
Tell Me The Stories Of Your People



5 Years
05-29-2015, 09:05 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The veteran padded along the edge of the pack border. Judging by the scents, this eastern pack was led primarily by a female, and their numbers were approximately ten to fifteen wolves. He meandered slowly, giving himself time to think. He was in the market for offering his services as a warrior in a pack. But he wouldn’t throw himself into any old pack. He wished to move up and make a name for himself. He wasn’t quite sure what to think of a female being the sole leader in a pack; where he had come from, the chieftains were usually male. He didn’t scoff at the idea, either. Females had strengths males did not. They could be damned tactical geniuses. He’d known a female lead warrior who was the sole reason that her pack had won so many skirmishes with their rivals.

Finally, he settled on a decision. He would call for this leader, and see what vibe she gave him, and whether the pack she led would line up with what he wished to find. So he turned, tilting his head up and parting his jaws to call for the leader. It was a low, masculine call, melodious and not at all demanding. His call made, he settled patiently on his haunches, noting the stiffened scabs on his left hip from his first spar on this land. Darkly rimmed ears perked forward as his molten dual-toned eyes sought a sign of approach.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-05-2015, 09:34 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2015, 09:34 AM by Epiphron.)
The call that rang out through the mangrove trees was plainly unfamiliar to her. Curious as to who requested her presence, her graceful paws would carry her through the lands with ease. Now that winter was upon them, the mangrove was significantly easier to navigate, the normally waterlogged earth now frozen below her paws. Though the east was much warmer than the more central lands, being so close to the ocean could certainly bring quite a chill at night and the relatively cool temperatures had kept the earth frozen.

Even from a great distance, he was not familiar in the least to her. His face boasted an array of scars, spattered across his features, that was difficult to ignore. Still, it was impressive.... unless he was just really, really bad at fighting. But his build was that of a warrior's and she assumed the scars proved he'd won far more fights than he had lost. Closing the distance between them, Epiphron would move to dip her head in solemn greeting. "Welcome to Fiori," she'd call out to him in a level voice, taking a few steps closer to examine him, though she remained a safe distance away. He was certainly strong enough to permanently hurt her if he wanted to, but his posture seemed relaxed enough that she found herself relaxing slightly in turn. "My name is Epiphron Adravendi. What brings you to my home?"



5 Years
06-06-2015, 08:28 AM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2015, 08:29 AM by Eridanus.)
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The veteran waited only a short while before a feminine form drew into sight around the mangrove trees. She was white, with bright sapphire eyes, and warm ruddy brown encompassing the whole of her right ear and embracing her right forepaw to the wrist. She was markedly shorter than he, had the build of a fighter, and her left ear was half gone in a ragged edge. Every detail was taken in by the molten dual colored gaze of the monochrome male with the appreciative, yet respectful interest. She stopped at a safe distance and hailed him. So the pack was named Fiori, was it? She introduced herself, and he filed away her name in the back of his mind.

He sat a bit straighter, ignoring the twinge in his shoulder from the bruises. ”Greetings, Epiphron Adravendi. I am Eridanus Sterling.” He introduced himself, low, soft toned voice calm and respectful as he looked her over. His accent was that of a Cherokee native, with soft inflections of Greek, giving his tones an almost exotic flavor. ”I am a warrior seeking a pack in which my strength and services will be appreciated and duly rewarded. I seek a pack that is lively. I am a fair fighter, and I am a good hunter. These services I can give. What can you and your pack give in return? Will you tell me, please, a bit about your pack?” His head cocked as he asked the last question, molten eyes roving over her face as he waited to hear what she might say.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-09-2015, 10:23 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 10:23 AM by Epiphron.)
Though he was younger even than her, his scarred face and serious tone made him seem years older. A slight smile would touch her lips as he spoke, his voice just youthful enough to remind her that he could nearly be her son. "Welcome, then, Eridanus," she tested his name aloud, enjoying the way the hard syllables rolled off her tongue. His voice hinted he hadn't been born in these lands and she would tilt her head curiously as she watched him speak further. He was quite frank in what he came here seeking, and what he had to offer. She appreciated the bluntness and her smile would brighten a bit.

