
Life Changing



5 Years
05-11-2015, 04:46 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was nervous, more nervous than about anything else that had ever happened in her life. Well, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but only by a tiny bit. The big, life-changing decision she had come to was possibly the biggest choice she had ever made, and it was going to change the course of her future. But the problem was not in the changes, or even making the decision. Her trouble, her anxiety, her fear, rested within the fact she needed to explain her life-changing decision to her family, and she was not at all sure how they would respond.

They were a supportive bunch, each of them having the other's back whenever they needed in. They looked out for one another, helped each other, and sacrificed left and right to keep each other happy. It was a great life, and she was sure she would have been happy to continue going along with it. Would have been happy had she not fallen in love. Glacier had, very effectively, stalled everything. He had started to monopolize her time, her thoughts, even her affection, and now it was to the point that she was not sure she could go on living away from him. It was an awful feeling, especially knowing she did not want to disappoint or upset her family, but it was just one request, the only thing she wanted.

Her whole demeanor as she neared the area where her family had set up camp was one of anxiety. Tail and ears tucked, she carried herself somewhat low and her expression was full of worry and fear despite her best efforts to hide it from the large blue wolf who traveled with her. Would her family be happy for her? Would they be angry she had kept this from them for so long? Would they send her off with happy wishes for her new future? Or would they stand between her and what she wanted? Thinking about it was driving her slowly mad, and the weight of it all practically muted her voice to keep her from calling for them. How could she possibly stand it if they could not be happy for her, if they took the news terribly?

But it was not something that could avoided. If she left without saying a word, she was sure to feel worse than at least knowing she had been honest with them. And they were family; if she could trust anyone to take her news well, for her sake, should it not be them? Before she could entirely lose her nerve, Anais angled her muzzle upward and called for them - her brothers, her sister, her adopted son - and stopped suddenly before she could bring Glacier right into the midst of where they were staying. She turned her head to look at him, feeling her heart ache at the thought of things going badly when she wanted this so much. For him, because she was sure her worry was going to make him sick with it himself, she smiled, if not half-heartedly. Please let them understand, she hoped, prayed, please.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
05-11-2015, 04:57 PM

Glacier could read the nervousness in his companion, and already hated the sight of her submissive posturing, how the cause of all this was him. He almost wanted to talk her out of it, but every time he opened his maw to do so the words wouldn't come. He loved her dearly, he wanted to spend his life with her but he didn't want her to have to make sacrifices for her, the lose lose situation still wore on him and what she was doing was all that gave them a glimmer of hope for a life together.

He remained silent on the walk to where her family was staying, so he could stand as a silent pillar of support beside her. His steps where shortened to match her own and he walked beside her without touching, aside from the occasional brush of his tail against her side as a silent reminder that he was here for her. When she came to a sudden stop, he would stop also, and as she raised her head to howl he would seat himself on the earth, near her but again without touching. He himself was a little nervous, he had never met her family before, other then Lebrah and his first meeting with them had the potential to go terribly if they where any less then thrilled with the news they had to give.





5 Years
05-12-2015, 07:43 AM

The girl was at a loss. The fact that she had failed to rejoin Ebony, that Ebony had changed hands, had left her disheartened. She would give a huge sigh as she padded along, heeding the call of her sister. She wasn't sure what Anais wanted to tell them, but she knew that her sister had her own life to lead and things that she wanted to do on her own. Lior felt lost once more, a bit at a standstill with where she wanted to go.

The silvery-gray girl would arrive to find a stranger already there. Someone her sister surely knew, but Lior did not, and she would cautiously eye him as she came to a stop. She would lower her rear end to the ground, not even announcing her arrival. Her mind was boggling with thoughts, wondering what she might do. Gaze would shift to Anais, wondering what was on her mind... what she thought of all this. Where would this all lead? What if... what if she left her?

