
First spilt blood [Champion]


03-28-2013, 08:14 PM

Embers of life illuminated the horizon in tiny smoldering colors. The morning stirred with the calling of various birds. The morning symphony stretched their cords and warmed up for the dawning?s song. Large ears twitched to the infuriating call of lovers. She pushed her paws across her heads and squeezed her eyes tightly. It alleviated some of the tension she felt eating at her stomach but alas the day grew alive and with it so would she.

She allowed a yawn to grow from the edges of her jaw to expose her full bite. Elongated fangs were left unsecured for a moment until she closed her jaw completely. The rumble in her stomach was growing more infuriating every few moments. She withdrew her body from the warmth of foliage bedding. She could feel the little devils moving around inside her. Each day they grew more demanding and she felt as if her madness was swelling even more so then usual. Yet the puppet master hadn?t cooked her claws into her body in quite a time. Perhaps the life the stirred kept her demons at bay?

The soft fallen snow still covered the ground around her. Her warm bedding had lost its cover of snow but it still kissed the ground in a soft blanket. She pushed her large frame forwards, stretching out her limbs, and giving the youths some room to move around inside her belly. She could feel how swollen it had become. They would come soon enough and she was excited to know them. An arousing aroma caught her attention. She froze for a moment as she sniffed the air. Elk, oh she could smell it close by. Saliva pooled at the edges of her jaws with response to the enticing aroma. Her ears fell back for a moment. What about her pups? She could surly take down the elk if she tried but what if he got her? A wound wouldn?t hurt her much but just the right stab could end one of her pup?s unborn lives.

?Cerberus?s bitch, when did fear ever cripple the queen slayer?? she chided herself. Her tail flicked with aggravation as she looked around her. The world was towering with giants like her. It seemed to be enough encouragement for her to begin to stalk the elk she had smelled.


03-28-2013, 08:38 PM

Champion launched herself out from the shadow of the trees. Trees so monstrous they made even her look normal sized. Yet as soon as she came within a few inches of the elk it became quite clear how large she was. Polar bear paws, thick bones, giant cords of muscle all topped over with the thickest of fur coats. And yet she could move...

There was nothing but a flash of gold and pearl and then the baying of the frightened beasts. Champion was used to hunting on her own - she aimed straight for the creature's back - using a perch she'd taken in the tangle of giant roots to get the altitude she needed. In a heartbeat the she-wolf was atop the creature, digging iron claws and ivory insicors into the meat of it's neck.

But this was no fawn. The elk was bigger than a male mule deer and it twisted back viciously. Champion's grip was lost - and with it a considerable amount of elk blood. But the she-wolf, even as she fell, grabbed ahold of a dangerous new target - the elk's left fore leg - as it went swinging by in the air.

Growling like Cerebrus himself, Champion latched out and then started leaping back, as if attempting to drag the elk away. The beast bawled and bayed - obviously put out of it's wits by this ferocious attack. But it's wits came back soon enough - it surged towards Champion - and with a furious snorting started planting it's pronged hooves into her fur.

Champion yelped high enough for it to be called a scream - but it was through clenched teeth. She wasn't letting go. If the girl had known anything much about her lineage, she would've been able to chuck the stubborness and strength up to the traces of doberman blood due to her great grandmother - but as it was - all she could chock it up to was her usual insanity in the face of danger.

The yelp turned into a groan ?as the elk twisted and bucked. Champion?s grip finally came loose and she went flying into the massive trunk of a nearby tree.

The elk went running off at a high speed ? fear and primal instinct temporarily making up for a broken leg.

But Champion lay in a heap where she?d ricocheted off the trunk and fallen. Under a bower of ferns she lay with her legs in a tangle beneath her. Her red eyes stared, unseeing at the world around her. She felt like a bomb had gone off inside her chest?.

Pain was? amazing! It was? somehow satisfying? but it was a pretty dang far sight from being pleasant.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-28-2013, 09:07 PM

Rushing, she could hear it like a wild thing beating against the wind. Her ears perked at the smell of fresh scat and blood. The war had started without her. The horn for the hunt had blown and as she was carefully stalking the elk from the distance it seemed a Champion had come to steal her glory. She moved with urgency towards the battlegrounds. The smell of fresh blood was almost overwhelming. She could feel the heat in her body rising. She yearned for the taste of fear on her tongue. She wanted to drink it down until the eyes went dead and the heart faded to black. Her tail rose behind her as she followed the disgruntled sounds. The prey was of able body and so when the mammoth of a wolf had lunged it had retaliated. She had glimpsed the end and rage seemed to settle deep in her bones.

Her hair rose to attention. Her lips curled backwards as she carefully wandered to the fallen heap of an adrenaline whore. She all but laughed to herself at the thought. What was she then? Always seeking a master to put her past the brink of pain and into oblivion. No, she would cast no stones on this bitch?s fetish. What pissed her off more was the fact that she hadn?t? fully finished the job. Had she waited, only a moment, to stalk the beast as she had planned then perhaps they could have met on common grounds and took down the monster together.

