
Blood On The Breeze



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2015, 07:11 PM

Click, click, click... the sound of ebony claws clicking against the cold stone of the ruins echoed in the darkening light of dusk. The earth toned beast just wandered out from his make shift den for the day and was out, stretching his feet and getting ready to hunt. Once again, he was hungry. Most likely it had nothing to do with really being hungry, that his body needed the abstinence - but more so, he was a glutenous monster that could never be satisfied unless bloated. Heavy paws thudded against the rock as he tried to pick out some kind of scent in the air for something... or someone.

He was bored lately, meaning, he was yearning for something interesting to happen. For someone to come along and make his day, or night in this setting. As the sun began to set, the bright oranges from the skies lit his eyes in a fiery magma in the darkness shrouded by trees, his brown coat into shimmering copper like tones upon his back. A few bats flew over head, their quickly flapping wings almost impossible to see.

Leaping up onto a few fallen rocks, the brute scanned the area around with a bored expression painted across his darkened face. He already picked up the scent of someone around, his eyes and ears were attentive at this point to catch sight or sound of them as soon as possible. Mouth watering out of anticipation... they were close... and soon would come into sight. It was only a matter of time now.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2015, 07:28 PM

The titan woman trotted through the lands. If her son got to explore, maybe it was time for her to explore too. The woman didn't know a fear of others. Even her stature trumped most, so the woman rarely had anything to fear. It showed, too. Her head held high, her trot without worry. Why should she care? She shouldn't. She didn't. Most of the time anyway. She didn't care where she was going or why, she just did. Later, when she was tired, she would head back home, maybe talk to Valen or Revenge, maybe sleep with one or both of them and call it a day. That's how it was right now. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. She had food and she was working towards a rank. She wasn't where she wanted to be, but she wasn't all around unhappy. Esti was just Esti.




1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2015, 07:36 PM

Badum... Badum... His heart was steady, rhythmic even at a relaxed pace as he eyeballed the horizon. Blinking slowly in a calculated pace. He couldn't miss anything... nothing, he had to see it all. The black digit at the end of his nose twitched as it searched the scent on the breeze, she was approaching... his claws dug into the rock below him, scrapping against the stone in an uncomfortable tune. There... He saw the movement of the large woman trotting along in the woods, approaching at a stable pace. Heh. His lips curled in a grim smile. Pack wolves, they were always so proud of themselves... too proud, too comfortable.

I'm surprised someone with such girth can move with any decorum. His baritone chords coated the wind as he called out to her from his small pedestal, just before leaping down onto the ground with a soft thump, dirt flying all around him as his weight summoned them to the air. He moved with an odd grace, paws sweeping the ground in a melodic tune as he eyed the oddly colored woman; waiting for a reaction.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2015, 07:51 PM
Language Warning

Esti continued walking, but then she heard a laugh. She looked up to see a male on some rocks. Oh, he just thought he was the shit, didn't he? He asked how she could carry herself with decorum with her girth and that was it. He jumped down from his little pedestal and Esti moved so they were facing head on about ten feet apart, "Oh no. You. Fucking. Didn't." Esti felt herself flare up. A mongrel like this insulting her? She wouldn't stand for it! Nope, no, no way! Esti sneered, "And I'm surprised anyone with such filth could open their maw without gagging." Truthfully the male reeked, but Esti noticed right away how large he was. He had to be as big as Angelus, still, that was only so much bigger than herself, "What do you want." she asked flatly, almost cutting herself off as she tossed out her next statement, "Y'know what? Nevermind. Fuck. Off." Esti bristled, her guard up, he'd better back off or Esti would have to take him down.




1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2015, 08:11 PM

I too am pretty astonished about that. He quirked a brow at her comment, the grin still latched onto his lips in a taunting gesture. She was already revved up from the looks of it, and seemed just as interested in him as he was in her for the same reason - or at least for the same thing. An excited growl rolled from deep within his belly before rushing in toward the woman, keeping his head low, hackles up to protect his neck and tail tucked to protect his pack side and a bit of his belly.

