
am I more than you bargained for yet

Absinthe 1

04-09-2015, 01:35 PM

I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear

Her second season of life, autumn. This involved very little change in the east, save for a change in humidity. However, the redbud nook was losing all of its leaves. Rosy foliage had turned brown as it reached the terra below, and the girl was delighted. The leaves crunched beneath her alabaster toes, and she giggled with each resounding crumple as she walked. Exaggerated strides swung her entire narrow form from left to right, and she looked about to fall down on many occasions. Heavy stomps sent plumes of dead leaves flying away from her violet body, and she was enraptured by the wondrous day this one had so easily become. She'd left the territory of Fiori, right under Bacchus' nose. An adventure had been called for today. The sun was shining, and there was hardly a cloud in the midday sky. Sure, it was warm, but she didn't mind.

There was a rustling in the leaves a couple feet to her left, and she stopped dead, one paw raised dramatically in the air. Delicate cranium would tilt toward the sound, mismatched optics wide. What could that have been? With a complete lack of any grace whatsoever, the babe dropped her extended limb heavily. The rustling drew further away from her. Finally, a culprit became visible. A tiny snout poked out of the leaves, whiskers twitching in distress. A mouse! She knew what to do now. Sort of.

Lavender bodice dropped close to the ground, belly brushing against she leaves. Awkward limbs crept not so silently forward, lilac plum sticking straight up in the air behind her. Bacchus had been teaching her how to hunt, a little. With each step, the mouse fled a short distance further. When it got too close to one of the redbud trees, she broke out into a mad dash towards it. Oversized paws clattered over the ground as she bounded after it. Her last ditch attempt to catch it involved a laughably dramatic pounce, to which only the snapping of a twig was her reward. Frowning, she stuck her nose into the little hollow where the creature must have disappeared. The dim sound of its little claws scrabbling further away from her and its slowly fading scent was all she got. With a small sigh, she shrugged to herself. Oh well, practice makes perfect.

Ivory dipped paws lifted her into the low fork in the trunk of the tree. It was a strange thing to see, these trees. Apparently they were nice to see when they were in bloom. Right now, they didn't look special at all. Just bare branches and a crunchy floor underfoot. She sat carefully between the three branches that had separated early in the life of the tree, letting her gaze wander. It wasn't all that quiet, since the birds didn't need to migrate from the east. Their soft chatter was a welcome ambiance. Her own low hum joined them, tuneless and absentminded. What was she going to do next?

'cause that's just who I am this week


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Marina I


7 Years
05-01-2015, 05:46 PM

The female found that this Nook was a place of beauty, even without it being in bloom. The crunch of the leaves underpaw was a wonderful sound -- she had always rather liked the sounds that accompanied her birth season. Autumn was the female's favorite time of year, even if her heat was not something so desired. But regardless she would face it, and she would sniff the air with a curious sort of mind. Her sense of happiness had returned, almost as if the damage that had been done to her mind was lifting. She had thought a lot about what to do next, of where to go... and she thought of her family. The one that she made for herself and the steps she was going to need to take to protect it.

Rainbow swore one thing -- that her family would never be broken. There was even almost that sense that she should abandon this silly name of hers, this... title. It was more of an insult to her than a true name, and who really understood it in these lands? The female would shake her head, that thought being just one of the ones that muddled her head. There was so much to do, to consider, and the female knew that there was much to work on in the future. She knew where her goals lay -- in finding a pack for her family. No... not just finding a pack... but building a pack where they could all live and thrive together.

Her sights would eventually fall on a young one, her lavender coat standing out like a sore thumb in this landscape. But Rainbow was not one to judge, no, she was not one to judge at all. She would approach the young one, hardly more than a couple seasons, and she would speak in a soft, motherly tone.

"Are you all alone, little one?" She would ask gently. She would give a small flick of her tail, ears perked for sounds of any other wolves who might be approaching.

