
Something Wicked This Way Comes



05-26-2015, 01:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2015, 01:36 PM by Annette.)
The young dame walked across the terrain of Cedar Falls. The sound of rushing water caught the pup's interest, tilting her head to the side in curiosity when a shimmer struck across the water. What were these moving shapes inside the water that let off such a shine? She was not so sure, but, she was not determined to find out so quickly. That, was when an unfamiliar scent came across her nostrils. Annette remembered her father telling her to come straight to the den when she found a scent that was not familiar to her. Her light blue optics shifted from where the scent was lingering, to the stone den from where her family had resided.

Before the child could even move, she would soon see a large form standing before her. She froze in her tracks. Who was this stranger, and what did he want with her family? These questions such as these enticed the female to move back, for she wanted no part of being hurt by this man. What creature was he? Was he a friend or a foe?

The wildcat that her family had known since day one chuckled and approached Annette, a smirk of dark intentions came across his muzzle, and that was when Annette knew that she was in trouble.

The pup ran forward, her paws running as fast as they would go; however, it was not enough to outrun the lion. The lion known as Ashamoro, ran forth with such accuracy and stamina, that it caused Annette to skid to a halt and try to move to a different direction. But, she would not move in time when she felt large claws rake across her eyeballs and eyelids, causing her to yelp in pain and collapse to the ground. She could smell the scent that was familiar to her this time: her own blood as it oozed down her eyes and ran down her body.

Ashamoro chuckled and approached the pup, his claws about ready to slash the child to pieces, and Annette became petrified, howling as loud as she could before she soon fell unconscious. The lion hissed at the pup and waited for the parents of young Annette to arrive, knowing very well that he was in for a fight for his life.


05-26-2015, 01:39 PM

The sound sent a child down Kar’s spine. The sound of his daughter in danger, and he would rise to come to her aid. He would shoot forth, breathing in and out, his legs pumping as fast as they could. Someone had heart his daughter. The sound of pain was clear within her voice. There was fear too, and Kar would feel his jaws clench together. Someone had dared hurt his family... And now they were going to pay.

Green orbs would fall upon the mountain lion, a form he knew all too well. Ashamoro. The damned beast had been a pain in the ass when he first met Nalyda, and now... Now... He would bare his fangs, snarling as he approached the lion. He could see his daughter lying upon the ground, her form still. Was she...? No! Kar would not let himself finish processing the thought before he flung himself at the feline, a roar of anger escaping his lips.

“You bastard!” Jaws would seek to grab onto the cat’s left shoulder and yank back, crippling the limb if he managed to get proper hold of the muscle and damage it. This was war... And this time... Kar was hellbent on making sure the lion didn’t leave alive.


Table by:: Eldarwen



4 Years
05-26-2015, 01:48 PM
Mystic had gone about her daily routine: go hunting, maybe go and explore and meet some new faces, eat, sleep, and repeat. She had made her way back to the den to catch some sleep before she went back out hunting for her family again. But, a familiar scent that she had met before caught her attention. The mountain lion that she and Hypnos happened to stumble across! And, the smell of blood was also noticeable, and it was coming from the direction of her family's den! No!

She ran forward, her paws not daring to stop until she reached her destination. When she had arrived, shock overcame her. She could see her father running toward the mountain lion in attempt to kill him, while her sister lay still beside him, her eyes closed as two long slash marks came across her eyes. What an evil monster!

Ashamoro would attempt to dodge Kar's attack. He was aware that he was furious with him, and he was not going to die without a good fight. The scars that Kar had left a couple years ago were still visible, and he was not going to lose to him!

Mystic ran forward, a snarl escaping her lips as she gripped upon the lion's back, causing him to growl out in pain. He turned his head back enough time to grab Mystic's neck and send her colliding into the direction of Kar. Ashamoro chuckled and went into a battle stance, the hair on the back of his neck on end, fangs bared, and claws extended with his body bent forward, he was ready for this war that this family would declare upon him.


05-28-2015, 03:49 PM

But was Ashamoro ready to be intercepted by a wolf who was not necessarily part of the Savvil family? Hypnos had been coming by to check on Mystic, to inform her of his decision to reside within Yfir and grow stronger. The smell of blood was what alerted him to danger, and then, catching Mystic’s scent in the thick of it he felt his stomach sink. He would snarl some, rushing forward best he could on his weaker leg. He was truly pushing it to the limit now.

He would arrive in time to see Mystic tossed into Kar, another snarl ripping from his chest. He would charge the mountain lion without a second thought, lunging for the beast with front claws stretched out to try and tear into him.


Art by Tea


05-28-2015, 03:50 PM

Kar would let out a yelp of surprise as Mystic was tossed into him. He didn’t even see his beloved daughter come to the designated battlefield, yet here she was. The male would whine, giving a gentle nudge to his daughter as he got back to his paws. He would lift his gaze back to the mountain lion, his eyes narrowed into slits. The damned bastard... Kar would begin to circle round the beast as another youth came in, charging at the beast. Kar too would take another attempt, lunging for Ashamoro’s back leg this time to sink his teeth in.

Speech, Thought

Art by:: Otackoon On DA



4 Years
05-28-2015, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2015, 02:13 PM by Mystic.)
Mystic would wince when she felt the body of her father collide with her own. The smell of blood from her sister was enough to keep her going as she stood upon her paws. Though, what shocked the dame next, was seeing the form of Hypnos come into the battle. The splayed paw that plagued the male did not seem to be slowing him down now, and she smiled happily seeing that he was willing to go past his own limits to help save her and her family.

Ashamoro was becoming infuriated by the wolves. He had hated them all, and with his own strength, would kill them all. He knew that that was his purpose in life, and even though he knew that it might be wrong, he certainly didn't give a damn about it.

He snarled and attempted to snap down onto the back of Kar's neck, his eyes showing rage and anger. Mystic would stand up and bolt back into the fight, not caring about if she were to be killed here or not, and soon, she would feel claws run across her ear, yelping as she received a large gash running down her ear as most of it was ripped off with quick and precise accuracy and she hung her head low, eyes closed tightly from the pain.

The attack that Hypnos had made upon him had merely grazed him, but it was enough for him to receive a cut. Mystic winced as blood oozed from the wound, eyes showing pain as she kept one eye closed, the gash barely missing her eye, at least she could still see. Mystic approached Annette and placed her head upon her, nudging her. She could still see Annette moving, this was a good time to protect her as Mystic stood over her incase the wild cat did anything to her again.