



5 Years
05-14-2015, 02:40 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Briena
Age: 23

Character's Name: Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling
Character Age: 3 years
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 36”
Appearance Description: | Standing at a solid thirty-six inches in height, weighing in at a healthy 180lbs, Eridanus is no slender individual, instead sporting rippling muscles and a solid build, with broad shoulders and muscular haunches, rather like those of a Quarter Horse. His back is of an average length, as is his neck. His tail comes off as an average length, bushy year ‘round. His muzzle is broad and square, rather than long and slender. By no means does his muzzle bring to mind a Rottweiler comparing to a Saluki or Borzois facial profile. His muzzle is the same average length as most wolves, merely heavier set. His ears appear to be as average as the rest of him seems to be, triangular and attentive, but upon closer inspection, one will find that they are set a bit higher and closer together that it would seem at first glance. His eyes are large, alert, the shape round with a slight upward slant at the outer corners. They burn a molten heterochromial mix of deep gold on the outer edge, turning to a burning red-orange around his pupils, the gold and red-orange intermixing where they meet. They are serious and confident.
Eridanus sports thick fur, with a healthy coat that tends to stay glossy even in Winter. In coloring, he is painted with a base color of mid-tone grey. Deep near-black grey graces the outer edges of his ears, settling into the thick tufts of fur at their outer bases. The same color swaddles his forelegs, the grey-black stopping a hands breadth above his wrist joints, then swooping up the backs of his legs to encompass the points of his elbows, and no where else. His hind legs receive nearly the same treatment, the grey-black fading off in a point on his outer thigh, fading into the base color. The grey-black makes a final appearance on his chin, as well as a faint dash through his whiskers upon his jowls.
Finally, upon all four paws, the -grey-black sleeves are overtaken by four uneven white socks. The same white reappears on his face, starting in a roughly circular ball on his forehead and tapering down like a meteor tail to a point three inches above his black nose. The white center of the blaze is rimmed by mapping of a very light misty silver-grey, barely perceptible at a glance.
Eridanus has many scars on his body, however, most are hidden away under his thick pelt. The most noteworthy rest upon his face. Three large scars. Two dwell upon the left side of his face, while the other seeks refuge over his right eye. The two on the left side came very close to blinding him. The enemy’s canines raked downward from above his left eye, passing down and brushing against each corner of his left eye, before leaving contact with his face as the edge of his lower jaw, the right canine nearly giving him a permanent leer, having stopped a quarter of an inch from the corner of his mouth. The two scars are lined with scraggly white hairs, announcing their older age.
The scar over her right eye is younger, and the canine that left it should have blinded the male, and would have had he not had his eye shut tight. The scar curves inward over the right eye, it’s points aiming outward from Eridanus’ face. No new hairs edge it, announcing that it may have recently been received no more than three seasons past.
Eridanus moves with the solid grace of a trained warrior. His tail tends to trail behind him at a level with his hips and spine, while his head is carried just above the height of his broad shoulders. His bearing is one of gentle command.
His voice is surprisingly soft, low, and gentle. His accent is that of a Cherokee Native American, mixed with a hint of Greek inflections. He rarely lifts his voice; yet when needed, he can produce a startlingly loud battle roar.
His scent brings to mind a sprawling prairie, rolling with sweet-smelling wild hay, and the hot, dry winds of the west plains tainted with the scent of a prairie thunderstorm rolling in.

Skills: Fighter, Hunter

Proof of Purchases: N/A? Don’t thiiink he has anything that needs purchasing. Staff may be able to tell me otherwise.



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