The moment he was in close enough, he faked going for the woman's right leg and quickly thrust his head up with great speed, using his legs to launch himself skyward. With jaws ajar, he aimed for the crook of Esti's neck where the jawline met the throat, aiming to latch his teeth and sink in. Was he aiming to kill right away? Not really, mostly just to stun and injure, hopeful to draw blood in order to taste her sweet flesh... With his feet firmly planted on the ground, distributing his weight to all four legs, even if he missed, Vengeance was certain that he would remain on the ground.

Defenses: Head low, hackles up and tail tucked.
Attacks: Faked to grab her right leg, and aimed going for the crook of her neck with a bite.
Injuries: None

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-09-2015, 09:12 PM

He... agreed? Esti found herself confused, but when the male started setting his defenses, all her thoughts stopped. This wasn't a spar. This wasn't a spar at all. Esti was threatened, and she didn't know what he was planning on doing to her if he won. Esti would have to make sure if she got him down that he wouldn't get back up any time soon. Her heart beat fast. She was excited and a little scared. Didn't have time to waste, so Esti set about setting her defenses.

First defense was her face. Esti narrowed her eyes to focused slits and pulled her ears close to her skull. She wrinkled her lips and face, providing extra skin for protection against facial assaults. Quickly she tucked her head back and rolled her shoulders to protect her neck, bringing her head level with her spine. Her stance widened, her knees bending just enough to give her support and flexibility as she distributed her weight between her four paws. Her claws dug into the ground for added traction and her tail swooped down to be level with her spine for balance. Lastly, giving a snarl, Esti raised her hackles and fluffed out her fur as much as possible to deter any sharp attacks. Not having much time to double check herself, Esti decided to just go with it.

Esti launched herself forward, aiming to close the distance between her and her adversary. As they neared one another, the brute faked an attack for her right foreleg. In response, Esti reared up onto her back legs, redistributing her weight to them quickly. Because of this reaction, when the brute's attack turned out to be fake and he went for her neck, he ended up biting Esti's lower right chest where her right shoulder met her body in the front. The bite scraped off a moderate amount of fur, but only lightly scratched the skin as Esti reared back.

With no time to lose, Esti aimed to shove her right shoulder forward and down into the brute's nose, seeking to meet the tip of his nose with the front, sharper part of her right shoulder and maybe cause him some massive pain and cause him to sneeze if she was lucky. She aimed to use her hefty weight to drive her shoulder, but also to execute another attack. Esti attempted to stomp downwards with her right foreleg onto the brute's left fore paw. She wanted to pin his left fore paw with her right fore paw and maybe break a few toes in the process.

Not letting a part of her go to waste, Esti aimed to come down with the full force of her weight, flinging her jaws open and tilting her crown to her right. Her jaws sought to grip onto the male's left ear with her upper jaw aiming at the base of his inner ear while her lower jaw aimed for the outermost base of his left ear. She wanted to get a sharp grip on his ear and rip it to shreds if she got the chance. There would be blood and the male would regret deciding to fight her.

Esti Vs. Vengeance for Facial Maim(shredded/scarred left ear)

Round 1/3




1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2015, 09:38 PM

The woman reared up on her hind legs to protect that little crook he was after - dumb move. Although she saved her precious face, it left her underbelly exposed and even with her weight distributed to keep her balance on those legs of hers, it only took a push from under in order for her to topple over, as far as he knew. Which he would certainly try to do. Simply by moving forward and using his larger weight to push back, it would be lovely if she lost that balance of hers and fell over and exposed that soft underbelly of hers - but he wasn't going to rely on luck in the matter. He kept his ears pinned closely to his head in order to protect them from any damage from the woman above and his tail tucked safely between his legs in case she ever got behind him somehow..

