
The Raging Storm



5 Years
07-03-2015, 10:39 AM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2015, 07:40 PM by Caeli.)

Astrea Elementas

Cold. She was cold.

It was so cold. She shivered, her small frame seeming to trying to comprehend her mental stress just like her mind was. They where gone? A cry lifted from her maw, it was lifted and carried away by the wind that raced by her. A storm was brewing but inside and out and she raced into it, with no care to her health or her healthy fear of storms. It had not been long since Voltage has returned, a occurrence that she thought would be joyful, with much play and happiness. She was even hopeful for maybe new siblings to bring into the fold. She gave a more painful sob as her legs carried her closer to the storm. She needed an out, a way to work out her pain, to make her feel alive again.

It did not seem to long ago that she told Voltage that she hoped that their parents wanted them back, that she had doubts about their loveless-ness. But now? Now they where gone, gone forever, never coming back. Astrea will never have the chance to speak to their mother, never have the chance to ask her father the questions that plague her mind day and night. She stopped, her sides heaving. She lifted her head and let out the most sorrowful howl that had even lifted from her maw. She would forever be in the dark about herself, she will never get the answers to why the stars called her name.

Her song filled the air around her growing in sadness as the storm hovered over her threatening to let lose its deluge of rain. She welcomed it, she wanted it. Never in her life did Astrea feel grateful to not being able to see the stars, never had she not wanted to look at them. But now? At this moment? She did not want to see them, she did not want to look upon the twinkling lights that calmed her like nothing else. Now she wanted to cry her sorrow into the wind and the rain and feel the numbness spread through her.

She wanted Ten, she wanted his quite presence, she wanted his soft words telling her everything was all right, that her world was not indeed ending. She needed him and he was not here for her! She lifted her paw to her neck feeling the opal that Seerten had given her. She gave a small cry as she lifted it over head head and leaving it at her feet. The small symbol of the affection her and Ten felt for each other now in the mud, and she felt nothing.

Cold, she was cold.



9 Years
07-06-2015, 08:10 PM
Arcus would move as quickly as his paws could carry him, but he really didn't have a destination. He needed to move, he needed to run, he needed to feel the energy in the air. He needed...something. He hadn't run the moment the Voltage dropped the news, not that he really attended the meeting. He had just stood in the background, off to the side. But the moment he had dropped the news, something familiare had bubbled up in Arcus. He felt that raging storm, felt the anger that surged in his eyes. Pain, anger...he moved as quick as he could, paws eating at the beach before he realized he did have a destination! He had seen her book it from the meeting, he had seen the pain, he had known the storms that raged in her.

"Astrea!" He barked, moving as quickly as he could after her as she ran for the storm. He wondered, briefly, why Voltage wasn't chasing her but then he remembered...Astrea was his sister. He was her older brother, the first born to the last born. Everything felt strange, he felt..odd. Was it because for once he felt oddly needed "Astrea." He barked for her, slowing when she seemed to stop, but then she called to the air, her sob shook his heart. He felt his lungs grow tight, felt his whole body clenched when he realized just how much she seemed to need someone. Slowly he'd step towards her, his head lower as his feather fluttered behind his ear. "Sister...come here." He said softly over the storm, commanding, hoping that she would accept his once-distant love and affection. She needed him, she needed to know she wasn't alone, just like she had. "Please, come here." He would open himself up to her, hoping she would come to him, hoping he could help her heal her wounds so he might begin to heal his own.




5 Years
07-06-2015, 09:17 PM

Astrea felt the coldness spread as the dark clouds above finally released its heavy burden down upon them. She lifted her face then, lettering the rain falling down her face, like the tears she should be shedding at this moment... if she did not feel so cold. Her hopes shredded, the last chance she had to understand herself gone... Forever. The hope that maybe the parents that tossed them aside really did love them but had a good reason to send them away. Now She will never know, now she will forever be in the dark about the origins of herself and siblings.

She was about to lay down, letting the cooling rain pelt her, letting her cold heart freeze over and maybe come morning she would be better; but she heard her name from behind her. She turned then to only be shocked to see not Voltage, not even Sol and Selini; but instead it was Arcus, the the only sibling from her litter that she had not had some sort of dialogue with. She blinked the blank looks he gave him speaking volumes, she didn't seem to have much left in her, at the moment she only felt empty.