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



7 Years
05-12-2015, 09:52 PM
Nako withdrew his muzzle from the chest of the deer and looked up at the sound of the howl. Blood had dyed his muzzle a dirty crimson, but he didn't care right now. Anais had called to him, for all of them, to come to her. The direction the male set off was towards the dens his family had occupied the past few days while deciding on what to do about joining a pack. Ebony had been a no go, and to be honest that was all right with him. The half dozen feathers adorning his withers twisted at the pace he traveled at, for the call had sounded not like his sister. Something was wrong with Anais. Even as the blood began to dry on his muzzle his worry grew at hearing the sound of her call.

He saw Anais through the trees, the pelt similar to their mothers. Her mother, Nako reflecting on his heritage and status as a bastard. But that was childish thinking. His parents had loved him, all of them. Mismatched eyes gazed at Lior who sat across from Anais. And the large male right next to his eldest sister. "Anais." Nako mumbled, the fur on his shoulders bristling. He didn't even know how he would take the large male on in a fight that stood beside the she-wolf. If only his brothers were here... Lior could help, but even as he strode over to his younger sister he would be on his guard. Nako stopped, tense and wary of the stranger as he placed his chin between Liors ears in a comforting manner. "Is this the reason that put such a spring in your step these past few months?" The wolf hushed, muzzle still resting on Liors head.



5 Years
05-18-2015, 11:42 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She did not wait very long, but it felt longer than it was. Her thoughts were still all over the place thinking of how things could go wrong, how her family could thwart her wish to stay with her friend and newly confessed love rather than with them. Anais dreaded them being upset with her, of being angry at Glacier for altering her thoughts and plans in this way, but she hoped they would be willing to listen to her. Just as Glacier had to know how she felt, she wanted her family to know how deeply she cared for this blue wolf too. It meant too much to her to let them dictate what she did.

Her little sister was the first to arrive, and the sight of her made the ache in Ani's heart worse. She looked so distraught already, lost and disheartened, and the smile she had tried to greet the younger girl with fell away from her face as her ears pinned more fully against her head. She could not let this be. As Lior sat across from her and Glacier, saying nothing to either of them, Anais got to her feet and padded slowly over to her, her golden eyes seeking her sister's. She hesitated as she reached her side and calmly, comfortingly reached out to nuzzle her face into her neck. She hated seeing her sad and could barely stand just standing by and doing nothing. Drawing back, she smiled again, this time more sincere, a little brighter, trying to draw one of equal measure from the distressed younger girl.

Settling into her sisterly role lessened the anxiety she felt, drew her focus away from her own predicament and back to those of her family which were always easier for her to think on. Her nervousness lessened little by little, and by the time Nako appeared, looking very plainly as if he had recently been hunting, Anais stepped once away from her sister to look at him as she saw his eyes move to Glacier. "Nako," she answered him, her voice placating and trying to soothe the bristle she had seen rise over him. Her golden gaze followed him as he moved to their sister, comforting her in his own way as he remarked upon Glacier.

Anais felt her cheeks heat slightly but refused to be embarrassed into keeping quiet. This was too important to her. "He is," she stated, a shy little smile beginning to creep upon her lips. "I'm sorry I didn't bring him around sooner. This is Glacier." She turned, standing between her family and her mountainous friend, and pulled her gaze from her siblings to the silver-eyed wolf. "Glacier, this is part of my family. That's Lior and Nako." Were her other brothers coming, or had they been too far away to hear her call? And Lebrah? There was a little worry for him, but she hoped that maybe he was finally getting used to his new surroundings and doing a bit of exploring without her.

Deciding it was too soon yet to mention anything of how her feelings for Glacier had grown, the golden-grey wolf kept silent and hoped her attempt at introducing everyone would go well.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
05-18-2015, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 03:06 PM by Glacier.)

He would keep the slight space between them out of respect to Anais's family, but he would glance over at her and smile as often as he could to offer her his support. When the first wolf arrived he would smile at the girl and dip his head in silent greeting, but nothing more as he let Anais take the stage. This was her family and he would not interfere but to offer reassurances when the time was right. Instead he began to study the two wolves who had arrived in an attempt to better understand them and what they where thinking, to decide what problems he and Anais might face – bit also because he was curious, this was the family Anais spoke so lovingly of, these where wolves that meant a great deal to Anais.

