
This is how a Heart Breaks



4 Years
05-25-2015, 04:44 PM

Gaia didn't know what to think. She'd run away from Ebony... Yfir, as fast as she could with little reguard to what she was leaving behind. What she should have done was stay, mourn with her siblings, and then decide what they wanted to do. Instead she had run from her grief, hadn't given a second thought to the siblings that were left. Little did she know they were much fewer than even she knew. Nemesis was dead, she didn't know that yet, and Hephaestus had gone missing. Those she cared about were becoming fewer, and she was doing a terrible job showing those left her feelings towards them.

Gaia felt more broken than she ever had, though she had been through many trials and much suffering she'd never felt like this. Freewing hadn't left her shoulder since she left her home. She needed help, though she hadn't been willing to accept that fact just yet. She needed to find her sister, and she wanted more than anything to see Voltage.
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6 Years
05-25-2015, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2015, 05:57 PM by Voltage.)
Voltage missed her terribly. Every moment away felt like an enternity of lonliness, but he had been quite busy. There was so much that he had had to do, so much responsibility. But he had to make time, especially for her. He felt terrible for taking so long to come and see her again, especially since she seemed so lonely. But he couldn't...he hadn't been able to get away. First it was Glacier's leg, then it was all the odd drama with loves ones coming to join Dono, then it was the lack of food and the beach party. While he did manage to see Gaia from time to time, he hadn't been able to see her with just the two of them in very long. It was always a party or something else...he wanted his time with her. Just her. So he went in search of his little cloud, on his way towards her pack. As always, he took the path through the shrine, knowing this way the best out of all of them. He didn't quiet know how else to get there. But it was also nice, it had some sort of emotional connection to him. This was the place where they had first announced Donostrea, it was the place where he had met Gaia, so he enjoyed walking through here. What he didn't expect, however, to find here here. He blinked the moment he saw her familiare form, Freewing atop her shoulder. His chest clenched, and he instantly knew that something had happened. For what, though, he wasn't prepared. "Gaia.." He called over the distance, quickly eating it away with his paws. He needed to reach her needed to know exactly what was wrong. "Gaia, love, why are you here?" He whispered softly as he stepped closer to her, wondering what was wrong.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
05-25-2015, 06:18 PM

She barely realized where it was she'd eventually found herself, back at the shrine where she had first run away and met Voltage. She'd thought way too much about him during her time alone. Like how she could never deserve him, she was a coward. Always running from her problems instead of confronting them, where had that gotten her? She knew not where her siblings were and she wasn't even sure where she was or who she was. Life had changed so drastically in a matter of a day. Her thoughts had lingered on those events for much longer than she wanted to admit, she was exhausted emotionally and finally found a quiet place to rest her body. Though as she'd learned recently her body could rest for hours and she would still not regain her strength.

