
The Edge of Glory [M]

fable by kit

04-03-2013, 03:06 AM

There was something about a warm sunning rock paired with the symphony of running water that tamed the not so savage beast dwelling within Fable's fiery soul. At present, the she-wolf lay stretched out on her side on a particularly slap of stone, eyes closed and ginger tail slowly thumping to a tempo lacking a beat. How long had she been there? Minutes? Hours? Days? Hell if she knew, nor could she bring herself to care. As far as she knew, she'd died and gone to wolf heaven. All that was missing were the hunky brutes and endless supply of fresh kill. Maybe a roudy companion or two, just to keep things lively.

"A lass could ge' used ta' this." she crooned, rolling onto her back and paddling the air with creamy paws. Her right ear twitched when a droplet from a nearby cascade of water landed on her head. Normally she would be annoyed with getting her fur wet, but at present she was too far gone to mind. Releasing a sigh, and giving her back a good wiggle or two until finding a comfortable balance, she opened her eyes to reveal light green to sky blue with the occasional plume of white. Maybe if she stayed still long enough she'd start to see things in the clouds.


04-03-2013, 07:00 AM
Stumbling Upon the Warmest place Roman had come to a lovely place the air so warm,the water fresh and the sound of a river flowed through his ears I have got to be in heaven he had never been to some place so amazing in his travels around the vast land soon he thought he could get use to this place and live like this life a rouge wanderer

feeling edgy he picked up speed and started to run and jump to the top of the waterfall it felt challenging to do so to reach the top and so off he went climbing,jumping,using his agility though he couldn't see where he was going he could feel the earth and the safest part to make on to...he stopped for a little about a quarter of the way and seemed to have heard someone at the top was someone else here he sniffed the air and the rocks and picked up a scent another wolf!?!? at the top? clearly he could understand why but maybe it could be someone interesting maybe play a game with him Hell yeah! someone new i gotta get to the top he stood up and picked up the pace and raced to the top.

in a short amount of time he reached the top and began sniffing around and roman headed toward the edge of the waterfall he knew someone was here so he crept up on the other wolf and let out a big HI! what are you doing here at the top? he waited patiently and chuckled at hid little hollar at the other wolf and next planned to have fun with a rousing game once they got to know each other a little

fable by kit

04-03-2013, 02:13 PM

"Holy crap!" came her startled yelp, green eyes growing wide as saucers and fur standing on end as her ears were assaulted with an unknown voice. She'd been just sinking into the groove of cloud gazing when she'd been disturbed by a loud greeting, followed by a question concerning her purpose at the falls. A low growl of irritation rumbled in her throat as she rolled onto her stomach, eyes narrowing as she took the villain who'd stolen her peace. He was a young looking thing, all black fur and bulky mass. His eyes though, they stood stark in contrast against his pelt, as milky pale as the moon itself. Blind? Eh, served him right for giving her a fright like that.

"What do ya think I'm doin' here, boyo? I'm sun bathin'. Or atleast I was, till ye came along." Her Irish accent thickened as she ranted on, pushing herself onto all fours and approaching him with an air of finality. If he'd disturbed her relaxation, he'd better well have a damn good reason. Or at least some way to compensate. Twas only fair, after all.


04-03-2013, 08:17 PM
Roman spoke up and aplogized to the she wolf[b]my apologies my lady i didn't mean to startle you my name is roman by the way who might you be[\b] as he talked smoothly apologizing to the she wolf just listening waiting and he sat to hear what she had to say she sounded fun and playful a perfect combo but fiesty too he enjoyed the sound of that but he got up quick and rushed to her ear and whispered[b]you wanna play a game pretty lady[\b] he said with a grin on his face and a wag in his tail listening if she would want to play a silly game because she seemed enthusiatic and energetic but very chill at the same time but he was happy he found someone in this awesome place.