
Devil's Playground



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-09-2015, 10:05 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 10:46 PM by Sin.)

The taste of blood on his tongue had been long overdue. The beast wanted to quench the thirst of his muscles and teeth by the means of a fight, however bloody it might get. His blood stained pelt walked in confidence onto the battlefield, the sinner scanning his surroundings for the perfect spot. Snow would litter the ground, thus a perfect opportunity to get accustomed to fighting in different conditions. Footholds would be hard, he was sure. For where there was snow, there would be patches of ice to slip on as well. This only made him more eager to engage another, because usally one didn't think about their surroundings before diving head first into the fray. But he was smart. Calculating. Always one step ahead of the rest in terms of intellect.

He found a place suitable for a fight. Shaking loose his muscles and scraping into the ground with his sharp claws, Sin tested the ground beneath him. The snow in some parts was a little slushed, so he was sure that beneath other parts there would be slick ice patches as well. The perfect ground to outwit and out maneuver an opponent, though it could pose a problem for him too if he wasn't careful. Sharply, he raised his head to the sky and called out to any who might be nearby. The bloodied angel's fangs revealed themselves, his body quivering in anticipation for what was to come. Thirsty for who ever would come before him.


06-18-2015, 09:34 PM
It had been some time since she had last seen him. The devil himself, the man who had stolen her away and stolen her heart. He was in a sense her master and yet not. He was a lover and yet not. The relationship between Arietta and Sin was a complex thing, not something that was easily described in words. But one thing could be said for certain -- the two cared for each other. Whether it was right or whether it was wrong it was so. The woman had no regrets for such a thing. None whatsoever. Her heart, her mind, her very being belonged to that man. It was for him she searched, after spending a time apart. Her mind was a hazy thing... thinking one thing and believing another. The thoughts were so muddled... did Sin really love her?

That was what she came to find out now. She trailed his scent, the blood marked coat that he bore. Her heart ached for him, need and desire craving his attention. His praise. Arietta would take step after step in the direction of that man. A worried frown was on her face, a whine leaving her lips. What if he decided she was no longer good enough? What if he found someone else to bear his children, his heirs, and take the world?

When the call came Arietta recognized it as Sin's own. She would wag her tail, though she knew what he called for. A spar... a match of strength. Fighting, well, it was not her forte. She was usually a submissive wolf. But this time... this time she wanted to surprise him. To show him that she was worth being at his side. Even if he took other females in she needed to know she was his primary girl. Her very existence and stability, both physically and mentally, depending on such ever since their reunion.

She was, in a sense, broken. But it was alright when you were broken this way. You didn't care. You had no sense of acknowledgement that you were damaged. Arietta wasn't unhappy. Such was the nature of the disorder she had taken.

"Sin." The woman called, approaching from behind. "You called for a sparring partner... and I am here to answer that call." The female would adjust her body, flicking her ears back some. "Will you... will you allow me the honor of sparring with you?"



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-18-2015, 11:48 PM

His name would be heard. The creature's ears tilting back as his eyes drew wide in disbelief. Had he been so compelled, so focused in finding what belonged to him that he was hearing things? That had haunted his dreams for nights on end, mercilessly torturing his mind like a wave crashing down on the shore over and over and over again.
A lip lifted in a slight curl, the beast mixed in his mind, which seldom happened if at all. But it was this moment that would determine the outcome. Turning slowly around, amber orbs narrowed at the small figure of his claimed burden. Though whether she was a burden or not would go untold. He had claimed this creature as his own, forced her to carry his seed, and through it all she had borne him three beautiful children who took after him. Though she was weak, she had served him beautifully.

" has been a while." Amber orbs looked her up and down, searching for signs of any markings that might have been made for another. For no matter what, whether he loved her or not, she belonged to him, and if anyone touched her he would seek their blood with a vengeance. She was his, and his alone. Even though he didn't share that same sentiment towards her, it was who he was. He would not remain a one woman man, for he had been borne and bred to be what he was today. To pick out among the fields, the best most able bodied genes he could find. Though his genes were of superiority, he needed more carriers to bear his offspring. To infect the world with his blood so that he would continue to live, even after death.

