
learn me well



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-06-2015, 06:35 PM

Rhythm was inspired by her little niece's eagerness to learn, so a few days after the girl had left the pack Rhythm thought it might be appropriate to call a little lesson in healing. Her rank allowed her to practice any skill she excelled in and she had no doubt that she was allowed to do this, however who would show up she had no idea. She'd already talked to Revenge, he wasn't much into the whole teaching thing but he agreed to come and support her. She'd make her way to the range, there were quite a few common herbs that grew here and she decided the place would be perfect for a little refresher, or maybe even some real learning. There were a lot of pups in the pack, surely one or two had an interest in the art.

She'd find a nice place in the meadow by the barn, she would see the wild cows and horses grazing here, making it so the grass was short enough a nice lesson would be easy to hold here. They woul dneed to hurry to gather their stores for the long winter, this was another excuse to hold a possible lesson. The more hands they had gathering the quicker their task would be done. SHe'd take a deep breath, she'd never done anything like this before. She felt confident though, unlike fighting this was what she knew. Leaning back onto her haunches the elegant girl would call for the pack of Imperium, inviting them to come and learn with her.


idk if there will be any deadlines or posting order, so just post when you can. I will be trying to post rather frequently though.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



3 Years
Extra large
04-06-2015, 06:42 PM
Revenge had no idea when she was going to call a healing meeting only that his cousin was going to call a meeting. He was lazing on the knolls, the air was finally cooling with the autumn season, when he heard her call from the range. With a long sigh the boy would stand from the tall grasses and make his way to the maker of the call. He'd see her sitting easily within the shorter grasses by the barn and easily he would come to sit by her. He wasn't quite two years old yet, but he was obviously much larger than she would ever be. He didn't know her too well but he did know she was family so that was enough to bring a low nod from the other healer. She was more knowledgable than he when it came to healing, as he had always been more interested in the deadly aspect of plants. The tall Destruction would come to sit beside her, taking in a deep breath himself as he readied for whatever this meeting might bring.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
Extra large
04-07-2015, 06:38 AM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2015, 06:38 AM by Evangeline.)

When the call came to gather for a lesson, Vana once more scrambled to beat her brothers there. Well, Angel anyway - Seraphim was sick so he was just moping around the den like a slug. But she'd beat Angel and the Armada kids and the slaves' mean kids and she'd be the first there. And she was, but as soon as she came into view of the wolf who had called them she stopped dead and stared suspiciously. She ignored the tall black and white male, vaguely recognizing him as having been in the pack even before she'd been born. It was the female she didn't recognize and who immediately drew her attention. Of course she should have realized that the voice was unfamiliar, but she'd been much too busy trying to be first to have noticed, and now there was a complete stranger. Straightening to her full and, already at six months old, considerable height she stalked forward. Daddy would be mad at her if she was rude, so she refrained from it - barely - but didn't suppress her narrow eyed glare. This wolf was too little to be old enough to be a real healer. Were they supposed to be getting a lesson from a student? "Good morning," she managed before her resolve to be coolly distant and strictly ladylike crumbled and she began to interrogate the brown woman almost as thoroughly as Phim always did. "Who are you? When did you join the pack? Why are you calling a lesson? Does Daddy know you're calling a lesson? Are you actually a healer? What rank are you? I'm Evangeline Imperialis."




7 Years
Dire wolf
04-07-2015, 05:19 PM

Armed with the pokey leaf he'd taken from the swamp, Angelus stalked his sister. He slunk close to the ground like the tiger and hid behind things whenever the opportunity arose. To better his chances of going undetected, the boy hung waaaay back. She appeared to be clueless, which did wonders for his ego.

Finally she stopped. For what exactly he didn't know. The boy had been so focused on stalking his sister that the howl for a lesson had been tuned out. He continued to slink forward, pausing only once so that the pokey end of the long leaf was pointed out in front of him. If successful in his undetected stalking, Angel was hoping to jab the pointy end of the plant into the left side of his sister's rump.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
Extra large
04-07-2015, 06:33 PM

Training, eh? Sirius was game. Healing wasn't quite her thing, but it was useful, so she was up for learning something. There was also the chance she'd learn something that surpassed Inty's knowledge. Now that would be cool!

