
Stop Or I'll Eat You



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-22-2015, 06:04 PM
The midday sky was heavily laden with clouds, rain soon to come no doubt. The male had traveled from North to West, a long distance to cover and no more then a couple days to do it. He was a fast traveler. If he could teleport then he would use it all the time, just to save him the trouble of walking. He wasn't in any particular mood at the moment, only a vague sense of arrogance emanating from him but no more. Although he was feeling a little giddy, for no particular reason. And also a little hungry, because he had been traveling a lot. Changing his course, he soon spotted a grove of trees. And within them, little edible creatures that he could see fleeing into the depths of the woods. Licking his chops, Zell rapidly changed direction and headed towards the trees. His cream and wine colored pelt blending somewhat with what little snow was in the west, while at the same time standing out due to his darker markings. If I had been born pure white, it'd be easier...but then I'd also look boring and normal. And probably invisible int he snow. The thought struck him as amusing, thus bringing a small smile to his face.

As he approached the undergrowth, he hunkered down a little. Head low, tail low, shoulders hunched as he began to sniff out what he might eat. Scents poured in, from trees and dried shrubs to animals burrowed up in their dens as they hibernated for the winter. What the hell did he see then? Slightly puzzled, he wandered a bit as he followed one particular scent. He had no clue what it was, but to him it smelled delicious. "Come out, come out, wherever you are..." He muttered as he continued his search.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


05-27-2015, 03:17 PM

The young girl was on the ground, though hopefully not for long as she darted through the undergrowth. She was looking for something to eat, a mouse or something that might have foolishly come out of hiding. She didn’t want to bother Kenji -- it was his nap time -- and have him get mad at her or anything. So on the little critter went, crunching snow under paw, as she searched.

Unfortunately her hunt thus far had proved fruitless, and the hungry kit was becoming more and more cranky. She was hungry! She would stamp her paw, hearing a voice behind her. She would bristle, turning her head and creeping back through the bush. Woooahhhh what was that? It was so big! The little kit would pop out of the bush, falling onto her rear end as she looked up at the uniquely marked wolf. "Whatcha looking for?"

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
06-04-2015, 05:20 PM

He was close. He could sense it. And yet, all the while he could feel another presence other then the creature he was hunting. He ignored the feeling, shaking it off to concentrate on his hunt. He neared the bush where the scent came strongest, and as he investigated it, a thing popped out at him. He cried out in surprise, stumbling backwards until his rear end was flat on the ground. Flabbergasted, Zell stared wide eyed at the creature that popped out from the bush. It's voice creeping up to his ears. What the heck was this thing?!

"Wh-what?!" He stammered for words, the little thing unknown to him, and he didn't know if it was prey or not. It was certainly small enough to be food. But it had jumped out at him as fearless as he usually was. Not that he was scared, just surprised. "I-I'm looking for food! And thanks to you, all the prey that might have been out probably ran back into their holes!" He was a little upset, though it gradually began to subside as he stared at the thing. The little cat that was so bold. "What the hell are you?"


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


06-22-2015, 01:09 PM

The man stammered for words, and Keno just sat there with a wide grin on her lips. She would gaze up at him, fascinated by his height and color. The red was really pretty. But his upset words would have her taken aback. She would lower her ears, taking a step back. She didn't like his raised voice, a pout appearing on her face. "I didn't mean to!" Her voice would crack with emotion. The girl was easily made to cry or, in the very next moment, lose her own temper. Keno would let her purple eyes meet with his again, swallowing a bit.

"I'm a Margay." The little one would state, as if it was clear as day. She would try to get a hold of her emotions, taking a breath as she got closer to the wolf. "What are you? You're really huge. You know... I... I really am sorry I scared away the food.... I just wanted to meet you." Keno would twist her head so that she was looking up at him again. "You're really handsome you know. I love this red color on your fur. It's so pretty!"

"Talk" "You" Think