
We ain't them



6 Years
Extra large
05-29-2015, 08:20 PM

The going away party had been a hit, seeing the surprise on Voltage's face, and the joy as his brother realized they where all here for him, well, it had made it worth it. He still wasn't happy with his brother undertaking this duty without him but at least he would have Gaia at his side, he would not be alone and perhaps his love for this girl would also keep the sorrow at bay. Regardless, he had insisted that Voltage curl up with him tonight in the den the two had picked out to be the one they would share. The titan's larger form was curled protectively about Voltage's litter one, and even with the quite pitter patter of rain heard from the outside world, there would be no chill to touch them with Glacier's thick coat and natural heat warming them both.

The soft sound of rain, quite enough to indicate their would be no following storm, was a peaceful sound to the giant. It spoke of cooling temperatures and gave a soft and steady background noise for him to hold onto. He was sure it would lift before Voltage started out on his quest. The boy would lie awake for a long while, listening to the sound of the rain and the familiar sound of Voltage's breathing.





6 Years
05-29-2015, 08:40 PM

Voltage curled up close to his brother, as tight as he could. There were countless nights in their past that they would sleep like this. Countless nights where they would curl up and rest in each others warmth. It was more often when they were children, off on their own after they were abandoned and rejected. When they first struggled to learn how to depend on each other, and survive without the help of their parents. On the nights when the storms were rough and the days were lonely and quiet. There were so many nights where Voltage would find all the comfort he needed right here at his brothers side. It was the reason why both brothers insisted to have a den to themselves, so that when they needed this comfort they could get it easily. Their special ones would have to understand, sometimes the brothers needed their time together.

With a gentle sigh he listened to the rain, soaked in his brother's warmth. There was everything resting on him, so much right now. It was much more strong than the last time they went back to the island, mainly because he was the one going alone. He wouldn't be able to lay in his brother's comfort when it grew to difficult to handle. He'd nuzzle closer, hiding his nose in Glacier's thick fur and sighing softly. "Do you suppose we'll get our answers?" He whispered softly, eyes closed and voice quiet so as not to disturb the peace too much. "Do you think we'll ever understand?" It was an odd thing, the way their parents worked. He couldn't imagine ever doing it to his own children. He couldn't...not ever.

"Like Lightning"



6 Years
Extra large
05-30-2015, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2015, 05:47 PM by Glacier.)

Glacier didn't doubt that Anais would understand that there where times when he needed to be with Voltage, to curl his large body protectively around his smaller framed brother and know that Voltage was alright. This knowledge was something he especially needed right not, he needed to feel the familiar breath of his brother stirring his deep blue coat, feel the rise and fall of his breath through the minuscule distances between them. Voltage was alright, and he would remain so throughout this journey he was about to undertake.

He would feel Voltage move, and the cool dark nose of his brother would burrow into Glacier's thick coat. The Titan allowed himself a light, amused smile at the motion, pushing away the sadness that came with it. Through Voltage did not open his eyes, his voice would reach out through the comforting darkness to find Glacier. The titan sighed softly, the answer to Voltage's question alluded him. “Maybe, maybe not, we just have to learn to with with the question. At least we have found our own lives, life styles, we don't have to live by any examples set to us, we can make our own futures” he said softly, also imagining puppies, raising them, loving them, cherishing them.





