
Bring Back The Fire


07-04-2015, 04:04 PM

Though he had left Akemi's side it was not in hate, nor out of coldness. No, he knew he was. He knew what he was. He knew what his mother's role in his life was. Einarr still loved Akemi with all of his heart, respected her and cared for her more than any other in this world. But if he stayed by her side forever then would he be able to unlock his full potential? No, and neither would she. Sometimes you could love someone but staying with them wasn't always the best for you. They were too similar, too headstrong and independent. Thus the journey for the young man had begun.

He knew the place that he wanted to go before he said his goodbyes. The name had come to him by a fearful loner's whisper. Imperium. There were rumors it was a militant pack, a pack for individuals of strong minds and strong wills. They would not tolerate those who would sit about idly and do nothing. It wasn't so much that Einarr sought someone good or bad, but rather someone who was not afraid to get dirty if the situation called for it. Someone who wasn't going to sit around and gather dust.

So Valentine Imperialis had caught his attention. The man sounded like a wonder, a god in his own right. Though no gods truly walked this earth. No, they all watched with amusement from the heavens. But what man could possibly be so close? Well, Einarr wanted to see for himself.

He would come to Imperium's borders and respectfully stop on the proper side. Head would tilt back, a call given for the man. It was time to see if the rumors that were spread about him were really as true as the multi-colored female had claimed.


Table by:: Eldarwen



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-04-2015, 04:52 PM

The rise and fall of the knolls made studying strangers at the border difficult. Every time he crested a rise he caught a glimpse of a tall figure, but each trek down into the hollow snatched his view from him. Still, the King was able to gather enough info to paint a faint picture of what was waiting for him. He when the man was tall and by scent Valentine knew he was a man. Glimpses told him the man had a boyish appearance and from this he gathered that the stranger was youthful, perhaps not yet quite what most considered a man although his size was sure to confuse that for some.

There ended his impression of the stranger. Valentine could say nothing of his character or his history or his talents and that was really what mattered.

Finally he was within speaking distance. As he approached, the King boomed, "Greetings, stranger, and welcome to Imperium." He'd been called by name, so somehow this fellow had gotten his paws on information regarding Imperium and its King. Valentine was amused by this and pleased that word was spreading. "The name is Valentine and I am the Rex, or alpha, here. What is your business with Imperium?" Hopefully this wasn't another one of those damn solicitors come to beg him for business.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


07-12-2015, 02:55 PM

Valentine would approach, and he would boom his greetings to the tan and white youth. Violet-red eyes focused on Valentine’s form, glad that he had showed so quickly. This was a man he felt he could come to respect. A man who was not afraid to show his worth in battle and take what he wanted. Einarr would dip his head respectfully, though his eyes didn’t leave the Rex’s own.

“Einarr Akemason is what I go by, Rex.” He would lift his head, his gaze blazing as he spoke. “I wish to join you. To pledge my loyalty to a pack that won’t fall apart around me.” There was a slight tone of agitation in his voice as he thought of Rune. How the man had abandoned them all.

“I am willing to undergo a trial to prove my worth if I must. Imperium sounds like it is up my alley, and I’m willing to do what it takes to become a member of your pack.” He would flash a grin. “It’s just a shame the woman who told me of your pack didn’t feel the same way.”

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-15-2015, 08:56 PM

Curious words. The fire in Einarr's eyes as he talked of a pack that wouldn't collapse around him intrigued the King. The rise and fall of Alacritian packs was fairly regular. They all went one of two ways. Some rose with a loud voice, proclaiming their intent to throttle the packs into submission and rule with an iron fist, and then before the final echo had time to report they collapsed and were no more, gone without so much as a whimper. Others rose with no voice at all and never managed to take flight. Which had brought this boy to him?

The boy went on to confidently state that he was willing to accept any challenge thrown his way. Valentine found himself returning the boy's smile. So far he was pleased with this hopeful rogue. Of course eagerness didn't equal quality, but it in and of itself was a bonus. The rogue was young and quite likely malleable. With the right master he could be molded into a formidable asset. "You will be tested," he confirmed. It wasn't a question of if but when. "Where do your interests lie, Einarr?"