"Why? Whats the point Arcus? The answers I wanted, no, needed. Arcus they where our parents, now they are nothing." She took her paw and hit the opal away from her. It skirted across the ground, collecting mud and dirt in its chain and on its stone. She did not need it anymore, she did not need the courage when she could not feel anything other then the cold that seemed to be spreading through her bones.

"Whats the point in this Arcus? They are gone and now we will never know if they truly loved us or like most of our siblings think that they did not care for us! I needed to know Arcus, I needed that answer!"

"I am of the Stars but all I feel is this raging storm!" She had screamed it to the clouds. "How do you stand this Arcus!" She felt the anger now, the extreme pain of the loss. "Why do I even care, they pushed us away..." She sobbed now the anger now seeming to swirl around herself. She moved then, pressing herself under her storm brothers chin, her small body pressing tight to him, needing him like she needed her other siblings.



9 Years
07-06-2015, 09:58 PM
Arcus would breathe deeply, seeming to wince as the rain fell down upon them. With a delicate sigh he'd glare up at the sky, his jaws clenched. Of course at this moment it would choose to come down on them. Of course... With a sigh he'd lower his head, watching as the storms seemed to eat away at Astrea's gentleness. She took to anger quite quickly, it seemed. No one they were siblings. He took a hesitant step forward, listening to her anger. What was the point in all this? He wondered it himself quite often...but he remained silent, not knowing what to say. He didn't know how to do this. He was never good at the big brother thing, even when they were on the island. So he'd listen, his ears perked as he searched for the words to say. It wasn't untill she had kicked away her necklace and pressed herself into him that he finally knew how to tackle this. Instantly he was reminded of his storm with Shaye. Clearing his throat he'd look out at the ocean, feeling the rain pelt their fur. "Well....I know the answers..." He said softly, resting his chin on the top of its head. "I can hear the storm's voice." He whispered with as much conviction as he could. She needed this, he hoped.

"Storms, you know...they travel, and they see things. And they tell me, that...our parents, well." He paused then, a small smile on his lips. "Our parents were protecting us, see? That's why they abandoned us. They loved us, and they wanted to keep us safe so they sent us away from the cursed island. That's why they're gone, because the universe...there was ah uh, we're not meant to be on this world, we're not supposed to exist...and our parents knew they send us away." He cleared his throat then, looking out at the sea. With a sigh he pulled away, looking down at Astrea. "I'm not a good story teller, heh.." He said softly, smiling as warmly as he could despite how awkward he was. "Astrea, listen..." He said softly, lifting a paw to lift her chin gently. "You are special, and they loved you dearly. Remember? Our parents...would look at you with more love than...even Volt looks at Gaia with. They...wanted to protect you, in some weird...twisted way." He said with a slight chuckle, awkward but his brows furrowed. "This storm,'s not you...but even a star can get lost when the clouds cover it'll all clear up again..."




5 Years
07-07-2015, 06:18 PM

Astrea breathed as the anger seemed to swirl about her and seem to dissipate into her. She breathed in her storm brother's scent, it was a mixture of family and ozone. She breathed in, her rage bleeding away, with only sadness left in its place. She had felt the need to go with Voltage, she had just told him that she wanted to go with him... Maybe if she would have gone? No, Volt said that he found them murdered not that he saw them murdered. It did not matter then, she could have done nothing for them... Astrea was so lost in the head that Arcus's comment made her jerk back.

"You hear the storm?" She tilted her head at him. "The storm does something other than call your name?" Astrea studied her brother's face, her own a blank mask as she tried to absorb what he just told her. The storm was able to tell him things? The stars has done nothing but call to her, saying nothing but her name. What if the Stars was able to tell her things? The things she would learn!

Astrea was so adsorbed in that one thought that she seemed to forgot about her anger and sadness at least for a small time, but as her brother continued on telling her something she believed from the start, she seemed to have felt it from them; a extreme sadness as the months advanced closer to spring. But being so young and the fact that she did not spend a lot of time at the dens.

But the story got darker, the shining knowledge that their parents did love them was clouded with "What do you mean we where not meant to be born?" She wished that the stars talked to her, said more than just her name. What did he mean about them not supposed to exist. She looked up then, her eyes tracing the swirling clouds, her anger and sadness almost forgotten, she still felt the hollowness of loss but at the moment she was over come with curiosity.