6 Years
06-01-2015, 04:01 PM

A soft sigh would curl from his lips as he pressed close, just living in his big brother's warmth. It was like the sun or the moon, the ever changing seasons, was always there, the comfort. He couldn't imagine life without his brother. It was like trying imagining losing a limb, it was inconcievable it just not being there. And in these moments he couldn't help but think how easy it could have been for his brother to meet death the day he had fallen. It made him cherish these moments all the more, especially now that he was soon to be off on a journey without Glacier, where anything could happen. Who knew what tommorow brought. Slowly he opened his eyes, staring at the deep blue fur that made up his first memory. Glacier was his everything, just as his siblings were. His world, his entire purpose. That was why he was going on this journey, just in case. When he heard his brother's deep baritone in his ear he couldn't help but smile lightly. Glacier always knew how to answer his brother, even if it didn't calm his nerves. He wasn't strong enough to let this all curl off his shoulders, he embraced it all, felt it all so strongly. It took him away like the tide of the ocean. Again, he sighed, as if it were the only way to allow all the emotion to flood from him in some small way.  "I will never understand..." He whispered softly.  "I could never abandon my children, they way they have us." Slowly he'd relax onto his side, so he could look up at his brother a little better, trying to search for his relaxing face. Just as much as he needed to feel his brother, he needed to see him as well. "I'm going to miss you." He whispered softly, stormy eyes bright with sorrow and feeling. He had never spent so long away from his brother, never. "I don't...want to think of it. But if something were to me while I'm gone...I don't know, but I love you." He said softly, looking up at Glacier. "You've been the thing that kept me going. I wouldn't be where I am or who I am if it weren't for you." His voice was tight as he moved to quickly hide his face in his brother's fur. He worshiped glacier, loved him with every ounce of himself. His other siblings meant so much to him, but nothing in life could ever compare to Glacier. He was his other half, fully and completely. From birth they have walked side by side, and he couldn't imagine either of them ever taking a single step without the other. And here he was now, about to go on a journey without his brother at his side. He couldn't imagine it. Even with Gaia at his side, it wouldn't be the same. No, Glacier had always been there, and Voltage didn't want to change that. But he had too. "So much.." He whispered, muffled in his brother's fur as a tear slipped from his closed eyes.

"Like Lightning"



6 Years
Extra large
06-01-2015, 04:17 PM

The Titan closed his eyes and let out a soft vibrating breath of contentment. For the moment at least his brother was beside him, his pack was safe, his family was happy and everything was right with the world. The worries of tomorrow would come to him then – tomorrow, but the right now wasn't about bidding Voltage farewell for his trip it was about curling up beside him and soaking in his warmth and light for as long as he could. When Voltage mentioned kids however, the Mountainous boy laughed, a rumbled sound from deep in his chest. “If there as energetic as you, you might reconsider, can you imagine trying to keep up with 3-4 of you? One is bad enough” he teased lovingly.

Voltage then pressed on to the looming sadness to whisper that he would miss him and Glacier drew him closer. “You will have Gaia, and this separation wont be for long. Don't think of it as being without me, think of it as a change to be with Gaia. Your going to have me at your side your entire life, you wont have much chances like this to be just with her” he pointed out logically, his tail stirring the ground behind him as it swayed back and forth happily.

“Don't be foolish Voltage, nothing will happen to you – your smart and quick and I know you will be okay” he told Voltage, pushing down his own worry to comfort his brother. It was bad enough that Glacier had considered it himself. At least no one was tempted to try to get near them with a Titan like himself always at their side. He knew how keenly Voltage felt every emotion that stuck him and he pulled his brother closer still, pulling his head into his chest and holding him. “Shh” he whispered, saying nothing more, but simply holding him, being there for him, as they had always been together from the moment of birth to present day, as they would always be together till the day they died.





6 Years
06-01-2015, 04:34 PM

He laughed softly at the children comment, but didn't say any more. No one could match his level of energy. Even now he felt it coursing through his veins, fueling his emotion and making him want to fidget. No matter how energetic the children could be, he was positive he'd always match or overcome their energy levels. And reguardless of whether he could keep up or not, he would do his best. He would never abandon them. Never... But oh, he wished he could be like Glacier and make light of it, or push the worry away until they had something to worry about. But he didn't operate like that. He couldn't. There was so much he had to feel, so much he had to work through. He felt Glacier pull him closer, listened to his ever soothing voice again. And yet, this was something even logic couldn't clear up. Voltage felt so strongly, he couldn't even think straight. He just felt. So when his brother's arms drew around him, holding him tight, he sank into the warmth. His breath seemed to freeze in his throat as he choked on sadness, his eyes screwed tight. "I still...I still don't like being away from you." He hiccuped, finally letting those words out. He didn't want to leave, didn't want to be away from Glacier, but he had to. But Glacier was right, this allowed him time away with Gaia. "Don't b-be surprised if we're hitched when we get home, then." He said, with a pout. He could act very childish sometimes, especially buried in his brother's fur and holding back the sadness. He carefully shifted, lifting a paw to rub the back against his cheek. He couldn't help it, this was something far too new. "I can handle being homeless, Glacier....taking on the responsibility of the family, searching endlessly for a home...but I-I can't.." He clenched his jaws then, feeling his eyes water as he closed them tightly, pushing his nose into Glacier's fur as he simaltaneously pulled Voltage closer. "I was able too..because you were with me." He muffled into his fur, his whole body tense and tight as he fought the tears away. He couldn't cry, he couldn't. He had made this decision himself. But he wouldn't have had too, if their parents were more responsible! It was all their fault. It always was! "I'm so weak.." He whimpered, despite his brother's affection, despite how he tried to carry Voltage through his stormy emotions. He couldn't handle it, but he had too. It was his responsibility.