He tilted his head slightly, ears forward as his tail swayed slightly behind him. The pair stood roughly eight feet apart, a distance that would part them briefly before bringing them together. So, she wanted the honor of fighting him? How amusing. Never did he think that his toy would want to fight, but it seemed she was changing more to his liking. "You want to spar me eh? Well, that is something I would have never expected of you." It may have sounded harsh, yes. And though he may have usually been a bit nicer towards her for being so cooperative all this time, he was pissed that they had been apart in the first place. Furthermore, where the hell were his children? Wasn't she taking care of them? To make sure they grew up strong? No...that was his job. And perhaps he was pissed off about that too.

A low rumbling chuckle struck his chords. A smirk broadening his maw. "I will spar you, dear. But I can't promise I'll go easy. You learn by doing, so give me everything you have! Don't hold back or so help me you'll regret it!" He roared, hackles bristling as he indicated she moved first.

Sin VS Arietta for Spar

Round: 0/2



06-24-2015, 08:51 AM
Truly it had been a while. Far, far too long. But she had returned to him. She had missed him terribly, and her need for his rule had been what brought out the search. Her instability without Sin was greater than before. Perhaps after a certain incident it had been made worse... But that was a tale outside of Alacritia. Head would dip respectfully to him, breathing out. “Far too long. But such is the cruelty of time.” Gaze would lift, her blue eyes gentle. “But in my absence I have remained faithful. You have no need to worry for such thing. I would not allow another to get close to me as you have.” She could see his eyes roaming her form, and, making an educated guess, she spoke on it.

The eight feet that separated them was enough of a distance. Ears would flick some, ever attentive as he spoke to her. No... In the past she would have never dared attempted to spar another. Let alone Sin. But such a man deserved perfection in his eyes, and the woman was tired of being a burden. She wanted to break her comfort zone, to become stronger and be what he so deserved. Become a mother her children could become more proud of, rather than simply seeing her as their dam. Perhaps that was why they had not stayed with her. That... Or perhaps their draw to find their father was what truly caused them to stray.

By his indication she was to make the first move, and she would give a nod. “I would not expect you to go easy.” It was true enough -- she would learn by doing. There would be no holding back... Even if this meant that a healer was likely going to be needed by the end of this fight.

The female would set her defenses first and foremost. Ears would naturally pin back against the skull, her eyes narrowing into slits. Head would lower, aligning with her spine, as she scrunched her neck. Chin would tip forward, shoulders rolling towards her front end as well. Tail would tuck below her body as she distributed her weight across her limbs. Knees would bend in readiness, legs spread in a widened stance. Finally her own hackles would raise, making the small woman look a bit bigger than she actually was. While she was not intimidating she was certainly going to give this a shot.

A low growl, almost experimental, would leave her own jaws as she surged forward. There was a chance of movement from Sin, of course, but that was all part of the danger in a fight. Jaws would part, preparing for a more or less head on charge. Once she got closer Arietta would shift her weight to her hid legs, pushing onto the ground to lift her front half into the air. Her left foreleg would aim to land on the front of Sin’s right shoulder whereas her right foreleg would aim to wrap around his neck in a bear-hug like movement. Finally Arietta would let her jaws snap towards Sin’s own muzzle in hopes of clamping down upon it and keeping him from using his own fangs.

Arietta vs Sin For Spar || Round::: I // II



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-27-2015, 01:10 AM

Amber eyes burned into her blue ones. Chest puffing out. He couldn't be more proud of her. He knew she would remain faithful, sure that she knew the consequences for betraying him would be dire. However, there had to be another reason other then the thought of suffering such consequences. And even then, if something had been done in his absence, the one it was done with would find his blood spilled over the ground and his head decapitated. So in a way, it was good that she had remained faithful to him. Though he couldn't say the same, it was who he was. He was the monarch, the dominant one. He did as he pleased, but she knew this when they met.  Through this, he would not speak. Simply nod when she finished speaking. She knew him well. And hopefully, she would learn from this combative experience.

