
Peace of Mind



5 Years
06-19-2015, 09:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Still he continued to talk about the imaginary pups he thought they would have, as if they posed any relevance to their lives now. She had already explained to him that pups at this point would be an impossibility with the plants she was taking, and no amount of talking about it was going to change that fact; Jakart was wasting his breath. Callisto bit back another exasperated growl, wishing he would shut up about the pups and get over the fact they would not happen. It was making her regret everything more that children had somehow been something on his mind as she had given herself to him. They had been on her mind too, partially, but not nearly so optimistically. "They aren't going to happen," she repeated stubbornly and against her better judgment. Keeping quiet had been her first thought, but that was proving difficult.

The black and grey healer bit her tongue to silence herself from any further retorts, as Jak continued to offer his side of things. She still could not make heads or tails of it, but she hoped the faster she let him get out his opinions the sooner they would cease. He paused just momentarily and began to step towards her, and as he did she tensed, eyeing him uncertainly through a narrowed blue gaze. He whispered loud enough only for her to hear, and no matter how the cat strained the words were lost to her. But Callisto heard, every bit of it, and the momentary distrust she had felt overtaking her slowly began to ebb away. He was not mad that she had sought him out, he was not upset that nothing would come of their union. He was tolerant, accepting, and would leave it at that: just what she had been wanting from him.

It surprised her that after all of their arguing they had reached something akin to an agreement so fast. She had honestly expected to walk away from him angry and entirely regretting everything that had happened between them, no matter that she had started it, and just try to move on from another poor decision. But her anger was almost gone now, her mind clear of the clouding effects of her season if only temporarily, and now she had not a clue how to proceed. Her silvery blue eyes traveled from Jakart to the cat and back again. "I guess we're done here," she muttered quietly as she rose to her paws, and without delaying the inevitable any longer she cast one final glance at Jak and walked off into the young woods.

The cat watched her mistress travel ahead and disappear from sight but remained where she had been seated, and with a curious glint in her eye still she turned her focus upon the male wolf, silently staring at him as questions buzzed unanswered within her mind. Eventually she would get those answers, but now was not that time.

-Exit Callisto-



5 Years
06-29-2015, 12:33 PM
Jakart knew the pups wouldn't happen, his jaw tightening when she repeated that fact. He supposed that he shouldn't feel to attached to the idea of having young just yet, feeling somewhat slighted that she had used him but he wasn't one for complaining with the results. No pups just yet and he had helped a friend out with her physical needs. Heat drove females to do strange things. As far as being apart of the solution he wanted to let her know that his services were available should she need them. It felt like a waste of breath, but should they meet in the future perhaps he would inform her. Jakart looked at Callisto and followed her gaze to the cat. She said they were done. The grey male giving a slight nod. "Till next time Callisto." The cat stared at him and he stared right back, gaze unflinching as the feline turned to follow Callisto off into the distance. With a toss of his head Jakart let out an aroo and headed back towards home. His brothers would be proud of him.

-Exit Jakart-