
i aint gonna have your first drink be no damn peach schnapps



6 Years
Extra large
05-25-2015, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2015, 07:52 PM by Glacier.)

Voltage was going away for a little while, he was doing what he had to do for the good of their family, he was going back home to see if their parents had had another litter or not. This was important to all of them – they all knew the importance of knowing there where family out there who loved you and that wasn't something that their parents could provide. It was a selfless act on Voltage's part, because Glacier knew how he got when it came time to pick up another litter, he was always reminded of their childhood, the rejection they had felt and all they had been through. He knew Voltage hated their parents, but he chose to do this regardless, for Glacier, for this pack, and for their potential brothers and sisters.

Glacier just needed to see that Voltage would know he was loved and missed and had something to carry with him on the journey, well, his brother loved parties – what better way to show it. Glacier had been hunting and brought back a few squirrels and rabbits he had managed to track down in the snow, it had been slow work even with the help of a few family members – all of which knew Voltage would be returning to their old island home in search of another litter. After getting everyone he could to stick their asses into the cave to hide he would stand outside and howl for Voltage, hoping the lightning boy hadn't caught wind of the surprise going away party that was being planned behind his back.





6 Years
05-25-2015, 09:11 PM
Volty was both dreading and excited for his journey. He hated being so far from his family for so long. It was even hard travelling around Alacritis too much without them, let alone being gone for weeks and being so far from them. He had to travel for a long time just to get back to the island, not even knowing how long he would have to wait there if he did. It could be that he arrived too early to take the new litter home and he'd have to wait a few weeks then too....there were so many variables and he was nearly positive that he would be gone into at least a few weeks into spring. But he was excited as well. Gaia had agreed to accompany him, and he was rather excited to do this journey together with her. Not only would he be able to show her where he had come from, but he would have her there as support as well. He would need it, reguardless. Just knowing that he was going back...he was dreading it. He felt rare anger course through his chest. It was all their fault, the only reason he was even going back was because of them. If they only loved their children, they wouldn't have to do any of this. But there was confliction there, again. If their parents hadn't abandoned them, he doubted any of his siblings would be quite as close as they are now, nor would they have come to Alacritis and began Donostrea.

He wouldn't have met Gaia.

With a gentle sigh he moved along Donostrea, enjoying his last few days of ocean breeze, his gaze at a distance. He moved along through the sands, his paws digging into the black and his brows furrowed slightly. With a start, however, he lifted his gaze as his brother called for him. He wondered what Glacier wanted? Though, his brother never really needed an excuse to call him. With a gentle smile he shook his head and trotted along the beach towards Glacier with a tilt of his head. The beach had been oddly quiet, he could hardly hear anyone. No sound of water splashing, no sigh of the youngest siblings upon the cliffs. Even Gale's scent that always touched the breeze was somehow gone. It made him feel rather lonely, especially considering this was the last few days he would have with them. He wanted to soak in their warmth, wanted to feel their presence, but today felt oddly...empty. "Yes Glace?" He said with a gentle smile, approaching his brother.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
05-26-2015, 12:47 PM

It hadn’t been long since Locha had arrived home since her travels to the north, and she really glad to be home. Her now blue fur had barely touched the ground as she raced back. The only thing that was there to burst her bubble was Volty leaving. She didn’t envy the trip he would have to make, or rather, who he would have to meet. She disliked her parents as much as the next sibling, but she was anxious to see if there were any more siblings to collect. But before all that, there was the party.

Locha hid in the shrubs surrounding the place Glacier was standing. She lay on her stomach with a smirk. As Voltage made his appearance she noticed he looked a little down, probably due to the fact that there seemed to be no-one but Glace around. The sea-shaded girl barely managed to contain her laughter. Her blue tail swayed behind her in the thin sheet of snow behind her.

"Listen To Me Talk," 'Or Read My Thoughts.'



5 Years
05-26-2015, 06:05 PM

Astrea knew where Voltage was going, and Frankly she wanted to go too, but her overwhelming need to be with Ten in the coming months seemed to cover her need to get answer from the parents that abandoned them all for some unknown reason. But to be honest with herself Astrea was also afraid. Afraid of the the answer that she would get. Maybe there was no reason other than they where done rearing the young so they sent them on their way, if they where ready or not. And frankly she did not think she could take the rejection, and did not understand why her elder brothers tempted fate by going back every year.