He set his defenses as she did so, wondering how she would start off in their first battle against one another. He was a seasoned fighter, and he figured this would be her first fight. She was much too sweet, her body bearing no scars besides what he had given to her. Promptly, the veteran set himself ready. Ears flattened to his skull, eyes narrowed, hackles began to rise, muscles tensed, his toes spread, claws digging into the ground for traction, his head lowered over his throat and aligned with his spine. His tail lashed behind him before steadying to flag out behind him, aligning with his head and spine and to act as a rudder. Finally, he bent his knees and elbows to lower his center of gravity, the beasts center of gravity steadied throughout all four limbs. Lastly, his teeth bared in a devilish snarling grin, a final bark releasing from his maw as she came at him.

She pushed off, charging towards him. And in turn, a low rumbling chuckle escaped his lips as he braced himself. She was much smaller then he, and surely there would be an advantage on his part, though he wouldn't demean her attempts. He allowed her grasp around his neck, the creature's lowered body allowing this to happen. Her forelegs wrapped around him like she had hoped, and her teeth seeking his own muzzle would be in vain. He shot his head forward, her teeth grasping onto the side of his neck instead of his face. Embedded into his skin, just below his head on the right side of his neck, bite wounds an inch or so deep would be made, while he would attempt his own move.

Promptly, he'd lift himself to his full height. Hoping to perhaps lift her off of her feet and completely unbalance her. Then, his head struck towards the back of her neck on her right side. Maw opening wide and he attempted to strike and bite down on the back of her neck just behind her head. He strove to grip her there, perhaps gain control of her head. Should he attain it, perhaps he'd shake her a little like a rag doll before dropping her. To remind her as well, that she belonged to him and only him. And that he was not to be underestimated. He said after all, that he would not go easy. As he attempted this, his right foreleg shot forward, and up, to try and hook around her right forepaw, to hug it close to his body in an attempt to further disable her movement. During this, he'd redistribute his weight on his other legs.

Sin vs Arietta

Round 1/2



07-04-2015, 09:19 AM
Truth be told, if Arietta was to expect anything it was that Sin would not hold back in the slightest, and even make a move to show his dominance over her. But all the same she would try her hardest to do what she needed to do. To prove to him that she was worth it. To prove to herself that she was worth it. She might have been smaller than the man whom she loved, but she still had teeth and claws. She could still do something... Still try and prove her worth to the one that she loved.

She would succeed in her grasp around his neck, though bite would fall through for what she wanted. His head shot forward, her teeth would sink an inch or so into the skin below his head on the right side. Tasting his blood almost made the dame recoil. She hadn’t expected to be successful in the attempt at all!

The female would let herself fall as he started to raise to his full height, her ears pinned against her head. Eyes remained narrowed, and neck scrunched. Weight would redistribute across her four limbs as she dropped back to the earth. Sin’s right foreleg would hook around her right foreleg, dragging her forward and into his body. Had she dropped a moment or two later she would have failed in her attempt to even bet back to the earth.

Shifting her weight to make up for the loss of balance the female would also quickly check her other defenses. Stance was widened, tail tucked, and hackles raised. Shoulders were rolled forward, chin now tucked closer to her chest once more. Jaws would part, lips snarling as she felt his true attack land.

Teeth would sink in to the end of her neck, closer to her shoulders. She would make her counter move then, seeking to once more rise on her hind legs, shifting her weight once more. Left forepaw would attempt to come down upon his right foreleg in a sweeping, clawing motion. She wanted to peel away skin, to do as much damage as she could to the limb closer to where it connected to the chest on the inside.

Furthermore her fangs would seek to strike the area of Sin’s neck where she had once gotten a hold, worsening her bite and perhaps add additional tearing to the wound as well.

Arietta vs Sin for SPAR || Round:: II/II

{{Thank you Dragon for being lenient with these times. e.e;; Had a busy week.}}



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-09-2015, 06:46 PM

A growl erupted from his maw, his attempt at biting where he wished was successful. He ignored the pain from her own attack upon his neck, the brute unfazed by such an act. He was successful in bringing her closer to him, and with this he'd release his grip upon her neck and seek a closer target. As they moved, his defenses remained set. Hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, scruff bunched, shoulders rolled forward, he'd tilt his head over his throat as his head and tail aligned with his spine. Weight distributed as evenly as possible, teeth bared, toes splayed, and claws biting into the dirt.