She sniffed the air around the fallen female. She was a size to be envied by many but not her. No, she was the largest to walk this place that she had known of. None towered over her nor did they out weigh her. Her tail snapped behind her smacking into her rump as she let out a deep manic infused laugh, ?Cerberus?s concubine?s cunt! Did you think you could make that beast bow?? her voice bounced with her laughter at the sight before her. She shook her velvet coat and moved closer to inspect the bitch. She sniffed for blood but could only smell that of the missing elk. Thankfully she had done something right and that broken limb could leave a trail for them to fallow. Her violet eyes peered into the crimson vessels of the unknown female. ?Are you well or are you drowning in your own needs. I have half a mind to eat you for sending that morsel away. ? She asked with half hearted sympathy. She knew the desires for pain. It was her sickness.

Her heart seemed to shrink at the thought. God how long had it been since she had felt teeth sink into her flesh? To feel her blood trickle down into the hungry grounds with open jaws? The thorns and flowers always looked for memories of the wandering sort. Why else would thorns pierce and flowers dress in such fine garments? She let out an exasperated breath of air at the frustration of not knowing where the fuck Zara had gone. She needed her anchor and if the bitch kept away long enough then her loyalties would shatter and she would find a new master. Lothaire had never let her down, until she woke up near the wall.


03-28-2013, 09:36 PM


In and out. In and out. It hurt like heck but so long as she was breathing she was still alive. Funny enough, fear didn't really enter into the equasion. She'd seen death's eyes plenty of times, but they never bothered her. One day she'd be his. Eventually everyone would be his. No point in getting your hackles in a huff because of it.

However, death, appearently, wasn't the only thing keeping her company today.

The newcomers curses slurred their way into Champion's ears. What was this stranger going on about? "Urgh." Whatever it was, it was gonna have to wait until Champion could see properly. Stiffly, but suprisingly quickly, she rolled over onto her belly. Ignoring the sharp stabs of pain that accompanied each inhale, Champion focused on the world before her. It went from black to grey to fuzzy. Well no - one part staid grey. Everything else colored and crystalized back to normal - but a massive mound of grey fur remained in place - towering over her.

It was a wolf - but more than that Champion couldn't be bothered with. It was talking again - threatening to eat her for scaring away the prey. Couldn't be helped at the moment. If the wolf wanted to attack her - fine - but until then she needed to observe losses. With a medic's precision she checked herself over. Eyes. Ears. Tail - Ow - slight sprain there. Right hind. Left hind. Right fore. Left fo- YOW! - Nope something wasn't right there. Paw was fine. Leg was fine. It was her shoulder. Dislocated?

Under the stranger's violet gaze, Champion gathered her three good paws and slowly rose up out of the loam. She'd just had an elk play pattycake with her carcass, but somehow she was able to stand.

She sniffed, her nose twitching sideways as she collected her thoughts. Her burgondy gaze returned to normal -and then frowned slightly as she observed this she-wolf before her. "My gods... you're taller than me." Champion blinked in disbelief. "No one's ever been taller than me." She shook her head. What had this wolf been saying? "Oh! Right! Um - the elk - well it's not as though it's vanished. I felt plenty of marrow snapping between my teeth - it's got a broken leg. Can't get far." Champion paused for a minute, twisting up her face to suck in a low, strong breath. Oh it hurt, but she was proving to herself that her lungs hadn't been punctured.

If they had been - well she might as well have asked this new wolf if she would please eat her. It'd save her two or three days of drowning in her own blood.

As it was though. She was fine. Banged and bruised and splintered, but, by her standards, peachy. She?d been playing the risks of a loner?s game for quite some time; waltzing along the verge of dying a slow and lonely death was no new novelty.

?Tell you what,? said the young fae in a casual tone, ?There?s far too much meat on that thing for me to eat ? Help me track it down and you?re welcome to eat as much as you ? and your unborn could wish.? Champion?s gaze glanced back towards the fae?s belly at her last remark. Oh there wasn?t much to go by ? the change in the female?s physic was slight at best. But half of Champion?s early days had been spent under the tutelage of a midwife. As all she-wolves in her old pack were expected to be healers and, well, pup factories, Champion knew her way about the canine body ? and around an herb patch for that matter. But, eh, she?d always been better at pulling things apart than putting them back together. A fact not hard to imagine after seeing a glimpse of her in action.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-28-2013, 11:03 PM

Consciousness was a luxury they all took for granted. One moment the mind was awake. Pulling in information as they eyes took everything in and stored in the depths of the subconscious. She tilted her head, as the rueful words seemed to bypass the female?s conscious mind. She wasn?t offended that her words had been unheard. Displeasure seemed to reverberate up the female?s throat as she stirred. She watched as she tested every inch of her body. The wincing was clear when something was uncomfortable. She couldn?t imagine the depths of pain she was feeling but she was slightly jealous. The last one to bleed her was the father of her children. Though she cared not if he found or again. If he did then so be it if not then it was not skin of her body.

Pain seemed to pulse in her own body as she watched. The shoulder seemed to be the most painful of places for the female. If the shoulder was dislocated she was certain they could put it back in place, if the female directed her, then they could be on their way to the dyeing quarry. She tilted her head to the right dramatically as the female fretted over her size. She was unsure as to what her being large had anything to do with the situation at hand but she merely shrugged in response. She was uncaring if others were larger or smaller then her. All she cared about was the skills they possessed. A well skilled warrior could take her down if they made the right move. It didn?t help that she enjoyed being dominated. Enjoyed the feeling of being vulnerable and open to someone.