"Like Lightning"



6 Years
Extra large
06-01-2015, 04:59 PM

Voltage was feeling this so keenly and they where yet to even part. Glacier swallowed a lump in his own throat, he hated to see his brother like this and wished he could fix it, but he knew he could not abandon their siblings and go with him, he knew Voltage would never allow it either. Their siblings where the reason for everything, their reason to find the brightest part in life, to keep going, to make their own fate separate from their parents, and there could never be a reason strong enough to abandon them, not even to save Voltage pain.

Voltage would make a joke despite his sadness, and Glacier snorted. “I'll do you one better, Anais will be my queen, side by side rulers of Alacritis before you get back” he joked easily, through sighed again a moment later, Voltage was still reeling with emotion and there was nothing Glacier could do. “And I will always be by your side Voltage, even when not physically standing there, you know that” he whispered, the two where so connected, so a part of each others lives, and Voltage knew Glacier's thoughts would be with him.

Glacier snorted softly at his brothers last comment. “Your one of the strongest people I know, dumb-ass. You feel everything truly and wholly, its a rare gift and one that requires strength to carry” he pointed out.





6 Years
06-12-2015, 01:02 AM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage sniffed into his brother's fur, allowing him to see a rather...childish side to him. Well, okay, a more childish side than he normally was. He was often playful and goofy and he loved to pull pranks (though that had settled down ever since they claimed Dono) but he had never really needed so much affection. Sure he has had his down moments, moments where he needed his brother's ever steady mind to help him see passed the torrential emotions he felt, but he had never felt so...lost in the sea of his feelings. He would rub a cheek against his leg before pressing even closer to Glacier. A small, weak but heartfelt laugh bubbled from him as he looked at his brother, stormy eyes wet with tears. "While I can see Anais as the most regal, beautiful queen she as king? Heh, not so much." He said with a laugh, pushing a paw against his brother in jest.

But naturally, like the waves of his emotion, they swayed from happiness to sadness. It was easy for them, to joke and then instantly get serious, only the let that fall away again when one of them figured out how to make the other smile. He merely sighed, staring deeply at his brother. He didn't speak for a moment before he looked down at his paws. "We should find Astrea and her star, Serefina and our tattoos. Find something to connect us if we ever have to seperate again." He said softly. "So that if something were to happen to one of us...we'd always have a piece of the other." It was a solemn thought, but one he couldn't help having. There were so many variables when it came to the next weeks weeks, or even over a month. So much could go wrong and there was no way for either brother to know untill...well, either Voltage never returned home, or he did and was met with terrible news. He couldn't help but smile so softly at his brother's compliment, reaching out to push a paw against him. "It takes strength to think through your emotions, as well. I don't...really have that ability. Without you." He whispered. Glacier was the strongest wolf Voltage had ever known...




6 Years
Extra large
06-12-2015, 02:43 AM

His attempt to comfort his brother did elicit a soft laugh, even if it wasn't as happy as Glacier was hoping. He would also easily comment back to his Titan brother, joking about Anais being a regal queen (an idea that made Glacier's chest puff out in pride) but that Glacier was hardly suited to the position. The brute's lips twitched in amusement but he didn't otherwise comment again. Voltage gave him a friendly shove before once again he let in to sadness. Voltage would then bring them back to seriousness with his sobering words and Glacier shuffled slightly to capture one of Voltage's paws in his own. The friendly never shied away from affection and he was often content and comfortable dealing it out. He didn't hesitate as he covered voltage's paw with his own and looked into his brothers brilliant gaze. “You already have all the parts of me that matter, Voltage, you are my kin, my companion my councilor, my confident and a thousand memories up here” he tapped his brothers skull. “Never fear that I would never forget a single aspect of your life or who you are. Only, you should know, i'm never letting you go... so... don't worry, you'll never be free of me” he teased softly, through there was seriousness in the majority of his words. “Through I understand the need for something tangible, something you can touch. If you have anything in mind, share it” He would add.

Glacier would smile again at Voltage, the truest smile the boy was capable of, as he conveyed all that Voltage meant to him through that moment. “And I wouldn't feel nearly as much as I should if it wasn't for you, we compliment each other, and we are two halves of a whole, yet I would never have it any other way”





6 Years
06-12-2015, 03:06 AM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage would smile warmly as Glacier placed his paw on his own. He wouldn't move, affection was not something he ever really shied away from. Especially from his big brother. Stormy eyes would stare up at Glacier steadily, his tears had somewhat dried even if his worries were still plaguing his mind. Ears would swivel forward gently when he heard Glacier begin to talk, at first it sounded like he was turning down his idea. It wasn't something he necessarily...needed. It was just sentimental, and Volty was rather sentimental. Feeling the gentle tap on his skull caused his eyes to fall half lidded, his gaze to shift to the ground as he nodded. "For a while, when we were kids, I thought we were actually one...thing." He said softly. "That somehow became two along the way." He whispered, shifting his gaze back up to Glacier. "I couldn't really live without Gaia anymore. I couldn't really live without Serefina or Terrae, Locha, gale...Astrea, the twins and Arcus. But.." He glanced back down. "I couldn't be, without you." Gently leaning forward he'd tuck his nose under his brother's chin, a gentle sigh upon his lips before Glacier added his acceptance to the idea. It was a suggestion, really, something that came to mind so suddenly. "I wish you could wear ice." He whispered softly, thinking about it. He didn't necessarily want another mark like the one he shared with Serefina, that would lessen the sentimental..ness of it to her, he knew. No, it had to be something else if it were anything at all. "I'll see if I can find something on my trip." He whispered, pulling his skull back again. Bright stormy eyes would gaze up at his brother before that smile spread on Glacier's lips. Now, while Glacier was indeed known to smile and laugh and have (some) strong emotions, it was rare to see a smile like this. Without a though, Volty's own lips pulled back, his eyes closing in his signature grin. "I wouldn't trade you for the world. I thank the universe every day for picking me to be at your side." He whispered. For it was always Glacier who would come first, he could feel that in his heart. Why did the element of energy and lightning come then, why was it decided he'd take his brother's side? He doubted he'd ever get his answer, but he was thankful every day for the chance.




6 Years
Extra large
06-12-2015, 03:22 AM

 Glacier Elementas

Voltage admitted to thinking of the two as one as they where growing up, and Glacier nodded. The two had been inseparable, totally different from one another but so perfectly complimentary personalities that the differences where seamless. They where born to be together, as two halves of a whole and he understood Voltage's reasoning even as a child. He would continue on to explain the importance of all the loved on in their lives, and Glacier nodded, a slight smile twitching at the corner of his lips despite the seriousness, he smiled because he understood “If I lost one of them, it would be like losing a limb, a beloved limb, but losing you would be to lose myself” he concluded, there was no other way he could put it.

In response to having something tangible, he would raise his eyes to Voltage's in surprise “Wear ice?” he asked, amused, as much as he loved the stuff it seemed a rather impractical suggestion, and he wasn't entirely certain where his brother was going with the idea. But that in itself wasn't surprising, his brothers thoughts always flitted by so quickly it was sometimes difficult for Glacier to grasp one.

Voltage would see the smile that existed only for the lightning boy, and it would grant Glacier a smile in return as Voltage's eyes slipped closed, and Glacier was able to take in the sight of his litter mate tranquil and okay one more time before his trip. “Yes, I always wondered who cursed me with you” Glacier replied, winking fondly at his heart-brother.