So Astrea went to see Voltage off wishing him good luck, not knowing if her parents had produced a second litter or not, she was too busy looking up at the stars and not down on earth, it was not until Ten entered her life that she looked earthward for her life. She stood off to the side, in her normal position in the back, silently well wishing her brother on his quest.



4 Years
05-27-2015, 07:19 PM

The vixen shifted in the shadows, doing her best to remain quiet. Her body was pressed against the wall of the cave, from her vantage point she could only just see Glacier’s tail and nothing else. It took all her self-control to not simply bounce out into the open and tackle her brother right now, instead she focused on calming her breathing. She had rubbed up against the wall a bit beforehand to try and mask her scent with the mildew stench of the cave… not her brightest idea she was wet and cold now and she was certain she would freeze to death if forced to wait too much longer.

It would be quiet with Voltage gone, of that much she’d be sure. The fire princess was more or less hibernating with the onset of the cold and she spent much of her own time napping till sunset. Things wouldn’t feel natural again till his return and though she was eager to see him coming back she was also afraid… That’s why the party now she assumed, because good or bad right now at least they all knew their place in the world.

So she would wait, for the signal, for the moment when she and her concealed siblings would jump out to wish their brother a good journey.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



6 Years
Extra large
05-27-2015, 10:39 PM

Glacier could immediately see the rejected shoulders that Voltage boosted, the wondering he had for the quite of their beach home and the absence of all their siblings. The Titan's lips would twitch in amusement before he put on an innocent smile. “Brother” he said and drew the boy into an embrace. “Yah know, I think it looks like its going to rain” he said, looking up at the perfectly sunny sky, it was actually a decent day for winter, and not a cloud in sight. “You know, I think we should pop into the cave before it does” he was doing a fantastic job of holding in his laughter, keeping a serious expression on his tone without a single hint of the amusement rolling in his belly. He forcibly grabbed Voltage and nudged him closer to the cave, placing him in the pre-decided spot and coughing once clearly, giving everyone the single to surprise their likely very confused brother – in fact he wouldn't be surprised if Voltage was thinking Glacier's earlier head injury was coming back to haunt him.





5 Years
05-28-2015, 03:58 AM

By the word of mouth, Terrae was aware of his brother's planned journey back to their former home to collect another litter of siblings. This particular litter he would know nothing of, as they would have been born around the same time of his leave. It was rather exciting to know that he would soon meet new individuals who happened to be related. Not only was he meeting them, they were actually going to join the family's pack and have a permanent home. What wasn't so exciting was his brother's leave, in fact, he felt quite anxious about the trip. It was daunting to know that one must return to an almost forgotten past where fuzzy and strange memories dwell. However, what were they to do with a lost litter of siblings? They couldn't be abandoned. Family was family whether they were known or not.

He emerged from his cave out onto the surface with eager plans for the day only to be given instructions from Glacier to hide in a particular cave. Usually, he would be rather disappointed for having his plans ruined however he had been told to hide, which meant that there would be a surprise. Unfortunately, he wasn't the one receiving the surprise, instead, he was the one giving it. By his knowledge, he presumed it was Voltage who would receive the surprise today. It had to be a going-away party, just for the family compared to the recent chaotic festival attended by many packs and loners. Breathlessly trotting to the cave while constantly checking over his shoulder if his lightning brother was around, he dived into the chosen cave where the rest of his siblings awaited for the same objective. Along with him he had brought shortened palm leaves that had fallen from their tress wrapped in a tight bundle for confetti, of course. It wasn't long before he heard the steps of the two elder brothers and from the darkness he peered out to find them within an exhilarating close distance. A cough escaped from Glacier's throat; the signal for the surprise. In a low whisper he counted to three before letting out a cheerful shout in the hopes that his siblings would join in at the same time.

"Surprise!" And with that, he tossed his wrapped bundle of leaves and watched as they erupted from their leaf packaging like a deep green firework, hopefully showering upon his brother.

"Burn Baby Burn"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*



8 Years
Athena I
06-03-2015, 12:28 AM

Voltage was one of the first of his older siblings that Solaris had really grown attached to so he was quite sad to see him go, even if it was just for a short time. The trip was definitely needed and it was good of Voltage to volunteer for such a task. It was exciting to think about their family here in Donostrea possibly growing all the same. He waited with his siblings in the shadows of the cave, sticking close to Selini's side as usual. He seemed to be quite a bit more subdued than his siblings, but he was never one to be very excitable. He just showed his excitement in his own way. His tail brushed against the ground and a smile rested on his lips, showing that he was happy to be here with them and to do this for Voltage.

