
It's amazing how we've come so far

Athena I


9 Years
07-03-2015, 06:55 PM

ooc: FYI, Eve gave permission to PP Amalia so just pretend she's here xD

Athena padded out to a nice open area in one of the few mostly dry spots in the Hot Springs with Amalia in tow. It felt like it had been ages since all of her little family had been together for a reason other than a pack meeting and Athena wanted to remedy that. Even though it was still a little chilly with it officially being bring and all, the warm water kept the area pretty warm and most of the snow here had melted. Part of her still missed the north, but she had finally begun to adjust to the warmth. She knew the second Summer hit that feeling would change, but for now she could accept it.

She settled onto her haunches and nuzzled Amalia's cheek. Athena had to drag her away from her studies to come out here, but she knew they both needed this. They all needed some time as a family, at least those of their children that would come. She hoped at least most of them would come. There was no real news to share or plans to make, she just wanted to see them all and spend some time with them. She lifted her muzzle to the sky and howled for them, all of her sons and even Ritselli and Absinthe. She wouldn't even mind of some of Amalia's family showed up too. Something in her just really needed to be surrounded by her loved ones for a moment.

"talk" 'think'  "you"



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-07-2015, 03:01 AM

Tiburtius would of course hurry toward his mother's call. There would never be a day that he didn't rush to her when she called for him, even if he was a little distant most other times. The last week or two had been especially hard with Arivae leaving and all. He had thought about asking his mothers if it would be okay to stay in their den for a little while just so he wouldn't feel quite so lonely, but he had kept from it. He knew he had to pick himself up and keep going. It wasn't like they had really been a thing... he had just liked her an awful lot.

He put a smile on his muzzle when he spotted his mother and Momma Ama waiting for everyone to arrive. It was really good to see the two of them out together again. He knew Ama had been really, really busy learning all about healing and stuff so he didn't mind her being a little preoccupied, but he did miss the days when she would play with them all the time and stuff. "Hello!" he greeted cheerfully as he came up to nuzzle the both of them before looking around to see if any of this siblings had come along behind him.


Absinthe 1

07-07-2015, 03:48 PM

A familiar call rang out through the territory of Fiori, and the violet girl lifted her head from the edge of a pool. One brow would quirk as she hummed low in her throat. What could that be about? She would dip her head to the water once more, stealing another quick drink. Then, she headed for the hot springs. It was Athena, which promised something interesting. She enjoyed being around her adoptive family, though she still missed her own. Glancing around her, she would search for Bacchus half heartedly. If he was nearby, she'd find him soon enough. Alabaster toes skimmed over the terrain, delicate steps over the waterlogged soil minimizing her risk of slipping and covering herself in mud and yucky stuff. The boggy soil of the mangrove, air thick with buzzing insects and muggy heat already, slowly began to give way to clearer air. The steam rising from the hot springs could be seen from quite a distance, and the lavender lass welcomed the change. Her tail twitched this way and that as she trotted onward. Now she could smell that all too familiar scent in the air, that of a gathering made up entirely of her family.

Ivory stained features twisted into a giddy smile as she bounded forth, barking a loud greeting to those assembled already. "Hey y'all!" She yipped, slowing to a stop before she bowled someone over. Though she was the smallest there, save for Ama, she felt the need to be gentle with everyone else. Skipping happily over to Athena, she offered a friendly nuzzle to the older woman's shoulder. Amalia had been very busy lately, and she was worried for her mothers. Attention would turn to the russet face of her second momma, as she shuffled over to bury her features into her ruff. Her greetings were always more physical than verbal, as she was one to believe that actions spoke louder than words sometimes. Not to mention, words weren't always necessary with family. Whirling around, she would turn her affections onto Tibby. He was much bigger than her, but that never seemed to stop her from trying to pull him into a bear hug of sorts. Sure, he would have to lean down so she could get her forelimbs around his neck, but she was trying regardless. Rearing up onto her hind legs, she would aim to brace her forepaws on his chest first, and place a slobbery kiss on his cheek.



07-08-2015, 10:25 AM

Ritselli would perk her ears at the call of Athena. One of her adoptive mothers, one of the ones she was so grateful for in her life. She had yet to tell them that she had reunited with her sisters, but soon she would. Tail would wag excitedly back and forth as she rose from where she had been playing. There was a but a scrap of rabbit fur left behind as she started toward a family meeting or gathering of sorts, excitement filling her. She loved her adoptive family almost as much as she did her real one.

The girl would find both her mothers, Tib, and Abby already present. Without any hesitation she was drawn to Amalia’s side, pressing against the woman happily. Tail would wag even faster, almost moving a mile a minute. “I’ve got good news to tell you guys later~” She’d bark happily, sliding into a sitting position.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



2 Years
Extra large
07-08-2015, 11:56 AM

Bacchus would follow after Absinthe as he barely caught her on the way to answer their mother's call. He'd been guilty of not spending enough time with his family, though most of the time he spent was with Absinthe, practicing their moves, or by himself.. practicing his moves. He was becoming rather confident in his abilities and the spar he'd won at the festival had really boosted his ego. He held his head high as he followed quietly, or as quietly as his massive paws would let him. Smiling eagerly he'd make his way into the clearing, aiming for to snuggle little Ama before he slobbered all over his mother, who had shrunk considerably over the last six months.

He'd stay by Athena's side as he offered a smile to the rest of his gathered family. Yawning briefly he'd fall to his belly next to Athena, he'd look up at her like he had many times before as a pup, and offer he a bright smile.
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