
Whats new pussy cat



6 Years
Extra large
05-20-2015, 05:02 PM

Glacier's life had taken a dramatic change and things would never be the same for him. It was a bold statement to make, but a true one. Before this he had had only one concern and that was for his family, now his heart had grown a little larger and found room to love another. He had to work out how to balance everything, to ensure that everyone he loved lived happy content lives, where safe and sound. What he really needed to do, was talk to Voltage. He was dying to speak to his brother about everything that had happened, for his loving and energetic litter mate to put everything in perspective, to hear him out and give advice. He needed to tell Voltage about the kiss, abut speaking to Anais's family, and most of all about bringing Anais home.

He knew his brother had been busy with pack relations of late, making friends with other packs in the area and meeting new wolves, so he wasn't entirely sure where his lightning brother had gotten to. Instead of trying to find him, he raised his head and howled for the other.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
05-23-2015, 06:13 AM
Voltage had a very specific task that was currently consuming his mind, and yet again in his single mindedness he had chosen to go about it alone. It wasn't so much that he didn't want to include his brother in his ideas, or the tasks he chose to do, it was more that...well, for Volt's entire life he had never had to explain what he was doing to Glacier. Somehow his big brother just...always knew, and was always at his side helping him complete said task. Glacier knew probably better than anyone else that Voltage could become consumed all too easily by the things he wanted to do. Whether it was finding a tutor for Terrae, visiting his distant love, or just all around caring for his family, Voltage always gave every bit of himself and then some. He was never a 50 or even 95% kind of guy, he always finished things to completion even if it killed him.

Glacier just always so happened to be there to ensure Volt didn't find a way to do that.

His ears perked as he looked towards the call. He wasn't too far away from Donostrea's border, infact he was rather close. On his travels to the neighboring territories to see if they could somehow extend their borders to fit their ever growing population, he had noticed something rather peculiar. He couldn't smell the pack at their side any longer, their borders were no longer strong. Infact, there seemed to no longer be a pack at all. It was when he had managed to get one paw over what should have been the border, however, that Glacier had called for him, and instantly he turned back. Him and his big brother spent such little time together, aside from their nights sleeping in the same den. Ever since Glacier had gotten better, Voltage had found himself too busy either planning events, meeting with alphas, or investigating mysterious missing packs. Winter was upon them, so they needed a better food source, and it was weighing heavily on his mind. Locha would get frost bite soon, he was sure of it, unless he found a place where winter creatures tended to be.

With quick steps he trotted towards his brother, his stormy eyes almost distant as the thought of Secretua weighed heavily on his mind. First Glaciem and now their neighbors. Packs were dropping like flies. He approached his brother with a worried expression, before he managed to shake it off just a bit to smile at Glacier. "Yeeeeess?" He asked, grinning his toothy grin. But it seemed almost flat, his mind elsewhere.




6 Years
Extra large
05-23-2015, 07:22 PM

The lithe and darkly brilliant form of Glacier's brother would soon make its appearance. The behemoth felt the smile that took over his expressions at the sight of his litter mate. With the worries that where eating at Voltage unbeknownst to Glacier, he would take the remaining step to bring Voltage closer to him and envelope him in the hug of a giant in a moment of impulse. It was simply so good to see his other half, especially after recent events and how badly he needed the lightning boys advice.

Glacier let Voltage go and took himself back a step, to find his brothers brilliant, electric gaze. “I have so much to tell you... i'm not even sure where to start” he wasn't being his normal slow and careful self, he hadn't even had a chance to take in the worry that glimmered in Voltage's expression and shadowed his gaze, that in itself should tell Voltage how monumental the things that had happened to Glacier where. “I... Anais, well” he stopped, and there was even the hint of a blush on Glacier's cheek. “She was in heat, and I lost control long enough that I kissed her and we both realized that all this time we had fallen in love with each other. Shes going to move here to be with me – granted that's okay with you of course. I know it probably seems sudden but, its right and I know it is” he cleared his throat, and really looked at his brother. “Voltage, is there something wrong?” he asked gently.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
05-23-2015, 07:53 PM
Voltage would quickly and easily embrace his big brother in return, the affection allowing him to pull away from his thoughts a bit more. His worry was still there, but like his emotion, it managed to flit away. But he was sure it would return again, it always did. For now, he focused on his brother and his all consuming happiness. With a bright grin he'd listen to his brother, thanking the heavens that he was finally able to see the truth that Voltage had known since the very first time he heard the name Anais. The second Glacier mentioned bringing her here, he instantly nodded. "Our home would be rather empty otherwise." He said with a gentle grin, tilting his head. "Either that or your mind would be split, and we can't have that." He said with a grin. He knew the feeling, part of his thoughts were always with Gaia and it often distracted him beyond belief. There was once he was walking along the beach when he was thinking of her and the next thing he knew he was face down in the water....for several moments without realizing it.