Her ears twitched to the words about the broken leg. She pulled in the aroma of fresh blood on the wind and she smiled. Her tail flicked behind her, as she looked her over. ?Your body has not been opened for the earth to drink from. So I see no need to groom you. Do you require assistance of some kind?? she inquired. Her ears perked as she spoke of sharing the kill. As if she would allow her to consume the spoils alone. Her brows arched at the comment of her unborn young. Something in her grew possessive and her hair rose up as if electrocuted. A single growl rumbled in her throat, it was purely instinctual, as the moment passed her ears flattened against her head and she whimpered. What the fuck was that?! She shook her head as if it were the source of her random aggression. This female needed assistance and was of no threat to her children. Still, she felt possessive over them already. She feared she would be over bearing when they came into fruition.

?I have told no one of them.? She said simply, fear of what would happen if Zara were to find out. She would not give them up. She would be more the mother then Crane had been to her to them and she would ensure they loved each other. Cared for each other and didn?t turn their backs on each other over petty things. Fables mocking smiled flashed in her mind and her eyes burned with determination. No, none of them would be like her piece of shit sister. ?If..? Zara were to find out.. she didn?t finish the statement. She dismissed the thought and nodded. ?The flowers will speak of the trail to follow. The thorns drink the blood of the wandering souls.? She said with a smile, the thought of her prince of blood and snow came to mind. She had once told him the same thing when she found him locked in the thorns embrace.


03-28-2013, 11:36 PM


Body...opening. Earth? Grooming? Champion was on her feet, but her mind was still lagging a bit. She hadn't been able to give the stranger a proper answer to that question either. But when Champion spoke of pups and saw the reaction it brought - that snapped her into place.

Of course it was perfectly natural for a she-wolf to be protective of the lives inside her. Who was Champion but some freakishly large elk's chew-toy? She couldn't been dangerous! Alright, well she was - but not to a stranger who'd done her no harm.

In fact - Champ searched the fuzzy parts of her mind - hadn't the grey she-wolf just offered assistance? That was nice of her. But for the present - Champion made sure to show herself as no threat. She twisted her ears round and gave her tail a shake -- immediately regretting it as the splintered bones somewhere in there rubbed together. "Don't let it trouble you," she murmured - surprised at how soothing her voice could be without her trying to make it so. Her red eyes read those violet ones aright then she had a shadow of understanding. "Your secrets safe with me." Anyway, it was none of her business or concern. Seemed she'd made an intrusion just by mentioning it, and for that she dipped her head apologetically.

But that was about as submissive as she planned to get. Her ribs might be sprained, her tail might be broken, her left leg might be half falling off her body - but she still carried herself like a warrior.

The next words out of the stranger's mouth made Champion wonder if she hadn't really hit her head a bit too hard this time. But no. No, they had a sense of their own. Like poetry. But it was the sort that was only understood if the meaning was already known. Flowers speaking - trail - blood - was she talking about the elk's blood trail on the forest floor? It was the only sense Champion could put to it. She herself could be elegant of speak when she wanted to be - but she was still young - and honest enough to admit to herself when something simply went over her head. Wisedom came with age after all - and Champion, for all her size and fearlessness - was only two. Well, two and a half. "Haunting..." she said quietly. "Is that some sort of poetry?"

Whether she was actually getting at something or her question only proving her ignorance, Champion had no control over. She was more worried about the fact that a loner with gimpy leg wasn't likely to see their next birthday. After flicking her ears to gesture respectfully that she'd heard the lady's words, she turned herself away. A few, limping steps later, she was brought within a pace of the tree, and seemed to be staring down the hunk of redwood before her.

Then, gritting her teeth, she did what she had to.


"AH-HA!" Champion stiffled a yelp with hissed words. With her considerable bodyweight behind it - she'd slammed her shoulder into the tree- forcing the joints back together. She'd seen it done before in the Far North - the only difference being that they used stones and sides of ice caves. No trees up there. Now that she could walk on all fours again, Champion turned back to facing her new hunting companion. "Always wanted to see if that really works." she shook out her foreleg and rolled her massive shoulders. Taking in another shakey breath she nodded her head in the direction of the blood trail. "Shall we, then?"


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


03-30-2013, 08:51 PM

Riddles were her profession. Always meaning one thing but they never seemed to catch what she was speaking of. She had only meant that she was not bleeding. If she were then she would offer to clean the wound. She didn?t find grooming others and odd action, if someone needed cleaning then why waist an available tongue? Personal space wasn?t a rule she abides by and she was found of touching others. It made her feel closer to them. Her tail flicked as she watched the female steady herself. Her mind was still reeling from her injuries.

She displayed subtle submissive traits. She couldn?t help the twitch of her lip in respond. She appreciated the curtsy but she had earned nothing from this female yet. She had earned her pack threw her teeth and claws. They would do well to know her but respect was earned not given. She wouldn?t demand much from her brood. Not yet, not till she proved to them she was worthy to lead them. ?Oh please don?t use formality?s on my account, you don?t even know my name love.? She said with a chuckle. She thought about the others, about what she wanted to do for her pack. She wanted to raise them from oblivion and bring them back into their glory. They would be something to be feared and respected. What ever the path Zara had desired for the pack was now becoming a faded memory as she found attachment for her wolves.

