
Not My Favorite



5 Years
07-17-2015, 12:01 AM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

It was that oh so lovely awkward time of the year, the season of her birth and of the hormonal changes that reminded her more births could be had in the future. As in the years before, the changes made her restless, not quite irritable but hard to pin down. Her need to run was more of a demand, her mind searching for other things to keep her thoughts off of the way her body felt. Because she was a responsible creature Gale made herself stay safely within the pack's borders where no harm or foul would become of her, where she knew she would not be tempted. It did not stop her grey-green eyes from straying to the border, wondering, but she was stronger than to give in.

Since she felt as if she was running out of things to do, the lavender and grey wolf's restless paws brought her back to the dark shoreline of the Obsidian Beach, each step light upon the glittering pitch sands. Her wispy fur rustled in the faint breeze that rolled inland off the water, the scent of the sea heavy here. It was still not her favorite thing in the world, but the ocean posed its own challenge. She spent so little time near it, particularly since they had gained a land that was further inland and offered a wide area through which to run, but that only meant she had much more to learn. Which included how to fish.

It likely would have been smarter if she had sought out Locha to give a lesson. The Seabird was a natural when it came to the water, fast as the fish that she caught and as cunning with her movements. Gale, on the other hand, felt sluggish, stumbling, the exact opposite of her sea-affiliated sibling. As she approached a quiet stretch of shoreline, seeking the shallows where the fish were likely to be swimming about - or at least she hoped, with what minimal knowledge of them that she possessed - she taunted them in an almost sing-song voice with her paw steps slow as to minimize splashing. "Come out, you squirmy little things..."

OOC: Gale needs hunting points, so she's taking a moment to try her hand at fishing (even though she's not a fan of the water). Someone should come by and give her pointers (or give her a hard time because she's a pitiful fisher)!



6 Years
07-17-2015, 09:58 PM
Voltage was rather busy, but that didn’t mean he shouldn’t spend some quality time with his family. Sure, he could spend every moment at Gaia’s side, feeling her warmth and the life going in her body, and by gods did he want too. But he had a duty, he had a job he must keep. He had to make sure everyone was doing well in their jobs, so when his children came they could be trained, they could learn what it meant to be Elementas and what it meant to be a Donostrea wolf.

With a gentle sigh he’d trott along the beach, head high and a gentle smirk upon his lips. He missed spending countless hours here, really, checking in on all his family and seeing what he could do. It seemed the older you got, the more busy. A smile would touch his lips when he heard the sound of water. Tilting his head, he’d look to his wind sister, grinning slightly. He’d lower his head then, slowly tiptoeing towards her with as much silence and stealth as he could. He’d step up behind Gale then, smirking. "Catchin’ your big brother some dinner? Hmm?" He asked, hoping to startle her. He’d splash in the water then, stepping up to her side before looking into the ocean. "You know, we’d all probably be starved without Locha. I can’t fish worth anything."




5 Years
08-06-2015, 11:58 PM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

Her grey-green eyes remained fixed on the flashes of scales beneath the water as Gale tried to figure out which would be fool enough to venture close enough to her in order to become dinner. They were all still too far away yet, and she suspected that her movements to get closer were sending too many ripples out for them to think swimming nearer to her legs was safe. They were smart, she would give them that, but she was the predator, the hunter, and she was not leaving the shoreline until she had a fat, squirming fish in her jaws to show for her efforts.

Accounting for a nosy, energetic brother, however, had not made it into her calculations. While she was carefully maneuvering closer to the fish, taking care to be as stealthy as she knew how to be in water, Voltage's teasing voice startled her enough to make her jump in place, and in response the fish scattered. Water coated her undersides and rode further up the grey fur of her legs, but even with her first attempt at fishing interrupted there was still a smirk on Gale's lips as she turned her head to eye her brother with a stern glare.