The brute stepped back to give a very small amount of distance between them, the woman's clawing attack missing his leg and instead, scratching down the right side of his chest leaving light scratches in their wake. As her head came to seek their target upon his neck, he twisted his head to his left, jaws splayed as they shot to the right in an attempt to counter Arietta's attempted hold. He would strive to grasp the top of her jaw in his, perhaps even subdue her muzzle completely. And though he didn't seek to break her jaw or anything to that extreme, he simply wanted to apply enough of a gripping pressure to subdue her. Meanwhile, he would attempt to raise himself onto his hind legs while pushing forward, practically attempting to chest bump her and use his weight against her own, to bring her to the ground in submission.

Sin vs Arietta Round 2/2

ooc// Sorry for crappy post, for some reason I thought this was over >.>


The Judge


07-12-2015, 05:27 PM



2 for clarity:

  • -2 “...preparing for a more or less head on charge.” Is she charging head on or not?
  • -2 “Her left foreleg would aim to land on the front of Sin’s right shoulder...” How exactly is her leg landing?
  • -2 “Finally Arietta would let her jaws snap towards Sin’s own muzzle in hopes of clamping down upon it and keeping him from using his own fangs.” How is she hoping to place her jaws?
  • -2 “...her right foreleg would aim to wrap around his neck...” Which side of his neck?
8 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “Once she got closer...” That's assuming she's allowed to approach.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen.
5 for attack.
  • +2 for foreleg attacks
  • +3
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Arietta's round one total: 35/50

4 for clarity:

  • -2 “Embedded into his skin, just below his head on the right side of his neck, bite wounds an inch or so deep would be made.” What's the severity of those wounds?
  • -2 “Maw opening wide and he attempted to strike and bite down on the back of her neck just behind her head.” How is he hoping to place his jaws?
  • -2 “Should he attain it, perhaps he'd shake her a little like a rag doll before dropping her.” Perhaps? Does he intend to do it or not?
6 for powerplaying.
  • -2 “Should he attain it, perhaps he'd shake her a little like a rag doll before dropping her.” This is considered an “if this, then that” and it's unfairly forcing your opponent to take more damage.
  • -2 “ try and hook around her right forepaw, to hug it close to his body in an attempt to further disable her movement.” Wolf forelegs don't quite bend like that and I don't see how he could grab her paw if it's around his neck.
10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
4 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
  • +1 for forepaw grab
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Sin's round one total: 34/50


4 for clarity:

  • -2 “Teeth would sink in to the end of her neck, closer to her shoulders.” How close?
  • -2 “ the limb closer to where it connected to the chest on the inside. ” How much closer?
  • -2 “Furthermore her fangs would seek to strike the area of Sin’s neck where she had once gotten a hold...” You should have restated where exactly for this post.
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen
4 for attack.
  • +1 for paw swipe
  • +3 for bite
3 for injuries.
  • -1 for mild bruising to foreleg (damage assigned by judge)
  • -2 for moderate bite wound to neck (damage assigned by judge)
Arietta's round two total: 30/50

0 for clarity:  
  • -2 “...scratching down the right side of his chest leaving light scratches in their wake.” Where exactly on his chest?
  • -2 “...jaws splayed as they shot to the right...” Whose right?
  • -2 “He would strive to grasp the top of her jaw in his...” How is he hoping to place his jaws?
  • -2 “...practically attempting to chest bump her and use his weight against her own, to bring her to the ground in submission.” Is he attempting to or not?
  • -2 “...practically attempting to chest bump her...” Where is he hoping to strike with his chest?
10 for powerplaying.
  • None seen!
9 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen to max of 10.
  • -1 for not redistributing weight after rising up on hind legs.
5 for attack.
  • +3 for bite
    +1 for grip attempt
  • +1 for chest bump
3 for injuries.
  • -1 for light scratches
  • -2 for moderate bite wound to lower jaw (damage assigned by judge for counter)

Sin's round two total: 27/50


Arietta: 65/100
Sin: 61/100

And the winner is...

ARIETTA! Sin must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Light bruising: 2 ooc days to heal
  • Moderate bite wound: 2 ooc weeks to heal
  • Light scratches: 2 ooc days to heal
  • Moderate bite wound: 2 ooc weeks to heal

Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For both: Good fight, guys! My notes are in the deductions above!