Her form would lower to her haunches as she came to a stop by the fountain, the scent of the water was calming along with the silence this place brought. Here her thoughts would clear and for a moment she would calm. Silence reigned over the silver girl and her scarlet bird until the sound of foot steps caught her focus. Lifting her head towards the noise she recognized the pattern of his steps as he said her name. For a long moment she wouldn't move, her features would offer a clue into the guilty emotions that lingered within her. She should have never left her family, and that sentiment was echoed in his next question. She wouldn't keep this shell on for long, she wanted to fall into his embrace but would refrian from closing the distance between them. "My brother is gone, my home is gone, and couldn't tell you where my family is. I ran away." Her shame was evident in her voice, obviously she knew not what to do.
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6 Years
05-25-2015, 06:32 PM
He would beside her, unable to move into a more comfortable position knowing that she was unhappy or hurt...there was something wrong. Something big. He would hold his tongue untill she chose to speak, kept his distance untill he knew she wanted his embrace. He merely stared, eyes mellowed like the grey ocean after a storm. When she spoke, however, he wasn't prepared for the hurt he felt for her at her words. All at once, it was like her world had collapsed. Her brother...her home...her family. His heard panged as he instantly would move, stepping infront of her and pulling her into his embrace, into his warmth...right where she belonged. "Oh, my dear Gaia..." He whispered softly, holding her close if she would let him. He wanted nothing more than to wash away all her worries, all her pain, to allow her to forget...but he knew he couldn't. Not only that, but this was a big thing. She had lost her fiance, and now everything else was cracking beneath her paws. He had to be strong, be steady, and let her know he was one thing that could never crumble away from her. For a moment he was silent, his eyes closed. He thought of the trip he intented to take, the one he wished to invite her on. And he wanted it all the more, if only to sweep her away from all this pain for even a short time. "What happened, Gaia?" He whispered softly, wanting to understand all of it. He had to know. Her brother was gone...did she mean he was dead, or merely no longer here? And her home...was this another one of the packs that just disappeared? A cold wave crashed over him, worry for his home and his family instant. But that wasn't the time for that. No, he needed to think about her. Everything. "What happened.." He whispered again. After he knew he would be able to help her, he would, whether it was in deciding to stay home and help her find her family, or taking her away on his trip, he would do anything for her.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
05-25-2015, 07:25 PM

She didn't say much before she felt him embrace her, whispering softly to her in comfort. She'd sigh softly as she leaned into him, tears not coming to her eyes. She felt as though she'd cried them all already. Taking in another deep breath she would think about the words to give him as he asked her what had happened. What had caused her life to change completely. "Kassander was attacked, Sigmarr saved him but.. he didn't make it through his wounds." Her voice was incredibly soft, yet still no tears surfaced. "Kass gave up the pack to a woman named Katja. I've lived under her rule before and she offered us a place to stay, but.. I ran." She was a coward. "I shouldn't be with you Voltage, I'm weak. I'm not worthy of your affection." Her voice was still a whisper, but the pain of all she'd just told him was all too apparent.
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6 Years
05-25-2015, 08:39 PM
He felt his ears fall back as she spoke, as if all her will had seeped out in her tones. He wanted to gather up all her magic, all that she was and help her feel whole again. But there was only so much that he could do, and it seemed mostly that all he could do was embrace her, hold her close to his warmth. He touched his muzzle to her cheek, close to her ear and held her even tighter as she spoke of her brothers, of the woman who had taken her home away...His tightness ached even harder in his chest. Her brother had died! In an instant he felt himself in her position, wondering exactly what would happen if his own siblings had perished. He remembered how he felt just knowing that Glacier wasn't well, he couldn't imagine the thought that he had died. A small pitched sound vibrated in his throat as he pressed close to her, but then he stopped. He froze, everything ached the moment she spoke those words. For a moment he believed that she was having second thoughts, but then he heard her final words. Quickly pulling away, he stared down at her, a flash of anger in his eyes that she wouldn't see before he sighed. Resting his nose against skull he sighed deeply. "My little cloud..." He whispered so softly, his deep voice shaking with emotion. "You just don't see what you are..." He whispered, kissing along her cheek and holding her even closer. "I will not leave you, never. Not after everything had happened to you, I will never leave, and not because of it either. I..." He paused then, pulling in a breath of air. All this was too much, far too much. He felt emotion so strongly, and this...this was just all too much. The pain he felt for her, the pain he felt knowing she felt so little of herself, or far too much for him. "I'm pretty sure I've fallen for you Gaia" He said softly, truthfully. "I can not leave you now, not ever...please, don't ever say such a thing. You're much stronger than you give yourself credit for." He would pause then, breathing in slowly, hoping that the words were sinking in. "I would never want anyone else, my little Gaia..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
05-26-2015, 11:54 AM

