
Red And Gold



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-25-2015, 05:11 PM
It's Been A Long Time

Stepping onto the wasteland he had trekked only once when he was but a babe, Enigma cast a cold gaze out across the land. Scents were all but scarcely stale, as if a group had once been here, but for how long they had been gone he wasn't sure. Nostrils flared to catch the cold taste of the air, the pines brittle and browning as Fall had been cast upon the earth for sometime now. With a shake of his fur, the creature stalked forward to see what, or who he could find. His brother Forsaken was not far, of that he knew. After their father and mother had gone, to where he didn't know, it was just him and his brother. Their sister, disappearing as well. All but faded memories now. Although Enigma wasn't one for large groups, he still held a deep sense of loyalty to the pair that raised him, and his fathers wishes. Enigma and Forsaken were to grow, and seek for themselves a location they would call home. As well as dominion and dominance...but over what? He was but a young child, he couldn't remember. But his parents seemed to push it on them very strongly, so there had to be some purpose for it...

Cold mist strung from his mouth as he opened it to inhale the air. It was cool and crisp, the morning sun just hanging below the trees as it slowly began its ascension into the sky. Finally, with head and tail high, he moved across the snowy grounds to investigate what lied around him. Golden eyes sharp. Cold. Calculating. As he searched for what might lie hidden. Answers to questions he searched for, or didn't know. As well as his own Kin.


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4 Years
04-26-2015, 01:25 PM

She was lost. It seems that after her encounter with Steel she had wondered this land like a ghost, never here nor there, just floating with no purpose behind her movements. She hunted to feed herself, slept when she had too but besides that nothing. She felt nothing, she was nothing. Nothing since she lost her family. Where was Calilia? She had not died with her mother but Takira still have not scented heads nor tails from her, it almost like her weak sister just disappear like smoke, almost like her imagination... Was Calilia her imagination? Did Takira really have the sister that she had this instinct to protect an defend?

Takira shock her large head and looked up before she ran into a tree. She did not know why she came to this cold and white place, she just did. But maybe she should turn around, this late into the fall there was bound to be more pray where it was warmer, but... She felt calmed by all the whiteness, as if the cold from the melting snow on her back fed the ice that now flowed in her veins.

She sat then her eyes scanning the white that surrounded her, alert for some reason her mind had not caught up on yet. And when movement snagged her attention Takira knew why. He was a large male and was a wonder she had not notest him before but he was white and blended well in all the white from the cold snow.

She tilted her head at him, he was a large thing but so was she. And while his white pelt was beautiful his outward arrogance really masked it. But something about him behind thew arrogance was seen, he seemed almost lonely? But... Maybe not. The confidence and arrogance masked whatever glimpse Takira saw in him.

She was half tempted to turn around slip away before she was seen. But alas since her pelt was black and he was nearly in front of her she had to stay and have an encounter. She sighed, but it was not like she had anything better to do; she was, after all, alone much like he.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-26-2015, 03:27 PM
A Scent Drifted Towards Him On The Dying Wind. Enigma Pressed His Nose To The Cold Ground, Tracing Whatever It Was That Was In The Air. Then, With A Flick Of His Ears, The Mostly White Creature Turned Towards The Direction The Scent Carried Strongest. And Nearly Right In Front Of Him, A Figure As Dark As His Heart Appeared. How Had He Not Detected Her Sooner? He Should Have Seen Her, Too. It Was Not Hard To Spot One Like Her Among The Purity Of Snow Around Them. It Swirled Lightly, Kissing His Pelt As Gently As The Winds Kissed The Leaves. Amber Gaze Swept Over Her, His Fur Puffing About Him Not Only To Appear Larger Or More Intimidating, But To Keep Out The Chill Of The Air. Enigma Had Not Come Across Much Else Since His Trek, His Priority Being His Family--Or Any Links And Remnants that Were Left. Standing Tall, He Bore Down Upon The Woman.

"Who Are You?" He Asked Briskly. Wondering Just Who This Midnight Beauty Was. Indeed She Was Attractive, Even With The Triad Of Scars Upon Her Face...Perhaps That Made Her All The More Attractive, No?


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4 Years
04-26-2015, 07:51 PM

Takira was a bit taken aback when the male puffed himself up. It was almost comical. He was trying to make himself look bigger? Well she was a large thing herself and he would need every trick in the book to make himself bigger than her. She smirked at him as he tried to tower over her. She tilted her head at him, trying to intimidate someone like her? Interesting. She may not have much experience in fighting but he did not look much older than her. He amused her more then intimidated her, and frankly that was amazing in itself. Takira was not one to feel amusement in recent time, hell she was not one to feel much of anything since the night she got her scars. She blinked at him and laughed softly. He seemed to hover a second before demanding to know who she was. That made her smile bigger, it was almost the same tone she had when she demanded the same thing from Steel. She hummed to herself then, she was under duress when he showed up, was this male? He did not look injured like she but maybe it was more emotional then physical.