Love was dangerous.

When Glacier, however, asked what was wrong he shook his head just slightly. "I don't want to take away from your happiness, Glacier. I am so proud of you, for finally getting it through your thick wall that you felt a lil something for the mouse." He said with a teasing grin, but it was all there, every proud emotion and happiness for his brother. He wouldn't change it for the world, never. Anais was perfect for Glacier, and he was happy that they managed to find each other. But he was still distracted, and he couldn't help to keep it quiet any longer. "Secretua is gone, along with Glaciem..." He whispered softly. "I had an old friend, named Odette, but when I went there to invite her to visit, her pack was gone...and now, our neighbors are missing, and I haven't heard word from some other packs since before Threar's celebration.." He whispered in worry, his brows furrowed before he shook his head. "But also...this allows us the opportunity to take more space for our pack, space that allows food other than fish. With winter here, our food source will become severely scarce, we need to find a solution...and while it is terrible that Rune's pack is gone...we could claim one of the neighboring territories..." He whispered softly.




6 Years
Extra large
05-23-2015, 08:19 PM

Well Glacier didn't know that his brother had been in on the knowing from the start, it wouldn't have surprised the behemoth. Voltage might be flighty and energetic, but his love for his family gave him an insight that wouldn't have allowed him to miss it when his brother and the girl he was with where falling in love. Voltage would also easily agree for Anais to come here, neither of the brothers could deny the other anything is seemed. Now they just had to find a way to bring Gaia here, and the family could truly be whole.

Voltage would shake his head and refuse to bring Glacier down with whatever was worrying him, and the Titan chuckled at the way his lightning brother said it. “You knew all along.. didn't you” he realized, and even as he said it it was more of a statement then a question. He shook his head in amusement.

Voltage would surprise him then as he pointed out the vanishing of packs around them. Secretua was gone? That was a shame, he had liked Rune, the two had a lot in common for their want of a quite life and family pack. “Perhaps its the winter, packs are fading out, we will have to be vigilant to ensure we stay strong” he mused out lout, then fell silent as Voltage went on about with similar thoughts, but more then just a problem – a solution too. “I agree, lets do it, I think Rune would understand” he decided.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
05-23-2015, 08:44 PM
The lightning brother would grin just slightly when Glacier called him out. With a shine in his eyes he would nod just slightly. "Don't I always, brother?" He asked with a gentle grin, tiling his head up at Glacier. There really wasn't much that went over his head when it came to his family. Especially when it came to his littermate, the one he was closest too. They could have silent conversations without realizing it, think the same things and never discuss any plans because they knew they would support each other through everything. So of course voltage would notice the smallest, little changes as Glacier found himself unknowingly falling in love. Voltage would notice everything about his brother, it was just something he did. "You seem to doubt my abilities." He said with a grin.

He would hum then, gaze shifted down to the ground. How could packs just...disappear like that, without a word. He couldn't understand it, couldn't...just, couldn't. It almost seemed to scare him, to know that packs were just...disappearing like a breath of air. What did that mean for them, for Donostrea. With a gentle nod, he agreed with his brother. They needed to act, to ensure their family would get the food they needed. If Rune returned after the harsh season, they would see about the situation then, but for now...they had to act. "I can go explore the new lands...if you would want to help Anais settle in some more. We can meet up there..." He whispered softly before a thought touched his mind, ears perking slightly. "Is it just Anais? What of her family?" He asked with concern. Had something happened that he wasn't aware of?? Or did Glacier just not mention her family had come to Donostrea as well? He was...concerned.




6 Years
Extra large
05-23-2015, 08:54 PM

“It would seem so” The titan teased his brother back, Glacier might like to think himself the observant one, but he knew better then to underestimate what his brother saw. He shook his head as Voltage teased that Glacier was doubting him. No, the ice titan would never do that. He smiled through, responding easily to the teasing. There was a reason why Glacier and Voltage where an amazing pair, and where able to lead together effortlessly, thus far in their lives they had always been on one mind.