He didn't move when Anais did, letting the girl have her space as she moved to her sisters side. He could see that this wolf already was guessing at what was going on and feeling distraught, and he wished he could ease her mind in some way, make this better, but instead he kept to his silence.

The next wolf would arrive and Glacier would gain his name as words where passed between brother and sister. He couldn't help but let his lips twitch into a grin at the brother – Nako's – words. When Anais at last made the introduction and gave his name to these wolves he would nod his head in greeting. “Its a pleasure to meet you both, Lior and Nako, Anais speaks highly of you” he added with a smile “And i've been told Lior, that your interested in learning healing, its a fantastic skill to have and i'm sure you'll do wonderfully” he continued politely, unsure how else to proceed, but the truth of the matter was, they would like him or they would not, he could not stop them from either emotion and which ever they decided would effect Anais greatly.





5 Years
05-21-2015, 12:34 PM

Nako would come, offering her comfort. Lior would lean into him, breathing in and out in a saddened manner. She didn’t know what was going on anymore. What was right and wrong. Anais too would reach out to her, trying to offer some sort of comfort. Lior would manage a small smile for her. She felt horrid. She had asked Anais to come with her to Ebony and for what? For it to all fail. For it to fall aprt. The small girl felt like a failure to her family. She knew it was just a feeling of doubt, that it would pass, but with an unsettling feeling of change on the air it was harder to squash than she might have hoped.

Anais would introduce the stranger as Glacier, as well as introduce her and Nako to him. She would shift her paws uncertainly in the earth, her gaze lowering when Glacier spoke to her. “Thank you... Though I’m not sure how far I’ll get without a tutor. The last pack I tried to return kinda ended up being a bust.” There was something about how Glacier spoke that left her unsettled too, and Lior would break the ice, looking at her sister with a firm look.

“You’re going away with him, aren’t you?” The words were neither hurt nor accusatory... Just desperate to know. She had to know the answer.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



7 Years
05-21-2015, 08:18 PM
It wasn't a sense of betrayal that overcame Nako. No, far from it. The grey wolf giving a wary smile as Anais sat a pace away from him. He was glad. Even as this Glacier, for he truly was one, spoke his greetings in a formal manner, Nako could help but feel relief. Anais had never come home hurt, shaken. Anything that might have required questions. This was a good male. "I thank you Glacier. For everything. My family seemed to hit a bit of a rough spot with the death of our parents. I'm glad to see Anais happy." Nako looked down at Lior. If only Lior could be happy now. He had shared his sister's frustration at her fruitless efforts at joining a pack. And pursuing the arts of a healer, Glacier's comment sparking the thought, Nako feeling renewed disappointment all over again even as Lior spoke.

For over a year he had watched Lior struggle without a mentor figure and felt her anguish at not having a purpose. Him and his brothers were fine camped out in their current location but his sisters had different needs. "Anais. Are you leaving us? I know Jakart, Kailos and Espirit aren't here. I just... I don't know. I know you didn't mean any harm with this Anais but I need to know for the sake of our family what you plan on doing." Part of what he said didn't make any sense but Nako didn't care. "I assume there is a pack? A safe place to stay?"



5 Years
06-08-2015, 09:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As expected, Glacier conducted himself like a gentleman, offering kind greetings to both her sister and brother, and as she looked toward him she felt she loved him more. There was no denying the little guilty sense she had in her for dragging him through this, for asking that he meet with her family and be there to support her in her choice to be with him, but it only attested his own feelings for her that he had agreed. Anais felt lucky, incredibly lucky, to have caught his eye, to have her feelings for him reciprocated, and to know that he would be there when this was all over to pick up the pieces that would undoubtedly be left of her once this conversation was over.

Her brother, unexpectedly, seemed happy. Anais had not expected it in the least - if anything, she had been worried he would be defensive and guarded with remembrances of the last time she had brought a male home to her family worrying his mind. But he had been more observant than she had thought him to be, noticing every time she had run off adventuring with her friend and how she would return in good spirits and never any worse for their outings. It made her smile and filled her with gladness. Things were going well.

