
We've never really spoken but



6 Years
05-29-2015, 10:12 AM

This place nearly looked like the scrap pile that he picked up his necklace in. The item he no longer had, and was replaced by a scar that stretched across his neck. The male was filled with memories he could have left behind in many moments. His tail waved behind him as he shuffled through various scraps of the strange metal material in the sands and grass. His single emerald eye would look across the land to the borders of another pack. If he remembered correctly, it was one of his relatives that ran it.

The only family member he had spoken to in such a long time was Athena, and they were on thin ice at the moment. He would tilt his head to the side, what did most of his family think of him. After their father had left them all in Vereux's head he didn't know whether to hate his father or love his father. He obviously felt betrayed by his mother but, the armada blood that ran through his veins just kept calling to him in certain moments. It made the male sigh.

?I speak?



3 Years
05-29-2015, 11:04 AM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2015, 11:04 AM by Lysis.)

This plateau wasn't somewhere she'd ever gone before. The land was dangerous at first glance, a flat terrain covered in rubble and debris unlike anything she'd see thus far in her life. Her pawsteps were slow and deliberate as she trekked across the unfamiliar terrain, content to briefly escape from the familiar territory that had been claimed by Imperium and instead venture into the unknown.

Silence fell over the lanky girl as she wandered, her gait guarded as she moved. Briefly she wondered if she ought to have brought Kyarst along for the day. Surely they could find something interesting here to entertain them? For some time her mind would wander as she moved, weaving gracefully between the obstacles that seemed to litter the earth everywhere she turned.

Only when a figure seemed to spring up from nowhere, in the far distance, did she slowly lift her head to gaze at him from a distance. Inwardly curious, she would direct herself toward him, ears twitching as she waited for a greeting once he noticed her. It took some time for her to recognize him as one of her many siblings, as she hadn't seen him for some time now.. and her head would tilt to the side as she slowed her trot. "You look like shit, Vereux," she'd say matter-of-factly, tail twitching behind her. What sort of trouble had he gotten himself into.. and where had Athena, self-professed warrior, been during this injury?



6 Years
05-29-2015, 11:16 AM

He did suppose many of his half siblings hadn't seen him with his neck scar even though he'd had it for some time. Though seeing Lysis made him go back through his childhood again. For a moment he forgot who he was, not that he entirely knew at the moment who he was since of his identity crisis. After losing Athena, he had been lost. Though his single eye looked at her and a simple chuckle left his throat. "That tends to happen when the whole world hates you Lysis." Vereux stated swinging his tail back and forth.

"It's.... nice to see you. I hope you're doing well." While Vereux had never been close to his half siblings other than Irune. He still supposed at a time they were on common ground in the glaciem many of them grew up in. Vereux was kind of a stupid kid, he did all sorts of horrible things just to try and get his father's attention. Now look where he was at, from the top, to the bottom.

?I speak?



3 Years
06-01-2015, 11:58 AM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2015, 12:00 PM by Lysis.)

It was difficult to not try to imagine what had happened to Vereux. Had he gotten that scar in battle, perhaps? Defending his sister-wife, Athena? Had he tried to fight to keep their pack? Her gaze was inquisitive as she looked him over. They had never been close, they'd hardly even spoke, though she had certainly known they were kin. It seemed a common thing among the Armadas... many of them knew of one another, and knew that they were family, and yet so many had never even spoke. She was no exception to the rule.

His words surprised her slightly, and she'd tilt her head as she thought. "I never took you for the self-pitying type," she added coyly. Her tail would swish idly behind her as she lowered herself to her hindquarters. "The Armadas are a hated family. I would've thought you'd get over it by now." A slight smile teases her lips then. It's a childlike expression, sweet and innocent, though she is anything but.. though Vereux knows almost nothing about her, other than her lineage, and perhaps the fact that she had been den-bound during much of her early childhood.

"It's good to see you too." It was nice, in a convoluted sort of way. They hadn't been close but it was always good to be amongst family, though some were certainly preferable over others. "I am doing well," she explained gently. "I'm living in Imperium with Kyarst. I'm sure you remember him." Kyarst was not the kind of wolf that let himself be forgotten easily. "Drashiel and Roman's kids live in Imperium as well, though they're a bit.. misguided," she explained, the slightest hint of chill touching her sweet voice. "And only really consider themselves and their parents to be of Armada blood. They won't have anything to do with Kyarst and i." The one link she had left to Drashiel was sitting right in front of her, and it hurt like hell to know they wouldn't even try to get to know her, but she wasn't willing to show just how badly it affected her. Not to anyone but Kyarst himself. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if those kids even understood just how diluted their so-called Armada blood was. Though certainly superior, it wasn't pure in any sense.

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.



6 Years
06-01-2015, 11:47 PM

A sly smile would arise on his face at her comment. Indeed they hadn't really known each other, but the presence of another family member was a feeling he couldn't deny. Lysis didn't know he had been taken as a slave, that he and Athena were no longer together let alone their relationship rocky however much it was moving up at a slow rate. Though it was true, Armada's were hated, it made him tempted every-day at a chance to change his last name. Then nobody would ever know he had been a son to the dreaded ice king he had grown to dislike in his own head. His expression would change at the mentioning of Kyarst. Yes, it was hard to forget the incestual boys face at the meeting. The one that had heated up so quickly when Vereux and Athena had been crowned king and queen of Glaciem.

When he heard about some of his nieces and nephews though a frown happened to cross upon his face. Youth did blind the mind on occasions, he felt bad that they no longer had their parents. At least his own children had two parents even if they were of the same gender love was blind on most occasions. Now Vereux was believing incest caused nothing but trouble, for both parents and children it was something that just should be forewarned not to do. "That's horrible to think that they are losing their path.... but all we can hope for is that they realize the mistake they are making." He shook his head, perhaps pouring out a bit of his own sadness of his losses. The Armada family name was a curse, all of them had to deal with the destruction of their fathers legacy.

"I've taken up residence in Yfir now that I've been alone for so long. Katja is the alphess there, it used to be Ebony before Kassander handed it over. My children and Athena are in Fiori, but I know not much about their lives." Perhaps it was bit of a personal talk right there but there was always a fine line. Vereux had enough on his head, but now he was focused on Lysis again and hoping that she was alright. He had a bad habit of that now, he cared over strangers if it clicked enough in him. Though he could just as easily snap, his mind had trouble wrapping around certain situations at hand.

?I speak?