- By [Lazuli]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-12-2015, 07:30 PM
Sin Armada

"Enough!" He cried out, backing away from her to indicate the fight was over. He wanted her to prove to him her worth, and it seemed she had done well. He was quite proud of her, for never did he think that she would be capable. But she had proven him wrong. Had she trained while he was away? Or had she gotten lucky? Either way, his chest swelled with pride as Arietta had accomplished what he sought. His amber gaze bore into her, his look undecipherable. But he would make it known that she had achieved success.

"You did well, Arietta. And for that, I commend you. You are not the useless lump of fur you once were, but rather a successor in battle." He praised her, head lifting to give her a respectful nod. Which the beast never did to anyone. She would be the first, but she had earned it. He stretched his jaws, blood oozing from the gashes cast upon him from his brown hued charge. Arietta had proven herself worthy, and he would not forget that.

Approaching her, he leaned down to lick the top of her head before whispering into her ear. "Congratulations. Your place at my side has been found, and you are worthy of that honor." Indeed, the male prided himself in who stood at his side, and although he was not monogamous by nature, she would always be the one above the rest. Stepping back to look at her, he awaited her response.


07-14-2015, 04:03 PM

Sin would stop, calling out and backing away to indicate that the fight was over. Arietta would drop to the earth, breathing hard. She ached, had a bite wound that was going to giving her some pain for the next few days to come. The bruising she was less worried about, but both of their bites needed to be treated. But she felt accomplished. Her light blue eyes would look into those burning amber orbs, feeling her heart swell happily as he gave her compliments. She would dip her head, speaking softly in tone.

“Thank you Sin. I’m glad that I can better serve you now.” The female would lift her gaze to him, licking the underside of his jaw. “I trained while we were separated... I... I wanted to make you proud. I wanted to become a strong mother for your children. For the children who are already born and those who are to come.” Her heart was pounding in her chest now.

“You know I am yours.” For whatever he desired.

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-14-2015, 08:35 PM

He closed his eyes as she licked at his bleeding lips. The soreness depleting little by little as she soothed his wounds. In turn, he too leaned forth to lick at the bites and cuts he had left upon her, something the creature rarely did...but she had proven her worth, thus he wouldn't hide away this time. He listened quietly to her words as he worked on soothing her wounds, his eyes closing briefly as he relaxed his body away from the heat of their fight. "That is good. And a strong mother you will become." He murmured as his tongue worked closer to her ear.

"You know I am yours" He would not break stride in his task. His soul aching for something he hadn't had with her in a long time. Not since before their children had been born. Was it possible she wanted more from him? He never thought the woman would willingly give herself to him, succumbing to his devilish deed when he had claimed her as his own so long ago. She had fought it before, running from him. But over a short time, she seemed to accept that she belonged to him, and she had not left his side since.

Soon, the ache within him began to grow. And he knew what it was that the pair wanted. His gentle licks eventually turned into gentle nibbles as he trailed down the smaller woman's neck, teasing her as he wanted to make this somewhat slow and enjoyable. Maybe tease her another way as well, to drive her to beg him to take her. The thought in itself arouse him, his body growing hot with the naughty thought. "You belong to only me, don't ever forget my little fox." He whispered gently into her ear, his breath tickling her ear fur.



07-20-2015, 05:22 PM

Sin might not have expected Arietta to give herself up willingly to him, but give herself up willingly she was. She was but this man’s little fox, his plaything and a fine puppet she had become. So willing to serve, so willing to do what it took to make him happy. Arietta would look at Sin in a way that showed her longing, her desire. The way he went from gently licking her wounds to nibbling down her neck had her shivering with pleasure. A moan escaped her, and Arietta would press into the blood stained man, breathing in his musky scent.

“I would never dare forget, Sin.” The devil would never let her forget. No, if she dared he would be swift to remind her with little doubt. The small creature would turn her head, licking his cheek with a whine.

“Take me.” She would whisper. “Take me and remind this very world that I am yours alone. That your blood will reign over this gods forsaken world.” Arietta would gently nip his muzzle, her eyes shining with desire.

She was not in heat, so no puppies were expected to come of this. But such a thing would come next season, with little doubt.