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


07-16-2015, 08:20 PM

The king would confirm not only what he suspected but what he was hoping as well. Einarr would flash a toothy grin at his words, a widening of his current smile. "I would not have it any other way." He knew well enough that going into a pack meant that he would serve for as long as that pack was around. Possibly for life. He was willing, he was ready. He wanted to find a greater purpose in this world. A purpose his mother sadly could not provide for him.

At the question of his interests Einarr would merely chuckle. "A fighter, Rex. Fighting, bloodshed, the more the better. To die in battle is my own personal vision of death." The young man would stretch his leg forward, his shoulder muscle popping as he did so. "Though I can be a sport and pull my weight in hunting as well. Before our pack disband my mother was the lead huntress, so I had an able teacher." Einarr would let his gaze meet with Valentine's own.

"So what do you say?"


Table by:: Eldarwen



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-17-2015, 05:53 PM

"So what do you say?" A predatory grin curled his lips at this. Head lifting, Valentine eyed the boy as he took several steps backwards in an attempt to lengthen the distance between them. A distance of roughly five feet was sought; enough space for him to critique Eirnarr's moves as he started the fight.

"I say," he rumbled in a low voice as he slipped into a fighter's stance, "The first move is yours." This spar would determine where Einarr began life in Imperium. As a yearling Valentine didn't expect the boy to blow him out of the water, but he was old enough (and seemingly mature enough) for responsibility. Some packs coddled their young adults, but Imperium did not. It was entirely possible that Einarr would be given a rank of good standing right off the bat. If, by chance, he faltered, or Valentine didn't think he was ready, he would be given the rank of Libertus or Tribune.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


07-18-2015, 10:07 AM

"I say," The man would rumble before dropping into a fighter’s stance. "The first move is yours." Einarr could register well enough what this meant. The first move, his first step into Imperium, was to prove himself to it’s Rex and figure out where he would be placed. Where he belonged among the rabble. Einarr would narrow his eyes, giving a sure nod, as he spoke but one more time. “How very gracious of you, Rex.”

There would be no more speaking until the battle was over. He was untried, in the end, but was Einarr going to allow that to stop him? No. He had sparred often enough with his mother. Mind would quickly go back over those lessons, defenses being set up in a sure manner.

Ears would pin flat to his skull, complimenting the defense of his already narrowed eyes. Weight would be distributed equally across a widened stance, legs bending at the knees in readiness to move. Toes would be spread as well, claws gripping the soil beneath him. Shoulders were rolled forward, tail splayed out in a banner aligned with his spine. His head too would lower, aligning with the long chord of bone. Jaws would part, lips snarling as hackles raised across his body. He was a brute, a tool of war, and he would be used.

Einarr would charge the distance between them, roughly five feet, rushing headlong into battle. His gaze was sure, steady, unafraid. He would come in like a bull rushing from the gates of a rodeo, aiming to smash into his opponent with all he had. He would shift his direction only a little to his right, Valentine’s left, to make sure he slam hit Valentine a little off center, but enough to hopefully compromise his balance for a moment.

Head would swing to Valentine’s left, as well as Einarr’s own to bite at the upper Trapezius of the slate man. His goal was to sink in a hold, ending his slam into the man, but he strongly doubted all would go off without a hitch. That was part of the joy of battle, however. Einarr was ready for this.

Einarr vs Valentine For Rank of Entry Into Imperium || Round:: I/II


Table by:: Eldarwen

Muscle Chart For Fight!!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-18-2015, 11:44 AM

With practiced ease Valentine's defenses fell into place. He widened his stance so that all four paws where spaced slightly wider than shoulder and hip width, and he splayed his toes while digging his nails into the ground, all in an effort to make himself an unshakable target. His knees were kept loose and bent slightly while the rest of him tensed in preparation of the impending attack. Behind him, his tail rose and hung level with his spine, the rudder-like plume serving to better his balance. Starting at the top of his shoulders and running both the length and the width of his back stood tall, stiff hackles. Since he was dealing with an opponent who matched him in height, Valentine kept his head held high. He did, however, tuck his chin so that his jaws hung over his throat. Next his ears fell back and his eyes narrowed as his lips curled, the last of these not in attempt to intimidate, but rather, to bunch the skin around his eyes. He was ready.

