

Injuries: Medium sized teeth marks in his right shoulder blade made deeper/more added to, light gaze to his stomach from her back paws, deep scratch to his right cheek, along the bone from a few inches below his right eye half way to his snout, I'm going to say roughly five thick but not very long cuts to his lower stomach area with bruising.


The Judge


06-20-2013, 11:30 PM
Eos vs. Kerhasi for Dominance

Round 1

clarity: 10 / 10 - a clear post

powerplaying: 10 / 10 - post contained no powerplaying.

defenses: 0 / 10 - no defenses mentioned.

attack: 4 / 10: One attack made at Kerhasi's face.

injuries: 10/ 10 No injuries, first round.

Round one Eos Total: 34 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 Clear, concise post.

powerplaying: 6 / 10 - which shoulder was bitten? which side did he lunge from and which of her sides did he lunge at? where are his paws as he's lunging at her? How is he reaching her scruff if she's taller than him? medium deduction.

defenses: 2 / 10 - ears pinned

attacks: 6 / 10 two attacks made, attempting to unbalance Eos with a shove, and biting at her neck

injuries: 10 / 10 No injuries, first round.
First round

Round one Kerhasi Total: 34 / 50

Round 2

clarity: 8 / 10 - Which shoulder did he bite?

powerplaying: 10 / 10 - Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 4 / 10 - eyes closed (protects them the same way narrowing them would, body coiled

attack: 5 / 10 - One attack to Kerhasi's throat.

injuries: 7 / 10 - bruising and bite wound

Round Two Eos Total: 34 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 a clear post.

powerplaying: 6 / 10 - How did she end up biting his shoulder, then bit at his stomach, and then went for his throat? She's only attacked twice in this fight. this is saying Eos did something even though her player didn't have her do it. medium deduction.

defenses: 6 / 10 - ears pinned, balanced on all paws, shoulders rolled

attacks: 5 / 10 - One attack made to Eos's paw.

injuries: 6 / 10 - bite to the stomach, bite to the left side of his neck.

Round Two Kerhasi Total: 33 / 50

Round 3

clarity: 10 / 10 - A clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 - Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 2 /10 - injured leg cupped to chest.

attack: 4 / 10 - a blind attack to Kerhasi's face.

injuries: 7 / 10 - a bite to her injured ankle.

Round Three Eos Total: 32 / 50


clarity: 10 / 10 - a clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 - Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 6 / 10 - eyes narrowed, ears pinned, balanced on back legs (you didn't state what his neck was protected by in your post so it didn't count)

attacks: 5 / 10 - One attack made to Eos's snout.

injuries: 7 / 10 - bite to right cheekbone.

Round Three Kerhasi Total: 38 / 50

Round 4

clarity: 10 / 10 - Clear post.

powerplaying: 10 / 10 - Post contained no power playing.

defenses: 0 /10 - no defenses mentioned.

attack: 7 / 10 - an attack to Kerhasi's bottom jaw, and hind legs trying to injure and push Kerhasi away.

injuries: 7 / 10 - a bite to her top jaw.

Round Four Eos Total: 32 / 50


clarity: 8 / 10 pinning another wolf down with one paw is somewhat unrealistic.

powerplaying: 9 / 10 as wolf claws don't cut, he didn't take much damage this round despite Eos's retaliation.

defenses: 6 / 10 ears pinned, chin tucked, weight balanced on three paws

attacks: 4 / 10 - one attack trying to pin Eos with a paw by her throat

injuries: 8 / 10 minor bruising and scratches from Eos's back legs.

Round Four Kerhasi Total: 35 / 50


Eos: 132/200


And the winner is...

Kerhasi! Eos must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Eos- no permanent or semi-permanent maims obtained.

Kerhasi- no permanent or semi-permanent maims obtained.


Both of you should be careful with details - directions and angles are very important during fights - which you both seemed to realize near the end of the battle. Yumpy, you would score much better if Eos used defenses, but I respect you being true to her character and fighting without them. This was a very good fight, both of you!


06-20-2013, 11:47 PM

So confident in her abilities, and so sure of her victory; Eos seemed to fall blind to the accurate placement of her opponents front paw. Pressure increased, a struggled gasp for air as limb shifted from airways to jugular. She snarled viciously, a warning, a suggestion that the foolish beast released his uncouth pressure before he came to regret the consequences. Though the fae?s energy slowly depleted, determined snapping starting to slow as she grew light-headed; what was happening? Paws twitched almost lifelessly as a heartless attempt at self revitalisation, but it was too late. The lady fell out of consciousness, and into a cold and unresponsive world of sleep. The youth had been defeated.

Congratulations, Ni and Kerhasi! We knew her lack of defenses would get her, didn't we? xD You deserved it though. <3
Thanks for the awesome judging, Seren!