"Listen to me talk,"'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Keno

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Absinthe 1

05-01-2015, 06:29 PM

maybe I'm a different breed

A faint crunching of leaves would distract the violet babe from her musings as she examined the landscape. Slowly, her attention would be torn from the sharp figures of the trees and the smooth horizon beyond them. Mismatched gaze would fall upon the form of a dark pelted woman who approached her with gentle expression. Curiosity piqued, she blinked questioningly at the stranger. She wasn't just black and white, she was different. Like her family! A myriad of pigments stained the fur over her spine, and she let out a small gasp. Delight filled her, and she couldn't help but feel a little less alone. Maybe she wasn't the only wolf who looked more like a flower blossom than a predator. The colourful lady posed a soft question, and she girl looked around. A small frown creased her maw, and she nodded slowly. "I guess I kinda am, right now." She replied, shrugging. It was a simple statement, but she had Bacc back home, and her new mamas. "I left the mangrove, I wanted to see what it was like in the other places." She added softly, looking back to the taller woman. Wispy banner would thump lightly against the trunk of the tree, her smile sincere.

The need to be polite with the strange rainbow lady found its way into her brain, and a polite greeting fell from her tongue. "I'm Absinthe Carmel-Sovari, but sometimes people call me Abby. Once, I got called Sin, it sounded pretty neat too." She would introduce herself quietly. A small dip of her head would be offered in greeting. "What's your name?" She asked softly, head cocking to one side somewhat. What name would someone so pretty have? It was a question that had any manner of answers, but she was quite curious.

this is how an angel dies


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Marina I


7 Years
05-12-2015, 08:24 AM

So she was alone, at least right now. She lived in the mangrove, seemingly with others if the female read between the lines. She would give a small nod, worry ceasing. The purple girl was old enough to wander. As long as she had someone to go home to then it wasn't too bad she supposed. Rainbow would give another nod as the young girl introduced herself, and Rainbow would find her own greeting soon rolling off her tongue.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Abby. My name is Rainbow... that is simply what you can call me." She would give an uncertain flick of her ear. Trying to use her true name still felt foreign to her. She couldn't think of a reason to give her real name... so many wolves simply accepted her as she was. Rainbow Syndrome. The beast. The devil. She would give a small smile to the girl.

"Though... actually... maybe you could call me Marina...? It's a name that I... that I've always liked I suppose."

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Absinthe 1

05-17-2015, 09:32 PM

so watch this city light the sky

The rainbow spine of the stranger drew her attention every few seconds, a marvel to the lass. The cautious, almost wary introduction the woman offered puzzled the youngster. She seemed hesitant to say her name, but it wasn't like the lavender babe was going to do anything with it. What could she possibly do with a name? All it was for was calling wolves by it, and distinguishing between the masses. Names were good things. Brows would furrow a little, wondering if maybe the older lady was worried about something. Did she not like sharing her name? Rainbow was a good name, or a thing to call someone. It suited her, because of all the colours on her back. There was a small smile that came to crease the dark wolfess' features, and it gave the youth some reassurance. Another name was offered, in a tentative tone. Marina. Wow, that was good, it sounded like she came from the water. Marine was what you called sea critters, she'd learned somewhere in her adventures. Was she a sea faerie? That would be cool. She'd heard about magical creatures in fairy tales way back when, in the days where everything was good and the world was a nice place to be.

Slowly the girl would sort out the mess of thoughts in her head. Cranium would dip politely in greeting. It was always good to be polite. "I like Marina. It's a good name. Calling you Rainbow would be like calling me Purple, it doesn't really have a lot of special-ness." She announced, nodding her head emphatically. A soft giggle would escape her inky lips, features crinkling with mirth. Purple. How silly would that name be? The alabaster stain upon her features was probably the only thing stopping her momma's from calling her something like that, because they saw the splotch and thought well, she's not all purple, we gotta think of something else. Which made her wonder where Milli was, because she'd been born first, and they'd had even less time to think of what to name her. Milli was back in Arcanum, wasn't she? Maybe she should go back there, and see if her sister wanted to come to Fiori and stay with her and Bacc. Lost in thought, her attention drifted toward the scenery, her conversation almost completely forgotten.