With his legs already on the ground, he shifted his weight forward, using his shoulder to hold her weight pushing down on him if she didn't topple over already from him pushing her on her hind legs. Vengeance moved forward to avoid her toe crushing attack, pushing off with his hind legs in order to aim for the woman's left flank by just continuing straight at an angle from underneath. Although her weight did bruise his shoulders a hefty amount as her paws slammed down on it, it should all be worth it once the soft flesh was his...

With legs bent in order to keep his center of gravity low, and balanced despite his tail not lashing around to keep him on his toes comfortably, the last thing he wanted was for her to some how find a way to flip him over. He could already feel her teeth sinking into the flesh between his shoulder blades, thankfully his scruff was there to protect from any real damage, that was why there was so much extra flesh there on many species, canines included.

The small amount of blood that tickled his mouth just moments ago wasn't enough, he simply grazed her with his last attack, this time he was hoping to get a nice big chunk out of her flank. Mouth watering at the thought, he was hungry for flesh.

Defenses: Moving forward to avoid her weight's damage, keeping his ears pinned down and tail tucked. Keeping his center of gravity low by keeping his legs bent.
Attacks: Pushed with his own weight against hers to try and push her over. Lunged toward her flank while being under her.
Injuries: Medium-Serious bruises on both shoulders and a small-medium laceration between his shoulder blades.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-12-2015, 01:17 AM
** Notes at end of post **

Esti's attacks didn't hit their mark, but they still hit. Her weight leaned heavily on her right foreleg and, therefore, his left shoulder as the brute aimed to move forward and beneath her. Her teeth sunk into the male's scruff for a second, though none of that would cause lasting injury. Esti wouldn't be discouraged, and she would continue to fight.

The brute tried to shove forward and beneath Esti, but with her weight mostly on the brute's left shoulder, he simply pushed her back along with his movement. Since he was unable to slide beneath her, his bite landed on the innermost portion of Esti's upper left foreleg, where the leg met with her body. The area was tender and the brute's teeth caused moderate lacerations, though he would not obtain a grip or cause an severe damage.

Esti checked herself. Her weight redistributed to her back paws and her right foreleg as she attempted to keep her right foreleg on the brute's left shoulder, opting to keep her left foreleg slightly in the air. Her tail stayed out for added balance as her back legs stayed bent, their stance wide, and her toes splayed, digging into the ground. Her ears remained tucked against her skull while her eyes were narrowed and her face was scrunched. Her shoulders remained rolled and her head tucked close to her neck, rolling her scruff around her tender neck. Her hackles were raised to their limit, fully aware of the threat of losing. She wouldn't lose, of course, but her body was still acutely aware of the threat. She wouldn't lose, though. She wouldn't.

Esti attempted to pull back slightly and then ram her inner left shoulder and chest into the brute's nose and face, hoping to drive the attack with her back legs and push his face and neck back and upward. She aimed to quickly loop her left foreleg around the brute's neck, directly behind his shoulders. With both forelegs, Esti sought to obtain a grip and pull his neck towards her chest to limit his movement with a big bear hug around his face. Esti redistributed her weight to compensate for the height difference between her back and front legs. Without hesitation, the woman snaked her jaw forward and down, attempting to latch onto the brute's neck below his skull, but above his shoulders in what would roughly be referred to as the "middle" of his neck. She attempted to tilt her head so that her upper jaw would be over the left of his spine, while her lower jaw would go over the left of his spine. She sought to get a deep enough bite so that she could control his movements and maybe, with enough force, crush his vertebrae, ending this fight immediately.

Esti Vs. Vengeance for Facial Maim(shredded/scarred left ear)

Round 2/3


**Notes for staff**
I asked for clarification on several points, but received no response. It was getting close to my time limit, so I posted on several assumptions after talking to staff about what to do.