Solaris' smile grew into a grin while he listened to Glacier speak to Voltage, even having to hold back the chuckle that dared to give them away. Then, when he heard the signal and listened to Terrae's quiet counting, he rose to join in surprising their energetic brother. "Surprise!" he called as well at the same time as Terrae as he stepped out of the shadows. His tail wagged happily behind him and he waited to see what Voltage's reaction would be.

Talk You Think



4 Years
06-12-2015, 02:29 AM

It was time. Glacier had given the signal and with Terrae’s whispered counting the vixen found herself growing even antsier. Pale gaze briefly shifted to her twin and then she was leaping out with them… mind she appeared was the only one who seemed to have literally leapt but what did it matter? "Surprise!" She called out, bouncing from side to side as she watched her brother’s reaction.

Poor Voltage… first they had appeared to be ignoring him… then they were ambushing him with leaves and yelling. A grin was plastered across Selíni’s face but she was shivering. Doing a horrible job of covering it up actually; she almost pushed into Solaris for warmth but doubted he’d appreciate getting wet.


[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



6 Years
06-12-2015, 03:27 AM
(posting out of "turn" so everyone doesn't have to post a "surprise!" post XD)

Voltage would allow his brother to manhandle him with nothing but a raised brow. He hadn't ever really seen his brother Something was up, and if Voltage had been given another few seconds to think it over he would have connected the rather obvious dots. Instead he just blinked up at his brother, jaws parting as he was forced into a peculiar spot, hearing his brother cough. For one thing, the sky was still clear! The cogs in his poor, overused mind grinded around the clues, but he didn't make the connection.

And then all of a sudden a flurry of green burst infront of his eyes, his siblings all seemed to spill out of the cave at the same time with surprise upon their lips. He had jumped in surprise, his legs spread and wide stormy eyes staring at them before the widest of grins pulled his lips. He glanced once, twice, up at Glacier with a raised brow. Who knew the behemoth had it in him! Voltage knew he was the party bug of the family, and it was usually his idea first to hold a celebration of some sort, but for them to put something together for him. He laughed, loudly, rumbling as his eyes closed and his body shook in his excitment. Before, suddenly, without prior warning, he leapt towards them all, ready to bulldoze each and every one of his siblings to the ground in his glee. He'd kiss and nuzzle and hug and cling to whomever was unlucky enough to get close enough to grab. "You guys are the best!" He yipped happily, trying to nuzzle into his rather wet and mildew-y smelling moon sister. He couldn't help but laugh, trying to gather himself so he didn't accidentally crush someone, but he couldn't help it. He needed this, needed all his siblings together (sans the sleeping fire queen, of course). His eyes would mist but this time in only happiness as he tried to plant a rather sweet kiss into Astrea's cheek if she'd let him.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
06-12-2015, 03:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 03:39 AM by Glacier.)

The cough he had to give in signal also helped to choke back the laughter that was churning in the big brutes chest as Voltage allowed him to push him into position with little to no protest. Likely Voltage was so befuddled by the strange behavior and thinking his brother had finally lost it that he hasn't quite connected the dots of yet. After the cough there was only a second to wait as the siblings times there little surprise, leaping or jumping up into view to surprise their lightning boy.

Glacier had positioned himself to grab Volty if he decided to bolt when the initial surprise hit him – he had never forgotten his brothers reaction to mud-monster Glacier after all. Well Voltage did jump in obvious surprise, there was no fleeing as instead realization and happiness spread across his brothers muzzle. As Voltage glanced up at him he only grinned cheekily back at the smaller wolf – Glacier could take a page from Voltage's book if he so wished and throw a surprise party, after all they where all going to need it with Voltage's departure.

He would see the joy in Voltage's eyes and knew he had done right. His brother adored parties as readily as Glacier adored the snow, and seeing that brilliant smile made everything worth it. After his job was done, Glacier would lean back a little, letting himself fall into the background as he watched the mayhem that was Voltage unfold. Glacier could watch this and pat himself on the back for a job well done and Voltage could unleash himself on their hapless siblings – it was perfect.

"Burn Baby Burn"