The King didn't have to wait long. Einarr rushed towards him and Valentine, with a cool and calculating gaze, waited. Split seconds before impact was likely to be made, he took a small sidestep to his own right in the hopes of lining the front of his left shoulder up with lowest portion of Einarr's throat and directly above the center of his chest. As he did this he jutted the point of his left shoulder out with the intention of using it like a lance against the young rogue. Coupled with the powerful charge of his opponent, he hoped the bony front of his left shoulder would be driven into Einarr's throat with enough force to choke and startle him. Instilling the boy with a healthy dose of fear seemed like a fine way to welcome him into the pack. [counter; damage pending from slam]

As he rolled his left shoulder forward, Valentine also lifted his left forefoot. While doing this his weight automatically redistributed to accommodate the move. Using this raised foot he intended to slam it down on the innermost toes of Einarr's right forefoot with the intention of causing severe pain and pinning the paw beneath his own.

Valentine's shift to his right somewhat displaced Einarr's bite. Instead of biting into the upper portion of the left side of his neck, his opponent's teeth tore out thin trails of skin before finally sinking in. The moderate lacerations and puncture wounds were directly above the meaty exterior of his left shoulder. Because most of Einarr's bite's energy had been spent in scraping down the side of Valentine's neck, by the time his teeth found purchase there wasn't enough momentum to earn him the hold he desired.

With retaliatory damage in mind, the King jerked his head to his left and sought to bite into the back of Einarr's lowered head. He aimed to sink his upper canines into the skin behind the yearling's right ear and his lower canines into the skin behind the yearling's left ear. Valentine intended to drive his teeth together and capture the width of Einarr's scruff directly behind his skull.

Round ONE of TWO


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


07-19-2015, 11:46 AM

Seconds before his impact was to hit Einarr would do something a little more on the drastic side himself. He would fling himself upward slightly, raising onto his back paws and shifting his weight to his back paws to make up for his balance. His jaws still aimed for the upper trapezius of the man. But the moment impact landed there was that little reminder that he was not fighting against some greenhorn.

The bony part of Valentine’s shoulder would dig into the left center of his chest, rather than his throat where it initially was intended. A woosh of air would leave him all the same, a burning bloom of pain a reminder of the severe bruise that was to show up there.

Luckily, in partically throwing his boy into the slam he had raised his right forepaw out of the range of the slate man, avoiding damage from the paw slam. The boy would come back to the earth, landing in a flurry of dust. Teeth would end up instead puncturing above Valentine’s left shoulder, the rest of his bite scraping along Valentine’s nexk. There was not enough energy nor momentum to get the hold he had sough so Einarr would dismiss it, instead focusing on retaliation for the attack that was to come.

The boy would lower his head back along with his spine, dropping front end down as he lunged yet again, this time for meaty area of Valentine’s back left leg, about two inches from the ankle on the outside. Because of his sudden lung Valentine’s own bite was displace, scraping along the back of his neck and down his back, failing to gain any sort of hold.

Ears would remain pinned as the boy kept his fighting stance. Eyes narrowed, sheer determination within. Shoulders were rolled forward from his lunge, tail raising out ward like a banner now. Weight was redistributed across his four limbs, legs widened along with his toes, and claws biting into the soil. Limbs bent as he made his attack, lips snarling as he attempted his bite.

Furthermore Einarr would shift his weight, raising his right forepaw in an attempt to quickly slam down squarely upon the back left paw of his opponent. In addition he would use his tail as a hopeful distraction, swinging it to the right side of his opponent in a smacking manner.

Einarr vs Valentine For Rank! || Round:: II/II


Table by:: Eldarwen



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-19-2015, 06:18 PM

Contact was made, the bony front of Valentine's left shoulder striking the left side of his opponent's chest. Impact jolted his shoulder back briefly and sent a sharp pain shooting up his neck. Later the ache across the front of his shoulder would blossom into a moderate bruise.

The boy was fast, in seconds abandoning his bite and running down the length of Valentine's left side. Pain flared up his left hind leg as Einarr's teeth sank into the outside of his thigh about two inches above his ankle as his opponent had intended. The puncture wounds were deep and the severity best described as moderate, but before Valentine could consider it further his opponent's toe stomp landed. Pain once again shot up Valentine's leg as Einarr's paw slammed down on the toes of his left hind foot. Later, once everything was said and done, a moderate bruise would form there.