"We certainly are in need of warriors," she would acknowledge gently, musing over his offer. Certainly he could serve them well, as they had no true fighters beyond Athena. The rest were hardly more than yearlings, in training, and their skills had not yet been tested. The question was though, would he be interested in the type of pack that Fiori was aiming to be? "We are a pack made of mostly family," she would explain carefully. "Many of the wolves in Fiori are little older than yearlings. I intend to let the pack be run mostly by those within. I'm hoping to establish a council system that encourages discussion and runs by a vote, if decisions must be made." Her own sapphire gaze searched his face for any outward reaction. "At the core, I want to promote community and family. I have no interest in glory and fame, nor in furthering any agenda but my pack's safety and quality of life." Once, things had been so different... but now all she had left was her family, and she would protect them with every last breath. "What do you seek in a pack, Eridanus?"



5 Years
06-09-2015, 11:12 AM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The veteran may indeed have been two years the Fiori Queens junior, but in his land, he was long due to have a mate, children, and a high rank in his tribe. He had left all that behind in his endeavor to seek his own path in another land and see the world. He listened with interest as she welcomed him, apparently testing his name and finding it to her liking. His blunt nature also seemed to gain her approval, as her smile widened a bit at his announcement.

Eridanus listened with intent focus as she told him a bit about the pack and her goals. So they were mostly wolves who were too young to have shown their true paths, and perhaps none were fighters. He pondered her question in regards to what he sought in a pack. ”As I have said before, a pack where my services will be used and appreciated. One that understands that when I spar to train, I do not hold my full strength back. Pain is a valid teacher, and a young wolf who gets a rough thump for his mistake in a spar will be less likely to make that same mistake in a real fight for his life. I do not wish to become stagnant. I seek a pack that will stick together in times of battle. Might I ask, without seeming too forward, are there any ranks particular to my abilities and experience that would suit, or that you wish to fill?” He finished, his head cocking slightly, his expression completely serious.

He spoke truthfully in that he wished to be useful, rather than spending his days lounging in a den doing nothing. He hoped to find a pack whose wolves shared the same sentiment. If the Queen needed him to, and he chose to make his home here in Fiori, he would gladly train the younger wolves, and bring out their abilities.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-15-2015, 08:16 AM
Perhaps Fiori might be a pack well-suited for him.. and though she had a feeling he might find disappointment there, there was no harm in trying to live there until it proved less than ideal for him. Still, he seemed interested in her words and it shone clearly in his eyes.

"Your skills would certainly be appreciated," she acknowledged gently, considering. Certainly he could make do as her second Lead Sentry. Bjorn and Birna had nearly been strangers to her when first promoted, but they had quickly proved themselves to be quite capable and loyal. She still found herself wondering why they had left at all. "And I know for certain that some of the younger members are interested in fighting."

A brief pause would follow while Epiphron considered his question. "Let me offer you this," she'd propose carefully. "The position of Lead Sentry, alongside a woman named Athena. If you prove to be less skilled or dedicated than you have told me, you will be asked to step down, and you may leave at your will if you find that Fiori is not all that you hoped. What do you say, Eridanus?"



5 Years
06-29-2015, 07:08 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

Epiphron acknowledged that his skills would be appreciated, and Eridanus’ ears flicked into further attention as she added that there were younger members in the pack that were interested in fighting. His attentiveness didn’t waver during her brief pause for thought, and he listened to her offer, taking in every word and processing them efficiently. It was a big offer, and one that, if he were a power hungry type, he might have jumped at immediately. As it was, he preferred to earn his way up, as he had before he had left home. He’d been a step away from the lead warrior position before he had decided to see what the world beyond the tribe held for him.

He took a moment to think, before he spoke in answer to the females question. ”I think that it is a good offer. And I will certainly give it a lot of thought. Give me perhaps until Spring to see the other packs and make my decision? I may come to a decision sooner, depending on what I see.” It was a decision that could not only affect his life, but the lives of Epiphron and her pack. The position she offered was one that he could guess was a high ranking position. His molten gaze studied her face as he waited for her verdict.