1. Clarification on which shoulder from, "using his shoulder to hold her weight pushing down on him if she didn't topple over already from him pushing her on her hind legs." and, "Although her weight did bruise his shoulders a hefty amount as her paws slammed down on it, it should all be worth it once the soft flesh was his... " Since there was no response, I'm going to assume it was her attacking foreleg on the shoulder of the leg her attack was intended for (her right foreleg on his left shoulder). It is confusing since it is mentioned "using his shoulder" and then "bruise his shoulders" I was not sure if it was one shoulder or both since Esti only attacked with one leg (her right foreleg). It is also mentioned that her paws slammed onto his shoulders, and I'm not sure if/how that would be possible if she only reared back enough so that his attack landed on her lower chest (refer to my past response, "Because of this reaction, when the brute's attack turned out to be fake and he went for her neck, he ended up biting Esti's lower right chest where her right shoulder met her body in the front.") and then attempts for more downward attacks as mentioned in my previous posts.

2. Asking if she acquired a grip on his scruff. "He could already feel her teeth sinking into the flesh between his shoulder blades, thankfully his scruff was there to protect from any real damage, that was why there was so much extra flesh there on many species, canines included." I will assume no on this one since it wasn't specifically stated.

3. Asked about some positioning and clarification on his attacks and how he's attempting to get under her from his angle in conjunction with her previous attack. (Her paws/paw on his shoulders) I'm assuming an attempt to get under her enough to attack her left flank and also an attempt to push her over based on post and ooc notes combined.

Iko's assumptions:
1. Her right foreleg is on his left shoulder
2. He is attempting to get under her (and bite her left flank)
3. She did not gain a grip on his scruff



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-15-2015, 02:32 PM

He felt his attack land, he would do anything in order to hang on and keep his fangs digging into her forearm. Although he didn't get to her flank, the forearm would do just fine. However he did not get as good of a grip as possible. The larger man didn't pull back however, and with her arms now snaking around his body, he only had one last option in his position. He kept low to the ground, and simply shuffled his feet so the two were now perpendicular to each other with him on her left side. Thankfully this also meant she had very little grip to grab onto him and no way for her to be able to get to his spine. With the attack for her to slam into him with her shoulder, she managed to hit the side of his face as he kept that close to the woman, readying himself for his own next attack.

The woman rammed into him with her shoulder. Although it caused bruising, discomfort and pain in the side of his face and jaw, he kept close, moving with the attack rather than fighting it to keep the damage as minimal as possible, shuffling his feet if needed in order to keep his balance and sure footing, allowing his tail to swing free from under him in order to ensure his stable footing, despite being hit in the head. Even with his tail swinging, once he felt he was stable, he kept the plume low to protect his testicles from any attacks. He kept his ears pinned flat upon his head to keep them from much damage, with him not as protected from her own body as before, he had to ensure their safety himself.

With his front legs already coiled, he sprung forward and upward, pushing into her so that this time even if she did rear up, he would just follow her in the motion in the attempt to once more get her in the jaw. A bite, or even just a hard enough tackle with his jaws spread open to dislocate it would be great, even if she pulled back, he was aiming for something on her face... even to get grab of her nose and blind her senses for a while if not permanently would do just fine. He pushed back with his hind legs to give him extra momentum if she did try to dodge the same way as she did before.

—  vengeance

Defenses: ears pinned, tail low to protect testicles, spread legs for balance and tail swinging for added balance. Swinging himself out perpendicular to Esti so she cannot grab his spine or grab hold of him with her arms.
Attacks: Lunging upward once again to dislocate or bite her jaw, or her nose if she moves backwards.
Injuries: Medium-Serious bruises on both shoulders and a medium lacerations on his shoulders/scruff. Moderate bruising on his face and nose, pain in nose but easily ignored.

image and code by noki, do not use without permission

There was some confusion about how high Esti had reared up originally to escape his first attack, which lead to confusion into my response, etc... everything seems to have been fixed, confusion wise.