"I would be if that brother wasn't startling the fish," she countered with mock irritation as the yellow-marked male padded into the water without any apparent regard to the effect he was having on her prey. How was it that Locha managed this with so many siblings? Did she really have to swim far out and dive deep in order to find a quiet spot where her targets would be unaware and easier to pick off? Maybe after this - however her solo attempt finished out - she would seek out the fisher to get a few pointers.

As her brother admitted to being a terrible fisher, Gale could only chuckle humorously. "Probably because you can't hold still," she teased, lifting a lavender-colored paw to splash a bit of water his way. "I'm no good at it either. Look. They're all over there and I can't get closer to them." She gestured with a motion of her muzzle toward the fish that she could still see flitting about below the surface, looking comfortable as they swam about their business. Gale's nose wrinkled slightly as she looked at them. They might not have been her favorite, but they were definitely a challenge, one she was not keen on walking away from empty handed.



6 Years
08-10-2015, 01:22 PM
Voltage would blink then and glance around at the fish that had swam away in such a flurry. With a sheepish grin, he'd look at his sister again. "Oops!" He said with a laugh then, nodding to himself. He would stand still! Oh yes he would. It was decided. So with determination, he would stand perfectly still. That's how you..fished, right? When she teased him, he gasped softly, turning to look at her with mock pain on his face. "Oh you wound your big brother!" He said with a playful whimper before his smirk returned to his lips.

"I tried to learn how to fish once." He said with a laugh. "But, you know...I failed." He shook his head slightly and stared at the distance where the fish sat, waiting, taunting. "Death would catch me quite quickly if it weren't for all of you." He said softly, turning stormy eyes up to his wind loving his sister.  He loved all his siblings so dearly, and Gale seemed to be one that he spent so little time with. He wanted to remedy that...soon. Well, now seemed to be a good time. So he stared at the fish in the distance, before he grinned. "What..if I.." He grinned brightly before he moved out of the water again. He moved towards where the fish had decided it was safe, hoping that this would work. He bowed down on all four limbs. "Get ready!" He said as quietly as he could before he leapt, jumping into the water before turning, trying to herd some fish towards his little sister.




5 Years
08-13-2015, 12:43 AM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

Though he did not say out loud that he was trying to help her out, Gale could only assume that was what he intended when he suddenly stopped moving, an attempt at keeping still that she was already certain would only be short lived. But that was her brother; he was full of energy to the point of practically bursting with it. Keeping him in one place was like...trying to tame the wind. It simply was not going to happen. And because she knew this, she accepted her brother's behavior at face value though she appreciated his attempt. Either way, she figured her fishing lesson was going to be cut short.

"I'm actually more certain you'd outrun it," she challenged back as he spoke of death, though internally the suggestion made her blanch. With the recent losses, the subject was still somewhat tender with her, and though she often smiled away her problems and pretended that life was merry, deep down it was not. But just as she always did, Gale pressed those distressing thoughts away, did not allow herself a moment to consider what life might be like without the energetic backbone to her family, and made herself instead focus on spending some much needed quality time with her elder sibling.

He was quick, that brother of hers. Before she could fully comprehend what he was doing, he carefully inched closer to the fish, and Gale felt her expression slacken into an open-mouthed look of confusion. "What are you doing?" she asked at a whisper, almost more to herself than to Voltage as he somehow managed to settle himself enough to get into a decent position close beside his targets. The grey and lavender wolf was just on the verge of exasperation - how long would it take for the fish to return if he completely scared them away? - when he jumped forward, and suddenly everything made sense.

Only she wished it had made sense perhaps half a minute sooner. As her brother leaped, the fish swam, and most of them were headed her way. Her grey-green eyes widened and she took one hesitant step back, her gaze jumping from one frantically swimming fish to the next. Jeez, what did she do?! There were so many of them, and they were all moving so fast! How did she even pick one to dive for? "What--" was all she managed to say before she noticed her window of opportunity finally reach her, and in a desperate dive she leaped forward and opened her jaws as she struck her face through the water...and came back up empty-handed, sputtering water as she shook her head.