As the words left her she felt him freeze, as e pulled away she felt like her heart might break into a million pieces before she felt him press against her desperately. She couldn't see the anger than flashed iin his expression or even begin to imagine what he was thinking. His voice was shaking by the time he tried to speak, she didn't know where he might go but her name from him slipped from his lips as he poured his emotions into his voice. He'd hold her eyes closer, had she been at full capacity she might have cried at his words now. He unabashedly told her exactly what he thought of her as he held her tight and showered her with little affections. She wasn't completely convinced until his confession, "I've fallen for you Gaia." Silvery ears would fall to her skull as her breath caught slightly and he promised he wasn't ever going to leave her. "Voltage, I.." Her voice was a whisper but she wasn't sure where she wanted to go. She was in a dark place, and Voltage was like a brilliant ray of light that promised better days ahead. He wanted her, no matter what her state was. "I want to be with you," she'd whisper as her silvery form clung to him.
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6 Years
05-26-2015, 12:27 PM
It wasnt normal for Volty to feel heavy, or feel any sort of restraint. It wasn't normal for him to keep secrets, and it wasn't like it was. When he felt something, most everyone knew about it. An open book, every thought managed to get spilled to someone or another. While he had told Glacier, and most of the rest of his family about his feelings for Gaia, he had never really made it known to the girl. Ever since their first meeting, however, he had felt this insane but perfect fire sparked by her beauty, her sorrow, her passion...everything. He wanted nothing more than to spend his life with her, wanted to bring her home, wanted to include her in his ever growing family. He wanted to share something he adored to the very ends of earth. With a gentle sigh he'd bury his nose in her fur, waiting for her answer. It wouldn't take long, however, between her saying his name and continueing her thought. It was like the final puzzle piece. Everything happened for a reason. He had wanted her to come home, but he couldn't ask her to leave her family or the home she had made for herself. But now, in the light of terrible things, he could finally ask her, and more. He never wanted to take another step in this life after today without knowing she would be at his side. With a gentle breath he'd nuzzle closer, kissing just beneath one ear and feeling her warmth and pressure. He felt more whole than ever, like a piece he never knew was missing had finally found its way back. "Come home with me.." He whispered softly. It was neither a question, nor a just was. He needed her in Donostrea, needed to share a den with her and wake up each morning with her right at his side. "Come with me, I don't want to be without you a second longer." He murmured, remembering exactly why he was here. He wanted her to accomany him away from this place, join him as he walked a journey of sorrow and anger to help keep his emotions in check. He needed her help to contain his storm, to help him through it all, and in return he would help her overcome her own. Slowly he'd pull away to look down at her beautiful features before he smiled softly. "I am about to go on a trip, a my brother and I have taken each spring. My parents may have another litter they intend to abandon, I need to go grab them, so they know what true family is, so they feel loved." He whispered softly. It was something his parents could never really provide, the feeling of love, of affection, of belonging. He hated them, whole heartedly. "I was coming to find you, to ask you to join me. Glacier has to stay with the pack, and I cannot go it alone. I wouldn't want anyone else at my side, Gaia.." He whispered softly, hoping she would come with him. He couldn't leave now if she didn't agree. He couldn't leave her alone for weeks and weeks, to face the cold winter alone. Sure, he'd take her home, make sure she was settled (if she wished) but he just couldn't love her. "Will you join me?" He whispered softly, hopefully.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
05-26-2015, 01:33 PM

She knew that she cared for the man, and knew very well that he cared for her but neither had said any words to elude to something bigger. While he was sure, he'd managed to tell all of his siblings how he felt. Gaia thought about Voltage a lot, but she'd never made such a statement to herself before. There was still that little flicker of hope that Solo might return to her. Deep down she knew she needed to move on though, she'd been brought this wonderful wolf who cared for her deeply. She would accept that Solo was only going to be a part of her past, Voltage was her future. Though she felt like she wanted to disappear with her lost siblings he offered her a different path. A path of hope and a future with him.