because there's something about tonight, yeah there's something about tonight


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Marina I


7 Years
05-22-2015, 12:44 PM

The girl would speak, saying that she too liked Marina. It was a good name. It was more special than calling her Rainbow. The woman would manage a small smile, letting herself relax again. Yes... Calling herself Rainbow was a tad silly, wasn’t it? All it did was hurt her. Remind her of the things that those not so nice wolves would call her. But she wasn’t a freak. She was a normal wolfess... A normal being who deserved to be treated like everyone else.

I suppose it is a good name... The female’s tail would begin to wag. "I like Absinthe better though. It sounds so pretty. You're very lucky."

The female would tilt her head to the side, feeling a bit more lighthearted now. "Say Abby... how much do you know about plants?"

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Absinthe 1

05-22-2015, 01:04 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

She watched the woman lighten her demeanor a little more, smiling lightly when she mentioned that Marina was a very good name. She returned a tiny grin of her own. Marina seemed a little less nervous now, and the lavender babe was very happy about that. No one deserved to be sad all the time, and she had nothing to be worried about in Absinthe. Marina replied quietly, tail wagging a little. The violet girls own thumped against the bark of the tree. At the compliment from the older female, she beamed. "Thanks!" She yipped, fair wiggling with glee. With a small tilt to her head, a question would fall from the dark woman's lips. Plants? Like, herbs and stuff? Well, she didn't know all that much, but she wanted to know more for sure. She shrugged, frowning a little. "Not a lot, but I wanna learn about them. It seems like a good thing to know about." She replied simply, smiling up at the other.

"Why d'you ask, Miss Marina?" She returned, her own cranium leaning to one side as she regarded the femme. Would Marina teach her about herbs? That would be awesome, she was eager to learn about everything. She'd dabbled in things here and there, but so far all she knew was that she wanted to fight monsters and be big and strong, like her mommy Vi. Regardless of the fact that now she was not very happy with her estranged mother, she wanted the same things as before.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!

Marina I


7 Years
05-27-2015, 02:56 PM

Marina would feel a bit of disappointment that the girl didn’t know too much. Sadly that meant, more likely than not, that the child would have no idea of the plant she was searching for. It was a pity, but more likely than not she was simply going to have to return to the shrine and take the plant from there. Her heart ached at the thought of doing that, truly, but what other choice did she have? Simply ignoring the child’s hope of getting a hold of the plant wouldn’t do.

“Well you see, there is one that I need to find in particular. One that my daughter wants to find. It makes you feel really good... But the only place I know of where to find it is our old home... And we were forced out of it.” Marina would frown deeply, furrowing her brow. “I’ve been trying to avoid going back there, but sadly it looks like the only option. I’m not afraid of getting hurt necessarily... Just afraid of being taken and not being able to help her anymore.”

Table by:: Tea

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]

Absinthe 1

05-31-2015, 09:41 PM

ooc. sorry this isn't that good! D:

The child noted that the darker femme seemed disappointed that she didn't know too much about plants. Well, what was she to do about it? A small frown would crease her features. The vivid coated female would explain that her daughter wanted to find this plant, but the only place she'd seen it was in their old home. Oh, that made sense. If you had to go all the way back home to find something, after you'd been kicked out of it, wasn't good at all. Her concerns with returning were mentioned, which seemed perfectly logical to the babe. Yeah, moms were pretty important. "Well, maybe I've seen it somewhere," She would mumble, shrugging. "what does it look like?" Soft drawling tones would enquire, cranium tilting to one side ever so slightly. There were lots of plants around here, it wouldn't be crazy to think she might have seen it somewhere around. She'd travelled in her life, but she'd learned a lot about the place she now called home. The water in the mangrove glowed, but not because of magic. There were little fishie creatures that didn't like being touched, so they warned everyone off by glowing. It was way cooler than magic.