So it was with learning and rivalry in mind that the young Armada stashed away her duckling and answered the call. She arrived before any of her siblings and like Evangeline, that pleased her greatly. Smirking, she settled near Rhythm, but not before turning to the Imperialis girl and warning her about the "sneaky" boy who was quickly approaching. "Look out, he's gonna getcha."

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
04-08-2015, 05:35 PM

For once Integra wasn't roaming around with random plants hanging out of her mouth. The girl was resting contentedly in their family den when the call rang out. At first she shook it off as her imagination before it dawned on her that it was for healing training. Wait… they had a fully trained healer? Maybe Valentine had just accepted one. Integra bounded out of the den and scurried into her stockpile. Surely she had something she could bring…. aha! Snatching up a mouthfull of fireweed and an assorted bits of odds and ends that she didn't know what to use for, she bounded off to answer the call.

The one who'd howled was a young earth-pelted woman. Integra moved to sit next to Sirius as she gingerly set her plants down. Inty struggled in vain to hide a snort of laughter as Angel moved in to antagonize his sister.

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-15-2015, 11:06 AM

Rhythm really didn't have much of an expectation about who it was she was about to be teaching, she certainly hadn't expected to get what seemed like all of Imperium's pups. Revenge was seated silently beside her, and she would thank who ever it was watching over her for some kind of back up. Though she'd become experienced in child birth she hadn't gotten to raising pups yet. She wanted to, more than she would have cared to admit and before she knew it Rhythm was thinking of all the time she'd lost with her Nices and nephews back in Abaven. She could have cried right then. It still felt so unfair to be forced out of their lives, and Bass hadn't even given her a second thought.

Revenge would lean in closer to her, bringing her back to reality as their first arrival drew near. She was obviously one of Valen's offspring, and seemed to zero in on herself as she drew more near. Obviously skeptical of her very presence Rhythm would smile softly in the face of her apprehension. "Good Morning," her gentle lyrics would answer back as she nodded her head slightly in greeting. She hadn't expected the bombardment of questions taht followed, but she was not afraid of answering. Though she was a little slower than the young girl's rapid fire questions, "My name is Rhythm, I've been here a season or so. I figured there was someone in the pack who wished to learn, and your dad probably knows because he heard me howl. I've been a healer practically my whole life but I hold the Odalisque rank. And it's very nice to meet you, miss Imperialis." As she wrapped up the question session another of Valen's spawn would crawl up behind his sister, obviously ready to disturb her.

Rhythm would clear her throat slightly, her bright purple and blue gaze fixed upon the tall boy, "Do you know what kind of plant you have, mr. Imperialis?" At the same moment another young girl would warn Eva of the impending doom behind her. And finally behind her came another pup with greenery in their jaws, though this one seemed to hold no deviant purposes. She also seemed to be the last of the attendees. "Alright everyone settle down," she was sure there would be some sort of commotion. "My name is Rhythm, and this is my cousin Revenge." She' offer a nice introduction of the both of them, "Before I send you on your task I'd love to know the names of the rest of you." Evangeline had eventually tacked her name on the end of her questions so she was one pup down. "Today we're going to be gathering herbs for use over the winter. We only have another season to prepare for the dead season when we wont have much opportunity to gather up these herbs that we need. You may take a partner or go by yourself, but I want you all to go out and gather whatever you can find that looks like it might be useful." It was unlikely everything that came back would be usable, these were mostly inexperienced pups but she knew not their training so far. "Once everyone gets back we'll work on identification of what you've found as well as the uses your plants may have." Revenge would be able to help her with that. "Alright, head out whenever you're ready!"


okay so round two! We'll need this round plus two more to get all our points (if we finish this thread will be worth 20 points cause herbs collecting and a big lesson) so.. go go go! <3