Then there it was the dreaded line, something that everyone keeps telling her but she was not so sure of. Her eyes snapped down to her brother. "Have you been talking to Voltage? Why does everyone call me special? We are all special, not just me." She huffed as she looked back up at the sky. "I remember them, not clearly but I remember that they looked at all of us with this mixture of sadness and love, I never thought they would willingly toss us away,I knew! I knew they wanted us but... But I did not know why they would chase us out." She looked down at her paws then, her pale eyes confused but yet filled with determined fire. "I want to find out why the universe did not approve of us, and how our parents even had us if they where not supposed to." She looked at her brother her eyes sharpening, she had no idea how she was going to get those answers but she was determined to.

"I think I will go on an adventure, I will find those answers." She tilted her head then, a hum lifting from her maw. "Do you want to come with me?" It was a spur of the moment thing, she did not talk to her storm brother often, but the storms talked to him, and frankly she enjoyed his sweet, albeit awkward, presence. If Astrea was honest with herself she needed a bit of time away from the family, the mixture of sadness and indifference was going to grate at her, and frankly she needed time away from Ten, she loved him, she needed time to figure out some things on her own.

She then looked at the discarded opal and then at her brother, "Would you hold onto that for me? I do not need its courage, I need to find my own." She would return to the family a change wolf, but hopefully for the better; better to help her loved ones. This was going to be more than a quest for answers, it was going to be a quest to find her true self, to grow and survive without the protection of her, sometimes overbearing, elder siblings. This was going to be a quest of self discovery, to find her own identity, for better or for worst.

Astrea looked to the sky then, her eyes spying a single star in the breakage in clouds, it blinked a few times, calling her name. She closed her eyes then and wished for the same thing she had always wished for.

Love, happiness, and acceptance; for herself and all her family.




9 Years
07-07-2015, 06:54 PM
Arcus would sigh softly, trying to smile down at her but it was hard. It was his first time hearing the news as well, but it seemed that attempting to help Astrea allowed him to push away the storms for a time. Soon, they would rage up, he'd be angry again, he'd be mad at his elder siblings for forcing him away from the island, he'd be angry at the world...but for now he had Astrea to take care of. It was an odd sort of feeling. So when she asked about the storms he laughed awkwardly and nodded. "Well, who else have I had to talk too?" He said with a small, weak smile, brows knitted before he looked out at the storm, watching the lightning flash over the ocean. The universe was not happy with their loss, either.

So when she asked about them not meant to exist he paused, reeling, trying to come up with a way to handle this. There had to be something, right? "Well, well I...that's what the storms said. We are strange, after all..." He said with a cough, looking out at the ocean again. "I mean, outside of us, have you met anyone who claims an element, who says something like...the plants speak to them? Our parents had to be something else, something...wrong. Glitches, or something..." He paused then, clenching his jaw and hoping she believed him. He didnt know why, but now that he was lying...he had to keep it up, right? It'd hurt her more if he laughed and said "just kidding!"

His ears pulled back as he watched her sisters, questioning his answer and demanding even more. She needed to know where she came from, he understood that. They were odd, it was obvious everyone had questions...and now they lost their only source for answers. So he sighed softly and nodded. "I haven't...spoken to Voltage in about a year.." He said softly. "I haven't, well, anyone in about a year..." The lonliness he had felt crept up in his words before he coughed again, rubbing at his muzzle to hide it. And then she asked something that had slate blue eyes widening, his lips falling open as he stared at her. Of anyone who would go on an adventure, she was the last he'd think of. But she invited him! For a moment his heart swelled before he froze, anxiety creeping up on him. But before he knew it he was nodding, accepting the invitation. "I will go with you." He said with a small, weak smile.

Without a word and with nothing but a nod he took on the care of her gem. With nothing but silence he'd stand up, moving towards the necklace before he paused and looked back at Astrea. "I hope you know what you're doing, sister.." He said softly, his eyes sharp and serious. "Call me when you wish to leave...I have" He paused looking down at the necklace. "Someone to say goodbye too." He whispered, swiping up the necklace and running for his den.