"I am named Takira Taske." She tilted her head the other way, her amber eyes bright. This was the most fun she had since that faithful night, it even took her mind off of her sister. Maybe she would entertain herself with this fellow, he was bound to be fun, in a sadistic sort of way, she had no idea she was into that sort of thing but hell, she didn't know a lot of things about herself she knew now. Like the sizzling anger she knew hid behind the the amusement that now flooded her mind.

"And you, tough guy?"

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-26-2015, 08:15 PM
The tilt of her head. The thrum of her laughter. It was strange to say the least, and he was slightly irritated that she was smiling as opposed to backing up a pace or two. But his irritation he would not show. Allowing his shoulder fur to lie somewhat flat, the multi-hued creature gazed steadily at her. She offered to him a name, and that name he would store away in his mind. Takira. It was strangely...different. Beautiful in name, her attitude so far seemed to match. With a somewhat rough snort at her question about him, he swept past her. His tail flicking roughly past her nose as he stopped a few paces beyond. Should he give her his name? A hint of a smile kissed his lips as he stared at her, his eyes narrowed only the slightest. "You can call me N." He murmured briskly.

His full name was not one to give out lightly, for if ever he made enemies which would most likely happen in the future, he wanted to keep his identity as hidden as possible. Though perhaps this woman, with time, would learn it. Eyeing her, he wondered then where she had attained such scars. Perhaps she had pissed someone off, or lost a bad fight. Lazily, he looked her up and down. As if she were a piece of candy he was entitled to, but did not yet want. "Those scars. What are they from?" A man of many words he was not, but fire with fire he could fight if need be. Though he sorely hoped she was not up to it, he was only just securing his temper and he did not want to unleash it upon this babe.


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4 Years
04-26-2015, 09:05 PM

She smirked as he seemed to bristle at her casual and amused attitude. But he seemed to calm himself quickly, that or hide his inner most thoughts. She watched him mull over her name then and seemed to approve of it, which was neither here nor there, it was a name that meant a lot to her mother so she held it with pride, weather others liked it or not. After she asked him in turn what his name was he seemed to turn up the arrogance, opting to flirtation instead of aggression. He moved forward then, his eyes betraying his mischief. She did not move as he swept his tail close to her face, but instead fallowed him with her eyes as he swept past her.

"N you say?"

Takira wondered if it was truly is name or just a alias that he thought would protect him. She shrugged, she did not truly care, if that is what he wanted to be called then that is what she would call him. And besides she was not under any illusion that she would ever see him again so why did she care if he told her his real name or not. Right? But frankly if she thought about it this male did not seem to be one to let something he wanted to just walk away from him. But the question would not be if he would let something he consider his walk away it was whether he would be possessive after this encounter.

He calmed himself after she did not act aggressive after his display. She did not want to fight, not with him, she would save that for the wolves that killed her mother. Not this amusing guy. With the thought of that night on her mind, she almost missed the fact that N's new focused on her face, but not just her face but the scars that adorned her left eye.

She blinked in shock as he asked about her scars. This was the first time she was shaken after he approached her. She shock her head, looking away from him, which was dumb because the male could still decide that he was done playing with her and instead have a different kind of fun with a fight. "Um well..."

She paused as words seemed to fail her. Was she able to tell this total stranger the most intimate point in her life? She was not even sure she knew his name, let alone why he wanted to know why she had those scars.

Then she just shrugged, who cared. It was past, she would find the wolves who did it and kill them like they killed her mother, so who cared it she told the world knew where the scares that slashed her face, the same scars the slashed her mothers face and her mothers before her, came from. "Well, you could say they where gifts from two wolves who wanted to die." She growled then, deep in her chest. Her eyes sharp as she looked at the ground in front of her.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-27-2015, 02:20 AM
I seem to have struck a chord... He would say to himself. Eyeing her carefully. The question of her scars seemed to open something within her, for she was clearly deep in thought. Her words failed her, for they fell from ebony lips in a stutter as if she were struggling to speak. One brow raised, he stood still as fell into a mask of emotionless state. Perhaps...he could play this into favor. Not only for him, but for her as well. For what seemed like long moments, he would remain patient. And whether she chose to speak or not, he would either walk away and leave her to empty thoughts, or take advantage and charm. Though the first option seemed more promising...and just as soon as he was about to make his choice, she spoke. It seemed she had come to a decision.