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
07-15-2015, 08:38 PM

She was able to grab the brute with her forelegs, but, somehow, her bite would miss. The male would swing to where he was perpendicular with her, most of his body off to Esti's left side, though he faced right (Esti's right). He shoved forward and jostled Esti to her right, her forelimbs trying to keep their hold. As he jumped, Esti followed his line of movement with her eyes, turning her head to her right. Because she turned her head, Vengeance's attack would land on the left side of her face, pinching her cheek and loose fluff on that side of her face, his bottom teeth grazing her jawline, leaving moderate scratches behind.

Esti's ears remained back, her eyes and face scrunched for protection. Her weight was distributed to accommodate her front legs being higher than her back legs. Her stance was wide in her back legs, and her knees remained bent, allowing her to move to keep her balance. Her tail swayed out behind her to help her remain on her feet, which had their toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Esti's hackles were raised up to her shoulders which were rolled forward to protect her neck. With Vengeance at her throat almost literally, Esti tucked her head tight towards her chest to limit any neck availability so that she would live to be able to take the brute down, which she intended on doing now.

Esti attempted to keep her grip with both forelegs around Vengeance's neck, right above his shoulders. She aimed to dig her claws in as best as she could, hoping to increase her grip and maybe scratch him up.

Esti would tilt her head to her right and aim to turn body to face Vengeance head on in one swift move, using her springy back legs to rotate herself. She attempted to get a grip on Vengeance's left cheek, right where his lips would meet . She sought to have her upper jaw come down the left side of his muzzle, right above the end of his lips while her bottom jaw sought the hollow of the underside of his jaw below where his lips ended. Shifting her weight to her front suddenly, Esti would attempt to jerk the male's neck down with her grip, seeking to push her paws down as she hugged him towards herself, hoping the force would snap his neck or strangle the air out of his so he would pass out and she could leave.

Esti Vs. Vengeance for Facial Maim(shredded/scarred left ear)

Round 3/3


The Judge


07-23-2015, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2015, 09:54 PM by Head Judges.)



5 for clarity:

  • -2  Which side of her neck is he aiming for?  Is he aiming for the underside?   I couldn't be sure.  It would help if you state how he's planning to position his jaws.
  • -1  Which right leg is he going for?  We aren't allowed to assume and it could change the positioning dramatically.
  • -2  Where on her right leg was the feint aimed for, the distance to move from the feint to the target in his next attack can be effected by this and change how an opponent may counter.

8 for powerplaying.
  • -2   "The moment he was in close enough…" you need to attempt to close the distance between yourself and your opponent.  Also the words "close enough" could be elaborated on.  How close was he trying to get to her before pulling a feint?

3 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen

3 for attack.
  • +3 for bite +1 for grip -1 for clarity issue

10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Vengeance's round one total: 29/50

10 for clarity:

  • none seen, good work

8 for powerplaying.
  • -2  I feel Esti should've taken more damage from that bite, between Vengeance's greater height and her own forward momentum  which she'd have had to stop.

10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each

6 for attack.
  • +2 shoulder slam -1 If his jaws are under her it's likely she'd need to move back (and in), not forward to ram her shoulder into his face.  
  • +1 paw stomp, point not given for maim attempt as it's unlikely the stomp could actually break bones.  Sprain would be more likely.
  • +3 bite +1 grip attempt +1 maim attempt

10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Esti's round one total: 44/50


5 for clarity:

  • -1   which shoulder is he using to hold her weight?
  • -2 what part of her body is in contact with his shoulder?  How is he positioned under her?  
  • -1  "continuing straight at an angle"  I think I get the movement but it could still be clearer, especially as he is under her but his target is near side.
  • -1  how great is the damage to the scruff?  It's not a shield so there was likely at least some damage but how much?  The notes you place at the bottom are for opponents, judges can only reference what is in the IC post.