Voltage already had a game plan in mind, one he started to share with Glacier, which typically involved Voltage doing all the work and the offer for Glacier to take it easy and settle in his mate. mate that word didn't do justice to what Anais was to him. He was about to protest the work distribution when Voltage suddenly changed the subject, and Glacier sighed. ”They are still thinking about it, but aren't sure, if they do it would only be two extra heads and Anais. If they do we would have another healer as well, something we need. What do you think brother, have we the room for them if they decide to stay?” he asked softly, knowing Voltage was already concerned about winters approach.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
05-23-2015, 11:14 PM
It wasn't so much that Voltage wanted to take all the work, it was just that he held both responsibilities on the same scale. Picking a new land to claim was just as important as making sure the new family settled in, in Voltage's mind. And since Glacier was much closer to Anais, he would be able to help her much easier than Voltage. He knew there wasn't much time, with winter upon them they would have a very hard time finding food, and the thought of their spring journey looming over his head...the trek was a lot longer than it used to be, they would have to leave much earlier and if he wasn't positive his family would fair well with food and shelter, he couldn't rest well knowing he was leaving. It made much more sense to split the responsibilities down the middle so they could be done all the more quickly. Glacier answered his question, and Voltage was left to answer his own. With a gentle hum he thought about it, ears slipping back just slightly as he thought of the numbers, of the new mouth to feed and the apparent lack of winter fish to be able to eat. Sure, they could find something in their ocean, but it was never enough to feed all of them, and besides...he feared for Locha's health as the temperatures continued to dip. No, they needed a way to get more food. But he also couldn't say no and disallow Anais' family to come into their home as well. With her and Glacier's...unionizing it would be rude to forbid Anais' family, which by all definition had become Voltage's extended family. So he breathed out, smiling up at Glacier. "We'll make it work if it comes to it, brother." He said softly then, his detemination evident in his features and his eyes. They would make it work now that they had more mouths to would all work, even if he had to ask favors of his new alpha friends. It would work. "We need someone to lead the hunts, Glacier. Desperately..." He said softly before he sighed, shaking his head and pulling back his "sunny" disposition. They would be fine. "We should get started, anyways. I will call you soon? We have much more to discuss, but I wont be able to focus too much on other things without knowing this problem is solved."




6 Years
Extra large
05-23-2015, 11:28 PM
Glacier waited patiently. He could see his brother working it all out in his head, adding it up and deciding what the right thing was to do here. He agent intended to put his brother in such a situation, but it was what it was. Glacier was certain they could work it out, the titan could bring down larger prey in his own, and they could get incredible results when they worked together, it would all work out, he knee it would. Voltage seemed to reach the same conclusion that they would work it out together. Glacier nodded and grinned at the lightning boy.

Voltage then mentioned something about leading hunts and the behemoth grinned at him "ill happily take on leading hunting parties over winter, it would probably be important for me to do so in fact" he mused before voltage spoke again, clearly eager to get started to ease his own mind "sounds like a plan" glacier easily agreed.




6 Years
05-24-2015, 12:01 AM
Sometimes, Voltage made thunderstorms out of an overcast...mountains out of molehills, whatever. Sometimes his flitting thoughts and emotions reached a severity where it took Glacier's clarity to make it to the very simple solution. Just being around his brother sometimes, or even attempting to put himself in his big brother's shoes allowed him to make it through the storms that took up his mental space. That's exactly where he was now, in the clarity Glacier always managed to give him, even with his very presence. Sure, the problem was a large one, something that if they didn't correct could easily wear his family down or cause them to, well, go hungry for the winter. It was something that had to act on, but perhaps his boundless energy and powerful emotions had allowed him to feel the severity ten fold more than he should. So with a calming breath he smiled brightly to his brother as Glacier offered to handle the hunting, and Voltage couldn't agree more. They would both have to go out into the field someday soon and stretch their well rested hunting muscles. It had been so long since he had to do such a thing, really. With Locha's fishing there always seemed to be something for Voltage to eat, not that he ate very much to begin with. "Go see your little mouse, I'll call you soon." He said with his bright, charming smile. It was his turn, after all. Glacier had managed to find them their beach, Voltage wanted his chance to survey and find them a new land to take in the name of Donostea. So with a nod and his signature grin, he'd dip his head to his brother and turn to trot away. He'd stop quickly if Glacier wished to continue to talk, but he was intent to find a new land before the sun set, and begin expanding their home.