Interest piqued his mind, watching the girls cool approach turn to anger, her words directed at the snow yet laced with venom. Two wolves who wanted to did she kill them? Or do they still wander? The questions pricked him like a thorn, and so it would be only natural for him to ask. Sure, there were those who deserved to die...and certainly the pair that "gifted" her the scars deserved it perhaps. But the underlying reason? Barbarians? Traitors? Or Maybe she was a traitor? He didn't know the story, nor did he really care. But this opportunity he would not pass up, and it was only natural for him to take advantage and attempt at working his magic, no?

"My, you sound angry darling..." His voice was low, though somewhat sympathetic for only a moment before casting itself into an emotionless void. One that held a statement. A purpose. "So tell me, have the vermin payed? Or do they still roam free in the lands? I too have had my share of...trouble. And there are those not to be forgiven. So, if it suits you, we can hunt them down. You and I, allies of sorts. Two sets of skills are better then one, don't you agree?" He lifted himself not in arrogance, but as if to make a statement that he was not weak. And yes, he would take on the world if it were against him...for it seemed as if it always were. Should she choose to ally herself with him, then a plan would be set into motion. For not only would she get her revenge, but he too would get the chance to instill his name in the whispers of the wind. Hell, perhaps they both would. Though he never thought about partnering up with anyone besides his brother, no wolf could continuously survive alone.

"What say you? Unless of course, you want to continue roaming these lands searching in's your choice, Dear Raven." Though it was not her name, she bore the dark colors of one. And he found that it suited her so easily...she could be stealthy, provided she had the right training and could possibly massacre a few souls from the darkness. However, her choice would be decided upon her next words. For he figured not only would it benefit him, but perhaps her as well.


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4 Years
05-22-2015, 08:26 PM

Kira's growl deepened as N seemed to goad her. Her eyes shot up, fire filling them as she felt the heat entered her blood. She could feel the built up anger, the burning hate for those that had given her her scars. She stood then, her tail lashing, her eyes blazing. "They yet live, but not for long." She turned to the male, her amber eyes sharp. She felt the scorching heat lash as the male continued. He was willing to team up, combining skills, maybe she will allow him to come with her. Maybe she needed someone to help her, after all they where two wolves and she only one, another set of paws would help. Besides that Takira thought the boy charming, in his bad boy sort of way.

Takira nodded, her sharp amber eyes never leaving Ns. "Yes, I will go with you, we will watch each others back, for now at least." She smiled then, her eyes and face cold, she could feel the darkness filling her soul, but frankly she could care less at this moment in time, now all she wanted was to track those who killed her mother, and maybe just maybe find her beloved little sister. Takira nodded at the male then and turned to the south. The hard edge never leaving her amber eyes. Yes, she would find those wolves and she and N would kill them together. "Lead the way."



ooc- this is a good end, if you desire you can make a last post as well and if you want make us a new thread =3
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-23-2015, 01:56 PM
ooc// I do like this ending *^* I will make this my last post and I'll throw up another post and link you >:D

A dark rumble emanated from from the pits of his chest. So she agreed to take him up on his offer. Oh how he had a way with words...He could see her reactions ever changing, clear as day as she seemed to battle with the rage and revenge she so sought. She responded, and a bemused look flickered across his features when she mentioned they still lived. But no sooner would she turn towards him, all the anger and rage of the gods within her soul. He swore he could see her inner being changing, to something that he knew lingered deep within all creatures. A power, a darkness so hungry it could consume everything in its path. Was this what his Father showed all the time? For him, it only made things better. "Yes, I will go with you, we will watch each others back, for now at least." A smile following right after, though it was charming to see upon a cold and hardened visage. He returned her amber gaze, fire vs. fire staring back at each other for a moment before he responded to her. "As you wish, Takira."

A flash of white revealed beneath inky lips appeared. Enigma smiling deviously as he followed her gaze southward. Never did he think he would be on a quest with another, but this quest was well worth it. For at the end, he would get to sink his teeth into the flesh of another, and rip his heart out without mercy. Oh how the idea stirred within him. He had a new respect for this woman, for at first he thought her to be some shy little girl he could take advantage of. But it turned out, she was stronger then he thought. She contained a fiery passion and the same dark desires he bore in his chest. It made her seem...cute. In a way. Brushing past her, he moved in the direction they now faced. "Let us begin." He rumbled, amber eyes dancing.

-EXIT Enigma-


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