Her words made her feel less vulnerable. Her unborn children were something she cared for. There wasn?t much she cared for and so she wanted to keep them in as best a condition as they could. The thoughts of fresh meat filled her mind and made her salivate. She licked her lips at the thought and nodded. She wanted to get moving but was unsure exactly how they were going to fix her shoulder. The next question made her burst into laughter. Oh so many thought she was a poet of sorts. She was simply mad and spoke the way she deemed fit. Her tail flicked behind her as she commented, ?Oh some say indeed I am the cleverest of poetess. Sometimes I barley understand my own riddles. Thought all I do know is they always ring with truth. I am a bad liar. Its terrible stuff you know. Lying. It takes far too much concentration and my fractured mind simply cannot keep up with the webs that must be formed. Its exasperating stuff.? She said with a huff of exaggeration. She crinkled her nose and shot her a sideways look of mirth.

The words seemed to hit air as the female took off in an odd limping haul. She tilted her head with morbid fascination as she watched the female ram herself into one of the nearest sentries. It didn?t so much as shudder against the behemoths females weight and she heard an audible pop. Ah, so she knew how to pop her own joint back into its socket. How cleaver. She allowed another laugh to fill her body; shaking her belly and making her young do circles inside her. It was a genuine laugh, not a manic one, and she swiped her paws at her eyes. ?Slippery slug balls but that was hilarious. What would you have done had you made it worse?? she questioned with a chuckle. Her violet eyes filled with curiosity. ?I?d have to drag you half across the world and then that elk to make sure you didn?t kill yourself.? She said bemused. She could do it, it wouldn?t be easy but she could. ?My kingdom isn?t so far from here so it wouldn?t take long if I had to drag you.? She said more to herself then to the female. She wondered how long it would indeed take her to drag a rouge to Lentajin.

The words to move forward were enough to start her following the trail of freshly fallen blood. It was growing fainter as the seconds passed but soon enough it would be strong again as they stalked closer and closer to the dying beast. She wondered how large her pups would be. Would they tower her or would they be smaller? she shook the thoughts away and smiled, ?By the way, Cerberus damn my misplaced manners, I am Newt Saxe, the current Queen of Lentajin and who may I ask are you?? she questioned. She was keeping a slow enough pace that they could communicate but also so they wouldn?t lose the trail all together.


03-30-2013, 09:30 PM


So she was a poetess of an odd sort - and one who wanted nothing but what she earned. Champion liked that. It made it so that Champion rather enjoyed the sound the stranger's laughter. What's more she really thought about the grey lady's words. "What would you have done had you made it worse?" She would've made do like she always did - or died a slow and lonely death. The end. Next question?

But the other wolf was already speaking again. And in the words Champion heard a ring of kindness. Champion's muzzle twisted into a smirk and then a true smile. "All that way for a wolf you just met? Stranger, I think we're gonna get along." Then came the comment about her kingdom not being too far away. When she said "her Kingdom", had she actually meant her kingdom? With the she-wolf's size, Champion wouldn't have been surprised. And yet.... what Alpha went out elk hunting alone while she was pregnant?

And to that Champion's answer came rather quickly: the sort of wolf who was as crazy as her.

Well whoever she was, Champion had already decided that this day was far from wasted. As they set off together, Champion scented the blood - it wasn't just light surface blood, it was fresh from the heart - she'd hit an artery. Excellent news for the two hunters. But Champion wasn't going to patronize the grey lady - she could scent that for herself. And meanwhile she was trying to make sure all her bones were in the right place. She had some ribs that were definably hurt- hair line fracture probably, but so long as she didn't let her habit to lumber like a bear creep in, she was okay. Okay meaning - in a ton of pain but still able to function just fine. She kept her brow knit with an effort to force her breathing to stay nice and even - but she still showed proper attention to the other wolf.

Particularly when she started speaking again.

Particularly when the actual words hit Champion's ears.

She was raised in a military society - which means she wouldn't have lasted long if she didn't have a healthy respect for rank. On hearing of the rank, her first instinct was to bow her head - but then hadn't the lady -er- Newt just asked her to skip formalities? Very well. She'd respect that wish. All she gave was a tilt of the head, that and the sudden hitch of the eyebrows that she simply couldn't control. "Pleasure to meet you," she said simply. So she was hunting with a Queen, hmmm? She hadn't so much as seen anyone with noble ranking since her few days spent in Tortuga. Dang that Kaien was a fine looking beast. But now wasn't time for her silly crushes.