The same sort of contentment could not be said of Lior, however. Where Nako came off as resigned, Lior was despairing, downtrodden. It was very much unlike how the elder sister liked to see her sibling, and it concerned her considerably. Maybe now had not been a good time. Maybe she should have ensured she was comfortable in a pack somewhere before making her decision. But it had been made - Glacier loved her! - and she could not go back on it, not when she wanted to be with him so badly. Anais felt stuck between duty to her family and duty to her heart, conflicted though there was nothing to be done for it. It still did not make her feel any better, however.

Her ears had turned to pin themselves against her skull, and her bright eyes grew misty with unshed tears as she was confronted blatantly by both brother and sister, a straightforward yes or no question laying everything bare. "I am," she answered quietly, her voice wobbly under her emotional strain. She did not want this to be a sad thing; she had hoped they would be happy for her, wish her well and send her on her way with smiles and perhaps tears of happiness for the joy she had found in this wolf at her side. Anais blinked, willing the tears away, as she turned her gaze upon her brother and spoke a little more solidly, "There is. Donostrea, in the south. Glacier leads it with his brother." There was so much she wanted to tell them, so much she wanted to explain about Glacier, his pack, his family, but she hardly knew where to begin. What was the right thing to say to make everything better? What could she say to ease whatever distressed both Lior and Nako? She wished she knew, but instead all she could manage to do was look between them with a look that was nearly pleading, and at the last second muttered quietly, "I know I said I'd stay but...I love him."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
06-08-2015, 09:36 PM
With silent observation the titans eyes would move from sister to brother and back again. In one he could sense relief and happiness for anais's new found love, in the other he could sense despair and worry and with her next words he could understand why anais might be finding her place in life but lior would be afraid she would never find this for herself, at least in terms of finding a teacher for the art she was passionate about. For the moment his attention would wholly be upon this girl as he took a step closer and lowered his head to look into her eyes. "I have no wish to separate your family, and you will have a home in my pack if you wish it. If you do decide to join us, j can promise you that I will track down and bring to you a reliable mentor in healing" he vowed, keeping his eyes upon hers a moment longer before stepping back to anais's side again.

He would turn his attention now to Nako and nod at the calmer wolf in appreciation to his words on support. "I want to offer anais stability protection and a life filled with love" he promised softly to the protective brother. He turned his gaze on anais then and winked to soften the compliment and dedication that was likely embarrassing her. Anais would have her own chance of course to offer her dedication to him in the form of declaring her love and he would beam proudly and kiss her cheek and whisper softly in her ear "as I do you" he promised.




5 Years
06-15-2015, 12:45 PM

No touch could truly soothe her right now. Lior was hurting, downtrodden. She felt abandoned, and, in feeling that way, felt selfish. She knew she couldn’t ask Anais to stay forever. She knew that it was impossible for her to ask her sister such a thing. But... That didn’t mean the younger girl wasn’t going to miss her. She would breathe in and out, letting out a soft sigh as she looked upon Anais. She was glad that she would be safe, truly she was, but her mixed feelings on the subject prevented her from feeling anything upon the subject completely.

That was until Glacier spoke again. Lior would be caught offguard, her breathe catching in her throat. He wished to offer her a home as well? Lior would glance to Anais once, then back to Glacier, dipping her head. “I would greatly appreciate that, Glacier. I’d be happy to join your pack.” Spirits lifted a little now, she would lean some into Nako, her tail wagging some. “I’m glad you found someone, Anais...” She would offer gently.
"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



7 Years
06-25-2015, 01:20 PM
For Nako a huge weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He just wanted his sisters happy, healthy. This Glacier, he offered everything Nako couldn't provide for his sister. Borders, happiness for one. A purpose for another. As safe a place as any to rest her heads at night. The male fidgeted on his paws and looked down as his sister affirmed that she was leaving. "Anais," Nako began as he glanced back at Lior, trailing off when he heard what the pack was called. Donostrea. A fine pack name, Nako giving an approving nod as he looked at Anais, right ear catching the words she may have meant to whisper ever quieter. Anais loved Glacier, the massive male extending an offer to Lior to come join them before pecking Anais on the cheek. Nako turned to Lior, listening as all the wolves around him as they conversed. The grey girl wanted to take up Glaciers offer, and Nako finally sensed relief.