He'd whisper to her again as she answered him, she only knew a few truths right now and he was the brightest of them all. She was not proud of how she'd run from her family when they'd needed her the most, but Voltage had easily forgiven her surely they would as well. She couldn't think of them though, she'd left Yfir and she couldn't help but think that Katja wouldn't take kindly to her returning with her tail between her legs. Voltage invited her home with him, and she couldn't help but share his feelings. She didn't want to spend anymore time with out him. The sun had been gone for far too long in her world, it was time for it to return to her.

He'd pull away before she could answer him, and her silvery eyes followed his movement as he continued. He wasn't just asking her to come to Donostrea with him, he wanted her to return to his homeland to search for any more siblings. He'd told her of his past, of the parents that had abandoned them. She couldn't deny him, especially as he told her why he wanted her to go with him. It would be a perfect chance to get away for real, to relax and return herself to a normal state. "I will, I'll join Donostrea and come with you on your journey." She'd whisper back as the tinges of a smile played on her lips. It was time to start living her life.
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6 Years
05-26-2015, 02:10 PM
Voltage would smile so warmly, so gently down at her, despite the fact that she could not see. He felt so open, so whole, just knowing she wanted to be with him. Carefully pushing his nose against her forehead, he'd breathe in her scent, feeling the warmth fill him. Everything felt amazing, everything felt great, even in the light of her recent ordeal. He felt for her, he really really did, and he wanted nothing more than to help her feel better, but another part of him felt so happy. He would go on this journey that was his responsibility, and he would have her with him. Everything felt so...right. Opening his eyes again he grinned his toothy grin and shifted to nuzzle excitedly into her neck, a soft laugh on his tongue. "Oh Gaia, you've made me so happy." He said, his voice low but the laughter in each word. He was still sad for her, but oh...he couldn't not be happy. Pressing kisses along her neck and jaw he'd hum lightly, wondering of her remaining siblings. Someone must be looking for her, someone must want to know where she is. She didn't have a home anymore, she didn't know where her family was, but that didn't mean she didn't have one. He couldn't fully whisk her away without knowing they knew she was safe and unharmed, and she would return in the same shape or even better. He wouldn't let any harm come to her, even if he had to stand before the universe itself to protect her, and that included his parents. So he sighed, a happy sound, one to allow him to expell his powerful and flitting emotions. "You have to tell someone, don't you?" He asked softly. "We can find your family, Gaia, so they know you're safe. And then we'll go to Dono for a while...and then, then we'll leave together, for a while." He said softly into her fur, wanting nothing more than to sleep beside her, to bask in her warmth and they way she calmed and cleared the storm clouds inside of him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
05-26-2015, 02:51 PM

As soon as she said her agreement the feeling in the air around them changed considerably, while she'd been completely preoccupied by the loss she'd recently suffered Voltage would slowly replace her feelings of loss with gain. Sigmarr died bravely, he had held much more courage than she could ever have. He'd given his life so that Kassander could continue and live, surely he wouldn't have appreciated her stopping her own because his had ended. Voltage wouldn't let the space between them linger for long, as he leaned into nuzzle him she would lean into his touch as he admitted softly to her the happiness she had brought. Her face would flush red at his words but he'd only cause her smile to grow. Voltage would kiss her as he hummed lightly, Gaia couldn't help herself as she reached over to offer him those same affections back. Her silvery lips kissing at his cheek and muzzle as he moved down her neck. She felt butterflies rise up within her tummy, an odd nervousness she wasn't used to.

He wouldn't kiss her forever, unfortunately, as he sighed contentedly and continued. She needed to let someone know where she was. She wanted to tell Andromeda, she also wanted to ask her sister to come with her. She hadn't been followed after Yfir's meeting, and she wondered if she'd remained there. "They might still be in Yfir," her soft voice would offer gently as he told her the plan, she wouldn't have any complaints about it. More than anything she just wanted to curl up next to him and sleep for the next week. She hadn't done much of that since hearing of the death.
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