She'd been asked a question. Who was she? "My name's Champion, Ma'am-er-Newt. I've been all about, but I'm originally from the Far North. Loved it there, but had to run away when I had a disagreement with the War Council. They didn't like the idea of a female warrior - before my mother came along, they told me no she-wolf had ever fought in the ranks. Well I loved the thrill of fighting too much to just give it up - so I left. Maybe it's because I have alot of my mother in me-" she shrugged lightly. "-Can't say. I never met the wolf." She could say it quite off hand, not because she was putting on a face, or trying to be witty, but because it truly didn't bother her. She'd had a great puphood- raised by a wolf who'd been a dear friend of both her parents before the one had died and the other had left. Anyway, Champion wasn't the sort to dwell on the past - or the future really. She lived for the excitement and the challenge of the moment..... which currently was trying to keep her lungs together while tracking an elk across rough, twisted terrain. Turns out she was pulling that off pretty well too. "What about yourself? Were you born into a royal family? Mate into one? -" Champion raised a brow, searching the lady's form with the intense gaze of an analytical fighter. "-Or did you challenge for your place?"


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-01-2013, 06:06 PM

From birth her life had been decided for her, or so they had all thought, she was indeed of true royal nobility. She was the daughter of the Voltaine alphas. Her father had been Skinner and her mother had been Crane. She shared the role of heir with her twin sister fable. She was not the golden child, never had been, and she was content in chasing rabbits in the brush and talking to the flowers. She was the ugly one. The monster among the normal and they had all laughed at her. Why was she so lost between two genders? So many times she was mistaken for Skinners son. It had never truly bothered her but her sister had been embarrassed. She snorted at the memories of fable whining to their father about how none lady like she was.

She listened to the story Champion had given her. Of her dreams being denied and a life she never wanted. Her dark lips curled in a smile as she responded, ?I never understood why they thought we could be pacified.? She mused, as if the two were one. Their stories were similar but different and it made her almost feel a kinship for the female. ?You ask if I am a true royal.? She restated. Her mind seemed to swell at the idea of discussing her past but she would try. ?Indeed I was born a true royal, the heir to a throne. My sister and I were meant for great things. At least my father told us.? She said with a laugh filled with resignation. She could almost see the disappointment in her father?s eyes.

?My sister was far more qualified for the role of queen then I ever was. She took all the teaching seriously. My mind forever wandered. I wanted to know the world not be locked away in a kingdom and destined to mate someone my parents wanted me to.? She said with a growl. It was ironic how Fable had held so much resentment towards her. After being deemed her guardian. When.. When the tragedy happened. She could almost remember. It was so close to the surface of her mind but so far away. It was like she constantly chased the memory. Yet no matter how close she was to grabbing the memory it faded away. Turned into air and slipped threw her claws. ?I was an in-between they use to call me. I was the girl who?s not so much a girl and not so much a boy. The androgynous bastard.? The pain still lingered in her voice from her childhood memories. How they had mocked her but she had showed them. She had allowed that name to give her a thick skin. Make her disregard insults and laugh them off. Oh how that angered them and it only made her laugh harder.

?Then one day. The eyes of fire had burned my soul. My mind had shattered by those burning eyes. Those eyes that sang of blood and death.? She could feel the panic swirling in her throat. Threatening to suffocate her. She could feel her body sway as she followed the smell of blood, half paying attention, blood was her anchor in this world. Her words became faded and soft as she continued, ?When the reaper came to touch the kingdom. He spoke of treason. Spoke of things that no one could understand but they followed all the same.? A whimper broke as she saw her fathers face. The illusion of life had slipped away from his broken body. His chest ripped open for the world to view what made a king. She almost screamed as the panic surged inside her head. No, she cannot see this! It will break her all over again. She?s come so far, we?ve come so far! Save her! the puppet master pulled the strings of amnesia into the behemoths mind. She would never remember that night so long as her sub conscious could help it.

Peace seemed to settle over the woman as she followed the smell of blood without so much as a word. Her body swayed as if it followed some song of a siren. She was panting now and the smell of blood grew stronger. Their quarry was close enough that she could almost taste it. Her violet eyes held no emotion as she followed the smell of broken elk. Soon enough its body laid broken in the distance. The sharp pain of her pups moving broke the illusion her mind had wrapped her up in. she stopped where she was a blinked. Confusion filled her gaze as she turned towards Champion and tilted her head. ?Did the world split in two again? Did I cross this world to the other? Cerberus?s teeth I don?t remember getting here.? She swore as she eyed the elk with horror. How the fuck had they gotten here? Hadn?t she asked a question? Oh, how did she attain her kingdom? Talking would ease the panic that was crushing her chest. ?I fought for my kingdom, Under the orders of my master. I was meant to play the role of Pawn. Sit on the throne and play pretend. My master has been missing and all games have ended. This kingdom is now mine and I intend to bring her back from death.? She said sharply, feeling the role as queen giving her some stability.

?I killed the queen that once sat on my throne. It wasn?t supposed to happen.? She said with a sigh. Though she felt no regret for taking Sades life. The bitch had broken their rules and thus forfeited her life. ?I had asked the fight to be a simple spar. As you can see I am no little thing and sade was much smaller then myself. I had no intentions of harming her. Only pinning her and claiming my crown.? She said with a smile, It had been so easy in her mind. ?At the last moment desperation entered the woman. She knew she was on the brink of defeat. She went to bite my throat. Make me submit..? she felt herself shudder at the words. The lust seemed to fill her voice as she finished, ?She broke the rules. So I ended her life.? She said flatly. The rest was far to morbid to discuss. She had ripped Sade?s body open. Fed on her lifeblood and ripped her heart from her chest as a token to her master. ?Some call me the Queen Slayer. Some call me a monster. Many fled after they heard of Sade?s death but I feel nothing. I don?t feel as if I dishonored her or that I shouldn?t have acted as hastily as I did. She threatened my life and so I ended hers.? she said with a finality in her voice that meant she would not be told others.