8 for powerplaying.
  • -2   You need to attempt to push against her hind legs

3 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen

3 for attack.
  • +2 push to topple, -2 for clarity and powerplay issues
  • +3 bite

8 for injuries.
  • -1 moderate bruising to shoulders
  • -1 light wound to scruff

Vengeance round two total: 27/50

8 for clarity:

  • -1  A bit lost on how she's trying to push his face up when her body is currently over him
  • -1 how is she angling her left leg to wrap both around the neck and behind the shoulders?

7 for powerplaying.
  • -3 while they are close in height and size I don't think she could halt the movement of a larger wolf with just one paw, it would be another matter if was two or if she was throwing her chest into him, also you mention her weight is also balanced on her hind legs so it's not all being put into the paw, if that makes sense?

10 for defenses.
  • +1 each seen

4 for attack.
  • +0 chest/shoulder shove, they're so close I don't see how this could really do damage
  • +3 bite +1 grip, no points given for maim, the muscles of the neck are very thick it's unlikely she'd be able to break them in the first bite

8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations

Esti's round two total: 37/50


0 for clarity:

  • -2 what part of him is he pushing into her?
  • -2 what part of her body is he targeting this push?
  • -1 you say he's going for a bite did he release his other grip?  We can't assume.
  • -2 you need to be specific in your attacks, either he's going for a bite or trying to bump his jaws into hers, don't leave it open for your opponent or they'll be sure to pick the option with the least damage to their character
  • -3 where on her jaws is he looking to bite?  The middle?  the corner?  upper or lower jaw? you then mention the nose.  You need to pick one specific target and go all in.

6 for powerplaying.
  • -2  with his head as the fulcrum for his rotation I don't see how he could avoid her bite entirely, she would likely have bitten flesh before he managed to shuffle all that way.
  • -2 you need to attempt to push into her

2 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen

1 for attack.
  • +1 for bite?, points deducted for numerous clarity issues
  • +0 shove, points deducted for clarity issues

8 for injuries.
  • -0 for light bruising to face
  • -2 bite would (judges determined damage, see first pp note)

Vengeance round three total: 15/50

9 for clarity:

  • -1
  • how is she rotating? Is she shuffling?  you mention springy legs did she hop around?  

6 for powerplaying.
  • -2  I don't feel that her turning her head is enough movement for the attack to only pick off loose fluff and cause a pinch
  • -2
  •  A wolves forelimbs are not that strong where as they're necks are very strong, snapping a wolves neck with the forelimbs is just not possible.  It's also highly unlikely she could cause him to strangle by putting pressure on the back of his neck rather than the front.

10 for defenses.
  • +1 each seen

4 for attack.
  • +0 claw attack, wolves claws aren't sharp enough to do significant damage through all the fur on the neck
  • +3 bite +1 grip
  • +0 neck snapping, due to powerplay issues

8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations to face (judges deduction)  

Esti's round three total: 37/50


ESTI: 118/150

And the winner is...

ESTI! Vengeance must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.  Esti's maim is successful.


  • Minor wound to scruff  (5 ooc days to heal)
  • Moderate bruises to shoulders (5 ooc days to heal)
  • Moderate bite to neck (2 ooc weeks to heal)
  • Severe wound/maim to ear (4 ooc weeks to heal)
  • Minor wound to chest (5 ooc days to heal)
  • Moderate wounds to cheek and upperarm (2 ooc weeks to heal)

I'm pretty brief with these, I say most of what I want in deductions.  

Noki:  Work on getting more of your defenses set, these could really help your score.  I think you just need more practice in general getting used to the fight system here and then you should be good to go!  Pick specific targets and work on your clarity.

Iko:  Nice showing!  Your clarity in the first round was great.  Just work on carrying that on to the next rounds and watch the realism in some of your attacks and movements. As judges aren't supposed to refer to material outside the posts I only skimmed your notes. Basically if your opponent doesn't clarify something then you need to which you did so you're fine.

- By [Lunarcat7]