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



3 Years
Extra large
04-15-2015, 11:38 AM
Rhythm seemed to be quite lost in thought as her call faded into the wind, he wouldn't disturb those thoughts for a long moment but as he noticed their first arrival he wouldn't hesitate to draw her back into reality. The first to find them would hardly give him a second glance as she came to inspect Rhythm. His head would dip slightly in greeting as he watched the events unfold before him. Thankfully Rhythm took the speaking role, he had no problem being the silent participant. Likely he would be the most useful in the gathering they were having today, he'd likely have to help with identification though. That would fun.

His bright yellow gaze would linger on the children as they settled in, not a single adult had shown. He had half hoped that his sister would have shown up. She didn't though, and the boy would bring his attention on the ones who had shown up. Eventually an assignment would be offered and Revenge didn't feel any need to linger. His large paws carried him away from the little greeting, his bright gaze in search of visual cues while his nose sought out the scent of anything they might need during the winter.

The first herbs he found were lavender, the scent would lead him to some older flowers that had somehow managed to survive into the beginnings of autumn. He would harvest the plant mercilessly, leaving only a few stumps of root. Maybe they'd grow back? He wasn't ready to turn around either and the tall wolf would also gather up some dandelion, just grabbing mouthfuls of the plants until he couldn't even close his jaws fully. With the current haul he'd return to where the rest of the wolves had once stood, laying his harvest on the ground he debated about turning back to go in the field. He'd would search for more herbs, but he would search for any of the pups that might need a little help in their gathering.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



4 Years
04-25-2015, 10:45 AM

The woman introduced herself as Rhythm cousin of Revenge. She asked for their names and Integra replied short and too the point. "I'm Integra Armada". They were turned lose all to quickly and Integra got right to her feet to head towards the patch of fireweed she'd been harvesting for awhile now. She felt she had enough though for winter, though it might be helpful to ask about the quantity of herbs to gather. Integra wanted to gather at least one of the plants she knew about before gathering any foreign ones. Hopefully she didn't grab anything poisonous.

Spying the boquet of redviolet flowers the girl paused for a moment to admire their beauty. It was almost a shame to pick more of them. Moving her jaws to the lower stem of a 2 foot frond she began to chew through the pulpy flesh until she freed the plant from its roots. Carting it off in her mouth she set about looking for any plants that seemed interesting.

A spike of yellow flowers (agrimony) caught her attention. Ohhh… pretty. That would go nicely with her fireweed. Gently depositing her fireweed she reached out to gnaw at the woody stem of the foreign plant until it came loose. This was a good start. Picking the plants up she trotted back to the gathering and laid them at her feet.

"I already know a lot about fireweed and I've started gathering some for winter, but I'm not sure how to tell if I have enough stored. I don't know what this plant is but it's pretty."

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



5 Years
Extra large
05-06-2015, 01:47 PM

The woman was quick to answer her questions - not particularly thoroughly but she didn't want to admit that she didn't actually know what an Oda... oda-whatever was so she didn't ask - and called her Miss Imperialis, which threw her off even as she raised her head proudly. But then the woman said something to a MISTER Imperialis, something about a plant... and Sirius said something as she went to sit down... suspiciously Vana whipped around, accidentally smashing into her brother with his pointy stick thingy, which instead of sticking in her furry bottom poked viciously into her thin foreleg. Vana stared down at the thorn in her leg, for the moment too shocked to actually make a noise. He'd... he'd stabbed her, the scruffy mongrel brat actually stabbed her! (She conveniently ignored the fact that it was her own movement that had actually driven the thorn into her leg, not Angel's.) And he wasn't a Mister, he was just a dumb old brother! A shriek of fury bared her teeth, but before she could either take a deep breath to begin wailing, or leap on her bigger brother and start pummeling him (she had yet to decide which was the more reasonable reaction this time) the healer woman interrupted to send them off to look for plants.