?I hope my tale hasn?t put you off. I am a wolf of my words even if they are half words half poetry. You wanted to be a warrior in your home. Wanted to prove your skills. I can offer that to you if you want it.? She said seriously as she looked back towards their meal. So much had been said and she had forgotten it all already. All she cared about was offering this female; this wolf she felt could be like a sister, what she had always wanted. ?My offer has no time limit. I don?t expect an answer right away. I own a pack of assassins, those that have no qualms of killing. We need warriors and leaders to make us stronger and the ranks are still open for claiming. The lead warrior ranks and those of my beta. If you want a home where you can be what you want then you are welcome in mine.? Her gaze locked onto Champion?s. She worried what the female would think of the death of Sade. Would she think her a monster? Would she think the idea of a pack that could be for hire by others was awful? If she turned down the offer then they would speak no more of it. They would continue to enjoy their meal together and she would hold no grudges on her choice.

How would Zara feel if she knew the drastic changes that had come to Lentajin. Would she be angry that she had taken her role as alpha seriously? Would she be thrilled to know the foundation that Newt was building for the new generation? Would she come when her unborn pups breathed their first breaths? She smiled at the thought of them. Would she be a good mother? A growl at her stomach made her blanch and look towards the meal. Her tail flicked behind her as she turned to champion and smiled, ?Shall we dine?? she questioned. Maybe all Champion would need was some time in her own head to mull things over. Maybe after their meal she would know what she wanted, what path she wanted to walk.


04-02-2013, 08:33 AM

(ooc: words cannot describe my excitement about this post)

?I never understood why they thought we could be pacified.? This is what the grey lady said. And Champion blinked. We.

Normally the traveler from the Far North was immune to such things as the opinions of others. Pleasantries had their place, yes, but curses were allowed to roll right off her back. And yet, to Champion?s surprise, something warmed within her when this powerful she-wolf named them in pair. Why? Once Champion wouldn?t have wondered why. But she wasn?t a yearling anymore. She was coming into her adulthood. She knew herself well now. And she knew that she had a tendency to latch on affectionately to older, authoritative she-wolves. No doubt it had something to do with the missing place her mother had left.

The last time it had been the small black huntress known as Secret over in Tortuga. Champion had tried pack life for a time and it had utterly bored her. Too much talk and rules and not enough action. But Secret ? or Miss Secret ? as she had called her ? was the one worthy memory she brought away from that place. Champion had met her again in this new land, but the friendship was not enough to draw her back into a pack that barely even knew she?d existed.

Remembering this now, Champion warned herself against getting too attached to this wolf she?d just met. And yet? she couldn?t help but feel that it was a kindred spirit walking beside her.

Now the grey lady picked up Champion?s question ? spinning a tale with her answer. It was a bitter one?. And all too familiar. At the mention of namecalling Newt?s size had earned her, Champion half grunted, half growled. She understood.

But then came a twist to the tale. A powerful one. Those violet eyes became misted with something more than memory. Her words seemed to turn once more into half poetry. Champion did her best to try to understand ? a reaper? Treason? ? but Newt had gone somewhere that her hunting companion could not follow; she was left to thread guesses in the dark. What terrible tragedy could fate have woven that would ?shatter? the mind of so strong a creature?

Champion, the wolf who charged at elk and swam lakes in the middle of winter, didn?t think she wished to know.

Newt?s words faded away, but she continued walking, tracking as normally as ever. At first Champion believed she was summoning the right words; battling, as it were, the demons of memory within her. But then the silence stretched on. Perhaps Newt had changed her mind. She wished to say no more. Champion was contented. She understood. ? Or rather she didn?t and that was just it. That was why she had no entitlement to ask for more than was freely given. But as Champion glanced over at the grey lady, her brow furrowed. Newt?s eyes remained on the trail of blood ? her body continued to move her along ? but she was weaving swaying.

?Newt?? Champion questioned. Then, her voice thickening with a tone of worry: ?Newt! Are you alright?? But the giantess didn?t seem to hear her. Champion considered tapping her with a paw ? and yet some instinct within her warned against it. Newt was indeed battling the demons of memory, and if Champion dared to interfere it was possible one might last out. It was rather like a more dangerous form of sleep walking. And so Champion now remained quiet. She walked alongside her new companion ? but now with a more hovering nature. She watched Newt carefully ? ready to lend a shoulder if she began to really topple ? or calm a sudden snap if she came out of it. Hopefully she would soon. For now, the elk was more or less forgotten.