Einarr's tail smacked across the center of Valentine's chest, managing to cover the entire width of it. The blow smarted, but there wasn't enough force behind the move to do significant damage. It did, however, give the King an idea. Jaws parting, Valentine dropped his head so that it was level with his spine and attempted to grab hold of the middle of his opponent's tail. He sought to wrap his jaws around it; his top jaw landing on the top of Einarr's tail and his bottom jaw hooking under the bottom of it. The King intended to slam his jaws shut in a powerful grip, causing immense pain and damage to the thin-skinned, bony appendage.

Throwing his weight into his left shoulder, Valentine shoved to his left in an attempt to drive the meaty outside of his shoulder into the space between Einarr's ribs and hip just below his spine on his right side. He intended to drive the air from his opponent's lungs as well as throw him to the ground. Before he jutted his left shoulder out, Valentine took the weight off his left forefoot and rocked his weight to his other three legs in preparation of his shove. With his weight off it, the King then lifted his left forefoot and attempted to slam it down on top of his opponent's right hind foot. These two moves (the shove and the stomp) were intended to fall in one smooth motion, his paw reaching out as his shoulder sought its target. Using them together, Valentine hoped that they'd compliment one another well. By trapping the paw beneath his weight, the King hoped Einarr would be unable to save his balance and be forced to roll with the shove.

Through all of this many of Valentine's defenses remained unchanged. He kept his paws placed slightly wider than hip/shoulder width, his knees bent slightly, his toes spread and his nails dug into the dirt. The King's hackles remained raised in a rigid line down his back and his tail held straight out behind him for balance. His lips were curled to bunch the skin around his eyes and his eyes were narrowed in an effort to protect his sight. Tension ran the length of his person, muscles taunt, ready and waiting for further attacks. His ears stayed flat against the slope of his crown.

Round TWO of TWO


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

The Judge


07-25-2015, 09:18 PM
*steals Arin's pretty code*




- 2 what part of his body is he trying to collide into Valen?
- 2 what part of Valen is he trying to ram his body into?
- 1  the trapezius is a fairly large muscle area, where is he trying to get at it?  You say upper (I interpret this as along the back) but where would this be?  more on the shoulder?  behind the shoulder?  the dividing ligament?
Total: 5

- 1 you still need to attempt to close the distance
Total: 9

+ 1 for each seen
Total: 10

+3 bite
+1 slam -1 for clarity issues
Total: 4

none, first round
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 38/50


Total: 10

- 1  This was a tricky one but I did some asking and "split seconds before impact was likely to be made" is still worded in a way that doesn't give your opponent room to maneuver or change up their approach.
Total: 9

+ 1 for each seen
-1 how did he redistribute his weight?  Was it on three legs? two?
Total: 9

+2 shoulder jab
+3 bite +1 grip
+1 paw slam
Total: 7

none, first round
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 45/50



- 2 how severe is the damage from Valen's bite?
- 2 what part of Valen is he trying to hit with his tail?
Total: 6

- 2 Valen's attacks were pretty close in sucession, I feel that the bite should've landed before Einarr's lunge forward.  The sudden shift up out of his first forward charge, then to all fours, then forward again is a fair amount of movement in a short span of time
Total: 8

+ 1 for each seen
-1 how is he trying to redistribute his weight?  is it to three legs? two?
Total: 9

+ 3 bite
+ 1 toe stomp
+0 for tail attack, doesn't seem like it'd be to effective and there were clarity issues
Total: 4

- 2 severe bruising to chest
-1 light laceration to back
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 34/50


- 1 how did Valen move so Einarr's attack landed on the thigh, two inches above the ankle would be between the ankle and knee
Total: 9

- none seen
Total: 10

+1 for each seen
Total: 10

+3 bite +1 grip
+ 2 shoulder throw
+1 paw stomp
Total: 7

-1 moderate bruising to shoulder
-1 moderate bruising to toes
-2 moderate punctures to back leg
Total: 6

Total for Round Two: 42/50




And the winner is...

Einarr must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- severe bruising to chest (1 ooc week to heal)
- light lacerations to back (1 ooc week to heal)

- moderate lacerations to shoulder (2 ooc weeks)
- moderate bruising (5 days to heal)
- moderate punctures to back leg (2 ooc weeks to heal)


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Not a bad showing, just work a bit more on your clarity.  You want to devote as much time to the clarity of your secondary attacks as you do your first one.  

Badass as always.  I don't have really anything to add, the few little things were minor, you're in top form!

- By [Lunarcat7]