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-25-2015, 07:08 PM
Her desire would be fulfilled. Sin trailed his nibbles down her spine, a gentility that was uncommon for him. Was it possible that Arietta had been changing an aspect in him? Not even he would know. The closed off fiend felt something different, something off. But he wasn't quite sure what it was just yet.

She was begging him, and it was rude to keep a lady waiting, so without hesitating any longer he trailed towards her hindquarters, pelt and body brushing hers in an intimate fashion. Though she was not in heat, her scent was irresistible. Driving the beast to do her bidding when it came to her sexual desires. Though she belonged to him, in a way he belonged to her too. She controlled him this way, and that was something he'd never admit.

He rose to straddle her with his forelegs, hind legs spreading slightly to keep his balance. His loins grew hot, his desires growing as inched closer to her waiting form. Leaning forward, he gently grasped her scruff within his aching jaws. His forelegs wrapped tightly against her curved hips, and he'd pull her towards him just slightly.

Little by little, he gently began to take her. Hips slowly moving rhythmically, the feeling driving him into ecstasy.



07-25-2015, 08:12 PM
Arietta would give a soft whine, excitement growing within her chest at what was to come. She longed for him, craved him, in a way that only Sin could choose to sate her appetite. The female could only take what he gave her and each nibble, each loving bite, was something more precious to the female then words could describe. She belonged to this man. Gods above she belonged to him and that was never going to change.

Feeling him upon her body, she would move her tail off to the side. Though she was not in heat Arietta could not deny the hope that little ones would be produced by this. More little babies of Sin and herself... she could not ask for something better. So, closing her eyes, she'd let herself get lost in ecstasy along with her beloved master, keeper, and mate.

-Fade To Black.-



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-25-2015, 10:19 PM
Babus. It was on his mind, though he doubted his little fox would produce any this time around due to it not being her heat season. Nonetheless, one could only hope. He fixed her with a good dose of pleasure, while he himself enjoyed it as well. Arietta was one of a kind, and no matter who he did, she always satisfied a certain part of him that nobody else could.

As he reached his climax, he remained still for a long moment, his weight supported upon his hind legs so as not to crush her. Slowly, he released her scruff and draped his head across her shoulders, offering her a gentle lick upon her neck before climbing off of her. He shook out his pelt, brushing against her as the heat slowly died from his body, but the feeling would keep him giddy and in a certain mood for a while longer.

He stopped beside her, head leaning down as he gently caressed her cheek with his own before moving his head up to whisper "I Love You." It was something he had never said before, and though it created a strange feeling on his tongue, he knew that regardless of their relationship, it would make her happy. To reassure her that she was more then just a plaything to him. More then just a vessel that carried his seeds. She was his, yes. But in a way, he belonged to her as well.


08-01-2015, 07:58 PM
Sin would remove himself, and Arietta would allow her body to relax as she felt that weight shift off her back. The female would feel her heart flutter as he caressed her cheek, hearing those sweet words. I love you. It was something Sin had never before said to her. But that just made them all the more special. It proved to the female that she was loved, that she was more than just a vessel for the devil spawn. But, deep down, perhaps Arietta had sensed this long before. But did it really matter? The female had needed him.

Before Sin came into her life she was weak. Afraid. She could barely hunt for herself and now look. She was a decent huntress. A decent fighter. She had the skills she could rely on in times of trouble. Arietta would wrap her neck around Sin's own in an embrace, her words a soft coo. "...and I love you, Sin. With every bit of my being." Arietta could feel devotion for the man in her heart and she was certain, yes, that this was only the beginning of it all.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-30-2015, 04:06 PM

Eyes closed as Arietta sought to embrace him, for once the male did not back off nor shy away from the intimate tendrils of physical touch from his lover. It was something he was unused to, but they had been together for quite a long time now, and he couldn't keep running forever. He lowered his head, left forepaw rising to wrap around her neck in an embrace as he pulled her small form closer to him. She had been the beginning of it all...and he knew that without her, he would not be where he was today. All the trouble he had gone through with her, all the days of spending time--albeit distant time--together, was something entirely new to the man. And her beating him in a fight brought out that respect for her, that she was something much more then he had initially claimed her for so long ago. "I know, do I."

"Listen to my talk" 'and know my thoughts.'