But with time the grey lady blinked once more into the present. Champion stared at her in half surprise, half worry. She had indeed crossed into another world ? some grey realm of memory and forgetfulness that Champion was lucky enough not to know about. But that didn?t mean that the northern fae sat there watching like a bump on a log. She explained things quickly, hoping to put Newt at ease. ?You trailed off as your memories became painful,? she said. ?That is all. Pray, do not feel you need face such demons for my sake. I understand enough, I think.? She?d much rather have Newt in the present. Perhaps she might?ve added some sort of ?sorry? or condolenseces on the matter, but such was not Champion?s way. She?d always hated it when her old packmates had tried to ?apologize? for Champion?s lack of parents. What were they apologizing for? What good did that do? If any ? it was for them, not for Champion. If they sympathized they could say so clearly, but either way it would do not good. Every wolf has their own burdens to bear ? some heavier than others ? but no one else can bear it for them. You either rise to the challenge or crumble into nothingness.

Newt seemed returning to herself. Thank goodness. The grey lady picked up more or less where she left off. Champion let herself breathe calmly once again,(or as calmly as she could with three sprained ribs) and as Newt finished her story, Champion crept her away up to the elk ? coming from behind the head so it did not see her. One quick crunch to the base of the skull and it was gone. Already half unconscious from loss of blood, the animal didn?t feel a thing as it?s soul flitted off to the shades of afterlife.

Champion lifted her muzzle, now stained as red as her eyes. She was just in time for the change of topic. The sudden offer. Champion?s brow knit. What-? But the other she-wolf elaborated before Champion could wonder. She was being offered a place within a pack ? perhaps a powerful place, if she could earn it. And to think the day had started out as just another hunt.

This meant so much! And yet Champion had to think. She lasped into a thicker silence, now with too much food for thought to think about food for her stomach. Only Newt?s muted stomach growl and her invitation to eat, brought Champion?s hunger back to mind. ?Yes. Please.? the rogue murmured absently. It was clear from the look in her eyes that she was digesting all of this. Taking it in and thinking it over. As the grey lady had been wise enough to see, time was exactly what Champion needed

The massive she-wolf laid a paw upon the fore half of the carcus. Despite her injuries, she turned once more into the savage huntress. Saliva and blood trickled past her gums as she bit into the kill, first tearing off the raw hide with coils of neck muscle to rival that of a cougar?s. Once the fur was out of the way, she sated herself on the flesh ? ripping off pieces and gulping them down with barely a breath inbetween. She didn?t make eye contact with the other wolf during this time. Feeding was a tense, heirachal time for wolves, and while Champion herself was confident enough to be calm and share, she respected that the other wolf may not be so inclined. After all, she was a Queen and a pregnant one at that; Instinct would demand control over a generous portion of the kill.

Champion didn?t stop til she?d depleted a shoulder, leg and neck. She would?ve eaten more, but her wounded frame couldn?t take much more weight. Plus she?d learned the hard way that a crammed stomach makes a wolf lethargic and slow.

Satisfied and contented, Champion took a few steps back and laid herself down, sphinx like in a bed of green ferns. She watched the other wolf with serious look upon her gold-white brow.

?Before I can make any decision,? she said finally, ?I must admit that some of your words catch in my throat ? Not your buisness with the prior Queen. The risk of death is one that all creatures, particularly fighters, choose to face. Perhaps it was regrettable, but I do not know enough of the matter to form any sort of opinion. ? What makes me hesitate is something else you said.? Champion shifted her weight slightly and grunted when her broken tail swished. ?Fighting is the heart and backgone of lupine culture. A good warrior is the peak of wolven existence?? Such she had been taught and such she believed. Champion, paused, swiping her tongue over her muzzle. Not that it did much good, blood from the elk had stained her neck, chest and forelegs, and as she lay there, looking quite the butcher, it made her next words a tad ironic. ??.but I am not an assassin. I am a soldier. I can kill ? in the din of battle or in one on one clash of claws ? but not in cold blood. Nor do I condone such things save in a time of unbridled war.? Her eyes flickered up to meet the lady?s violet orbs. ?That is an unchangeable part of my character and the wolf I want to be.? she added, coining Newt?s own words. ?If you can accept this, then perhaps?? Champion?s eyes glittered with promise. ?Perhaps you may have found herself a sister-in-arms.?


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-02-2013, 03:16 PM
When the world froze, for only a moment, she was truly and utterly gone. It was when the puppet master came to ease the pain that she would never face. Only one other knew the truth of what happened, the truth how of she lost her mind. She had abandoned her, left her for dead, but it was funny how the madness had made her stronger. What would fable do know if she could see her twin? See that power and home and hope all filled the beast that chased after darker needs. How ironic it was that she held the power she craved others to give to her.

Her ears twitched with Champions respond. She was confused by what she meant. When it was too painful? What was too painful? She blinked uncomprehending eyes at champion. What had she talked about before Sade?s death and her offer? She could feel it on the edge of her subconscious but she couldn?t quite reach for it. She dismissed the thought and eyed the source of meat that was laid out before the. Champion had gone to finish the job, a mercy for the fallen elk, one she was content to have. She watched her hungrily as she began to rip at the flesh and pull it free to reveal the tender meat.