Sending her brother a look that was half a teary pout and half a promise of revenge, she jerked the thorn out of her leg and the horrifically wounded girl slunk off to go find plants. How was she supposed to even know what she was supposed to pick? All the plants looked alike, like... well, plants! Picking a plant at random she tore viciously at the blue-flowered stalks of the plant aconite, spitting out the nasty taste it left in her mouth before tearing up a whole lambsear plant with soft, gentle leaves and roots and all, dropping it on top of the other plant, then tossing on the stalks of a pretty white-flowered yarrow plant and some grass for good measure. Four kinds of plants were good enough, right?

Stalking back, though her stalk was starting to lose some of it's bite, she dropped the bundle and once again spit out the bitter taste of plant. Plants were gross. "I have no idea what any of these are but they're plants," she declared irritably. She had no idea how Integra Armada knew what that one plant was when no one around here had ever bothered to actually teach them this stuff, but if she admitted it - which of course she never would - she was terribly jealous that the other girl knew something and it was making her more than a little sulky. At least she'd found more plants than Integra did...




7 Years
Dire wolf
05-12-2015, 07:10 PM

In horror Angelus stared down his nose at the leafy thing he was carrying. The pointy end was missing. Never mind that it was stuck in his sister's leg and he was kinda sorta responsible for it being there, she broke the fun part off his toy. He had half a mind to cry foul. Dumb girl, why couldn't she just let him poke her in the butt? He was willing to beat his leaf would be in one piece if it had. But noooo, she had to be a girl about getting poked and now it was broken. In response to Rhythm's question, he mumbled, "Well, it was a pokey one." Thanks a lot, Evangeline!

The healer lady sent them off to do something (what exactly, he didn't know; the boy was too busy mourning) and Angel returned his sister's glare before wandering off as well. Girls. Supposedly he couldn't live without them, but there were days the boy questioned that particular "fact". In his opinion, living without girls sounded like a good way to live. It would be nice not to get shrieked at.

Something about finding a plant, right? Well, he had one already, but the fun part of it was broken off. Absentmindedly Angelus let go of his no longer pokey, pokey leaf. It was of no use to him now. His eyes scanned their surroundings. Oh! He knew just the thing! Excitedly the boy took off across the Orchard. When he came back his face and forelegs were covered in dirt and the strong smell of mint permeated the air around him. He dropped his catch -an entire peppermint plant complete with roots, dirt and worms- and proudly stood over the glob as he waited for the others to do as instructed. In his humble opinion, he'd brought forward the second coolest (r.i.p. pokey leaf) plant in Imperium.

"Talk" "You" Think



13+ Years

Treat 2019
05-29-2015, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2015, 01:39 PM by Rhythm.)

She was more than thankful that the pups at least mostly listened to her. There was a little squabble, but she was able to dissipate it quickly as she assigned them a task. As long as she kept them busy she was doing good right? With little protest the children were sent out and even revenge would follow after them. For a long moment she debated going out herself or staying and waiting for everyone to return. She decided to go with the latter but instead of not having anything she would make herself a decent sized pile of dandelions. They were common, but because they were so common not everyone always thought them useful or even grabbed enough for the winter.

Revenge came and went with surprising quickness, though Integra came quickly after him. Already she seemed quite knowledgeable about the plants around her. Evangeline had quite a few more, though she was clueless to what they were, and Angelus brought up the rear with a mint plant, worms and all. She'd smile at him amusedly, "I bet your breath smells nice and fresh now, huh?" she couldn't help the little giggle that followed. "Do you know what that's called?" She guessed that this was Angelus by Valentine's description of him. The chocolate girl would turn to his sister as she proclaimed her plants. "Those are most certainly plants." She'd look over the bundle, obviously gathered less than delicately. Still she'd smile, "Well, grass. Lambsear, that's the soft one. The white flowers are yarrow and the blue is... uhm wolfsbane." Her features would drop. "How much of that was in your mouth?" She wasn't about to proclaim it's deadly poison until she knew for sure, she didn't want to worry the girl yet.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads