
Come At Me, Bro!



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-22-2015, 06:15 PM
Zell counted his steps as he made his way once again, across the lands. From North to West to here. He was having a jolly grand time! This time though, he was itching to let loose some of his energy. He hadn't really sparred in quite some time, and so he'd seek out a place to stretch his claws and whet his fangs. What better way to do it then at the place that reeked of grit and failure? Shaking out his sleek fur, Zell sought out a good starting point. A boulder not too big, but not too small on which he could perch. He was itching to use muscles that hadn't been properly used in a couple months, and he knew that this would do him some good. He held bitter resentment about his past, and slowly that would begin to creep up on him.

He was alone. Hell, everyone was at one point or another, but he felt truly alone. Zell had always been in a tribe. With his family. His old customs and things he had been taught seemed to be much different then some of the creatures he had met here, but still. He missed it all, despite the harshness of his Tribe. But it was as they said, to toughen up their warriors and to never back down in the face of whatever came your way. And so he never did back down. He would fight anything, be it a wolf or a cat or a shark. He had the teeth, he had the claws, and so long as he had those he would always fight. A low growl passed his jowls, and he'd huff the last bit of air in exasperation. Hopefully, someone would come by soon. And perhaps even sooner, when he sent out a short call. He rested upon the boulder, forelegs crossed and his tail swept up beside him. Flat on his belly, and then he'd tilt his head back to let out a call. Someone...anyone. To spar with.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
05-26-2015, 08:27 PM

Oh, ho, ho! What was this that reached her ears? A call for a spar? Yes please! Immediately Warja abandoned the path she was on and made a beeline for the caller. She soon found him perched atop a boulder and, aiming to place a respectful distance between them, moved to stand in front of him and at a distance of roughly ten feet. After dropping her herbs and scooting them under a nearby bush for safekeeping, she turned to grin up at the brute. "Hello there, stranger! Looking for a spar, eh?" Her grin took on a serious edge, the faint undertones of aggression hinting at a viciously competitive nature. "My name is Warja and I'd like to take you up on your offer."

"Speaking" --"Thinking"



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
06-04-2015, 03:57 PM

It seemed the male didn't have to wait long. Bright blue eyes fell on a stranger, a dark hued woman that had came bounding towards him to stop not too far away. He grinned back at her, noting her enthusiasm as she spoke. "Yeah, you got that right little lady." He chuckled, ears perking. He heard the change in her tone, and when she finished speaking his own demeanor would change as well. The male took on a look that would hide his thoughts, a grin sticking to his face as he stood and slid off the boulder. He lowered his body, stretching his muscles and shook out his pelt. Eyeing her, she was a lot smaller then he was and he wondered just how well she might do. He had size to his advantage, but her size could prove to be an advantage too. This will be very interesting.

"Name's Zell, and I'm glad you chose to take the offer because it's limited time only." He winked at her, his attitude as joking as ever. No matter the situation, he always had to be was his way of coping with the losses he suffered in the past, which wasn't that long ago. He stood with all his attention on her, head tilted slightly to the side as he settled into his defenses. he'd center his weight, legs standing equidistant apart, ears laid back as he lowered his head to cover his throat. His shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunching, though he figured that wouldn't matter regardless since she was small...she probably couldn't reach. But that thought amused him greatly! He'd narrow his eyes, teeth bared in a toothy grin as he looked at her. His tail and head aligned with his spine, though he'd move his head just enough to where it still protected his throat. Toes spread for balance, and his claws dug into the dirt for traction. Tail was straight out like a rudder, and his hackles rose.

With the boulder to his back, and Warja to his front, he'd rumble a few words. "Ladies first."

Zell VS Warja for Spar

Round 0/3?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
06-05-2015, 09:01 PM

His words caused her excitement to dip. Little lady? That was mildly demeaning. It probably wasn't intended that way, was probably something learned and said without thought, but that didn't lessen the damage any. It took her from a willing and capable opponent and scaled her down to something soft and giggly. Warja didn't like that one bit. Determination set her jaw. She'd show him what this particular little lady could do.

"Name's Zell..." Warja accepted his greeting with a polite dip of her head. His joking words and expression earned him a quick quirk of her brows and the retort, "Alright Mister Comedian, do you want a laugh or a fight?" Casually she began to set some basic defenses, all the while hoping to exude an air of nonchalance. Her ears flicked back, her chin tucked slightly (a move that could perhaps be mistake for something more coy) and her hackles rose as she rolled her shoulders forward as if she were loosening up.

"Ladies first." Oh, he was going to regret not only his choice of words, but the decision to give up the opening move.

Warja grinned as if she were about to say something, and then she kicked off, seeking to circle to her left in an attempt to line the left side of her chest up with the outside of Zell's right elbow. She crouched down, knees bending and stance widening as her toes splayed and her nails bit into the snow. Given their massive height difference, Warja decided to use his size against him. Her lowered stance brought the middle of her chest to approximately the same height as the midway point between his right elbow and wrist -and that was her target. Coming in arrow straight, Warja intended to hit the aforementioned spot with the center of the left side of her chest. She wanted to sweep him off his paws and to do this she intended to straighten just as she hit his foreleg. Hopefully this would tempt his body to roll towards her and then (in theory) over her and deposit him on the ground behind her. To further this goal Warja also punched out with her left forefoot (her weight redistributing to accommodate the move as she executed it) and attempted to run it behind his right foreleg in the hopes of slamming her paw into the inside of his left foreleg. She wanted to strike it just below the midway point between his left ankle and elbow. In theory this might aid her in her efforts to unbalance him.

It suddenly occurred to Warja that she was inviting the giant to roll off her back and right onto her tail, so to protect it, she tucked it firmly between her legs.

Instinctively her eyes narrowed to protect her sight. To bunch the skin around her eyes, Warja's forehead furrowed and her lips curled. She had one final target in mind, and this one was going to hurt. Reaching out and to her left, Warja's crown tipped modestly to her right (her jaws rising to her left) and she reached up in the hopes of biting into Zell's left armpit. She hoped to deeply imbed her upper teeth into the top of his left foreleg where it connected to his chest while driving her lower teeth into the thin skin of the inside of his left armpit. She wanted to use the bite to push against him; to further encourage him to go with the flow and allow his body to do what she wanted it to do...which was sprawl gracelessly on the ground behind her.

WARJA versus ZELL for SPAR
Round ONE of TWO

OOC: I'd rather do two, if that's alright with you.



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
06-07-2015, 09:26 PM

He smirked as she kicked off. His defenses settling into place naturally and easily. Though he was a little rusty in fighting, he knew many tricks and counters from when he was taught back home. His hackles rose, eyes narrowed, ears tucked against his skull, his shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and his chin tucked to further protect his throat. Simultaneously his aligned his head and tail with his spine, his tail out like a rudder for what he was about to do. His claws dug into the dirt, toes spreading and his balance evened out. With the distance between them, he had enough time to move, and move he did.

As she aimed to come in towards his right side, he would lower his center of gravity. Though he was large, he was heavier and had more bulk and strength. Bending his knees and thrusting out his right shoulder, Zell would charge forward, hoping to ram into Warja head on and deflect her attack with the bony part of his shoulder. Depending on how this maneuver went, a bruise may potentially blossom there should he make contact. The head on positioning would now change the game. The bite that Warja intended for his armpit would land on the top of his shoulder, though it was a moderate wound. A snarl ripped through Zell's chest as he sought to push forward, an attempt to force her back or force her to the ground. As he tried to do this, Zell's jaws snapped open then, his teeth seeking to bite at the back of her neck, and should he achieve a grip then he'd try to keep his grip. Simultaneously, his right forepaw struck out, his other three limbs rebalancing, as he attempted to hook his right forepaw around her left forepaw, hoping to trip her up or distract her so his bite attack could land.

ooc//Sorry if its short/unclear. My mind is like.."wut r werds" right now e.e


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
06-08-2015, 08:18 PM
OOC: Dragon confirmed that Warja bit into the top of Zell's left shoulder.

The pair collided. Zell's attempt to place them head on was successful. He intercepted her shoulder throw and bone met bone between them. The force of the shoulder strike and subsequent shove forward by Zell was enough to cause Warja to skid backwards in the snow, but she dug her nails in and resisted. Bracing herself, Warja's widened stance, bent knees, splayed toes, dug in nails and lowered center of gravity kept her from being flipped over backwards. Instinctively her tail straightened out behind her to help keep her balance. A fierce burning took up residence in her left shoulder and promised a moderate bruise along the point of contact later.

Warja's foreleg punch was somewhat successful. Because he'd moved to place them head on, instead of striking the inside of Zell's left foreleg her paw slammed into the front of his right foreleg at the midway point between his elbow and ankle. Her nails glanced off his leg, creating light welts in their wake, and light bruising would later blossom where her paw had struck. After the attack Warja returned her forepaw to the ground.

Blood filled her mouth as Warja managed to achieve a grip on the top forward facing side of her opponent's left shoulder. Her bite was deep, causing moderate damage, and hoping to worsen the wound, Warja attempted to keep her hold by trying to force her jaws closed and vigorously shaking her head from side to side. She sought to make the damage severe, to tear through the skin and fat and drive her teeth into the muscle below.

Zell's bite attempt was successful, his teeth sinking into Warja's scruff right in front of her shoulders. They created moderate puncture wounds, but given the loose, fatty nature of the scruff, Warja was unconcerned. The bite, while restrictive, didn't give him a damning amount of control over her movements.

Feeling the shift in Zell's weight as he moved to raise his right forepaw, Warja sought to intercept his paw swipe by raising her own left forepaw (her weight redistributing as she did so) and attempting to slam it down on top of his right forepaw as it moved in for the swipe. She hoped to shove his paw to the ground and pin it there, and painfully squash his toes in the process. [counter; damage pending]

Curling her left shoulder further in, Warja attempted to drive it into the front of Zell's right shoulder. There wasn't enough distance between them to really pack a punch, but she was hoping that she could take advantage of the pain already inflicted. Intending to use the undamaged outer side of her left shoulder, Warja hoped to strike the bony front of her opponent's right shoulder in the exact same place as before.

Through this her remaining defenses stayed unchanged. Warja's ears were pinned, her eyes narrowed and her muzzle and forehead wrinkled to bunch the skin around her eyes. Along her back, the fae's hackles stood on end. She held herself rigidly, muscles tensed and ready to act or react depending on what happened next.

WARJA versus ZELL for SPAR
Round TWO of TWO




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
06-13-2015, 05:12 PM

A grin found its way to his maw as his attempt at meeting her head on was successful. He felt Warja fall back, (not literally), the impact with bone against bone jarring, but not enough to stop either one. A moderate bruise would blossom on his shoulder from the impact, though the pain would not be felt with the rushing adrenaline coursing through his body. He gritted his teeth slightly as he felt her forepaw hit his right foreleg, cursing himself for being so careless. As a result of that, he knew there would be scratches and bruising there later, though right now he was too focused to think about it.

He would be successful in his strive at biting her scruff, though he'd immediately release and prepare to bite elsewhere. While at the same time, Warja had bit into his  left shoulder, blood seeping from the moderate wound that would be created. With narrowed eyes, he growled as the woman strove to further attain her grip. However, he would not allow that so easily. Shoving his weight and shoulder forward, jutting it out as best as he could, he'd attempt to force her jaws open with his shoulder to try and keep her from getting any sort of good grip. He'd also begin to rise onto his hind legs, his forelegs attempting to wrap around Warja's neck to hold her closer to him and to gain control of her head movements. Due to this movement, her attempt at pinning his paw to the ground would not succeed, though he did get some light scratches on his right forepaw as he moved upwards to the wrapping attempt.

Through all this, his defenses remained set. Eyes narrowed, hackles raised, ears pinned to his head, tail flagged out for balance, toes splayed, his scruff bunched, shoulders jutting forward to protect his neck (While the shoulder Warja is biting into was striving to be shoved further into her mouth to force her jaws open instead of closed), muscles tensed ready to act at a moments notice, his weight distributed as evenly as possible upon his hind feet.

Warja would then attempt to drive her left shoulder into his right shoulder would not wholly succeed towards its target. For as he rose onto his hind legs, her shoulder would instead make contact with the bottom right side of his chest, however, not doing much. They were too close after all, so now it seemed to be push vs. shove, thus resulting in just a bit of discomfort for him.

Zell then tipped his chin towards him, his head turning at a leftwards angle and his teeth driving down towards his right, and the brute would attempt to grip the top of Warja's muzzle, top teeth seeking to grasp the left side of her top muzzle(or whichever is the opposite side of him), and bottom teeth seeking to grasp the right side of her top muzzle(closest to him). He wasn't aiming to break her jaw, simply to gain control of her head as well as discomfort. Perhaps some mild lacerations as well, and to further help in his attempt at keeping her from making the bite on his shoulder(where she was already biting) any worse.

Zell vs Warja for Spar

Round 2/2


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

The Judge


07-31-2015, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2015, 07:52 PM by The Judge.)
And the winner is...

WARJA! Due to Zell's first posted round, here, not including the fight rounds, they were disqualified from the fight. Zell must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.

As listed in the fight rules located here 'Your post must OOCly state rounds, opponents, and type of fight in each post. For instance, "Bob vs Steve for Spar, Round 1/2" "Bob vs Steve for Spar, Round 2/2".'