She moved swiftly. Her growing pups demanding sustenance, she moved towards the softer side if the meal. She pushed into the soft stomach and began to suckle like a newborn pup. Gore and blood pooled over her muzzle as she let out a threatening snarl as champion got closer to eat her share. She was lost to the blood lust as she ate the organs and meat along the ribs and thigh. When she finished she was drenched in blood, her velvet coat looked like dried blood. She looked down at herself and allowed a laugh to slip from her lips. ? I do believe I look as if I took a bath in the innards of our quarry.? She said licking the blood from around her muzzle. She wanted a nice long soak to rid her of the impurities clinging to her coat.

She turned her attention back to champion as she began to speak aloud. The female had thought hard on the matter. Just as she had hoped she would. She had some concerns and she listened to what they were. When she finished the mirth seemed to return to her lips. She was a wolf of a neutral standing. She could slay those that needed it and she could be merciful if it was required of her. She saw no line between darkness and light but others weren?t as sure of their line as she was. Everyone had different morals and she was not about to press them on her wolves. Assassins were to be chosen carefully. Not give to ever wolf that walked in the pack.

?Your concerns are understandable. It?s hard to steal the life of others without cause. This is why I will be picky about who hires my wolves and what jobs they take. If you desire to be a warrior rather then be a wolf of darkness then that is fine by me. My Chavalier ranks are open, they require skilled warriors who can train the lower ranks, enslaving trespassers and bringing them to me for judgment, as well as heading to the battlegrounds to claim more for our ranks. It is a busy rank but if you?d like the challenge then I believe you are fit to play the role. Other wise you may join as a simple warrior and come and go as you please. My kingdom is no prison cell and my wolves are not required to den and remain daily. I think I?d die of madness if I lingered in my home constantly.? She said with a smile. Wolves were meant to wander. To see new things and she would not suppress their needs. She would understand and she would know her wolves. Know them all and what they desired, hear them all, and work with them as best as she could. She would earn their trust, respect, and love but she would show them when the time came that she was not kindest wolf all the time. If laws were broken then heads would roll.


04-02-2013, 04:31 PM

The she-wolf waited, on edge to see what the 'Queen Slayer' would reply with - (Mentally making a note never to call her by such a name). Champion didn't expect her to neccisarily understand the morals she held - she was used to meeting wolves of different creeds, or lack there of - but she hoped Newt would at least accept them.

Champion felt her heart quickened, her senses growing more alert, it was the feeling she was accustomed only to feeling during hunts and fights. It was excitement. As Newt spoke of her acceptance of Champion's stance and once more repeated her generous offer, Champion grew excited. All that was explained - the job requirements, the business, the freedom to come and go, the challenge of some of the aspects - it all called to her. For the first time in... well her life, pack life seemed appealing.

And, to be honest spending more time with the grey lady was appealing to.
It was hard to explain: Newt, on first appearance seemed like the strongest wolf Champion had ever met. But she wasn't - on the inside. It was quite clear that at some point she'd been broken. She was holding herself together admirably - but the cracks showed through. That, more than anything, called to Champion's feelings. She had also been a 'guardian' sort. Seemed she'd found someone new to protect.

Champion raised herself up to a sit - her hind legs flopped comfortably sideways, but her forelegs were straight and her chin was high. "Newt...for so long I've been living for myself - by myself. It's been fun and all, but not... fullfilling. Now you're offering me something more - purpose. And I'd be a fool not to thank you for it. I accept your offer for a place as a Chevalier-" the new word was strange on her tongue, but she understood it now as the equivalent to Beta. Quite the honor. -"and I intend to prove myself worthy of it."

She'd be there. There to guard the Queen's borders, endow future warriors with her knowledge, and keep an eye on those pups when they were born. And if ever lines came that she could not cross, she'd deal with that when it happened. For now, she was entirely at Newt's command, and she bowed her head to signal this.

By now Champion's ribs had had a chance to rest. She wouldn't be 100 percent for a week and her tail would probably be permanently crooked atop her back - but so what. In the northerner's opinion, today had been worth it. "Whenever you're ready to go, I'll follow." Champion grinned. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about seeing my new home."

[Last Post]

~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-06-2013, 02:13 AM

So the tale of two kindred sprits had come to a conclusion. At least as the day was fading into the night and the journey home would commence. What had been an ordinary day had turned extraordinary. She was content in making the right choice for her newly acquired kingdom. Strength in mind and body was a thing she needed and was content she had found just that in the former medic. Power came with a price and she knew that all great minds, sound minds, and mad minds could all falter to the sound of authority. She would watch them all and ensure that none clutched their roles too tightly and pushed on others with unjust cause.

She was certain purpose would put the female in her place. Give her meaning and keep her mind sound. At least part of the way. Her tail flicked as she smiled at the females words. She only asked for her fealty and if she gave it then she would receive her loyalty and protection in turn. She seemed eager to find their new home and she couldn?t help the soft sincere laugh that fled from her throat. ?It is a sad state at the moment. Nothing to be over zealous about but it will one day. It will strike fear into our enemies and respect from our allies.? She replied with a new found ambition. She wanted them to be known, for the world to know, who they were and just what exactly they were capable of.

?Come then, let us set foot to your new home.? she said with a smile and began to pad in the direction of Lentajin. She had much to accomplish and she felt as if she was taking steps in the right direction of becoming an actual alpha. Not just the puppet on strings she had originally been intended to be.

-End thread