Nako closed his eyes for a moment and let out a sigh before switching his gaze between sisters. "Anais, Lior. Whenever you want us to drop by just give us a howl. We won't be far. I'll get our brothers and head after you as soon as I can." The eldest male dipped his head at Glacier and gave Lior a kiss between her ears before stepping to Anais and planting a quick kiss on the cheek opposite the one Glacier had kissed. "Anais's cheeks are on loan, her brothers will always get to kiss those." Nako gave a sly grin at his sister, tail giving a wag. If any of them had anything to say before leaving now would be the time. He hoped his brothers would remain absent, not wanting to deal with their fussing and questions. "So. You three off?"



5 Years
06-29-2015, 06:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Glacier surprised her. She had never given thought to trying to convince her family to join her. They tended all to be somewhat stubborn once they set their mind to things - something she felt sure came from their father's side - and Anais had always assumed her sister's mind to be made up regarding returning to the pack they had both grown up in. It should have dawned on her that it might work now, now that they had been waiting around for a while without anything to show for their efforts. But Glacier saw the opportunity and took it, extending the invitation he had offered her now to her sister, and amazingly Lior agreed. It was entirely more than she had wished for, and Anais's tail beat happily at the air as she smiled, a few tears managing to sneak out and fall into the fur of her cheeks.

She could have easily tackled the large male then and offered endless nuzzles in thanks for what he had done for her family. Admittedly she wanted to, but, considering her newly admitted feelings were still so new and the fact her brother and sister would have been watching, she settled instead just for a look that was full of her gratitude and affection for him. He echoed more praise for his pack, promising her safety and contentment there with him, words that Anais was sure her brother would be happy to hear. Being the eldest, Nako was always so protective of the rest of them, taking it on his shoulders to ensure everyone was happy, healthy, and whole. Now, with both her and Lior leaving, some of that burden would be lifted from his shoulders.

Happily she leaned into Glacier when he placed the kiss against her cheek, tucking her head to nuzzle against him with Lior's happy words ringing in her ears. This was all going so much better than she had imagined it would, and as she pulled away to regard her siblings again she realized how close she was to finally getting her piece of happiness. Nako promised that he and the rest of their brothers would continue to stay near, close enough to answer any howl should they be called for. Anais was certain they would stick to his word, and possibly even creep close to the pack just from curiosity alone. He placed a quick kiss against her cheek and she could only continue to smile, certain that her heart was as full as it ever could get. It was happening! She was going to stay with Glacier now, along with Lior, and everything would be wonderful!

With the last prompting from her brother, the ecstatic golden brown wolf considered the answer to her brother's question. "I think so," she stated through a quiet chuckle, exchanging another smiling glance with the big blue wolf at her side. Her golden eyes shifted then, settling on Lior, and added gently, "Are you ready?"

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
06-29-2015, 06:40 PM

Glacier's offer would be entirely for Anais, through he hadn't discussed it with her beforehand. He left his eyes on Lior as he waited a moment for her reply, letting his eyes convey that he meant the offer, he would find her a healer somehow. Perhaps it was that prospect that one her over, because her agreement came easily after that. Once Lior knew where her life would be going, she would be more capable of showing her happiness for her sister, and when Glacier returned to Anais's side he would see all the reward he needed through the happiness in her eyes.

Nako clearly had no problem with what was going on between the three of them and would convey only happiness, although he would joke that Anais's cheeks where only on loan. Glacier grinned in return at his mate's brother, and nodded his head in agreement. “You and your brothers are welcome guests to Donostrea, just ensure you give a heads up at the border so everyone knows you are not trespassing” he offered and requested easily. Glacier fell silent then to allow goodbyes to be said and any preparations there where needed to begin. He kept himself supportively at Anais's side as she prepared for a monumental moment in her life, a step away from the people and life she had known.
